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...como el Son...
I don't have a chance to speak with the Russian Government often

But when I do, I remind them that they could make Washington DC disappear

and at least 1/2 the US population would cheer.

The US has been in a state of War - international and civil - since 9-11.

US Senator Al Franken states clearly in his Autobiography: he and New York Mayor Ed Koch had certain foreknowledge of 9-11. Mayor Koch warned Senator Franken not to go to work at his office at the World Trade Center.

"One of the widely disseminated stories was that no Jews died in the collapse of the Trade Towers because they had received calls telling them not to go to work that day.

To tell you the truth, I got the Jew call. I had an office in the Trade Center where I used to do most of my writing. The call came from former New York mayor Ed Koch. "Al," he told me, "don't go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul."

Looks like they didn't try too hard to warn the 2900+ Gentile Americans that were Murdered on 9-11.
In the week after 9-11, the San Francisco Chronicle had a news article stating that California Politician Willie Brown ALSO received a phone call warning him not to fly on 9-11.

So much for the Official US Government Conspiracy Theory re 9-11.
They said they didn't know ... THEY KNEW.

The Short Version: Israel did 9-11.
Sorry for the Bad News.


And I believe you blindly, given the evidence in your link....:

An Uncanny Prediction Comes True
First we start off with an unusual and eerie prediction that was made by a most suspicious individual. This prediction, in unison with the status of the person of who made it, is extremely indicative and foretelling of who planned and executed 9/11.


Isser Harel - Spymaster of the Israeli Intelligence Services. Director of Mossad and Shin Bet from 1952-1963.

In 1979, twenty-one years before September 11, 2001, Isser Harel predicted with uncanny accuracy the events of 9-11 to Michael D. Evans, an American supporter of Zionist extremists of the Jabotinsky sort.

On September 23, 1979, Evans visited Harel at his home in Israel and had dinner with him and Dr. Reuven Hecht, a senior adviser to then prime minister Menachem Begin.

...And nobody thought to ask the guy about the winning numbers in lotteries up to an interval of 50 years ?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So, Russia doesn't have the right to defend itself?

Sure it does, when it's attacked. So far to this point nobody has invaded Russia and started blowing things up or killing people. On the other hand, having been invaded by Russia, having had civilians killed and civilian infrastructure bombed, Ukraine has every right to attack Russia to defend itself and they had that same right back in 2014 when Russia invaded then too.


...como el Son...
Well....that's just like your opinion man...

Seriously though AOH, I would have thought you'd not buy into Russiaphobia and blatant nationalism. We promised Russia that at least Georgia and the Ukraine would not be absorbed by NATO, "Not one inch east" was an actual promise by the US, one which we've pushed further with each administration. You may not believe it, but if someone whose a representative of a country makes a promise, I tend to think it's made by the country and not the elected individual. To make a comparison, the US joined the most deadly and bloody war ever simply because of the threat of our southern neighbor joining forces with the European aggressors. I'm sure that was considered good by most American standards, so maybe we could put the lapti on the other foot and think about why Russia would be annoyed and prepared to defend themselves against our continued eastward expansion. Forgive me if I come across harsh, I've always respected your opinion, but I can't see it as ok that any side is fine with the two most egotistical nuclear world powers measuring their dicks at the expense of the rest of us. Plus I'm drunk and my bike broke down, so fuck today.

The telegram to Mexico that defined the fate of the First World War
  • Louis Fajardo
  • Special envoy of BBC World to Mexico
11 November 2014


Caption,Zimmermann's telegram triggered the United States' entry into World War I.

"What are you coming here to do?" a soldier on duty in the arrivals terminal at the airport in Hermosillo, the capital of the Mexican state of Sonora, snaps at me.

My answer, that I am here with three colleagues from the BBC to film a documentary about the First World War there, must sound like a bad joke or a terrible excuse. After all, what does this region of northern Mexico have to do with that war, fought a century ago in the trenches of Europe?

I'm not surprised by the military's mistrust of my attempts at explanation. The 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War is being commemorated this year in the main capitals of the world. What is less known in our region is the crucial role played by Mexico in one of the definitive episodes of the conflict. Nothing less than the one that motivated the entry of the United States into the war.

an outrageous proposal

It all started with a telegram. On January 16, 1917, when the First World War was approaching its third year, the London headquarters of the British secret services detected an encrypted telegraphic communication. In it, the German Foreign Minister, Arthur Zimmermann, instructed his ambassador in Mexico to present that country with a proposal as seductive as it was scandalous.

