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ICMag Donor
19" x 23" x 60"
400CMH + 150HPS
5000btu AC unit

She has grown some very nice bud.





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ICMag Donor
so many awesome systems and grows displayed here

i got interested in Vertical growing after a fellow grower offered me to loan his 2 part colleseum
transport proved to tricky but it had my interest and im making some drawing and ideas atm on a future vert system
trying to decide weather to go all vertical or stadium and how wide and tall for a 2x400 system

new ideas and inspiration all the time


Next Stop: Outer Space!
300 is pretty cheap!
your strains sound killer ... i would give the o-haze a try :nanana:
i love how your plants just grow straight up like natural and still get vertical light - i guess you could reach some good yields! :abduct:

I'm hoping for good things from her! They're finally starting to go into the last phase of flower, and the big girl got moved to a 10 inch pot, so she's got a lot more space, and I used a really hot soil mix, lots of mushroom compost, Pro-Mix organic, and all the usual amendments. Hopefully that will help me more fully realize the yield potential of my best plant. If I had four of her in the cab, I'd have at least half a pound no doubt. The following waves should perform a lot better.


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Mr Jones
An octagon made up of eight 600 x 1000 flat panels would be 5ft in diameter on the inside, a true circle is 4ft. Wouldn`t be good to build something to find it doesn`t fit in the space :wink:
A hexagon would fit the bill, 6 panels at 600 will give you the 1200 inner diameter.

yeah actually i found about my miscalculation right after the post :nanana:
was just saying how it could be ... but thanks for telling me!

Other folks on here are close - the garbage can grows with a horizontal flat scrog that could be producing at least twice as big a bud canopy; the 'pod' grow w/ the plant in the center and lined w/ vertical fluoro tubes - but none of them take advantage of the beautiful ergonomic simplicity of the cylindrical v-scrog or arena-style grow... NO WASTED LIGHT. At least, none compared to flat-plane setups. I also think fluoros - big 105 watters or something like that - have unexplored potential here since penetration is less of an issue... the plant's right next to the light

you think flat walls like in the ketle are wasting light? - or did i misunderstand you there? and can you explain cylindrical v-scrog - does it look like a cone?

Surprised the Czechs haven't been mentioned yet...

have seen one report - crazy just amazing what they achieved with just 150w

19" x 23" x 60"
400CMH + 150HPS
5000btu AC unit

your set up is looking good - the pipes below are your hydro system right? - its funny how the soil pot is just put on the whole thing - thats what always happens to me too :nanana:
but your buds looking fabulous ... colored and sticky!
what gr./w did you pull - sorry that i ask everyone but in my oppinion its one of the most important info ...
has the 150w any effect because it looks like it would lighten your stems

so many awesome systems and grows displayed here

i got interested in Vertical growing after a fellow grower offered me to loan his 2 part colleseum
transport proved to tricky but it had my interest and im making some drawing and ideas atm on a future vert system
trying to decide weather to go all vertical or stadium and how wide and tall for a 2x400 system

new ideas and inspiration all the time

hey why dont you drop by my project thread? ... could be interessting for you and tell me what you think about it!?
because i think we have similar goals ...

I'm hoping for good things from her! They're finally starting to go into the last phase of flower, and the big girl got moved to a 10 inch pot, so she's got a lot more space, and I used a really hot soil mix, lots of mushroom compost, Pro-Mix organic, and all the usual amendments. Hopefully that will help me more fully realize the yield potential of my best plant. If I had four of her in the cab, I'd have at least half a pound no doubt. The following waves should perform a lot better.

your soil-mix sounds sick ... ever thougth about switching to hydro? ... i made wonderful experiences (i was amazed how much easier it is)
but i think you can do a lot better than just half a pound in this system ...

i started my project thread ... everyone is welcome to state their opinion


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I try not to be overly optimistic lol

Hydro is too much work for me. I'd neglect it. Organic soil is rad because no pH testing, no worrying about burned up plants. Definitely some good plants grown in hydro. For my veg side it'd be nicer in terms of space needed that's for sure.
Having done a large stadium grow...I'm in the camp that says plant count really matters when going for those big yields, just as it matters when growing flat. No difference.


