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Vulgar Display of Power - This Love (Cali-OxBlueberry)


In Vino Veritas

Stay countin' like the clock on the wall..

Stay countin' like the clock on the wall..

gdawg, man last night taking cuts I had to turn off the hid's and crank up the shop light. So they ran past their sleep curfew by 2.5 hrs, glad it was on the 3rd day. When I finished with my cuts and labeling I ran out of the room and decided I'd finish today in the morning. Lights came on at 6, alarm went off at 6:05, they had to get re-arranged under the lamps, watered, and I had to clean up the mess I made, plus re-organize the crap.. Small spaces with a lot of shit SUCK to work in. Not as much as soil, but still sucky. I'm finishing off the last couple of room tweaks, plus prepping some moms, plus planning for the future.. I promise picture update on the 8th! I will keep that my minimum, one picture every 7 days - maybe more!

nuski, welcome aboard! let us know how hard on your ass you knocked with that stuff you're sampling.. :D

pimpjuice said:
sadatay, sine ma pite ahn da runney kine

Didn't understand shit. :p Glad to have you here man, how's your next run coming along..you haven't updated.

20kw dreams said:
I'll be on late tomorrow night, prob midnight over there or so.

Snag? Hope nothing too serious, or at least something that can be turned for the better.. Things are going well so far.. Setup is still a little messy but its functional. I labeled and took a cut of each of my current females (all 25 of em) in case I decide on one or two. Also did some minor trimming to the very bottom of the plant. I took two and hacked em up pretty much a whole 8" off the bottom..sacrificial testers.

I made a decision. No ebb/flo - I can't accommodate the res, nor the humidity. I like the dutch pots like PJ uses - but no space for veg. My space is small, I'm only burning 2k...so why not run tables like you do, minimal veg. My plant count should stay pretty low except near harvest time when I need to prep the next run. The main plus is I can set up a veg space under the table, with plenty of room for my res too. Leaves me 2' of walk way in the front which is very nice for trimming and working. I keep the door closed all the time, it's either in or out...ya know?

The room is 8' tall. The table would have to be 6.75' wide (82" since the wall is a total of 85"), and 4' deep, 8" walls. How high would you suggest I make it? I was thinking 2', because the hood at its highest would take a foot or a little more. Then I need to take medium into consideration - coco slabs seems best for this. So I have about 5' for the plants to dominate.. I think 24" is plenty to hold some moms in coco, and cuts in various stages.. I can always cycle my moms.. They get too big, take a bunch of cuts, throw them on the tables, and use a couple for the next moms.. Maybe ebb/flo the table?

Dunno throw me some ideas, it's your realm.. :D Glad to see you around again..
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vino i don't really know too much on hydro principles i'm still tryin to get it down. thats why i ain't crazy bout switchin setups when i just got this drip recirc down. but i know i will experiment eventually. as far as table height i would think just high enough to drain into a rez. look at walmart for rubbermaids the low type. i was thinkin of one time usin a lil baby pool like they sell at walmart for 12 bucks and just staplin some black plastic on the top. i been thinkin real hard on the ebb/buckets or dwc buckets but i wonder if i would need a chiller at the new show? i'm sure i would in the summer time. i think 20s a lil more knowledgable in the hydro department. frankie ya its the sensi i got it in 03 or 04 i think. its killer smoke i think. this is the first run that i had more than 2 or 3 of them cuz i thought they were super low yeilders. the lil whores just needed a good scrogin. i run em 76 12/12 this time and they took on the pepper smell. have they done that for you? the run before that sucked, run outa nutes, bulb over them burned out and was weak for a minute before i noticed, plus high temps. then it was just a real sweet taste. i grew a couple of them last winter and it left a sweet pepper incense smell in the empty jar for months. out of a ten pack i think i remember only 6 or 7 germed and only 2 females. i ditched the other female like a dumbass. later guys


Hey gdawg!
Really funny you germination story, has i had the same real problem.
I even studdy a lot more about germination after i screwd(?) with that NLHaze. Had ~100% rate germinarion before... so what was wrong for the same 20% as you did? 1 made it in 5... :bashhead:
So after contacting store and thinking about it, it must be simply due to expensive seeds beeing more time in shells... what do u say?

Anyway, i flowred my pheno, toghether with 4 clones of it.
It was very smelly (good) and produced aparentelly very well!
Unfortunetelly that sativa buds lack the density... and my stock is over sooner than i thouth LOL
The smell i goota say, it impressed some growers i showed it. Mine was more lemonly, but sweet lemon... fresh!
Taste was awsome in the buds with a lower leaf ratio..