Berlin was offering support for Mexico to enter into conflict with the United States, which until then had remained neutral in World War I. In this way, Mexico could recover the territories of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, conquered in the 19th century by its powerful neighbor to the north.

"Because Mexico lost half of its territory in an unjust war, there was always a huge resentment against the United States. When there was the Zimmermann telegram offer, there were many people who would have thought it was very attractive to recover the territory," he told BBC Mundo Josefina Zoraida Vásquez, history teacher at the Colegio de México.

The Kaiser's help, of course, was not disinterested. Berlin hoped that a border war with Mexico would distract Washington from what was happening in Europe. Well, everyone knew that if the United States and its enormous economic resources entered the First World War, the fate would be sealed against Germany.


Searching for the physical traces of this episode in Mexico City is not an easy task.

The building where the branch of the American telegraphic company, Western Union, in the historic center of Mexico City, where the communication should have arrived in the first instance, no longer exists. The house that housed the recipient of the message, the German embassy, ​​is also not standing.

There is, of course, the Castillo de Chapultepec, the impressive fortress that for many years was the presidential residence.


Caption,Alberto Suárez-Barnett, a historian from the city of Nogales, Mexico, assures that before 1917 there were fewer border controls.

In those years it was occupied by Venustiano Carranza, a man of few words who had adopted an ambiguous position in the world conflict, without fully enrolling in one side or the other.

There must have been many meetings in the government palaces and diplomatic precincts of the Mexican capital, in which the envoys of the different European nations tried to guess the next step that Carranza would take.

Nobody knows very well the details of how the decision was made, but the fact is that the Mexican president rejected Zimmermann's proposal. He prevailed prudence to avoid a conflict with the United States that, even with German help, could have been catastrophic for Mexico, as professor Josefina Zoraida Vásquez assures BBC Mundo.

The backfire

But the problem did not end there.

As Carranza received the supposedly secret telegram from the Germans, British spies read its contents. They had intercepted the submarine cable by which the messages were sent across the Atlantic. And thanks to a code book salvaged from the wreck of a German warship, they knew how to decipher what it said.


Caption,For professor Josefina Zoraida Vasquez, Zimmerman's offer was tempting to many in Mexico.

The British government wasted little time in notifying the United States of its discovery. Days later it was leaked to the press. And American public opinion, which for the first three years of the conflict had supported neutrality, turned its fury against Germany.

On April 2, 1917, the United States declared war on the German Empire,
precisely what Zimmermann had tried to avoid by stirring up a conflict between Washington and Mexico.

border security

The border between the United States and Mexico has never been a very harmonious place. And the events surrounding the Zimmermann telegram further stirred border tensions.

Alarmist voices spoke of alleged underground activities of German agitators.

The European war was felt in places like Nogales, a border town in the state of Sonora, a couple of hours by road from the capital, Hermosillo.


Caption,Border tensions prevail to this day.

The city's official historian, Alberto Suarez-Barnett, tells BBC Mundo that before 1917 there were few barriers separating the Mexican population of Nogales from its twin across the border, Nogales, Arizona. Families crossed from one side to the other without giving it much thought.

But American anxiety about suspected German infiltration helped prompt the first barbed wire fences in this corner of the border.

And on August 27, 1918, that growing tension, among other factors, led to a shootout between US and Mexican troops, the Battle of Both Nogales. "No one knows how many died there," Suárez-Barnett told BBC Mundo.

In the heart of Nogales there is a simple obelisk that remembers the victims of the episode. Just a few meters away are the metal barriers, electronic sensors, police posts and other paraphernalia that characterize the border today.

It is a monument to the mistrust between the two nations, the same that almost a century ago was fueled by the repercussions of humanity's first global conflict.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Notice how they break down the categories... If you call the bottom four "jabbed" and the first category "un-jabbed" then it is clearer to see that the jabbed are 50.7 percent of cases compared to 49.3% (unjabbed).

