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Three Berries

Active member
lost war
Russia does not need to fire a single shot or land a single missile on European territories to win such a total war. Think tanks in Europe and elsewhere know this but say nothing. It´d be plenty enough for Russia to just shut off your nat-gas supply, period. And not even to the whole of Europe. It could possibly be to only, say, some limited area in Germany.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

They have been pushing Ukraine to join NATO for almost ten years now! No way to know???

"C'mon, man!"
- Joe Biden
I don't recall Trump pushing Ukraine for anything other then dirt on Biden. Nor do I recall anything that supports NATO was pushing Ukraine to join NATO. I do recall it being brought up for discussion, mainly by Ukraine since both Russia and the US failed to live up to their promises in the Budapest Memorandum when Russia annex Crimea in 2014. Of course that just makes good sense on Ukraine's part since they gave up their nukes as their part of the Budapest Memorandum and yet Russia did not keep it's promise not to invade Ukraine and the US didn't keep it's promise to defend Ukraine if someone invaded them after having given up such a potent deterring force as it's nukes represented.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I don't recall Trump pushing Ukraine for anything other then dirt on Biden. Nor do I recall anything that supports NATO was pushing Ukraine to join NATO. I do recall it being brought up for discussion, mainly by Ukraine since both Russia and the US failed to live up to their promises in the Budapest Memorandum when Russia annex Crimea in 2014. Of course that just makes good sense on Ukraine's part since they gave up their nukes as their part of the Budapest Memorandum and yet Russia did not keep it's promise not to invade Ukraine and the US didn't keep it's promise to defend Ukraine if someone invaded them after having given up such a potent deterring force as it's nukes represented.
When did Russia ever promise not to invade Ukraine?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Three Berries

Active member
So it's OK to have Bio weapon labs in foreign countries to evade US law? Or how about the US tax dollar money laundering? Or the human trafficking?

Ukraine is a cesspool of Globalist/Deep State involvement. Even have Israel supporting the Nazis.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So it's OK to have Bio weapon labs in foreign countries to evade US law? Or how about the US tax dollar money laundering? Or the human trafficking?

Ukraine is a cesspool of Globalist/Deep State involvement. Even have Israel supporting the Nazis.
Even if those conspiracy theories were proven to be true (which they aren't) it has nothing at all to do with the Budapest Memorandum. Which was signed before the conspiracy theories you're trying to use as your straw man argument was even thought of yet. Even if those theories were somehow proven true it still wouldn't give Russia the right to go back on the promises it signed on to in the Budapest Memorandum.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So, you think Russia signed an agreement to never use their military against Ukraine??
Oh so you didn't bother to read the link to the details of the Budapest Memorandum? So I guess Hempy doesn't pick apart the details like he claims but rather just dismisses anything he doesn't agree with which he claims he doesn't do.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Oh so you didn't bother to read the link to the details of the Budapest Memorandum? So I guess Hempy doesn't pick apart the details like he claims but rather just dismisses anything he doesn't agree with which he claims he doesn't do.

"The memorandum prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." "


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

"The memorandum prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." "
Okay so you did read it? So what examples do you have of how Ukraine was attacking Russia or was violating the Charter of the UN, back in 2014 (which was when Russia first violated the Budapest Memorandum)?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Biowarfare labs are against international law and the law of armed conflict. This forces Russia into a "defensive position" legally. What do you think Russia is doing in Ukraine? Do you think they invaded for no reason or something?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Okay so you did read it? So what examples do you have of how Ukraine was attacking Russia or was violating the Charter of the UN, back in 2014 (which was when Russia first violated the Budapest Memorandum)?
So, I guess your point about the Budapest Memorandum is irrelevant...

Think: "Reading comprehension."

It's one thing to read something thoughtlessly. It's another thing to actually understand and comprehend what you are reading or have read.

Three Berries

Active member
Russia is cleaning up the Deep State Globalist Biolabs around the world. Funded by the US taxpayer. 330 of them the DoD has admitted to. Billions over decades spent and what do we get out of it?

Now Russia has been invited into Nicaragua. Nicaraguan officials were put on the US shit list by the Biden officials after complaining about BioLabs.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So, I guess your point about the Budapest Memorandum is irrelevant...

Think: "Reading comprehension."

It's one thing to read something thoughtlessly. It's another thing to actually understand and comprehend what you are reading or have read.
Oh so you can't answer the question of how Ukraine was attacking Russia or was violating the Charter of the UN, back in 2014 (which was when Russia first violated the Budapest Memorandum)?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Russia has been releasing that info, little by little. Today they released some stuff claiming that the biolabs we're testing bioweapons on Ukrainians. So, it's like when NATO invaded Iraq, but this time it's Russia invading Ukraine but this time the weapons of mass destruction are real and now acknowledged by the Nazi forces (the US deep state/military industrial complex/ Biden crime family). No wonder they impeached trump for trying to look into corruption in Ukraine...:chin:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Russia is putting out the info little, by little. They are getting into the fact that the DOD is experimenting with insect vector bioweapons.

Think: Zika virus, Lyme Disease, Plague, etc...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Russia has been releasing that info, little by little. Today they released some stuff claiming that the biolabs we're testing bioweapons on Ukrainians. So, it's like when NATO invaded Iraq, but this time it's Russia invading Ukraine but this time the weapons of mass destruction are real and now acknowledged by the Nazi forces (the US deep state/military industrial complex/ Biden crime family). No wonder they impeached trump for trying to look into corruption in Ukraine...:chin:
Oh so you're trying to say Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 to annex Crimea claiming it was the people there want to be under Russian rule but decided to completely leave the story of bio-labs alone until 8 years later went they decide to invade again and they needed to come up with justification for their actions. You, and Three Berries are so hopelessly lost in Russian propaganda it's not even funny, just utterly sad. So sad that you're not even noticing that Russia has been killing the very people they claimed to come and save from the Nazis and obliterating their homes and their cities. I bet most of those people in Donetsk and Luhansk wish they had just relocated to Russia, they still would have lost their homes and cities but at least they would still have their lives.

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