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Well-known member
”Pure cannon fodder”, says swedish volounteer for Nazi Ukraine:

A Swede who survived the Russian attack on a NATO training camp speaks out

DM: So there was no air siren warning during the attack?

“Nothing. I woke up to the first bomb that fell. And they had no bunkers, no trenches, nothing. They had not told us where we would take shelter if an attack came. It was all just weird. Afterwards, I spoke to an American soldier from the special forces who pointed out how insane it was that we were ordered to stand on open ground by the helicopter pads. He refused to obey orders and remained in the woods instead. Among our group that withdrew from there, there were several elite soldiers who said that ‘this was the sickest thing I have been through in my whole life’. They had served in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Falkland Islands, all kinds of wars, and say they have never been in such a vulnerable situation. ‘Suicide mission’, several of them said bluntly.”


That doesn't make the point you think it does. Not that it's surprising coming from an actual child.

Three Berries

Active member
At this point, you. Don’t really care. You talk as if you or they have an inside source to the real truth, when in fact it’s just a lot of stupidity meant to disinform and disrupt. They watch the same media as you and me, then they tell you what to think. For this, they tell you how smart you are. Hoe free and that crap. Why do you need another’s opinion to help you think? You can’t do it alone? They have you that brainwashed?

And if you are parroting the MSM narratives then you are doing the same. How do you fight when the other side uses dirty tricks?

And you don't have a clue about Q, just Qanon.


Well-known member
Since you clearly don't know what "Nazi" means, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and consider you an honest idiot.

Have ya read his posts in this thread?!? He's as disingenuous as they come. An intellectually dishonest person that moves the goalposts, spouts endless fallacies and has no concept of, well, anything reality based. That ennazical for you!


Well-known member
These people are self proclaimed nazis and wear nazi badges. Not like the maga hat wearing people you guys called nazis the last 5 years.

So, let me get this straight.

The guys marching around in Charlottesville, VA with khakis and tiki torches shouting "You will not replace us", which is exactly what the KKK and lynch mobs of the day would say and do, isn't emblematic of being a nazi?

I await your goalpost-shifting response

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member



Well-known member
People being upset by voter fraud is the same as joining a neo nazi national guard battalion and wearing nazi badges?

There was no fraud, well except for the GOPers who have been caught and arrested for fraud. There were definitely those.

Also, you don't get to attack the capital because you're butthurt over imaginary 'voting inconsistencies'. 60 cases lost in court out front should've told ya that. Even in the actual case filings, the attornies admitted to using inflammatory political rhetoric and that they weren't in court to argue actual fraud, or anything remotely related to it. Wanna know why? Cuz they could be sanctioned or disbarred. Don't believe it? Go look up the cases in Pacer and read the transcripts.

Also, I see that you cleverly left out the Charlottesville part of his question. Hmmmm.


Active member

Perhaps Judge Jackson should start crying while proclaiming her love for beer. Instead she keeps outsmarting those asking silly questions.

Now I know some idiot is going to make stupid accusations… No I don’t. Ask Gym Jorden. Anybody taking such accusations lightly enough to use them as political fodder seriously needs to look inward. Yes those are silly questions. They distract from a very serious issue.


Well-known member
Does it matter if they are controlling the entire nation? They are definitely controlling portions And you are supporting them.

I support the Ukrainian people in their fight against unprovoked Russian aggression. Nothing more, nothing less.

Unfortunately, neo-Nazis are in a lot of countries these days, including the US (Charlottesville). Should Putin also invade the US because of KKK or Nick Fuentes? I don't think they represent the American people. Do you?

Are you at all familiar with the history of Europe circa 1938-1939? Let's compare and contrast.

Hitler, 1938-1939: there are ethnic Germans being "oppressed" in Czechoslovakia and Poland. We must "liberate" them!
Putin, 2014-2022: there are ethnic Russians being "oppressed" in Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, etc. We must "liberate" them!

Hitler, 1938-1939: we must ensure a living space for Germans (Greater German Reich).
Putin, 2014-2022: we must ensure a living space for Russians (Greater Russian Empire).

Hitler, 1938-1939: Poland is attacking us! (Gleiwitz incident and many others)
Putin, 2014-2022: Ukraine is attacking us! (Ukraine's defense against the Russian invasion of the Donbas in 2014)

Hitler, 1938-1939: the West is too decadent and weak to stand up to us.
Putin, 2014-2022: the West is too decadent and weak to stand up to us.

Hitler, 1938-1939: we must cleanse our society of undesirables. (concentration camps)
Putin, 2014-2022: we must cleanse our society of undesirables. (literally Putin's speeches, persecution of dissidents, police beating up peaceful protesters)

Hitler, 1938-1939: we will destroy their cities and wipe out their civilian population
Putin, 2022: we will destroy their cities and wipe out their civilian population (says the opposite but does exactly that)

Fortunately for me, I speak Russian and can listen in on "internal" Russian propaganda, such as what is contained in many of Putin's and his henchmen's speeches and writings as of late. This war has one goal: the extermination of the independent Ukrainian state, whose very existence as a Western-facing East Slavic nation is a grave threat to Putin and the authoritarian prison he has built.


Well-known member
Hempy's thoughts on these topics are as follows:

Gay and Transgender rights are irrelevant because of equality under the law. They should have no more rights and no fewer rights and no different rights than anyone else.
Black lives matter but, not more than anyone else. All lives matter. I feel that black lives matter is a racist black supremacist organization.
No proof of this and the movement has been very clear that they simply want to be on the same level, rights-wise, not above. At least you said "I feel" so we know what you mean.
I am for immigration reform so that it can be easier for people to come in legally with a proper screening process for criminals and terrorists. And that there should be annual quota/ limits for how many we can take in from each country per year and how many total each year. Illegal immigration should be stopped and remain illegal. Anyone who is here illegally that has established themselves as good potential citizens should have a clear path to citizenship and anyone who has broken any laws should be deported.
The US already has provisions in place to vet immigrants. The system is intentionally underfunded and overwhelmed and that's its biggest issue. Agreed on illegal immigration and your last sentence.
Intellectualism is great but is often confused with academic accreditation (which is not good).
Also agreed
genetic superiority is an idea I do not subscribe to.

The Jewish 'race' is an especially erroneous concept ('race' is an erroneous concept).
Also agreed, but who is exactly is saying that one race is superior??


Well-known member
The Obama admin and Biden admin are supporting Nazis in Ukraine. So... uh, yeah

Statement assumes facts not in evidence.

We're supporting the Ukraine government, which we've already established as clear fact, are not nazis. You keep starting from this fallacious point and pushing it as established fact. That's why you aren't taken seriously in a debate.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Jews are Semites, like Arabs. That is a race. There is also a religion practiced by Jews.

I think that you would find - after a little research that the vast majority of Jewish people (the vast diaspora) are not actually Semites - where as many Palastinians are because they are directly from that middle eastern area - and The Semites are a branch/tribe of the Caucasian 'race' -

- The thought of Semetic Palestinians being treated anti-semitically by Jewish people - is one great big mind conundrum to be able to digest - and come up with any sort of sensible sounding excuse for - odd questions arise -