Except the second one isn't unjabbed but yeah sure if you just say a sufficient number are jabbed you can make it look as bad as you want. That is of course until it's point out that the data doesn't break the incidents down by when it happens and then someone goes to the linked page and find graphs that do break it down by time and those graphs show a sharp spike at the time the variant able to infect vaccinated people was active. At that point it just shows that neither you or volcanna have clue one about how to accurately interpret scientific data.

I mean sure, you can call a turd between two slices of bread a tasty sandwich but it's still going to taste like a turd.


Comfortably numb!
- as just about every nation ramps-up their weapons of conventional and mass destruction - just to keep up with The Jones's next door - or half-way across the planet -

- The Military Industrial Complex is flush with new cash - as soon as a new war gets under way - and generates its profits upon the pain and deaths of many innocent humans and the destruction of their homes and lands - it is said that 'no one wins a war' - except the money men and their contractors - who tend to back all sides in most conflicts - the more loans out there the better - the more destruction - the more to re-build - and that takes money - money loaned that will be paid back with interest - for another 3 generations - shackling the un-born with lifelong debt they will have to pay from birth -

You party pooper LOL :tiphat: ~ Well said!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Of course it is junior

Oh there is a laptop, Volcana just isn't telling you that rather then calling the owner to see if he was going to pick it up the repairmen who had it turned it over to a representative of Giuliani who then had it for about a year and a half to plant all sorts of incriminating stuff on it until the story of the incriminating email was leaked.



...como el Son...
MARCH 19, 2022

Algeria calls its ambassador in Madrid for consultations for the support of the autonomy plan for Western Sahara

Algerian flag next to the Great Mosque of Algiers - FAROUK BATICHE / DPA

Algeria supports the Polisario Front and is Spain's main gas supplier

The Algerian government has expressed its "surprise" at Spain's support for the Moroccan autonomy plan for Western Sahara and has called its ambassador in Madrid, Said Musi, for consultations.
"The Algerian authorities, surprised by this sharp turn in the position of the former administering power of Western Sahara, have decided to summon their ambassador in Madrid for consultations with immediate effect," the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published in a statement.
"We are very surprised by the declarations of the Spanish authorities regarding the issue of Western Sahara", added the Ministry.
Previously, Algerian diplomatic sources have criticized Spain's change of position, which they consider to be Madrid's "second historical betrayal" of the Saharawi people.
"It is the second historical betrayal of the Saharawi people by Madrid after the disastrous agreement of 1975," the source pointed out, quoted by the Algerian news portal TSA. "Finally, Morocco has obtained what it wanted from Spain," said the Algerian diplomat.
It would be the second "betrayal" due to the agreement signed on November 14, 1975 by which it ceded the former colony of Spanish Sahara to Morocco and Mauritania, without taking into account the will of the Saharawi population.
This Madrid Agreement was immediately denounced by the Polisario Front, erected as the representative of the Saharawi people and which immediately proclaimed the independence of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).
The Polisario Front militias defeated the Mauritanian forces and Nouakchott renounced the part of Western Sahara that was assigned to it in the Madrid Agreement, but Morocco, with the Green March, managed to impose its control over the coastal part of the territory.

In 1991, Morocco and the Polisario Front signed a ceasefire with a view to holding a self-determination referendum, but differences over the preparation of the census and the inclusion or not of Moroccan settlers have so far prevented its convening, backed by the UN in the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).
As for the strictly bilateral relationship between Algeria and Spain, Algiers is the main supplier of natural gas to the Peninsula at a delicate moment like the current one in terms of energy. Algiers broke diplomatic relations with Rabat last August and in November proceeded to close the Maghreb-Europe Gas Pipeline (GME) that pumped gas to the Iberian Peninsula through Morocco.
The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, spoke on March 6 with the Algerian President, Abdelmayid Tebune, who reiterated not only his country's commitment to guaranteeing supplies to Spain, but also Algeria's willingness to help as much as possible, as reliable partner in energy matters that it wants to be, to the Europeans, according to government sources.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, did not want to clarify this Friday if Algeria has been informed in advance about the change in the Government's position, hiding behind the fact that "diplomacy requires discretion", but he has been convinced that it will not affect the supply of gas to Spain by this country. "Algeria has repeatedly shown that it is a reliable partner," he maintained, assuring that it maintains a "fluid" relationship with its Algerian counterpart.
However, this is the second 'offense' by the Government to Algeria in just over a month after it announced in early February that it had agreed to Morocco's request to help guarantee its energy security through the regasification in Spain of Gas Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) purchased by Rabat for subsequent shipment to this country through the GME gas pipeline.
So, Algiers has already warned that under no circumstances could Spain send Algerian gas to Morocco. It remains to be seen how the Algerian government reacts to this change, which, on the other hand, has been much celebrated by Morocco and which considers that the diplomatic crisis that was triggered almost a year ago by the reception in Spain for humanitarian reasons of the leader of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, has been overcome.

