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Brother Nature

Well-known member
I'm really against war, but I also think Ghengis Khan was an honorable man. His military prowess and ability to conquer for the country of Mongolia were pretty admirable. His expansion of the mogol empire was pretty progressive for the time as well, we mustn't forget that. He was fighting the good fight for his country. A real intellectual conservative that Mr. Khan. If he were still around no one would think of invading any other nation because he'd police the world in a much more efficient way.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Three men convicted over the fatal shooting down of MH17 on 17 July 2014 – Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinsky, and Leonid Kharchenko – have been sentenced to life imprisonment. A Dutch court held them responsible for the Buk missile launch that downed the passenger jet, killing all 298 people on board.

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has previously boasted publicly: “Russia does not extradite its citizens to anyone.”

I'm sure you knew that, though.
But that was false about the three men.The Dutch are heavenly involved in Ukraine because of Shell and their shale gas contract for winning shale gas in the Donbas.

Kolomoisky admitted in a vid that his men shot down the MH17 by accident.He finances Azov btw.


Well-known member
all these "news" sources you guys post from are all obviously pro-russian.


Press TV is state-funded and is a division of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), the only organisation legally able to transmit radio and television broadcasts inside Iran.

Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial political content,[c] including conspiracy theories and fringe rhetoric[3][28] advancing radical right,[15][29] alt-right,[30][31][32] and pro-Russia positions.[1][33][34][35] Zero Hedge's non-financial commentary has led to multiple site bans by global social media platforms, although its 2019 Facebook ban[36][37] and 2020 Twitter ban were later reversed.[15][38]

Zero Hedge in-house content is posted under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden"; the founder and main editor was identified as Daniel Ivandjiiski.[27]

daniel ivandjiiski is a pro-russian bulgarian and a former kgb agent.


why do you think showing these sources here would give you any credibility?

all of the pro-russian folks who have come on this thread except for jump live in the west.

enjoying the western lifestyle. growing and smoking weed. living large in the free world!

and you all want russia to take over one country after another until putler regains the prestige, glory, and

power of the ussr?

do you realize that you would not be living your current lifestyle if that happens?

all that was the ussr is gone and it's not coming back.

nobody wants it, not even the chinese. They also want to see a weakened russia.

about hegemony.

leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others. (websters)

pre-ww2 the united states were pretty much taking a "not get involved" stance. it was the general sentiment of the population

the war instantly changed all that. we had to be involved.

after the war ended the world was immediately divided into two camps. democracy and communism.

neither russia or the usa ever came off their wartime economies during the cold war.

when the ussr disintegrated in 1992 the usa instantly became the world's only real superpower.

and it still is today.

the usa was given this position by the leaders of the ussr when they capitulated.

past tense: capitulated; past participle: capitulated
cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; surrender.

capitulated is the right term to describe the end of the cold war.

the west won the cold war. it happened and everyone was greatly relieved because it diminished the nuclear threat.

russia at this time became a democratic country. it was going to be a time of peace and prosperity. we were all going to be friends.

everything was looking real good until putler showed up in 2000. he couldn't stand the idea that the former leaders of the ussr gave up all that territory and resources.

he has been trying to regain all of that and russia has been going downhill ever since.

so, to me, hegemony just means leadership.


Well-known member
all these "news" sources you guys post from are all obviously pro-russian.


Press TV is state-funded and is a division of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), the only organisation legally able to transmit radio and television broadcasts inside Iran.

Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial political content,[c] including conspiracy theories and fringe rhetoric[3][28] advancing radical right,[15][29] alt-right,[30][31][32] and pro-Russia positions.[1][33][34][35] Zero Hedge's non-financial commentary has led to multiple site bans by global social media platforms, although its 2019 Facebook ban[36][37] and 2020 Twitter ban were later reversed.[15][38]

Zero Hedge in-house content is posted under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden"; the founder and main editor was identified as Daniel Ivandjiiski.[27]

daniel ivandjiiski is a pro-russian bulgarian and a former kgb agent.


why do you think showing these sources here would give you any credibility?

all of the pro-russian folks who have come on this thread except for jump live in the west.

enjoying the western lifestyle. growing and smoking weed. living large in the free world!

and you all want russia to take over one country after another until putler regains the prestige, glory, and

power of the ussr?

do you realize that you would not be living your current lifestyle if that happens?

all that was the ussr is gone and it's not coming back.

nobody wants it, not even the chinese. They also want to see a weakened russia.

about hegemony.

leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others. (websters)

pre-ww2 the united states were pretty much taking a "not get involved" stance. it was the general sentiment of the population

the war instantly changed all that. we had to be involved.

after the war ended the world was immediately divided into two camps. democracy and communism.

neither russia or the usa ever came off their wartime economies during the cold war.

when the ussr disintegrated in 1992 the usa instantly became the world's only real superpower.

and it still is today.

the usa was given this position by the leaders of the ussr when they capitulated.

past tense: capitulated; past participle: capitulated
cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; surrender.

capitulated is the right term to describe the end of the cold war.

the west won the cold war. it happened and everyone was greatly relieved because it diminished the nuclear threat.

russia at this time became a democratic country. it was going to be a time of peace and prosperity. we were all going to be friends.

everything was looking real good until putler showed up in 2000. he couldn't stand the idea that the former leaders of the ussr gave up all that territory and resources.

he has been trying to regain all of that and russia has been going downhill ever since.

so, to me, hegemony just means leadership.

I was wondering why "Dutch Patriots" and "Life News" have logos in English, post in their language, and subtitle the "important" stuff in English.



See the world through a puff of smoke
You still live in the ussr era and that is long gone now.The Chinese has taken over.Body language says it all when Xi arrived in Saudi Arabia and the oil isnt paid in $$$.


China still needs Russia for the raw materials and btw the article of presstv was a translated version in English from lefigaro interview with the historian.


when are those t-14's coming?

Here you go




Well-known member
congress just approved the 2.5 billion military aid package to ukraine.

more bradleys and strykers for the first time.

ammo for everything.

more javelins


Well-known member

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Military Expenditures (2020):​

  1. The United States — $778 billion
  2. China — $252 billion [estimated]
  3. India — $72.9 billion
  4. Russia — $61.7 billion
  5. United Kingdom — $59.2 billion
  6. Saudi Arabia — $57.5 billion [estimated]
  7. Germany — $52.8 billion
  8. France — $52.7 billion
  9. Japan — $49.1 billion
  10. South Korea — $45.7 billion
all except the US = 703.6 billion total

this is the reality russia is facing.


See the world through a puff of smoke

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Military Expenditures (2020):​

  1. The United States — $778 billion
  2. China — $252 billion [estimated]
  3. India — $72.9 billion
  4. Russia — $61.7 billion
  5. United Kingdom — $59.2 billion
  6. Saudi Arabia — $57.5 billion [estimated]
  7. Germany — $52.8 billion
  8. France — $52.7 billion
  9. Japan — $49.1 billion
  10. South Korea — $45.7 billion
all except the US = 703.6 billion total

this is the reality russia is facing.
SU-35 is half the price of a F35.


See the world through a puff of smoke
So you are saying that US should send more and better weapons? Maybe even send troops to stop the war?
You heard what Graham said till the last Ukrainian person and then probably Graham starts to demand to send American troops.

Problem with sending weapons is, there isnt much to send.Biden let a lot behind in Afghanistan and Europe did cut their defense spending for many years.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
This adv3nture is the MICs wettest dream. They get to fight Russia, and burn through and get paid to replace very expensive toys. Economy is boosted (America biggest product is war weapons), and no wounded American vets to have to care for. They learned - let the other guys do th3 fighting and dying, the real glory is in the profits.

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