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Vulgar Display of Power - This Love (Cali-OxBlueberry)


In Vino Veritas

Damn you brought this shit back from the dead! This place is all dead, that's why I was going to let the thread die.. Hah.. I was just going to post updates in 20's spot.. You guys got me all into the posting shit, and then I got crazy and opened my own thread.. the lack of participation just sort of makes me want to continue lurkin'...at least until i'm in coco or hydro..

Figured I'd just update my Bridge scores on here, keep tab of my debts n such.. :p Got a game a Jin lined up with Jesus and BurnOne :p Hah...

Camera is out of batteries, need to grab some pictures but it's a hectic week-weekend for me. They will be on 12/12 by Monday for sure. They are growing like weed(s). All of em are 12-16ish inches in height.. The short ones had a growth spurt, the tall ones widened up some.

They all look female, need to do a deeper inspection but so far its all girls. Now it's look out for hermies! No nanners!!! Undecided on taking cuts or just re-veg what I like. All of them finish about the same in regards to bud quality, a few just produce really good.. One gets an xmas shape, the other is a bush.. All of these are seeds from my 4 phenos, they stressed and reproduces amonst themselves the phenos seem limited.. Cut for clones (takes up too much space right now) or just reveg what I want to keep? I got something else lined up so I'm not worried about next run with these.

In Vino Veritas

11-30-2007, the first day of the rest of their lives - or the last day of 18/6.

11-30-2007, the first day of the rest of their lives - or the last day of 18/6.

16" in height from the top of the bag..the shortest one is 10, everyone else is a little bigger..

A group shot, everything has been spread some in every direction the last week or so..I think they look good..one is weirdo and is in my gallery..'odd'

Flowering schedule begins tomorrow..

In Vino Veritas

Day One of Flower - 12/01/2007

Day One of Flower - 12/01/2007

as promised, today is day one of 12/12. had a little hps mishap so the right lamp will remain an MH until I have to go back to the shop.. feeding at about 1100PPM, don't think any of you soil guys give a shit though. :p just fed an hour before this picture, so the leaves look heavy. I'll probably hit a few up for clones in the next week..

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Nubie Biatch

Active member
I like the way you rearranged the room. Don't stop posting on this one. I wanna see how it finishes out. If you get bored take some close-ups of those gals. You got another audience member here.:lurk:

Let me know if you have any ??'s about the O3 generator for you room. I'm curious what you decided on.


dang vino that room is gonna go off bro. i hear ya on the ebb and flo buckets, i just wish i had more experience with it. i'm still a newb pretty much. coco just makes me look good. do you order bulbs. i seen some cheap ones online and from what i read they aren't too bad. 36 bucks for the 600. the buds surroundin my 400mh are fat. i got lucky the cord didn't let my bulb drop too far or it would of broke. i'll take a pic tonight. its not that sketchy, i just didn't think my house would ever get rocked like that. last night was my final flush and i'll begin the chop tomorrow night or the day after. they could of came down last night but i wanna really impress some of my buddies. man that molasses really stays in the roots for awhile, last night was the 12th straight water flush for the nlxhaze and the runoff was still murky and molasses smellin. ya i been feeelin a lil better, this is my best run yet so its hard to stay down too long. and about to have some free time on my hands, if only just a week or so. glad ya got em flipped vino!


20kw dreams said:
Here I am:woohoo:

Sorry it took me so long. I just finished catching up in my chemistry...just in time to study for a minute before the test:D

Dude, tables are a bitch. What are your measurements EXACTLY? You are probably better off gong with the do-it-yourself tables bro, seeing as you got a wierd space and you are trying to really maximize it. Tbales are 3x6 or 4x8, not 3.46x7.83:D

What about making 2 rows on each side? Can you draw us a map? with dimensions and everything.

Cause I'm thinking it's going to be a PITA to get to the back of a 5' table. But, if you got 7' across, could you get more square footage of plant space if you run a 18" aisle maybe on 1 side? So your grow is off to the side, and against the back wall when you walk in...you see what I'm saying?

Here, I drew a pic...if it'll upload

And it did! and so did those other 3 bud pics!
maybe 20 will use his drawin skills and do some nugg sketches over in his thread :laughing:
I had some luck with my BBxCali-O seeds (we called them "orange crush"). Found two nice keepers. One was a very fruity sativa-leaning, lanky lady. The other was a 60-day hybrid that smelled like onions and garlic (and foxtailed in a beautiful way).

Check out my grow link if you're interested in seeing what those ladies are capable of. :headbange
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In Vino Veritas

Day Two..nuffin much to say..

Day Two..nuffin much to say..

Nubie Biatch said:
I like the way you rearranged the room. Don't stop posting on this one. I wanna see how it finishes out. If you get bored take some close-ups of those gals. You got another audience member here.:lurk:

Let me know if you have any ??'s about the O3 generator for you room. I'm curious what you decided on.

