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St. Phatty

Active member
It is what Nazi Ukraine has been doing for the past eight years, and you started caring about civilians six months ago.

Nazi Ukraine is imply another term for the CIA/ CTA (Central Terrorism Agency) disguising itself as NATO, occupying the Ukraine - because it is on Russia's border.

Why did they start the 'big push' to occupy Ukraine in 2014 ?

Running out of Civilians to Murder in the Mid-East ?


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I paraphrased the foreword of Paul Craig Roberts book the 'neocon threat to world order'

..in 2014 the obama regime overthrew the democratically elected government of the ukraine and established a vassal state.

Russia has been alienated from the west and declared to be a threat. Ukraine has undergone dismemberment and economic chaos.

Washington's european vassals compliance is being tested as euros realise they are forced into conflict with russia.

The recklessly aggressive action toward russia has made china realise they face the same threat of american hegemony. In pursuit of its hegemonic agenda, Washington has poisoned american-russian, european-russian and now perhaps european-american relations. Washington can purchase european politicians but it cannot purchase the european people who will be amongst the ones to suffer.

The soviet collapse in 1991 gave rise to the neo conservative doctrine of us world hegemony. This doctrine is the basis for US foreign and military police, this doctrine proclaims the end of history by which is meant that there is no viable alternative to 'american democratic capitalism'. This has many implications, it defines the US as the indispensable, exceptional country with the right to exercise hegemony over the world in order to bring them into line with this final socio-economic political system. This superiority also extends to immunity to international law apparently.

To guard against others having second thoughts, the neo conservatives established the first objective of US foreign and military policy to prevent the emergence of a new rival, either in the former soviet union or elsewhere. This is to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region, a hostile power being a country sufficiently strong to have a foreign policy independent from Washington. This is the Wolfowitz doctrine written in 1992.

This doctrine resulted in the clinton regime abandoning guarantees the bush regime had given to gorbachev that nato would not move further east. Former warsaw bloc countries were incorporated into nato, then nato was used to attack yugoslavia and serbia, then the bush regime withdrew from the anti ballistic missile treaty and began locating missile bases on russia's borders. Washington orchestrated 'colour revolutions'' in the former provinces of georgia and ukraine. When the orange revolution failed to deliver ukraine into washington's hands, washington spent 5 billion cultivating ukrainian politicians and creating pro-american NGOs to use in the 2014 overthrow.
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Well-known member
nato was created to counter the soviet union. the soviet union ended 1991, yet nato carried on expanding and pillaging. Nato , the u.n, cia , mossad and the usual lot and the oligarchs led a coup and took power of ukraine. choosing to use the oligarchs friend and actor and raging not.of.normal.criminal.ethos Zelensky to be the puppet of the show. They are laundering the worlds wealth and prolonging a war that could of been settled with the peace deal last april. However, all the political systems on earth are one single entity and it is all theatre, planned in advance to push through the feudal totaltarian global system they want , or what they call the great reset.Borders and countries only exist for us , the common man. Only way out is power in numbers and "off with there heads"


Well-known member
it's a staged war. the ukranian generals and russian generals went to the same military academy. in my opinion it is theatre and bullshit.


Well-known member
it's a staged war. the ukranian generals and russian generals went to the same military academy. in my opinion it is theatre and bullshit.
in OUR Civil War, damn near (if not all) every general officer went to West Point. were you trying to make a point of some kind? for "theatre", there are sure a hell of a lot of people getting killed... Russia is getting a good look at a "quagmire" very similar to our unwise involvement in Viet Nam, and both the US and Russia shed a lot of wasted blood in Afghanistan to no end. ambition is such an ugly thing... "the road to hell is paved with "good intentions"


Well-known member
i don't agree with your theory armedoldfascist . get to the doctor for your t.d.s symptoms and have a great day . and , don't forget to get boosted asap. peace and love to all
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St. Phatty

Active member
Israel has been engaged in Perma-War since 1935.

Or since 1470, depending on how you count. The 1400's is when they were kidnapping young Gentile boys for their Passover rituals, as documented by Prof. Ariel Toaff at Bar Ilan University, in his book "Blood Passover."


Well-known member
i don't agree with your theory armedoldfascist . get to the doctor for your t.d.s symptoms and have a great day . and , don't forget to get boosted asap. peace and love to all
i've had my two virus boosters, thanks for showing your concern. waiting for the Omicron specific one to be approved/offered now. fascist, lol! ever read a dictionary? pretty obvious NOT...:biglaugh: if doctors had a treatment for TDS, YOU would already have been given it along with your fellow imbeciles... EVERY day with The Chump out of office IS a great day!


Well-known member
Israel has been engaged in Perma-War since 1935.

Or since 1470, depending on how you count. The 1400's is when they were kidnapping young Gentile boys for their Passover rituals, as documented by Prof. Ariel Toaff at Bar Ilan University, in his book "Blood Passover."
more BS...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
i've had my two virus boosters, thanks for showing your concern. waiting for the Omicron specific one to be approved/offered now. fascist, lol! ever read a dictionary? pretty obvious NOT...:biglaugh: if doctors had a treatment for TDS, YOU would already have been given it along with your fellow imbeciles... EVERY day with The Chump out of office IS a great day!

I was watching this last night. Did I hear that correctly? It was only tested on 8 mice?


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