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Well-known member
Oh there is a laptop, Volcana just isn't telling you that rather then calling the owner to see if he was going to pick it up the repairmen who had it turned it over to a representative of Giuliani who then had it for about a year and a half to plant all sorts of incriminating stuff on it until the story of the incriminating email was leaked.


I know. I'm just fucking with him since he's so far gone now it doesn't matter!


Active member

You don’t support putin. You excuse his actions. You repeat his words. You support those who do support putin. At least you don’t support him. Glad to hear it.


Well-known member
People in the UK are turning off their heating and putting on their hats. This has not been reported upon, but is common knowledge. The German people need to do the same. I can't even call it taking a share of the suffering. They need to lower fuel usage around 50% as that's what they are buying from Russia. Essentially paying for the machine that's eating up the Ukraine. How can anyone enjoy putting their heating on, when the cost is such.

Germany. Heating homes with Ukraine Lives.

Bit dramatic? :)


Well-known member
Hahahahah. All the pics of him smoking crack are “plants” hahahahahah.

Doesn't everyone know that he smoked crack? Pretty standard stuff



Active member
Oh there is a laptop, Volcana just isn't telling you that rather then calling the owner to see if he was going to pick it up the repairmen who had it turned it over to a representative of Giuliani who then had it for about a year and a half to plant all sorts of incriminating stuff on it until the story of the incriminating email was leaked.


Here’s a current article. If the NYT is writing about it... I’d post the article but there is a stupid paywall.
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Well-known member
This is not a Hollywood movie set. This is a picture of the lies putin told you. Real pictures of real folks. Folks like you. Real pictures of real destruction. Look away. Join putin in his death and destruction. Live your life in a Putin lie.

Explosion of a residential building in Magnitogorsk (2018)
On Monday, December 31, 2018 at 6:02 am local time, household gas exploded on the second floor in apartment 315 of a ten-story residential building No. 164 on Karl Marx Avenue.
As a result of the explosion, entrance No. 7 partially collapsed and 39 people were killed.
An investigation is underway, a preliminary version of the causes of the explosion is an explosion of household gas.


Well-known member

Explosion of a residential building in Magnitogorsk (2018)
On Monday, December 31, 2018 at 6:02 am local time, household gas exploded on the second floor in apartment 315 of a ten-story residential building No. 164 on Karl Marx Avenue.
As a result of the explosion, entrance No. 7 partially collapsed and 39 people were killed.
An investigation is underway, a preliminary version of the causes of the explosion is an explosion of household gas.



Active member
Explosion of a residential building in Magnitogorsk (2018)
On Monday, December 31, 2018 at 6:02 am local time, household gas exploded on the second floor in apartment 315 of a ten-story residential building No. 164 on Karl Marx Avenue.
As a result of the explosion, entrance No. 7 partially collapsed and 39 people were killed.
An investigation is underway, a preliminary version of the causes of the explosion is an explosion of household gas.

Putin lies to you.


Active member

When you get robbed, it’s your fault for having stuff they want. What social media guru passed that off on you?


...como el Son...
The only thing Q has said about JFKjr is that he is dead, was asked and answered directly. Anything else is some form of media hype.

Another thing Q has said many times is 'symbolism will be their downfall'. The Qanon hype in the media is nothing but the Lefts caricature of their LARP enemy. Don Quixote tilting at windmills....

Qanon is nothing but an internet handle.

-"Miren bien y antes, vuestras mercedes, en que barrabasadas e historias de magos encantadores me mezclan a mi señor Don Quijote, campeón de la libertad, paladín de la justicia, y defensor de los indefensos... Miren bien, le digo, que a mi señor ya se le seco el seso y se le corrompió el juicio por andar todo el día embebido en cuentos e historias de esa calaña...
Y sobretodo les digo a sus mercedes, que miren aún más y mejor sobre quién aplican las eternas y universales enseñanzas que se pueden sacar de las andanzas, aventuras y desventuras sin par, y descalabros sin igual, de mi señor, que bien dice el refrán que "se ve antes la mota de polvo en el ojo ajeno, que la viga de hierro en el propio", o...

-"Voto a Bríos, Sancho! que pares te ordenó, que bien se sabe que de iniciarte a encadenar refranes, no has de parar más que para comer o dormir, y aún entre sueños se te escapa musitar alguno... Y deja a estos nobles señores y altas damas que hablen, que sin duda esa historia de brujos Q o hechiceros Qanon (sin duda, esbirros vasallos de mi más grande enemigo, el perfido Sabio Frestón) está a la altura de la más loca, desbaratada e hilarante de mis aventuras...

-"Ea, pues que así sea, si es voluntad de mi señor... Pero ya le advertí de que bastante locura con la suya y sus historias tenemos ya...Que bien dice el refrán qué "no cabíamos en casa de tantos como éramos, y se puso a parir la abuela", o...

-...Me matas, Sancho...