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Vulgar Display of Power - This Love (Cali-OxBlueberry)


In Vino Veritas

20kw dreams said:
Oh, yeah, time for a flush bra, for sure. I think the yellowiing is coming from the schultz. Too high P. Your plants and medium were stockin up on P, not enough N. Pull that light back a foot or so until a few days after you flush. It'll slow them down a bit. Otherwise the burn'll spread faster.

All in all though, they are looking pretty nice. You going to prune the bottoms out?

Yeah, I'm out on Friday, back on Sun. I don't know about R&R though, it's more like family BS and work. The R&R comes when the wife and kids go off to Indiana for 2 weeks on Chrstmas day:woohoo:.

I gotta duct or raise the deheuy tonight, then change the rez's and maybe foliar tomorrow if the humidity gets low enough and switch out the CO2 tomorrow.

More pics tonight or tomorrow over at my place.

Get those cut into nicer pots you A-hole! You kill those ****ers I'm going to be pissed! DIXIE CUPS!?! Cough up the cash for some FFOF or black gold and make the space for at least 2gal pots! You should be working on your next batch of clones already, and those clones are your mothers?! lol...slacker!

And what wattage is that loight on them? It's just a CFL right? Seems a little close, but I feel like you said it's a CFL, excuse my memory..

My arrogant quote for the day: "It is not I who forgot, but you who neglected to make sure I remembered" :D

I love you, my kind vegan, pantera listening, crack smokin brother-in-arms:D

Damn dude you're serious about the flush? I mean its only those two plants with a couple of burnt leaves (like if i had more leaves to take pictures of I would) and they spread seems to have stopped.. Crap I don't want to starve em for a day or two...holler back on this one.

I've never pruned my friend, i'm actually pretty scared to. I think the stress would be detrimental to their health. I mean I pruned some, but a couple of inches at the bottom the day they went into flower.. Heh.. Not sure at all about this.. I flipped em kind of small for my taste as it is, so I may be low on my goal as it is.. I also bend today, and cut in a couple of days any huge fan leaves if they are in the way.. Everyone seems to swear by pruning though, I'm very undecided..

Yea you're right about the cuts, but I have space in there. The lights (two 43W CFL's) can move up about a foot and I can put em all in 1gal bags and they will be ok in there - I need more light I have no space though.. Mold broke out due to neglect in my cloner, so all (most, but I just tossed the whole thing) my cuts died so i *need* to pull clones out of what I have here.. I assume I will be alright for a mix-n-match run :D Most are 8-9 weeks anyway.. Bastard I was going to sit on my ass all day, now you gave me something to do..heh..

I wouldn't even know where to pick up FFOF or BlackGold.. None of the shops around here have it, and the landscaping places have like straight top soil, and amendments like pea gravel, perlite, sand, mulch, etc.. Need to go to my retailers and dig around for something nice for them.. You're right they need to get on the 'get growing' plan..

..vegan.. Last night I made chilli with ground turkey and ground deer meat, I don't think I've had a vegetable since like March.. hah..

/extremist over n out.
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20kw dreams

If you don't think they need it, then they don't need it. It's hard to tell what's really goin on with pics. You ever give them straight water though? Do the fockin pour thru to test the pH and EC at the rootzone proper. You should run a bit of clean water through them, at least every couple weeks or so. Not like a "flush" flush, but just run some clean water through them, you know?

In Vino Veritas

Heh.. I did the pour through last week (when you asked my good Sir), it went in at 5.8 and came out at 6.1.. Didnt check the ec... I had also lowered my PPM's a week or so ago, and I do give em about 32oz of plain 5.8 water weekly.

good deal man..be safe n have fun..
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New member
vino, you know who it is bro. got back in town last night late but still not at the house on my computer. everything is going great in the city and they moved her to her own room when i was leavin yesterday. so life is startin to get good again. even though evry time i look at 20s thread i get sick cuz i aint burnin 12/12. that ****ers got it down. so i'll be makin a move somewhere in the next couple weeks. not where i thought i was goin before though. but its all good cuz i'm gettin a bigger place, doublin my lights and gonna get on 20s turnaround pace. our power costs 6-8cents a kw so i can easily double my watts in a bigger house. i have plenty of clones and seeds that need poppin. anyway i'll be back at the house tonight for a few days and then back to the city for a minute. i got a ticket for a big new years eve show downtown. it could end up bein a trip ya know....

