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Vulgar Display of Power - This Love (Cali-OxBlueberry)


New member
No worries. I am use to him by now.... Its been the same for years.... I found that house you are looking at on my data services. Its been up since 09/01/2007. They should come down for sure. No big deal on plans changing. I know how it goes. I am ready for a new sample if you can get some here by Tuesday cuz my ass will be on the beach in Costa next week...... Puffin and surfin.... Lovin Life...... Hell yeah....Sorry to vent about your cuz but u know how he can be some times.....HEHEHEHEHE...... Any way peace and I will get with you soon...... Send da pepper...... I leave this week..... I do like what I have now. It is so sticky and it has a great smell.... However if your friends are saying the other is better and stronger then fly with that.... I am greatful just to know you bro......See you soon....

In Vino Veritas

day 14

day 14

Damn, it's been a whole week already! Feels like an eternity, I'm sure those of you with a room full of bitches at 15-20 days feel the same.

Gdawg, I miss you bro..where you at? Yea they've been showing since about 3 weeks ago where ya been? :p Everyone is female, and I have about 100 more of these seeds all female too. Sweet safety net eh?

Ray of Light, you crazy bastard you're damn right. I'm jonesing for a rig like yours, you got that room on lock..glad you swung on through..

TC84, Down yes, never listened to Super Joint...with the death of Demonoid i'm sort of out of the water on obtaining music. I listen to a lot of shit though.. From Cannibal Corpse to Beatnuts to The Streets to Cannibal Ox and back to a little old school Metallica.. I'm a bit of a 90's music junkie.. If it was recorded before 89 i can care less about it.. hah.. Holler bro, glad to have you here.

zoolander, word up. I thought so too.

Alright a little update on what's been going on.. I'm still without a veg space so its a daily routine to pop all my clones in the flower room at 6am, and pull em out at 6pm.. 20kw Dreams says I have no life - I say IM DEDICATED. I ain't trying to be this dedicated though, so I'm working on that. I also watered mid week this week with molasses for the second time. I made too much and let it sit over night for the next days watering.. My ****ing pH spiked to the high 7's. I didn't bother pH downing it since my mix is heavy on the lime......ooooops. I got a lot of leaf curl, two of em showed some rust stains, and they seem to be going through N really fast (almost everyone is lighter on the bottom halves). I didn't want em to go yellow so fast. No biggie right? :\ Honestly I feel like my lazyness caused this, and yes it bothers me. I sort of flushed n fed em today..

Ohh.. remember they are all from seeds, I femenized myself, and I found my keeper #22.. She is the best smelling, and best producing.. I recognize her from my previous runs with these genetics and she is a dead giveaway with an almost 3/4" thick stalk and buds from the top to the bottom of her.. Very single cola but still wide.. I'll probably be running her a few more times - if they don't get seedy in a few weeks - depressing but possible.

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Rust stains

Doing alright
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New member
vino this is gdawg, i been in the city all week but will be at the casa tonight. i couldn't post cuz i ain't have my password to log in. stayin here for a couple days to handle biz then back up there for a week or so. i almost ****ed up and let some of the last run dry improperly. it didn't get turned for 4 days and was almost damp in the bottom of one of the bags. couple more days and a p would of been ruined. tis all good now though. be back on when i get to the crib in a lil while. nuski, i still comin bro, but now i'm lookim @ the first weekend in jan. i'll call ya in the mornin about the other thing, i think i can help ya out, you leavin the 20th?

20kw dreams

WTF? alagrow? schitzoud bastard:biglaugh:

Your gals are lookin mighty healthy there IVV. Looks like you may be burnin them a bit? or was that the ph? You do know the lime makes your ph rise, right? Your using tap + lime? I thought you were going to ditch the lime since you are using tap? What's the ph of your runoff? That's what matters really. Water(or feed if you feed every watering), let drain, then in 1/2 hour throw in another 1/4 cup of water/feed in and then check that runoff.

How tall are they? I can't tell from the pics, but they don't look like they stretched too bad at all. The buds look like they are gong to fill in nice at that rate.

You prb won't get hermi's. Just try not to stress them out with that 8.7 ph:D. Keeping the lights back and temps down will help avoid hermi's. I've popped a few hermi flowers here and there from having my lights too close to the tops on some easy-to-hermi strains.


vino wassup. ya stressin bitches down there or somethin? nuski, just talked to cuz and man that lil moody bitch :cuss: you offer to do somebody what i would think be a huge favor, and its like not enough or somethin. he dont start showin me some love my ass be sellin my car and all my heavy shit and takin me, the dawg, and the lights farther away from the ****er. :rant: next week i will get some good news i'm sure and i'll know more where i'm goin. i gotta crank 12/12 somewhere soon though, or 20 will start ****in with me bout turnaround. and my babies are getttin freakin huge. vino hit me up at the spot i gave ya, i wanna hit ya with what we talked about last week, cuz ya damn sure helped me out bro. but maybe you likey mexi like 20 :nono:

In Vino Veritas

20, thanks. :\ bro I don't know if it's the pH or nute burn..but now thinking about it they might look worse in the morning if its nute burn..ill take a picture and we'll see. Daytime its 78-81, nights its 70-74. Fresh air 24/7. They didn't stretch much at all. I haven't even adjusted the lights, that's as low as I can keep em and they are still about a foot above the plants...cool as **** too. I did keep em in the 60's at night the last few days of veg and until the 12th. ****ing deadly to sleep in so I cut that out mid week last week, maybe that helped. I'm also using an mh and an hps? both lights reflect at opposite ends, meaning on the hps side I see blue on the wall and on the mh side i see yellow reflecting off the wall.. Im surprised they all stayed this uniform (seeds, and different spectrums'), there is two little runts that are identical in there somewhere too..I'll check my run off and height when the lights cut back on.

$2.80 for 10' long 4" pvc, $4.89 for the rubber end caps. That means the left over from each can go for the other mini-setup to the left.. :D Do they have a hydro-shop solution for the drainage caps? Would make things ezpz.. Check this out, its sorta swc though, but it helps with ideas..http://www.growhydroponically.com/pvcgarden.html

gdawg, that work got saved or what?? heh.. wondering if alagrow remembered to finish drying it.. I may be stressing em a little..we'll see in the morning, hope not.. :\

what about running perpetual for a little while? or are you vegging the whole room? flip what you have under one lamp, and start adding every 2-3 weeks.. dunno if that works for you though.. just a though of you want to get going without being overly invested..

later homies..
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vino got the babies in they own lil chamber under floros for easy maintenance. and i gotta move somewhere regardless, just gonna be a minute before i decide where. ya the bag was saved and alagrows' ol lady got on his ass bout that shit too. i put it in the rafters of the garage(old school hidin spot back in the day) and they been leavin the door unlocked for ups and shit. well he said she went in there right after i left and raised hell with alagrow bout the rankness and the ups guy comin by. sure enough he said the dude come delivered later that day hehehe. if she asks me i know nothin. you hear that alagrow, i lettin you take the fall bitch haha. and if i dont get the dj short blueberry seeds in my stockin for christmas i'll be framin your ass big time with her. aint no goin together on gdawgs present this year cuz i want my own gift dammit, jsut like i gotta do ya'll every year and last year you f-ed me cuz i had to give ya that o on the low key, and then get ya another "public" gift so the rest of your crew wouldn't think i was a cheapass. ****in old people are cheap man. later vino, and 20 ala is some old **** hippie that claims he grows bud and used to bang my mama back in the day. i know, it pisses me off.....

In Vino Veritas

lol...that was a ****ing show, im here all crusty eyed thinking wtf is going on in here.. its like the maury povich show or some shit.. hah..

yo I just popped my head in there to check em out, sure enough it's a little nute burn (you ****er). The same one that had the stained leaves looks little worse on that same leaf. Everything/everyone else looks fine so depending on what you all say I'll flush or not.. I probably wouldn't.. Just give em another 5.8 water bath in a day or so.. The soiless mix has no nutes, so I don't want to starve em for a week.. Doesn't seem like lock out now..on the fense...help!

The shortest are 19", the tallest are 24" - that's just plant height.. with bags they are like 28"-33".. Light is 16" from the tops. I know light height is good because the ones on the outside edges (all of em) have even growth, and my canopy is pretty damn even.. one more light would be cute in there though :D They tend to double in rock wool, so I assume another couple of inches and maybe some buds trying to get a nice view or something...

In a rush, catch yall later..


i don't know vino, wheres 20 when we need him? tonight light up the 20/bat signal. he prolly out tryin to score an o of mexi for 20 bucks. i ain't even seen no mexi in a year or two. i had to tell my buddy don't even bring that shit in the house, stankin up my flow. he would come over reakin of the shit, very unpleasant even my dawg bitched. well i might be changin my scene 180 degrees and movin up the anthill, i'll figure it out next week. 20s dang "turnaround is where its all at" shit keeps ringin in my head so i gotta make a move quick. good thing is if i move that way i can keep the babies and they ready for 12/12 now. and i got enough to bang it out right off the get go. lucky too, cuz i offered to gift em to a fellow member about a month ago just cuz i couldn't take them with me and he was havin big time problems with babies and empty tables. but he never got back with me i guees he thought i was'nt cool or somethin. dangit, me and yummy the coolest mofos' on here. but it worked out best for me cuz i would be cryin like a bitch now. the incans gave me 2 and 1/2 bows under 2 600s and the half side of a 400. vino i'm orderin 2 more digi 600s, 2 more 400s, and that dual 250 for my veg/clone chamber. gonna get shit together for a nft run on one side too. the side i don't scrog. i holla back at ya, gotta tear down the control board today and water all my babies good, i ****ed up when i left in a hurry the other day and gave em straight tap, prolly 8.0. coco though so its all good.....

In Vino Veritas

You can see they are starting to lose color, the bottoms are going yellow, and what was a mild rust stain on the edges of that one plant has turned to a burn. Not sure what I'm going to do as some of em are ready to drink, others are still wet from the last watering a day ago. We'll see, I may flush..I might not. I need to check my run off.. For the most part they look fine, they just have little this n that's due to my little pH **** up last week.

I pimped out my veg box, its an old drawer chest that I was throwing out. Not very big but it will do for now. I put two 43W CFL's (150W output, warm) I couldn't find cool/blue/white. I wanted to put two 24" flourecent tube fixtures but those things are 20W! That would have been $30.00 on ballasts and 6.00 on bulbs (4) only to have 80W of light in there. Spent 20 on my CFL rig and I assume they will be doing better. I plan to build a narrow veg box, 18"x32"x6'. This would take up the unused space in front of the plants in the flowering room, from the side wall to a little past the frame of the door. It would be where I house mothers for cuttings. I'm going to build a 70+ site ezcloner for rooting babies in - ill keep this one anywhere I need to since it will be broken out every couple of months for a couple weeks max... This should let me propagate all the cuts I need to keep running..

I guess that's all I have to say for now.


Great looking pics man! Love the space you got goin. Can you put up some pics of your new veg cab? Thanks man and keep it green like always!!!


New member


I hope to see you when I get back from Central America.....I will be puffin the Columbian brown...Very cheap and its every where down there. I will upload pics when I get back. Have a Great move and Happy Holidays and keep it sticky and smelly.......Peace Bro....

20kw dreams

Hey bud, You know, sometimes the lower leaves will go yellow if their not getting enough light. Did you switch to bloom nutrient when you hit 12/12? If so, that may also be your problem. I find when I switch straight to bloom nute, I'll get yellowing too soon. They need quite a bit of N for the stretch. A mix of veg/bloom works well too. At the opposing end, if they seem a but green going into the last couple weeks, pull out all the N. For example, I just picked up a bottle of Metanaturals 1-5-5 for a nice, organic, low N flush for the last couple weeks.

Have you done the pour-thru test I described to you yet? That's the key right there, to tell you what your real pH is, in the medium.

lol...I'm awfully critical, eh:D Just trying to keep you on-point! My friends hate me for that. Don't worry, I do it to myself too.

How's work goin?

Let's see some pics of that veg box.

In Vino Veritas

Random update, day 19 flower.

Random update, day 19 flower.

Eh..sadly you are are correct, probably on all counts. You can critique all you want, the dude who produces dead birds from a hay field and calls it fire may not. Hah.. Plus I talk when I feel I need to too, all good bro..you know I appreciate the advice/crosscheck. :D

I was using Shultz 10-10-10 until the second or third watering during 12/12 (remember I'm watering every other day). So by the end of the first week of Flower they were started on FloraNova Bloom, Floralicious, Molasses.. One day last week I fed them with MaxiCrop bloom - that was my cheap attempt at phosphoload :p They are like 28"-32" +/- tall, lamps are like 16" above the tops. All the bud sites are pretty even in development - even the taller ones. Not everyone looks the same, a few look perfect. People say they burn their plants with the Lucas formula full strength. In rock wool I would run these at full strength, and stay in the veg formula 14 days into 12/12. I still got yellow like the bottom quarter of them but like you said might have been the lack of light. I dunno if I should do anything about these though. Man hand watering sucks, mixing this shit every other day sucks also. Not having a place to veg proper, sucks. All in all things are great! :D

I'm done with work, vacation till the 2nd. I have a few real life things going on, and since this is all hush hush I'll need to be creative about managing them. Nothing too crazy, but with the holidays, fam/friends coming down, a close buddy is moving short notice and has nobody to help, etc..somethings got to give. Sucks I ain't going nowhere.. But come crop time should be about right to go camping :D

What's up, aren't you going away for some R&R too?

Veg box is an embarrassment, lame ****ing french dresser I tore up and wrapped black plastic around. Hiding in the lower half of a towel closet across the flower room. Holds em fine, but the bulbs aren't that efficient for veg so they are stretching a little.. They aren't growing as fast as they could be.. I need to jump on that if I plan to start right back as soon as I cut these. I'd love a space to put 3x shop lights in, I should have them bushing pretty quick, but that width if space I don't have anywhere..maybe envirolights?

I took pictures but uploads are slow.. So I'll post again when they are done getting on the server...

edit, ok they are done..

One of the tallest..

The shortest one..

Little cola action..

Same one as above, little further - also the other one with the leaf discoloration..

Middle-Right of room..

Random cola..

Middle-Left of room..

Door way shot..

The other one with the leaf burn, looks better since a few days ago..

Back-left cola..

Cola from the front row..

Infamous veg box..

That's all folks!
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20kw dreams

Oh, yeah, time for a flush bra, for sure. I think the yellowiing is coming from the schultz. Too high P. Your plants and medium were stockin up on P, not enough N. Pull that light back a foot or so until a few days after you flush. It'll slow them down a bit. Otherwise the burn'll spread faster.

All in all though, they are looking pretty nice. You going to prune the bottoms out?

Yeah, I'm out on Friday, back on Sun. I don't know about R&R though, it's more like family BS and work. The R&R comes when the wife and kids go off to Indiana for 2 weeks on Chrstmas day:woohoo:.

I gotta duct or raise the deheuy tonight, then change the rez's and maybe foliar tomorrow if the humidity gets low enough and switch out the CO2 tomorrow.

More pics tonight or tomorrow over at my place.

Get those cut into nicer pots you A-hole! You kill those ****ers I'm going to be pissed! DIXIE CUPS!?! Cough up the cash for some FFOF or black gold and make the space for at least 2gal pots! You should be working on your next batch of clones already, and those clones are your mothers?! lol...slacker!

And what wattage is that loight on them? It's just a CFL right? Seems a little close, but I feel like you said it's a CFL, excuse my memory..

My arrogant quote for the day: "It is not I who forgot, but you who neglected to make sure I remembered" :D

I love you, my kind vegan, pantera listening, crack smokin brother-in-arms:D
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I hate it when I lose a post after I just finished writing it!! Anyways, I agree with 20 and that if you just give them a nice flush u should be back to 100%.......Ive never heard of Demonoid and thought they were a band (which I found out there is a pretty sweet black metal band by the name) and found it was a program, I see where you get your cool avatar from....Yea, if you like Far Beyond Pantera and thrashin SLayer then you should dig Superjoint.......Straight in your face NOLA metal with Hank III on bass...........

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1MM0x5CXIo&feature=related - video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_WnSBG6JhM&feature=related - Live

TC :joint: :wave: :joint:

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