Ghali in Spain:

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Well-known member

It really does rot the brain..

You can say that again…

“The study concludes the results point “to the highly corrosive influences of disinformation.”

“This is definitely a new and bluntly insidious force that’s contributing to polarization and disinformation and poor decision-making. And it doesn’t seem to be going away. Things are getting worse,” said Graves. “I don’t think this is because those people had an ingrained sympathy to the Russians. They’re reading this online, they’re consuming this from the same sources that were giving them the anti-vax stuff.”


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Last edited:


...como el Son...
You suck at math, but of course I do other subjects. Let’s talk vaxx..

It really does rot the brain..

Do you know that thing about confusing pregnant sheep with lambing sheep, bacon with speed, my grandfather's balls with eating wheat, or mathematics with conspiracy theories? Surely if you ask in your survey if the earth is flat, or if the next coming of the Messiah to Earth will be to crown Donald Trump as Galactic Emperor, the proportions in the answers are reversed to the opposite, heh...

Some of you already know this one...Y FELIZ CARNAVAL A TOD@S !

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We accept resumes to pilot chemtrails;
the company that offers it: S.A IV Reich.
This is not a joke, this is not a fake:
we live in four, five, one fahrenheit.

God does not exist but I understand that there is something:
a computer with someone hitting play,
ashtrays with joints accompanying a rum and coke...
...Whatever has Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook and Line.

I downloaded an application for my cell phone
that detects Guardia Civil patrols and UFOs on a radar...
I have given my email to the New Acropolis sect....
...they gave me a pen as a thank you gift.

I've met Pimentel and Sánchez Dragó, (Spanish "denialists/conspiracy theorists"?),
and I poured a little piece of cardboard (LSD) in our coffes
to see if they see what I see:
Carmen Porter (paranormal journalist whose program they ridiculed) dancing Dancehall !


I don't know if I believe in the Beyond,
I don't even know if I believe in the afterlife.
In the case that it exists, I don't know what will happen
I don't know if in the Beyond to enter it is necessary to make a labor contribution.

I have seen in the street several robocops
who have everything but education;
the virtual education system is in place:
I have enrolled in the Tavistock Institute.
Click image for larger version  Name:	980272EB-73DB-4E87-8A28-EA01282BD6B7.png Views:	22 Size:	310.0 KB ID:	18104402

We are finally going to found the Paranormal Festive-Cultural Association:
debates, colloquiums and sidereal gatherings;
and once a year in its cultural week:
güijas, psychophonies, dominoes and carnival ! !!!

Some claim and claim to be the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of
the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of a certain Rudolf Hess.
Of Rudolf what? Of Rudolf "yo que hess" (Spanish words game: "I don't know which Rudolph is that.")
I only know a certain Karlos Puest (a Twitter "hooligans" condemned for falsehoods and insults).


Illuminati with tomati in a bathrobe,
Marichalánnunaki, Rafa Pal, Miguel Rix;
the missing link, that's Paquirrín,
the neighborhood of Fernando Carmona Ortiz (more local characters).

Bring out the umbrella for the Haarp project;
also wellies, albal paper hat,
nuclear mask to be able to breathe:
This is conspiranoia and its Carnival costume.

To the liquidi comes Batoski-hipster with Trosky hairstyle;
beware that today Lewandoski has jumped;
they protect you just in case Gadafi's karatekas;
I'm added in the WhatsApp of the Stasi.

If one day the leader with Roma or with Rodman gets mad,
they will be fed up with rabid dogs from Korea.
Rastafachas, monarchists, centrists, liberals,
merge with VOX (Francoist ultra-right) and now form Vox Marley.