In Vino Veritas

merry christman, day 25 of flower..

merry christman, day 25 of flower..

Still haven't flushed, feeding at lower PPM now at 1200. Growth is pretty regular, the burns haven't spread. I'll probably give em a little trim tomorrow to get rid of some fan leaves...nothing to crazy..I rather keep em stress free. Pictures were taken 20 minutes after the lights cut off, I had the moms baking under the big lights and had to get in there.. Should be fine..

Right Side..

Left Side..

Front Center..

Top Center..

Cola, Center Rear..

Depends on who your touch, but the smells fall between lemon, berries, and rotten fruit.. :D I may be re-veging a couple for some test runs later..we'll see I made these seeds fem.. I don't know much IMHO - but if I reveg I may cause a banana outbreak and I can't afford that.. But then again 4-5 of them look really promising as single cola producers.. I need to see how they finish off... Keep on ignoring me, I'll be scanning through my posts in a month or so to see what I thought of what...

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidaze, keep them bowls loaded..see ya'll in a week!
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Eugene Oregon
Quick dumb question..
So i live right by my parents there old I need to take care of them so they let me rent out there little 3bd 1bath house so.. if I was doing a 2000w grow how much am i pushing monthly on my electricity bill.


vino, 20, merry late christmas. i been over at the folks for a few days and come back to the crib to check on the babies. i should be beat with a fat lighter stump cuz they were lookin pathetic and i have lost a few. its been stayin in the forties in my house and it looked like thrips and the gnats had been munchin down all week. its all good though i'm treatin em today and gonna take better care of them. i still got plenty but i don't need to lose any more. i think i may go ahead and start crackin my seeds too. i already ordered 2 more 600 digis and i need to order a couple more 400s. vino i promise to make up the down time. your show aint lookin too shabby bro. day 25 already, dang you and 20 gonna be choppin in no time. i gotta get off my arse.

In Vino Veritas

g bro, you ain't slacking...consider it vacation. just cut the crap when you get back...get to work mofo! :D merry late xmas.. i'm back myself and the bitches are looking NICE.. I'll post in a day or so when I get a minute.. got a few minutes so I'm playing catch up..

HerbGlaze, what's up dude? I don't know what my kw is charged at..but my central a/c both cools my home and my grow so it's running pretty constant. It's about the same space as you.. I pay 400.00 a month right now, before the lights went up I was at 250-300. Though it has been a gradual increase... I started with flouros to get em going, then the 1000 on 18/6, now 2000 on 12/12.. My fans always run..


New member
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

20, Gdawg, What up? I just got back from Costa Rica..... It was F***in bad ass..... Good waves, Very HOT Ticas. OK nuggets, lots of swag very cheap..... I will post a few pics of the 3 types of herb from Tamarindo. Very easy to get.... It came to me. I was walking down the street and at least 3 bros asked me what do I need. You need to shoot the shit and let them know you know what the F is up so u do not get ripped.... Reggie $20 1/4 every where, Mids $40 1/4 most evry where and the better stuff is $50 1/8 that was steep but not bad smoke. That u need to do a little work. If ya yo is your taste it is every where and they will give you free stuff and its very cheap....... I never do it but I had to get some free stuff and it was off the chain..... I do have to say that Gdawg babies blow any thing I saw this trip away. Gdawg keep up the good work...... Many good waves and many reef cuts.... Roca Bruja was going off too. Very hollow waves and good people and alot of parties every night......... Gdawg whats the word. I have a new glass that needs to be broken in. R u relocating? If not get with me and we can work some thing.......Peace and Happy Smokin New Year.........

In Vino Veritas

What's up folks? Not much I see..heh.. Hope you all enjoyed your holidaze..

