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Well-known member
Hey, a question from a simple Latin American

Where are the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
Do any of you remember how the United States overthrew democratically elected governments to establish genocidal dictatorships in several Latin American countries (and in other places, such as Indonesia)? Does anyone remember when the CIA overthrew President Arbenz in Guatemala and his land distribution plan so that the Americans could put bananas on his table?

I'm just saying that what Russia is doing in Ukraine is very wrong, but it's no worse than much of the interventionist history of US foreign policy.



Well-known member
I'm just saying that what Russia is doing in Ukraine is very wrong, but it's no worse than much of the interventionist
history of US foreign policy
you're going to try harder than that to argue with me. :good: this country has for far too long allowed politically supported commercial interests to dominate policy both here and abroad. making more $$$ can't be the most important measure for us as a nation/people... we lose any moral footing we had if this is the case.

St. Phatty

Active member
Hey, a question from a simple Latin American

Where are the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
Do any of you remember how the United States overthrew democratically elected governments to establish genocidal dictatorships in several Latin American countries (and in other places, such as Indonesia)? Does anyone remember when the CIA overthrew President Arbenz in Guatemala and his land distribution plan so that the Americans could put bananas on his table?

I'm just saying that what Russia is doing in Ukraine is very wrong, but it's no worse than much of the interventionist history of US foreign policy.

The US has destroyed DOZENS of democratically elected governments - that is one of the CIA's jobs.

Now the CIA has set up shop in Ukraine, and Russia is smart enough to kick them out.

It was the USA that deposed the democratically elected leader of Ukraine - Yanukovich - in 2014.

If the American people had 1/2 a brain, they would realize that the CIA is actually the CTA - the Central Terrorism Agency - and they would expel them from every city in the country.

except maybe Brooklyn.

Three Berries

Active member


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Here is an assessment of the war that will ground your expectations. The criminals in DC are going to start ww3 to cover their crimes in Ukraine, which may cease to be a country.

Well to be fair, this guy was on FOX News in February of 2022 some time after the invasion started and said Russia will win the war in 10 days. And that Ukraine should surrender in the next 24 hours to avoid being run over, because only reason Russian forces aren´t advancing faster, is ´cause they want to protect civilians. Because Putin is a hero and he cares. And that Russia should be allowed to conquer as much of Ukraine as they want, for reasons. Then he did a couple more appearances on FOX said the same thing, to the point that some of FOX News people started saying that maybe they should not bring this dude on again as an expert guest, because his assessments and views are clearly biased.

You think?

So now he´s on youtube, talking to some Norwegian guy.

Now I don´t usually trust much of what is said on FOX News. But if FOX News think a dude is too biased.


Three Berries

Active member
If you think Fox News is any different than the other networks then you were paying attention when they called the AZ election early.

St. Phatty

Active member
If you think Fox News is any different than the other networks then you were paying attention when they called the AZ election early.

In the mornings I use

and read maybe 6 different business news websites.

I used to read Fox Business - BUT it auto-plays videos on every page.

Amazing they think that's good business.

BWAHAHA play on words.


Well-known member
why would somebody in finland want germans to attack russia?
Maybe it was something that happened...


Well-known member
buzz , i thought it was obvious , you answered yourself.

programmed in a way to hate . warmongers

drop seeds not bombs. spread love not weapons

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