I don't know if I believe in the hereafter,
I don't even know if I believe in the beyond that exists...
In the case that it exists, I don't know what will happen
if in the Beyond to enter it is necessary to make a labor contribution...

Conspiranoia Football Club leading the League of Sects & Cults and the Cadiz's Carnival :

Click image for larger version  Name:	980272EB-73DB-4E87-8A28-EA01282BD6B7.png Views:	22 Size:	310.0 KB ID:	18104402


Active member
Worrying about kids wearing masks while excusing the bombs. It’s not hypocrisy. It’s just plain bullshit.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Does a country have to invade another in order to pose a clear and present danger/threat? What if you know that they plan on carrying out a biological attack and that if you don't stop it before it happens, they will likely succeed in the attack? If you were the prez of Russia, what would you do?

Obviously attack some apartment buildings....duh.


...como el Son...

By Alvaro Carmona
Trump's rap, the president who "normalized the extreme radical right": "I had a great idea about immigration:, to leave America so bad that no one wants to enter anymore"

Álvaro Carmona has created this funny rap on El Intermedio about the march of "Donald Motherfucking Trump" from the White House: "Latinos, in reality, you are good people, it is not your fault that you are rapists and criminals.'



Published:Wednesday,20 January, 202122:24

Dani Mateo presents in this video from El Intermedio the funny rap made by Álvaro Carmona, collaborator and official rapper of the program, about the departure of the "only and authentic president , Donald Motherfucking Trump" from the White House.
"Listen to the story of how I became the king," Trump's rap begins, in which he explains the story of how he became president "with the craziest strategy in the history of the West: that workers from Texas and farmers from Kansas of identifying with a Manhattan millionaire." "I got it because I made politics reality," he explains in the rap in which he texts "I had a great idea,l about immigration: I will leave America so bad no one wants to get in anymore." You can see the full rap in the main video of this news.

In addition, the journalist Guillermo Fesser has narrated from the United States the details that have marked the oath of the flag of the new president. From the 'look' of Bernie Sanders to the confusion with Ivanka Trump and Lady Gaga , he discovers all the anecdotes in this video.


From the 'look' of Bernie Sanders to the confusion with Ivanka Trump and Lady Gaga: the anecdotes of the inauguration of Joe Bide
From the 'look' of Bernie Sanders to the confusion with Ivanka Trump and Lady Gaga: the anecdotes of the inauguration of Joe Biden | laSexta.com


Three Berries

Active member
I never said the Dallas people were Q. You made a statement about some predictions Q has made will come true. To which I said there are people in Dallas still waiting for JFK to rise from the dead and make Trump president again just like Q said would happen but it didn't. To which you said Q never said that and those people are idiots. To which I said that's not what they said. To which you said only a idiot listens to idiots. Okay so if Q never told them that then who did? If they're idiots as you say then they're too stupid to make something like that up and if they did make it up and know they made it up they're not going to go and camp out in Dallas waiting for this thing they made up to happen. And they didn't just wait until the predicted date, they waited well beyond that date, hell as far as I know there might still be some there in Dallas waiting. That's a pretty high level of dedication to an idea so clearly they completely trusted the source, just like you completely trust Q. Now I do agree that believing something that insane is idiotic and therefore believing it demonstrates them to be idiots but it doesn't render them unable to tell others who sold them on this crazy notion. So when they say Q told them I'm inclined to believe it, mainly because Q has long established himself as someone who tells his followers all sorts of nonsense that never comes true. My guess is that you heard it from Q as well and even believed it at first but then when it never came to pass your finally realized how freaking stupid it was so now you desperately try to sell the lie that Q never said that. So based on your criteria that only idiots believe idiots you're all idiots for listening to Q in the first place but the difference between you and the Dallas people is that you are an idiot and a liar who doesn't have the balls to admit the person who has been playing you all this time is an idiot.

The only thing Q has said about JFKjr is that he is dead, was asked and answered directly. Anything else is some form of media hype.

Another thing Q has said many times is 'symbolism will be their downfall'. The Qanon hype in the media is nothing but the Lefts caricature of their LARP enemy. Don Quixote tilting at windmills....

Qanon is nothing but an internet handle.

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