The high made me rethink sativa for me... now im more interested in the more indica world LOL It gets me too anxious, energetic, and thats not good for beeing on the computer at night LOL
Anyway, im trying next a more indica sativa, wich is the well known SSH, witch mixes same traces as that with skunk (NL*Haze*Skunk).
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frank ya i was wantin to do the ssh but it was out of stock when i ordered and now all i deal with is seedbay and they haven't had any in a while. man that lemon pheno sounds nice. i don't get the huge indica buds, but my buds are real nuggy and hard. and get real orange hairs. they just didn't yeild good until i started scroggin, and still not heavy yeilders but i can still do better. nuski bad news the ol man didn't bring the sealer over till a lil while ago so it will be the morning bro sorry bout that. vino whats goin on? i forgot to ask ya earlier you gonna run co2? is that an ozone gen ya gettin? how much and where from? later bro


New member


Gdawg get off your ass.....No worries. Paitance is verture right? Good things come to those who wait...... It always happens when it does.... We have been craving the photos. I almost printed it and packed it....... I agree with Frank pure Indica is the ultament......


nuski said:
I almost printed it and packed it.....
:laughing: thats funny yo. not my fault bro. the ol man forgot to bring the sealer over today even though i called right before he came, didn't I? hes shot out and hes gonna sure nuff be shot out when he retires and starts blazin again. what i say the other mornin, old people and dank?? he brought it over a lil while ago and i'll do the thang in the mornin. dude hasn't emailed me back on that other house yet, i'll shoot him another one in the next day or so cuz me likey that place jeeeeeez..nuski what indica you wantin....all you gotta do is choose bro :friends: peace everybody

In Vino Veritas

mother ****ing, good for nothing, dirty son of a bitch.

mother ****ing, good for nothing, dirty son of a bitch.

Why do HPS's bulbs flash (EYE Hortilux 1000W HPS)? Feels like someone is taking pictures in there. It's the HPS not the MH. I even swapped out the HPS ballast for a spare I have - same shit. I was in there yesterday at 7am and 2pm, it was fine - before that also. This morning I went in a little later than usual (7:30, as opposed to 6), noticed it was a little hot. My central a/c probably didn't kick on last night because of the colder outdoor temps. Then I'm like is it my sleepy eyes or is the light flashing, sure enough the hps was flashing.. Now I'm not so sure it was the heat, because a ballast swap to a fresh cold, identical ballast still has me seeing the flickering. Plus the lamps had only been on a ****ing hour and half..and by hotter than usual it was probably in the 80's...

I hate the shop I went to, I was sort of pressed for time and had to stop there. Most of their shit is old, the one person at the counter hates their job, and the people walking in there look suspect as ****. They sold me old calibration fluids, now I'm thinking this bulb is ****ed up to. They didn't give me a receipt - I checked it before I took it and everything was perfect. The owner knows me from when I used to frequent them years ago, he just never seems to be around lately - this is the first time I actually bought without him there.

I'm ****ing pissed, now I need to leave for the ****ing day not knowing whats up with my lamp and won't know until I get back in there during lights on tomorrow morning.... I'll try and make a stop mid day, doubtful..

Plants look great, they have been drinking 32oz of plain water a day for the last 2 days. Instead of a flush, I just sort of force em to eat whats left in the medium..well at least that's how it works in my mind. They've been on 2x day full strength foliar feeds since I can remember.. 5ml of Floralicious in 32oz of water.. Time to switch it up the feeding regiment..

I need to go back and read responses, sort of just need to get out and smoke one..holler friends..
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vino dang bro just smoke a fatty! i'm packin a fat bowl for ya man. i know how it is, i got a ****ed up co2 regulator i gotta take back. that bitch has been drainin the shit out of my tanks if i don't keep a check on it. i only deal wiht one cat at mmy store too, and always call ahead to make sure he will be there, but i got a 2 hr ride to the store. i got to get some more bulbs too and i'm goin with the cheapos off the bay this time and see how they go. nuski, its on the way bro, if ya got work lined up for the weekend go ahead and do it now! vino hope ya get shit straightened out bro holla back.


New member


No worries bro.....I was bustin balls....I can not wait. I am looking forward in seeing something anything would be grat.......I would say on the flave NL......My buddy had a stan of that mixed with haze and it was diggity with a gratefruit smell. It was so sweet smelling....Peace......Costa Next Stop....


vino whats the verdict on the bulb? i hate it when lil shit like that ya gotta worry bout. i had a bulb go bad on me the run before this one and it totally ****ed up my nlxhaze girls. it was a week or 2 before i noticed it gettin dim and by then it was week 7 or so. i'm trimmin the nlxhaze stuff first as its less dense than the incan and a lil drier at this point. its the best work i've done with it yet. tomorrow i'll take a nug shot or two, nuski don't blow your wad. costa..... you lucky ****er, don't forget about the in-law thing, its a win win bro. holla vino i just drank a cup of java.