A little update..We're 37 days into flower, they look great. Still green, one even looks like its had a spurt of foliar growth this past week. I decided to cut out the FloraNova Bloom and stick strictly with the MaxiCrop bloom the rest of the run - half the N, double the P-K. I assume half will finish at about 65 days, some may go 75. That's a little over on both phenos just because I like to let em go over.. Remember these are fem seeds. Two runts are in 1gal pots.. One is looking really odd, way too leafy/green. Buds and leaves have a weird shape, and I found a huge banana al the very top of the cola. I checked everyone else, and everywhere/all over - I did find one more little tiny banana at the top of one of the bigger plants. Cut it out as well. I'll keep an eye on the little weirdo since the other one with the banana looks normal and is doing just as well as everyone else. I fear that little one may be a rotten apple, I'll know in a day or two.. Btw, pots are 8" tall, and tops are 30"-32" from the ground.. They are about 2' tall..

Alright so i'm going to be posting even less. I have a few real world projects taking up a lot of time. I'm also trying to enjoy life a little more. My job revolves around computer systems, I try to not use em for personal satisfaction but as an educational resource. I've had fun, and was actually looking forward to my first documented thread..............guess I got over it. I'm not going anywhere per se, but I won't be doing much posting..

Holler at me homies..

G, you're the ****ing man. You know where to find me, I got you bro.

20kw, there comes a time in every mans life where decisions have to be made.. whether to toil, to work, or just plain piss your days away. Something like..Drop Kick Murphys.. Lick a tit and respond to my pm.
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vino whats up man. dang my fuckin computer locked up on me and wouldnt crank for like 2 weeks, i hit the power strip this morning to charge my cordless phone and just for shits i tried to crank it up and bam the fucker works. nuski says it may be a "ghost" anyhow i been checkin in a lil bit at the ol mans but i dont know how to sign out as him and then get on as gdawg on another computer?? i been in the big city off and on for a minute now. went to a big show downtown for new years eve, cleansed the soul with some clean paper, it was gooood. i was surrounded by at least 50k hippies. been gettin my babies back into shape and got a good prospect for the new place. lil bon been gettin stronger everyday and gave me the go ahead on crankin the biodome back up so its on folks. nuski lookin forward to seein ya again bro, if you got time lets do lunch @ my spot. they got the best veggies in the *****. so vino ya lookin great man. i will make you this promise bro, by the 20th i will be runnin 12/12 somewhere!! and sorry i ain't been around much, freakin life man.... but i'm makin it better. and 20, don't know what ya got goin on bro, but if you about to devote all your time to "work"....... world better look out cuz theys bout to be a flood of green~! i got mad respect for ya 20 and nothin but love for my peoples folks. my camera is on loan but i'll post some good pics when i get it back. later

In Vino Veritas

day 43 flower..

day 43 flower..

g, damn thats good news..both about bonnie and you getting back to work. you hit the Log Out link on the upper right, and when you try to log back in it's still the other account? Try clicking Log Out, then when the page is loading hold down the Ctrl key and hit F5. It should refresh the page and clear your cache. Switch to Firefox dude, it's more comfortable to browse with once you've gotten used it.

I felt like updating, I took a lot of shots but only uploaded a couple. Sucks since I flushed my gallery and I don't keep shit anywhere. Ohh well, I know em well. They are starting to lose N fast since I doubled the P-K. They are getting heavy and the whole room sways because of the air and weight. I'm not expecting a ridiculously huge harvest. I slacked em on their veg time, and glad I did since I'll be cutting in a few weeks. The middle ones are 30" - thats 24" from cola to top of soil. The ones along the walls/edges are about 36-40", including bags (8"). A couple are tied to support stakes. A few of em are going purple on the top 25% of the colas. These have the best smell by far, almost like welchs grape juice, everyone else in the room has a more citrus aroma.

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wow VINO! those ladies look superb! wish i had a space like yours man whata awesome setup! can't wait for the harvest and smoke report my brotha! im stickin around for this one! Killer stuff VINO!



holy shit vino that looks good man. never even seen the log out thanx. ya everythings startin to get back good again and there will be a good show coming up. the babies are all back on deck. lookin good bro.


wattup vino hows come the pics aint showin? shoot some updates brotha

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