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Well-known member
The losers who started it all can’t keep up. Nato is lacking the industrial base necessary to provide weapons and ammunition for Ukraine and decades worth of ammunition stocks are depleted.

Same goes for the ukranians that they shove into the meat grinder.
welcome back buddy! i missed your perspective on reality. i find it quite entertaining in a comedic fashion.

"nato is lacking the industrial base" really?

i guess you didn't see all that info i put up earlier about the size of the economies and gross domestic product and defense budgets.


see where the combined nato nations defense budget is 1.2 trillion dollars. russia's total gross domestic product is only 1.7 trillion dollars.

russia's defense budget in 2019 was only 65 billion dollars. they will have an 80 billion dollar defense budget this year.

three of the united states have larger gdp's than russia.

Is Russia poorer than the US?

Who is richer USA or Russia? The United States, by contrast, has a nominal GDP of $20.89 trillion—roughly 14 times the size of Russia's economy. And nominal GDP per capita is $63,413. Even three U.S. states have larger GDPs than Russia: California ($3.1 trillion), Texas ($1.78 trillion) and New York ($1.7 trillion).

this is the reality of military production capabilities.

and i don't think you are so naive to think that nato will not see and correct any deficits in production regarding this conflict.

the russians don't seem to be very good at logistics.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I figured the right would be happy.

He trafficked fentanyl across the border. trump claims he wants to execute people like him.

My main point was to bring up past discussion in this thread about those people being FBI agents.

nice analysis though
I was reacting more to the tweet rather than your post in retrospect, you didn’t make the tweet so I apologise if it came across as attacking you. The way that tweet is written was meant to elicit a response. Stating a man committed suicide then referencing two pretty deplorable deeds along with a photo that should make any decent person angry, is meant to make you feel a certain way. It makes me surmise he was celebrating this guys suicide.

Perhaps when making passive aggressive posts, use some words to give it context.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
i don't see the celebration of suicide here. i don't see any "haha's or lol's or cool emoti's.

what i see is just the reporting of an event.

I, personally, was unaware of this man's demise.

the young man involved was obviously mentally ill before the rally in charlottesville or he would not have been there at all.

i see all of the extremists on both sides as mentally ill. both the left and the right.

i consider life of all kinds to be precious.

it's sad that this confused young man took his own life.

but, i am happy he didn't go on a shooting rampage on his way out.

i am curious about your use of the term disenfranchised though.

could you please explain how you think he was "disenfranchised"?
To me no one is born sig heiling, this is a learned behaviour. Something would have happened in this guys life that made him think celebrating one of the worst ideologies ever conceived and that selling fucking fentanyl was a good way to go. Doesn’t excuse his actions at all, I just believe that most people are born a clean slate and their lives tend to be a result of the influences around them. It’s sad to me that this will be his legacy. I think a lot of those Jan 6 guys feel disenfranchised, whatever validity that holds can be debated for sure, but it seems to be a feeling amongst the less educated and financially well off caucasians that they’re missing out on something.


Well-known member
To me no one is born sig heiling, this is a learned behaviour. Something would have happened in this guys life that made him think celebrating one of the worst ideologies ever conceived and that selling fucking fentanyl was a good way to go. Doesn’t excuse his actions at all, I just believe that most people are born a clean slate and their lives tend to be a result of the influences around them. It’s sad to me that this will be his legacy. I think a lot of those Jan 6 guys feel disenfranchised, whatever validity that holds can be debated for sure, but it seems to be a feeling amongst the less educated and financially well off caucasians that they’re missing out on something.
i agree that there are born no inherently evil or bad people.

children are taught to hate by their families and there is a correlation between ignorance and poverty. most extremely biased people are ignorant, poor, or both.

let's call ignorance uneducated, here in this context.

i don't think it's limited to one race though, even in the US where the Caucasian people you speak of feel as if they are missing out on something.

do you ever wonder how black people feel as if they are missing out on something sometimes, too.

or the oriental americans. or the native americans.

there are, in every group, people who really are missing out on some things.

when a parent teaches a child to hate they are crippling their own children's chances of being successful in life.

couple this child's ingrained biases with little to no education and that child is going to miss out on a lot of somethings.

on one hand you feel sorry for them because they were born in a cesspool of selfish ignorance but the other hand says we can't put up with the violent anti-social bullshit this group puts out.

yes, i'm sorry this misguided young man killed himself. but he did have and make choices on the pathway he took.

his parents are very implicated in his demise. they raised an abysmally ignorant child that hates.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
i agree that there are born no inherently evil or bad people.

children are taught to hate by their families and there is a correlation between ignorance and poverty. most extremely biased people are ignorant, poor, or both.

let's call ignorance uneducated, here in this context.

i don't think it's limited to one race though, even in the US where the Caucasian people you speak of feel as if they are missing out on something.

do you ever wonder how black people feel as if they are missing out on something sometimes, too.

or the oriental americans. or the native americans.

there are, in every group, people who really are missing out on some things.

when a parent teaches a child to hate they are crippling their own children's chances of being successful in life.

couple this child's ingrained biases with little to no education and that child is going to miss out on a lot of somethings.

on one hand you feel sorry for them because they were born in a cesspool of selfish ignorance but the other hand says we can't put up with the violent anti-social bullshit this group puts out.

yes, i'm sorry this misguided young man killed himself. but he did have and make choices on the pathway he took.

his parents are very implicated in his demise. they raised an abysmally ignorant child that hates.
Completely understand what you’re saying. Wasn’t trying to diminish the real and historically significant struggles faced by minorities in the us, was just making the point that those involved in the misguided Jan 6 event feel that they are now becoming minorities. They think they are being disserviced by their country. I disagree with this thought process myself, but it is where a lot of these guys sit. I personally think that’s a manipulation by certain political powers to drum up fear and get votes, but that’s all for a different thread. If we can get these people out of this regressive thought process, through education or whatever else, I think that’s where real progress will start. Placing them into a dumb white trash category doesn't jive with progress. An actual united states would be a wonderful thing to see but it seems to be more and more divided as time goes along.