Hi Nubie, thanks for stopping in! I have 27 total, 2 of which are runts in 1gal bags. I made 6 rows of 4, and added an extra lady to the back row. It's 25 of em in 3gal.. I'll have questions soon, just placed my order last night..

gdawg said:
dang vino that room is gonna go off bro. i hear ya on the ebb and flo buckets, i just wish i had more experience with it. i'm still a newb pretty much. coco just makes me look good. do you order bulbs. i seen some cheap ones online and from what i read they aren't too bad. 36 bucks for the 600. the buds surroundin my 400mh are fat. i got lucky the cord didn't let my bulb drop too far or it would of broke. i'll take a pic tonight. its not that sketchy, i just didn't think my house would ever get rocked like that. last night was my final flush and i'll begin the chop tomorrow night or the day after. they could of came down last night but i wanna really impress some of my buddies. man that molasses really stays in the roots for awhile, last night was the 12th straight water flush for the nlxhaze and the runoff was still murky and molasses smellin. ya i been feeelin a lil better, this is my best run yet so its hard to stay down too long. and about to have some free time on my hands, if only just a week or so. glad ya got em flipped vino!

i still got my head spinning over a few systems.. trying to see about a top fed dripper system like SoQuick used to run.. tables would make it impossible to get to the plants, so I'm weary of that option, SoQuicks buckets would let me step around till mid flower. I like the sound of coco, but the trouble of cleaning and prepping the coco again sounds just like the mission im on now with the soil.. So I may just run coco, then re-run it..then either decide, or change up systems..I really do want to try it. G man, you're doing good, you're learning, growing great buds, **** it stay with what is comfortable for now.. I'd stay in this mix if it wasn't for the mess.. Most prepped mediums are a mess, more important its a hassle to order. so I'm sort of deciding based on shit like - how safe/easy is it to get my system (hydro shop?) and how will I manage wasted medium in my space with limited time..I only have a few hours to work and the messier the shit is the more I spend cleaning up after myself so nobody is the wiser.. another obstacle, space! I can't have a 100gal res for a 24 site ebb-gro bucket set up in that closet - so that option is no longer viable..blah blah blah... nobody was hurt during that thing? looked like the place went caving during business hours.. man I don't order anything specific, maybe parts for shit, or things im rigging, but never anything grow specific.. I get 1000W EYE Horti's for 60 bucks..I get Phillips 1000W MH for 30 bucks..set price these people don't charge me tax. I can also get the SOLARMAX ONE for like 55 bucks - dude says he hates hearing people complain about them going out so fast.. kick ass bulb though.

dude you start molasses in flower, or all the way through? I'm going to try and pick some up today..

EasyBakeIndica said:
I had some luck with my BBxCali-O seeds (we called them "orange crush"). Found two nice keepers. One was a very fruity sativa-leaning, lanky lady. The other was a 60-day hybrid that smelled like onions and garlic (and foxtailed in a beautiful way).

Check out my grow link if you're interested in seeing what those ladies are capable of. :headbange

Orange Crush. That's it! I've been working with these genetics for about 4 years I'd say. I basically had 5 moms, all sort of similar who would supply me with cuts. Then it came time to close up shop so I set up my usual clones and then tossed the moms to the side just to finish em too. They must've stressed or something because I found seeds late in flower just starting for form. The buds went over like 2 weeks while the seeds grew.. I figured I got fem seeds, or banana trees..all of these are female.. so ladies it is! Since its all from 5 phenos, all similar, they are pretty consistent in growth with each other.. These guys are monster producers...I have no shame claiming 5lbs from 25 of these under 2k in a 5x10 table, 4 week veg. The room was big, there was co2, and i was a recirculating gh lucas in rockwool slabs..I miss that room. :\

I'll be taking some pictures of them individually in the next weeks..not sure if I should take clones, or re-veg.. I'm worried a re-veg will make em hermie..i'd rather take clones within the first two weeks of 12/12.. I still have a bunch of seeds too..and if they turn out to be hermies (possible genetic, hope not) they wont be used again and the seeds will moved into the wild next season..

Thanks to all of you participating, I like to post and get feed back and have a place to unravel my thoughts.. Hard when you don't have anyone to talk to about this shit and your plans and what not..