Active member
ICMag Donor
your set up is looking good - the pipes below are your hydro system right? - its funny how the soil pot is just put on the whole thing - thats what always happens to me too
but your buds looking fabulous ... colored and sticky!
what gr./w did you pull - sorry that i ask everyone but in my oppinion its one of the most important info ...
has the 150w any effect because it looks like it would lighten your stems
Yeah, the pipes below are what I call my "Kewl Toob".


The soil pot is there because the spot below it cannot hold a pot. It is where the Smart Valve is, but I hate wasting space, so I put in a potted plant.
It holds a total of 7 plants in the tube, and one additional in a pot.

Sorry, but I don't weigh pot so I don't know what the resulting gm per wt is.
I do know that I am using all of my light, and not just half of it.

I don't know what "lighten the stems" means? Are you talking about the color of the stems? Or their ability to hold weight?
The HPS does not seem to effect the coloring of the plant at all. The CMH, on the other hand bleaches nearly every stem, that sits in it for very long, purple. It makes the half of the branches that face it turn purple, while leaving the parts of the plant that don't face it directly to stay green.
(half stem purple, other half green)
The 150hps does keep the popcorn buds nice and fat. This allows me to both increase the harvest, and have some viable growth that will easily reveg.

Thanks for the compliment on my buds!


Active member
Yeah, the pipes below are what I call my "Kewl Toob".


The soil pot is there because the spot below it cannot hold a pot. It is where the Smart Valve is, but I hate wasting space, so I put in a potted plant.
It holds a total of 7 plants in the tube, and one additional in a pot.

Sorry, but I don't weigh pot so I don't know what the resulting gm per wt is.
I do know that I am using all of my light, and not just half of it.

I don't know what "lighten the stems" means? Are you talking about the color of the stems? Or their ability to hold weight?
The HPS does not seem to effect the coloring of the plant at all. The CMH, on the other hand bleaches nearly every stem, that sits in it for very long, purple. It makes the half of the branches that face it turn purple, while leaving the parts of the plant that don't face it directly to stay green.
(half stem purple, other half green)
The 150hps does keep the popcorn buds nice and fat. This allows me to both increase the harvest, and have some viable growth that will easily reveg.

Thanks for the compliment on my buds!

wow i got to admit your hydro set up is very cool!

haha actually with "lighten your stems" i meant if your 150w is just giving light to the stems but the popcorn should be really fat - what strain is this?

Having done a large stadium grow...I'm in the camp that says plant count really matters when going for those big yields, just as it matters when growing flat. No difference.

thats what i think too ... lots of small plants performe a lot better than just few big ones - would be very interessting seeing you posting up some small report and introduce your system!?


Active member
ICMag Donor
what strain is this?
Not sure what you are referring to? There are three strains shown in the toob, carnival, ssh, GrowDoc AD(in soil pot). The buds shown separate are all carnival.

I would only worry about the yield if I were running short between harvests. But as it is , I grow plenty for myself, and I also turn on pals when they are destitute or there is no pot around for them to find. In fact, I have had a surplus before and had to swear things were dried up just to protect my security. (be careful producing killer buds when everything else is dry...word gets around fast!)
Although I don't have scales, I can tell you that the cab can easily produce about 1/2LB every 60-90 dayz. I can't smoke that much.

As far as introducing my system...done that. Look in my signature line for a link.

Again, thnx for the compliments!


Veg side of cab...


you think flat walls like in the ketle are wasting light? - or did i misunderstand you there? and can you explain cylindrical v-scrog - does it look like a cone?
No, I think the ketel is right; it's when the light is horizontal and the bud canopy is flat that it's "wrong" - or at least, not as right as it could be. The Ketel, in contrast, uses the 360○ principle pretty well. My own preference is for fewer plants and scrog (especially due to the mandatory minimum laws)... but there are lots of different possible variations (hydro/soil, HID/fluoro, SOG/SCROG, etc).

A cylindrical v-scrog is G_man and Prenda's system. It's not a cone, it's a tube or cylinder-shaped vertical trellis around the vertical light - or if you prefer, the vertical light is hung/suspended in the middle of a vertical trellis tube. The plants are trained to grow mostly on the inside of the trellis, esp. the budsites. In other words - Stcke_Fingas setup is a cylindrical v-scrog. There are lots of names floating around for this style but the core principle is using as much light as possible by allowing the plant to grow around the light, usually involving training of some sort, instead of hanging the light horizontally and growing on a flat horizontal plane.