ICMag Donor
welcome back buddy! i missed your perspective on reality. i find it quite entertaining in a comedic fashion.

"nato is lacking the industrial base" really?

i guess you didn't see all that info i put up earlier about the size of the economies and gross domestic product and defense budgets.

see where the combined nato nations defense budget is 1.2 trillion dollars. russia's total gross domestic product is only 1.7 trillion dollars.

russia's defense budget in 2019 was only 65 billion dollars. they will have an 80 billion dollar defense budget this year.

three of the united states have larger gdp's than russia.

Is Russia poorer than the US?

Who is richer USA or Russia? The United States, by contrast, has a nominal GDP of $20.89 trillion—roughly 14 times the size of Russia's economy. And nominal GDP per capita is $63,413. Even three U.S. states have larger GDPs than Russia: California ($3.1 trillion), Texas ($1.78 trillion) and New York ($1.7 trillion).

this is the reality of military production capabilities.

and i don't think you are so naive to think that nato will not see and correct any deficits in production regarding this conflict.

the russians don't seem to be very good at logistics.
Many of those countries with much lower military budgets have way better education systems with free college. Who's the dummy?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
What does Batshit have to do with being Crazy ?

Though looking back, paying $12 for a 4 pound bag of Jamaican bat guano - in 2008/9 - does seem a little crazy.
What's the origin of Batshit Crazy?

The expression was used with the same meaning already back in the early 20thcentury, under the form of batty.
The term came from the phrase bats in the belfry, which is a bell tower.
In essence, the analogy likens a person to an abandoned church, which’s bell tower is infested and marked by bats and their excrement.
The term “batshit” appeared as a synonym for the word bullshit around the 1960’s and und the 1980’s, the phrase “batshit crazy” had appeared in the English lexicon of expressions.


Well-known member
Many of those countries with much lower military budgets have way better education systems with free college. Who's the dummy?
i didn't say i approved of the way the US divides it's budget pie. in fact, i highly disapprove of the way both parties have treated the people's money.

i'm just talking about the reality of manufacturing capabilities in relation to this war

i think we should have free college education. improve the quality of elementary and secondary schools.


ICMag Donor
Arms manufacture is big business and they can crank it out. Sometimes I wonder how much they have to do with creating need for their products.
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Well-known member
Many of those countries with much lower military budgets have way better education systems with free college. Who's the dummy?
a low military budget frees up money for education. we could slash ours by about 50% and help Social Security AND education... but then congressmen would have to explain to the folks that elected them why so many peoples jobs went "POOF" into the wind...they hate conversations like that, bad for THEIR job prospects. :eek:


Well-known member
@unclefishstick i know what you mean, i've seen so many supposedly educated people who still can't cope with normal. everyday things. like changing a tire.

but maybe if someone shows high aptitude and maintains a high grade-point average we should help them for the benefit of society.

especially in engineering and science, medicine.


ICMag Donor
a low military budget frees up money for education. we could slash ours by about 50% and help Social Security AND education... but then congressmen would have to explain to the folks that elected them why so many peoples jobs went "POOF" into the wind...they hate conversations like that, bad for THEIR job prospects. :eek:
When we were kids and the rich actually paid taxes, surprisingly, we had the best educated in the world.

Whoops, Here come the zombies screaming communism, socialism, communism, socialism.


Well-known member
When we were kids and the rich actually paid taxes, surprisingly, we had the best educated in the world.

Whoops, Here come the zombies screaming communism, socialism, communism, socialism.
those aren't zombies, they are all alarmed rich people or uneducated poor folks that pity them... zombies have much higher moral standards than many rich people. that's why they are so rich.


Well-known member
Arms manufacture is big business and they can crank it out. Sometimes I wonder how much they have to do with creating need for their products.
this goes back to Dwight David Eisenhower and his last address to the American people when he left office.

"beware of the military-industrial complex" he would know as the supreme commander of allied troops in ww2 and a very popular 2 term president.

but it's not just the US, it's everybody at this point in time.

it seems like every country has folks buying and selling arms.

i guess they're making a killing on it!

back to the manufacturing and mitigating depletion it's unrealistic to think that factory owners who make the 155mm nato artillery round just sat on their asses and watched while all this was happening.

everybody wants to make a buck and you know they are already moving on increasing production.


Well-known member
speaking of the immoral rich...anyone else read today about the tech CEO that let his employees go for weeks without pay while he played in golf tournaments, bought several high-dollar cars, etc. now facing a possible 10 years in prison. it was really hard to type that with a straight face... :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
everybody wants to make a buck and you know they are already moving on increasing production.
on national news tonight that a huge contract has already been let for a shitload of munitions. wars are great for industry. "never let a good crisis go to waste" :shucks: this might be fun, watching the GOP twist itself into knots condemning increased production/more $$$ for industries they support & count on for "donations"... :ROFLMAO:


ICMag Donor
this goes back to Dwight David Eisenhower and his last address to the American people when he left office.

"beware of the military-industrial complex" he would know as the supreme commander of allied troops in ww2 and a very popular 2 term president.
In recent years there have been perceived shortages in small arms ammo here domestically. Allot seems to be from hoarders buying it up and stashing it.

Ikes farewell address. Time well spent going back and listening to it.

Side note: We've been picking off some big shipments from I ran that will be donated to Ukraine