/stay safe!


naw i started the molasses about week 4 of 12/12, but this time may start around 2 or 3. also i just use a seperate rubbermaid rez and flush once a week to start with, then build up the frequency. warnin bro that shit starts reakin after a couple days so i just i make the amount i need. i would say take clones and bust some seeds. do ya have a clonin spot? i have a decent clone chamber but gotta build another one and want to make it a 2 section, with one side burnin a 250 mh for the veg. thats whats killin me, the down time between 12/12. i could do way better. man i do like the bucket systems on the floor and they would give me much needed ceilin hieght, but the pathetic ****ed up runs of my past are still pretty fresh in my memory ya know. definately will experiment with a bucket or two next run. well my lights been off for almost 5 hours, bout to go in there switch on the 400 and begin the massacre. they're ready and i'll take a couple of pics buts its gonna take awhile. be glad to get this over with so i can get out for a minute, it will be the first time in a year they've been unplugged. man i got some work to do in the next two weeks jeez. tear down, paint, trimjob for days, it never ends. later bro. oh and do ya mind if i throw a pic or two up in a couple hours?

In Vino Veritas

I'm going to take a cut of each current plant. I'll see which are the keepers, there are a few phenos here and a couple of new looking ones.. One smells like rot. I like it. Everything else has a very warm fruity citrus smell.. I still have a bunch of seeds knowing that they are fem I'd rather save em for a rainy day.. I actually have a few other genetics lined up, already rooted n such.. You know how we do. I gotta make a mom chamber for now its just floating around to whatever room I can lock and throw a shop light in. Today I need to transplant my rooted clones out of the cloner into the dirt, I also want to number the pots, take cuts, label them.. I'm going to use BlazeOneUp's soil mix for mommies.. I may even sub the bone/blood for something time release..all i'm going to do is cut em up..

by all means dude, flood it with pr0n! heh.. trim day, I cant way mine is just around the corner.. 8 weeks goes by fast this time of year..

holler homie, ill be around.

edit: also temps are ****ing really nice with the 2k's. An MH is a cooler bulb but hotter ballast than an HPS.. But I think I can get away with 2K HPS and a 1K MH if the ballasts are in the attic.. Right now both bulb and ballasts are in the room and its 5 degrees hotter than the incoming air - 75F. Wouldn't go over 85 for sure - I doubt one more lamp, and no ballasts would raise me 10 points. My central ac blows at 70, room is at 75.. Just more babble..

I bought this stuff for 16oz @ $4.00..picked it over the dollar cheaper Grandmas because of the higher count of all the nutrients..I think it's the same as Blackstrap because on the website they no longer list it, but they have this stuff. Amazon has the 6 pack of 32oz bottles for 24.99 - I think that means free shipping!
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still trimmin and drinkin a beer, my first in months :friends: dang pics wont upload :bashhead: but i'm takin a few and will keep tryin. back to work :wave:


yo vino finally got some to upload, then went right back to do some more and they wouldn't upload :bashhead: anyway heres a couple, still got a lot to do, i'm lettin the bottom stuff go another 5 days or so. ain't gonna be long for you, the countdown has begun! :laughing: nl5xhaze top. looks like they got a good flushin

incan spirit

incan spirit

same plant, left the bottom stuff

another incan

incan top

same top


thanx nubie! nuski will be doing that shortly. the incan is an easy grower.


:wave: couple more pics vino. what ya got goin on today? nl5xhaze table after the main chop

whats left of the incan spirits



In Vino Veritas

G, the work looks good bro! How many hours were you trimming? Bet you're happy as shit! You should learn to brew your own beer bro..well talk more about that later :p I did a little cutting myself today..heh..

Numbered the bags, and took cuts, figured 3 days into flower is better than later. I also removed what I knew would be pop corn, I've never trimmed lower growth and some of my biggest colas come from the sides & bottoms - I didn't get crazy. I did do a couple experimental ones, we'll see how it produces. Still got work to do in there, just time isn't readily available this time of year. Full steam ahead, gotta get them ducks in a row right? :p

I'm glad you made it to another harvest bro, time to take it easy.. :)

20kw dreams

lol...looks nice G. Sounds like things are coming together IVV.

I guess I got caught trollin:D.

I'm going to be up tomorrow night. I bumped into a little snag, which may mean no shop any time soon for me. I may end up getting that camera sooner then expected though.

I'll be on late tomorrow night, prob midnight over there or so.


nuski just a few more days bro. vino it took me dang near 12 hours but i'm a lazy worker and tend to get high at work :spank: vino i've been wantin to get into the brewin, i hardly ever drink but my favorite uncle drinks beer like a fish and i was wantin to build him a system to put in his garage to save em some money and give his ol ass somethin to do. i mean this joker drinks like a case a day of coors, thats some money. dang vino, 20 over there just lurkin the shit outa ya page aint he! :laughing: 20 whats up with the shop now? things all right? this camera thing man come on now..... i bought one for my lil 5 year old niece at walmart last month for 30 buck and she takin bomb ass pics. its pink and says somethin bout dora though. i just gettin back at ya for the orange pic crack @ me :laughing: i put 2 of em in the last batch and i know thats what you were thinkin. my buddy nuski will be doin a report on the gear i cut a couple weeks ago and takin some good nug shots. vino any pics of the brew setup? you ain't post at the usual crack o dawn today whats up? :joint: