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....WAKE & BAKE....


vape vape vape, morning all. ITS SO COLD.... The girls are doing great, starting to understand the purpose of going out, found a good path along the courtyard outback where they both do their business almost immediately.

I had a dos equis in a frosted mug last night that was prob one of the best Ive ever had, must have had the glass like at the perfect temp. Class for a few hours, homework(not much), then hopefully will repeat the experience later this afternoon.

Anyways.....have a great day everyone, stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Closer to the sun and far from the moon
ICMag Donor
morning budbasket :wave:

im puffin on some joe rogan X zombie virus again. the more this sits in a jar the better it gets. im starting to fall in love with this smoke fo sho :)

hope errrr one has a rad day


New member
Woke and Boke

Woke and Boke

Good morning everyone! Started out at 7:15 with half a spliff of organic super silver haze from this summer coupled with a hot cup of perc'd french roast! Very nice uplifting smoke for my morning time :). Had class 8-9am and going out to sell Christmas trees for the rest of the day! Definitely doesn't feel like Christmas up here in the NE, who would have thought I'd be selling Christmas trees in just a hoodie in December?! Hope all is well with everyone, especially students, around this crazy, hectic time of year!


Mornin' all - I'm Waked, & not Baked...

Going on 2 months now since I had a baggie I could call my stone, but that's OK...

Peace and pot to y'all - hit one for this old sod, will ya plse...


Crack-Attack, Joe Rogan has a strain named after him? that's awesome, I love listening to his podcast.

Budbasket, you know, one of these days you're gonna have to post pics of the pups!

Shady, sounds like a great start to the day! A Christmas tree salesman, huh? Speaking of Joe Rogan, I was listening to one of his more recent podcasts (165 I believe) and he brought up how the whole "Christmas" thing is likely based around Amanita Muscaria mushrooms. Red and white, grow underneath fir trees, people used to hang the mushrooms on the trees so they'd dry in the sun.... Interesting stuff, have fun and stay warm! I'm south of you by a bit and it's drizzling here, haven't been out to see how cold it is but oh well. Least it's not snow (here)!


Mornin' all - I'm Waked, & not Baked...

Going on 2 months now since I had a baggie I could call my stone, but that's OK...

Peace and pot to y'all - hit one for this old sod, will ya plse...

Ouch, by choice? (Tolerance break? lol)

I'm running on a little "reserve" stash myself, gotta re-up today if at all possible, but I'll share what I got! I believe what's left is a nuggie of some Blue Dream, and it'll be ground up and going into the vaporizer wand right about.... now!


Your hit!


*Stoned User*
Good morning everyone!

Cold and overcast here but everything else is dandy. Got a bowl of lifesaver with a little bit of my avatar sprinkled over top. :D Starting today out with a BANG!!

BB.. glad the pups are working out. They can be a hassle at times but soo rewarding too. Enjoy.
cracker.. nice new thread. Popping beans should be your job. :D Nice budshots!@
milkman... glad to see new faces, only took ya 5+ years to post. haha Nice to have ya here. :wave:
classy... whats up? long time since youve been here... i guess not smoking has something to do with it. Glad to see ya dude. I just added some more iso to the bowl for ya. :joint:
JDI... never heard that Christmas story... Joe Rogan knows his drugs though.



Bag of vape is full but not for long.....Hope everyone has a wonderful wednesday

Just, Ill get pics once my girlfriends cameras working again, who knows when thatll be

Trich, looks like you had a good morning yesterday, lol.

Test for me today, last one before finals. Its over soil, minerals, and light, so hopefully I do somewhat good. Im up to a 95 in the class so id like to keep my A. Can't believe the semesters over, went fast.

Well, I don't have much else to say, its gonna be cold today(for the next 5 months), damn that north wind..... part of that rhymed. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Closer to the sun and far from the moon
ICMag Donor
morning mother-bakerz!

been packaging zombie virus X schnazzleberry #2 beans for the server fund, puffing on some sweetest cindy99.

hope everyone has a great day!!

good luck with the test budbasket!


morning all

ive heard the xmas mushroom story

there was a great interview years ago on that radio program thats real late at night and talks about weird stuff...darn i forget the name of it but the guy did his show on it and had a expert who explained the whole theory...very interesting to say the least...aslo mushrooms are the reason we hunt for trippy colored eggs on easter...were mimicking mushroom collecting at the start of the growing season

hahah have a good one

driving today, getting back glass on truck replaced

Grass Lands

What do ya mean Wake N Bake...I'm always baked but not always awake...hehehe

Good morning all...getting ready to fire up some Golden Kush and a good cup of jo...

Everyone have a wonderful day!!!

