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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
So, Russia doesn't have the right to defend itself?


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Did Ukraine invade Russia?

Does a country have to invade another in order to pose a clear and present danger/threat? What if you know that they plan on carrying out a biological attack and that if you don't stop it before it happens, they will likely succeed in the attack? If you were the prez of Russia, what would you do?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Does a country have to invade another in order to pose a clear and present danger/threat? What if you know that they plan on carrying out a biological attack and that if you don't stop it before it happens, they will likely succeed in the attack? If you were the prez of Russia, what would you do?

What if people just made any shit up to justify their views or actions? :gaga:


Active member
When we turn around and say that sure there are some nazi elements there, we have them in the US and frankly lots of other countries.

Lots of countries from which you have shipped Nazis to Ukraine, trained them in terrorist tactics and provided lethal weapons for use against the civilian population that they massacred for eight years. Lets be clear: you are fascist apologists and Nazi sympathizers. The testimonies from ukranian refugees:



Well-known member

It's really hard to trust footage that originates from ANNA news as it's a known Kremlin propaganda vehicle, and they've completely fabricated footage in the past (the Turan Group story, among others).

I also wonder where the other refugees are, as they left in convoys of private vehicles and buses?

Why are they parked on Kuprina Street at the Northern exit when the evacuation route was south of there; Portovkske-Manhush-Berdyansk-Tokmak to Zaporizhzhia?

Not to say it isn't genuine of course, but it would be really great if you could find some corroborating footage that doesn't originate from Kremlin controlled sources.

All the best!
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You posted the Dallas people were Q and that was a ignorant statement. I never said Q was an idiot. Stop trying to spread your lies onto other people.

Whatever they pay you they are getting screwed.

I never said the Dallas people were Q. You made a statement about some predictions Q has made will come true. To which I said there are people in Dallas still waiting for JFK to rise from the dead and make Trump president again just like Q said would happen but it didn't. To which you said Q never said that and those people are idiots. To which I said that's not what they said. To which you said only a idiot listens to idiots. Okay so if Q never told them that then who did? If they're idiots as you say then they're too stupid to make something like that up and if they did make it up and know they made it up they're not going to go and camp out in Dallas waiting for this thing they made up to happen. And they didn't just wait until the predicted date, they waited well beyond that date, hell as far as I know there might still be some there in Dallas waiting. That's a pretty high level of dedication to an idea so clearly they completely trusted the source, just like you completely trust Q. Now I do agree that believing something that insane is idiotic and therefore believing it demonstrates them to be idiots but it doesn't render them unable to tell others who sold them on this crazy notion. So when they say Q told them I'm inclined to believe it, mainly because Q has long established himself as someone who tells his followers all sorts of nonsense that never comes true. My guess is that you heard it from Q as well and even believed it at first but then when it never came to pass your finally realized how freaking stupid it was so now you desperately try to sell the lie that Q never said that. So based on your criteria that only idiots believe idiots you're all idiots for listening to Q in the first place but the difference between you and the Dallas people is that you are an idiot and a liar who doesn't have the balls to admit the person who has been playing you all this time is an idiot.


...como el Son...
MOSCOW—Surveying his accomplishments in the past month with evident satisfaction, Vladimir Putin reportedly grew pleased Thursday as his plot to ruin the Russian economy and destroy its international standing went exactly to plan. “It’s incredible that in a few short weeks, my goal to tank the ruble and humiliate the Russian military on the global stage has gone off without a hitch,” said the Russian president, adding that when he laid out his plan to his inner circle months ago, few had believed that he could make such swift progress on stalling his army outside of Kyiv against a military that was an embarrassing order of magnitude smaller than his own. “The cherry on top is that by isolating myself from every country in Europe and driving the world together in condemnation of me, I’ve essentially made us into a vassal state of China’s. So we’re basically fucked from an economic and geopolitical perspective, which is just what I hoped to get out of this war. Now if I can just a get a few more thousand of my own troops killed, I’ll have everything I could ever want.” At press time, Putin had reportedly begun devising plans to invade Estonia with the express intention of spreading his forces ever thinner across eastern Europe in an unwinnable quagmire.

Hey, but you're forgetting all the Ukrainian Nazi civilians of all ages that we've blown up.... I say that with how bad the economy is because of the sanctions of the 4 Reich, we could use so many corpses even to make pet food, the situation is not right to let natural resources rot...



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Just a reminder: the city of Mariupol is about 30 to 40% ethnic Russian. I remember when apologists for Russian imperialism said this war was about saving ethnic Russian lives.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- as just about every nation ramps-up their weapons of conventional and mass destruction - just to keep up with The Jones's next door - or half-way across the planet -

- The Military Industrial Complex is flush with new cash - as soon as a new war gets under way - and generates its profits upon the pain and deaths of many innocent humans and the destruction of their homes and lands - it is said that 'no one wins a war' - except the money men and their contractors - who tend to back all sides in most conflicts - the more loans out there the better - the more destruction - the more to re-build - and that takes money - money loaned that will be paid back with interest - for another 3 generations - shackling the un-born with lifelong debt they will have to pay from birth -


Well-known member
Just a reminder: the city of Mariupol is about 30 to 40% ethnic Russian. I remember when apologists for Russian imperialism said this war was about saving ethnic Russian lives.

just like in viet nam, "sometimes you have to destroy the village to save the village..." but it's okay, i'm sure that those of Russian ethnicity don't mind dying so Putin can claim to be saving them from the "nazis" they were living with...


Well-known member
- as just about every nation ramps-up their weapons of conventional and mass destruction - just to keep up with The Jones's next door - or half-way across the planet -

- The Military Industrial Complex is flush with new cash - as soon as a new war gets under way - and generates its profits upon the pain and deaths of many innocent humans and the destruction of their homes and lands - it is said that 'no one wins a war' - except the money men and their contractors

Samuel Clemens AKA Mark Twain once said "when folks are hunting for gold is a good time to be selling picks & shovels..."


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hahahah ima keep laughing. Rare huh? Hahahah. This is data from Canada. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html

Problem with your "Proof" is it covers the whole time period from the start of the vaccines until now it doesn't distinguish when people got these vaccines or developed Covid-19. It also shows unvaccinated as well as vaccinated. The term breakthrough does not apply to unvaccinated because they have no immunity for the virus to breakthrough. Now it could include those with natural immunity from having previously been affected they would have an immunity for the virus to breakthrough but unfortunately there is no category listed for unvaccinated that were previously infected and had natural immunity. So your "proof" doesn't apply to them at all. Now what it does show overall is that unvaccinated people did substantially worse then vaccinated people but since it doesn't show when those case happened to the vaccinated people you can't judge by that data how rare or common breakthrough infections were. As I said before breakthrough infection were very rare to the point of being non existent before Omicron and more recently Stealth Omicron which didn't take hold in North America until Oct. 2021. After Omicron was when reports started to circulate of breakthrough infections in people with vaccinated immunity and natural immunity. Now if you had bothered to look around a bit more on that page you linked you would have found a graph over time that showed reported incidents staying mostly flat after vaccines started up until Oct.-Nov. 2021 when Omicron was first hitting at that point there was an extreme spike in cases which was likely the result of both unvaccinated and vaccinated people getting sick. Prior to that there were very small spikes that coincided perfectly with times were people started taking risks such as the Spring of 2020 when Trump famously wrongly predicted the virus would vanish by Easter when things warmed up and vaccines were restricted mainly to the elderly and again in the holiday season of Oct. 2020 thru Jan 2021 and again later on in Spring of 2021. In short your "Proof" doesn't show what you want to believe it shows and further investigation backs up my point better then yours.

I'm not surprised though that you don't know how to properly interpret scientific data, that has been the problem with people like you all along. You either flat out ignore scientific evidence if it doesn't support what you want to believe or you see something like this and say, "Well gosh darn there that looks all scientifical and seems to say what I want it to say" and then you run with it and only end up proving your ignorance.

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