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Corpselover Fat

Active member
Demilitarization intensifies


Well-known member
Of course you don't. You just want to sovereign nations to submit to Russia.
which sovereign nations? name one? and how does ukraine gain soverinty by joining nato and being sold to corparations such as blackrock and goldman sachs? the ukranians will be in eternal debt and slavery.

you are either stupid or a terrorist or both


ICMag Donor
Putin is a criminal. There is no way around it. He kills people who oppose him, manipulates elections with fear / intimidation and he robs the country blind.

How many has he killed in Ukraine, both Russians and Ukrainians? The blood is all on the dictators hands.

St. Phatty

Active member
Putin is a criminal. There is no way around it. He kills people who oppose him, manipulates elections with fear / intimidation and he robs the country blind.

How many has he killed in Ukraine, both Russians and Ukrainians? The blood is all on the dictators hands.

That's what a US government apparatchik asks, without asking the same question of the US.

Bush/ Cheney/ Obama/ Trump/ Biden are criminals. There is no way around it.

He kills people who oppose him - though that has been going on since before Bush43.

manipulates elections with fear - the US manipulates elections using LOTS of different methods.

intimidation and he robs the country blind - sounds much more like the US than it does Russia.

How many has the US killed in Ukraine, both Russians and Ukrainians? The blood is all on the dictators' hands.


ICMag Donor
That's what a US government apparatchik asks, without asking the same question of the US.

Bush/ Cheney/ Obama/ Trump/ Biden are criminals. There is no way around it.

He kills people who oppose him - though that has been going on since before Bush43.

manipulates elections with fear - the US manipulates elections using LOTS of different methods.

intimidation and he robs the country blind - sounds much more like the US than it does Russia.

How many has the US killed in Ukraine, both Russians and Ukrainians? The blood is all on the dictators' hands.
This is the world according to you only.

If you ask President Zelenskyy, Ukrainian government officials. Ukrainian military, or the Ukrainian people, I think they would flat out disagree with you. People in all European countries would also disagree with you.

The only agreement you might find would be Vladimir Putin himself. Putin is a criminal and is guilty of major war crimes and invading a sovereign country without provocation. His actions are not against military targets but instead, he is killing innocent civilians.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The stripper has probably caused an entire generation of ukes to perish. The internet is flooded with uke women looking for men now. That will be zelinsky legacy.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
which sovereign nations? name one? and how does ukraine gain soverinty by joining nato and being sold to corparations such as blackrock and goldman sachs? the ukranians will be in eternal debt and slavery.

you are either stupid or a terrorist or both

Russia, an imperialist state, attacked Ukraine because Ukraine did not do what Russia wanted it to do. They didn't even join Nato. They did nothing. Russia just started to impose its will like imperialist states do and started killing thousands and thousands of Ukrainians. In all this they (and you) present them as the victim.


Well-known member
The stripper has probably caused an entire generation of ukes to perish. The internet is flooded with uke women looking for men now. That will be zelinsky legacy.

What sites do you spend your time on?


Soon desperate Ukrainian women will be leaving as the men are all dead or disabled.

I am seeing ads for Ukrainian women as brides now. The fools they would have married have died.

The ukes are running out of military age men. Now we see ads for busty ukie women to relocate and marry Americans. IMO the reality is the CIA probably already relocated the hot ones to DC for hookers.


Well-known member
Are they actually releasing the ones still alive?
Wagner has been from news sources. and they seem to be having problems adjusting to desired behavior in civilian life after being released from prison so they could waltz into combat. there is no better foundation for a successful re-introduction into society from prison than a side trip into state-sanctioned violence... :whistling:


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Russia will attack Ukrainians on the last day of the Olympics. 😎
As you typed that the ukes were busy shelling ethnic Russians all up and down the edge of Ukraine. This is supported by the xiden dims, as they need to cover up their crimes there.

This is why Putin went in. It will cost ukraine a lot of territory.

What the last few years will cost America and the west is the lifestyle they enjoyed on the backs of the makers. Having to rebuild after a nuke war will make things way worse, yet that is where these people are trying to take the world. Sick.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Defending against NATO and globalist attack? Then why did he not have the balls to say so? It was only after the whole 'evil globalist-NATO' crap seeped into the 'everything is a conspiracy' double neuron crowd, that Putin (and China) jumped on that propaganda band wagon. Putin > Okay, we can roll with this; even better than the bullshit I made up.


St. Phatty

Active member
Why isn't the US using Missile Defense technologies to knock down the Spy Balloons ?

Specifically their 160 Kilowatt welding laser.

But what does US say ?

"It’s understandable that the U.S. government would be suspicious, given that America sent spy balloons exactly the same size over both the Soviet Union and China in 1956 — and made exactly the same claims as China is making today about what we were up to.

The balloons the U.S. used were, oddly enough, manufactured by General Mills. The General Mills website describes its mission as “making food the world loves,” and it’s certainly best known today for its products like Cheerios, Chex, and Lucky Charms. But the company bragged in a 2011 blog post that it hired “the ‘daddy’ of the balloon industry,” thanks to the Aeronautical Research Division it established in 1946. (Another division of General Mills made the Alvin submarine that explored the Titanic.)"


Well-known member
Russia, an imperialist state, attacked Ukraine because Ukraine did not do what Russia wanted it to do. They didn't even join Nato. They did nothing. Russia just started to impose its will like imperialist states do and started killing thousands and thousands of Ukrainians. In all this they (and you) present them as the victim.
you didn't answer the question and attempted to deflect with more nonsense. go back to my comments and answer the questions.

the simple propaganda you are spoon fed has expired months ago

zelensky is a puppet, a terrorist and is a disgrace to Ukraine . Enslaved the remaining ukrainians for eternity , stole its wealth , resourses and removed any chance it ever had of being a sovereign state . Made it the most corrupt nation in the world. encouraged by fucking morons like you and the likes
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Corpselover Fat

Active member
you didn't answer the question and attempted to deflect with more nonsense. go back to my comments and answer the questions.

the simple propaganda you are spoon fed has expired months ago

zelensky is a puppet, a terrorist and is a disgrace to Ukraine . Enslaved the remaining ukrainians for eternity , stole its wealth , resourses and removed any chance it ever had of being a sovereign state . Made it the most corrupt nation in the world. encouraged by fucking morons like you and the likes

Russia invaded Ukraine because Russia couldn't keep Ukraine on their leash. Russia invaded Ukraine to remove it's nationhood. Russia doesn't consider Ukraine to be real state - they've said as much. Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia is killing thousands of Ukrainians.


Well-known member
nobody believes that narrative , and even the people pushing the narrative know it is bullshit what they are spreading . the zelkensky puppet regime and its entieity including financiers are guilty of terrorism , not the ukranian people nor the russian people .

Corpselover Fat

Active member
the current foreign leaders of ukraine shot down passenger jets, commited genocide in odessa, allowed the cia to take control of operations, funded european isis , set up bio labs , sent over chemical weapons from nato, taking weapons from the rest of the globe.

are you fucking stupid?

You forgot gays