Peace everyone
GL :tiphat:


Good morning everyone! It's a grey and rainy day here, but I'm OK with that... Just vaped and now I'm eating a clementine getting ready to start my day! And of course, it starts on icmag! haha
morning all

ive heard the xmas mushroom story

there was a great interview years ago on that radio program thats real late at night and talks about weird stuff...darn i forget the name of it but the guy did his show on it and had a expert who explained the whole theory...very interesting to say the least...aslo mushrooms are the reason we hunt for trippy colored eggs on easter...were mimicking mushroom collecting at the start of the growing season

hahah have a good one

driving today, getting back glass on truck replaced

Coast to Coast AM? I'd love to eventually do some research on this type of stuff, it's so interesting (and funny). I never heard of the easter eggs being related to mushrooms but that makes sense too. I'm about a week in to my first 4 pf jars, been reading a lot about the psychedelic experience and using it in a specific way for a specific purpose, not just as a "trip"... I've done 'em probably about a dozen times and almost every experience has had positive impact on my life. I'm sure mushrooms have played a huge role in our evolution as human beings

Have fun getting the window replaced! :smoker:


*Stoned User*
Morning everyone!

taking a few puffs of chocolope. :yummy: Gotta call this morning to head into work on humpday.... DAMNNNNN!!! Very upset but this chocolope in the bowl eases the pain somewhat. :)

bb... good luck on the test... its "crunch time." :scripture:
cracker... ohhhh yeah. Stayed up til 4am waiting for some seeds... if i knew yours were near arrival, I woulda waited. You know imma pick me up a pack of those.

Dudes have a great day! Stay warm or better yet blazed (if possible) :D


Closer to the sun and far from the moon
ICMag Donor
awesome! would love to see ya run some trich! going to be working on some more crosses in the near future. and if the zv x sb 2.2 turn out kick ass may have to make some F2's :)


morning morning morning

Just-good luck with your experiment, I got a few syringes sitting back but am waiting to get a PC. Any contam issues? There's a mycology section on icmag, just gotta seach because they don't show it normally, theres an employment section too. Im around the 'topia quite a bit. Fun hobby.

Crack- hope the beans turn out as wonderful as they sound.

Had a lab the other day where we made a floral center piece, it was awesome. The guys had more fun than the girls just because we actually were in it for fun instead of being a serious designer. Mine tuned out pretty good, especially for a guy. Symmetry is the key. Red across from red, white across from white, green out the bottom.

The girls had their first accident free day yesterday! Yayyyy girlsssss. The smaller one it was her 2nd day, proud father over here.

Well thats the day. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


*Stoned User*
Good morning everyone!

Smoking some more chocolope this morning. puff,puff,pass :smoke out: No work just some laid back relaxation today, i think.

JDI.. hey dude I will be sure to check out that webcast. Sounds right up my alley. Growing shrooms is a great hobby (although i dont find it is nearly as rewarding as growing herb). The biggest thing is keeping them bitches clean. Are you growing them invitro or casing or??? I personally like invitro as they were easier and less likely to contam. Plus i liked the little pinners it produced. Yield was much less but you really dont need ozs of the stuff... at least i didnt. Anyways good luck and enjoy.. it really is an awesome experience if one allows it to be. Did I tell you about the time i ate 18gs of cubensis because I thought it was losing potency? Well I was wrong..... :abduct:
cracker.. you just let me know when they drop.... im all over those. :)
stickky.. thanks for the link... ill check it out.
BB.. yo bud. :wave:

Buds got me ranting. Peace fellas. :ying:


Stickky - Thanks for the link, I've gotta check that out!

Budbasket - I lurk over at 'topia, haven't posted anything since nothings really going on (yet). I was looking on icmag but didn't see a section, I'll search though. Thanks for the tip!

Congrats on the girls and their new bathroom manners :) haha

Trich - This is my first time ever growing shrooms, I actually just bought the 4 pf jars from a store online, pre-sterilized and ready to inoculate (with PF Classic). First flush will go invitro, and my plan is to dunk then go chronic-tek (same ideas as invitro except the cakes will go in a larger jar so the shrooms have more room to grow). Honestly I'm not looking to grow a ton of shrooms at this point, it's been way too long (over a year) since my last trip and I'm feeling like I'm at a point where I could use the wisdom and guidance that shrooms have provided for me in the past. I've been reading a lot about psychedelics and in one book the subject of "microdosing" comes up. The idea being that small amounts taken during regular, everyday life (going to work, interacting with people, etc.), can enhance energy, focus, ability to understand, etc. without the complete loss of ego and time, and the other effects that would make you seem out of it. Several case studies of professionals using microdoses a few times a week for years and years conclude that the effects are virtually all positive and people don't know what you're up to, but relationships improve and stuff. So if I can get a few flushes from each jar it'll be enough for one or two real trips and then some experimenting with microdoses.

18g's? hot damn! musta been an experience to say the least! haha

Kinda late in the day but I'm just getting my day started (God I love working from home!), have a great day everyone!


Lover of Life
morning everyone :) hope everyone is doing great..TGIF!

been up for a little bit now and took a few puffs of some bud topped with a little piece of budder..wow...incredible..gonna be a fun morning..lol