New member


Gdawg, WOW. Well worth the wait. Very nice smelling and many THC crystals. SO So Sticky...... Very Tight STICKY sweet nugs. The nicest I have seen since NL a few years ago.... What ever you are doing KEEP doing it..... I had a power session and I was just in a state of meditation sitting in the same spot for 20 mins..... The feeling last and is very cerebral......WE LIKE....See ya soon.....Peace...

In Vino Veritas

sorry guys ive let this shit sort of die.. been really busy with other shit, should be better after the 1st.. no matter how shitty life gets, growing always helps me cope with shit..even more than smoking.

g, man the bulb flickers in the morning when it first cranks up and is still cold. takes a while but after an hour or so its pretty much done with. I'm not too worried about it, when it goes, it's gone. I plan to switch over to SOLARMAX ONE 1000's next run.. 600HPS/400MH one bulb. :D I think they will do nice in 4x4.. Whatever... I need a veg space and right now my options are pretty shitty, resolving that is my main focus right now... That and daily hand watering, they need 32oz of fluid each daily - I can let it slide a day and half but it's not worth it unless its an emergency. all this talk about good smoke has me yearning to sample :D

so the bitches are 9 days into flower.. they look alright, the ones that were showing sex early are also the ones to show preflowers early.. here are some shots..

Stay safe ****ers!


vino dang man ya girls are lookin like bushes. they showin yet? why didn't ya tell me ya b-day was yesterday? did ya have early ass party with all the other old ****s on here over at the golden corral? with a 10% discount? hahahaah lookin good bro!!


nuski glad you likey bro. throw up some good pics! wait till you see whats comin with me, that reeminds me gotta get back to work brew coffee trim trim trim trim

In Vino Veritas

man we partied all day.. it actually started around 10am.. finshed at about 3am sunday morning.. lots of good beer, good smoke.. some cup cakes, some pasta salad that was crazy good.. then we threw down some bingo and I had a nap.. :p hah.. you should see my wet nurse!

man Golden Corral, you eat there? I do sometimes.. I used to trim for a dude that lived near one so I would stop for 2hrs, one to eat, one to shit heheh.. I was the only bastard who didn't have to wear a blindfold.. which sort of made me the bitch cause I had to go and get all the shit for all the bastards trimming.. its cool, smoke and eat like i was cutting but I really wasn't doing much..

I already have em on molasses.. sort of a tsp per gallon.. im also doing a tsp per of floralicious, and running flora nova full strength.. ill switch to maxi bloom near the end of harvest..nothing special other than 6.2pH and 1400-1800ppm

holler, back to bed for real this time..


New member
Gdawg, I can not wait. If its better Holly Shit.......Hey your cuz got a little kooky... I gues he has been without for some time and it went to his head..... Its taken care of I met him half way so he would not cry about how much $$$ every thing is for him..... I was lost but all is well.....Thanks and I will try to post some nice pics....


nuski, no problem bro, i've been workin my ass off and did'nt get back to ya sorry bout that. ya hes an uptight ****er but you know i can't get involved, only supply the peace pipe and packins! ya you got to try the nlxhaze this time, its way better than the last run ya'll sampled. it was just sweet that time, this time it took on the pepper smell, you'll see what i'm talkin bout after you open your jar. a couple of friends have said they like it better than the stuff you're puffin. too strong and we like the pepper stuff is what i hear. now i'm aimin to be down there the weekend before christmas, things changed up a lil bit wiht my guy but its workin out for the better. might have to crash on the cuzs' couch for a night or two max, i'll have to keep his lil pissy ass medicated deeply so we don't have no problems hehehe. so really i'll kinda be homeless on christmas, kinda ironic, dont ya think man!! its ok though, growers pretty much as a whole have patience and know good things will come(with proper lighting and environment!!) dude aint got back with me again on the house ima hit him back today cuz thats the perfect place and excactly what i'm lookin for. 20, its 3 bedroom, 2 bath, modern with big ass tile floor, privacy fenced backyard, shop, screened back porch right by the beach for 1200 a month and i'm tryin to get him down to 1000 a month and i think he'll do it cuz theres tons of shit open and the place has been up for awhile. on another note a place near here a couple blocks from the ol man a 1650sf brick 3/2 with an unfinished 800sf basement 700 bucks a month...... **** that i'm gone south bro. back to work,