Hoosierdaddy - nice lookin' grow!!! Those budshots are making my mouth dry just looking at them...


full time daddy
coli pic's

coli pic's

i pull 2-3 pounds every 35-40 days with 3 60 site's (180 plants) & 2k when soquick did 10 pounds he used 5 60 site's (300 plant's) & 3k



Active member
No, I think the ketel is right; it's when the light is horizontal and the bud canopy is flat that it's "wrong" - or at least, not as right as it could be. The Ketel, in contrast, uses the 360○ principle pretty well. My own preference is for fewer plants and scrog (especially due to the mandatory minimum laws)... but there are lots of different possible variations (hydro/soil, HID/fluoro, SOG/SCROG, etc).

A cylindrical v-scrog is G_man and Prenda's system. It's not a cone, it's a tube or cylinder-shaped vertical trellis around the vertical light - or if you prefer, the vertical light is hung/suspended in the middle of a vertical trellis tube. The plants are trained to grow mostly on the inside of the trellis, esp. the budsites. In other words - Stcke_Fingas setup is a cylindrical v-scrog. There are lots of names floating around for this style but the core principle is using as much light as possible by allowing the plant to grow around the light, usually involving training of some sort, instead of hanging the light horizontally and growing on a flat horizontal plane.

Hoosierdaddy - nice lookin' grow!!! Those budshots are making my mouth dry just looking at them...

okay now i get you ... i was wondering that you tell me a growketel is not effective - horizontal growing is just so easy but for those who run 2k and cant run much more due to certain reasons vertical should be the perfect solution!

hey 00420 cool that you share some pics of your grow here - i know we all could just skimm thru your thread but you wanna summarize what you like/dont like here really quick because in my opinion the colosseum is maybe he most interessting system whcih can be bought ...
and now the 10 pounds of soquick make a lot more sense - still impressing tho


full time daddy
hey 00420 cool that you share some pics of your grow here - i know we all could just skimm thru your thread but you wanna summarize what you like/dont like here really quick because in my opinion the colosseum is maybe he most interessting system whcih can be bought ...
and now the 10 pounds of soquick make a lot more sense - still impressing tho

1. 2 person job to brake down (me n my wife have no prob's)
2.messy if you use perlite/soil/coco ect... aero is nice n clean i just dont have the chiller needed to run it
3.lot's of cloning/mom's

huge yeilds low cost............ what more to say....


00420 - how far are your lights from the coliseum? and did you ever put wheels on it so it would be mobile?


Very good thread thanks for starting it Mr.Jones!

The pics are inspiring 00420! Amazing...


full time daddy
00420 - how far are your lights from the coliseum? and did you ever put wheels on it so it would be mobile?

from the inside of the coli it's just under 3' ( like 2'10" ? )
No I thought about it but really once u set it up u don't move it

Very good thread thanks for starting it Mr.Jones!

The pics are inspiring 00420! Amazing...


Last edited:
Surprised the Czechs haven't been mentioned yet...

G_man and Prenda dialed in a system using two big tubs, one upside down on top of the other, and a variety of wattages (400 & 150HPS were the ones I remember, I think...)


Aside from the now MIA Barrel of Green guy, it's totally amazing to me that Stcke Fingas is the only other person who's really put any effort (that's been seen on this board) into this potentially near-perfect system. Big large fuckin' props to you, Stcke.

first off thanks for the props dude, i've spent countless hours planning and trying to predict the outcome of my contraption. i feel i have maxed out the yield for the small space i have. my last grow was no where hear a full as my current run and i got about 200g of dry quality buds and some hash making popcorn. current one is being pulled in about 2 weeks and i can't wait for the result.

we'll just have to see what happens when i get a 5x5 tent and 2x600w and lots of canopy. maybe then more people will have interest in my design and see what i'm really chasing here. until then i'll blaze what i got and keep improving.

those czechs were the ones that got me on this vertical adventure. thank you for the ingenious design my friend! i'd love to smoke you guys out and chat about v-scrogs.


Active member
You can grow lots of small clones in a vertical setup or you can grow 5-9ft trees. Withs vertical SOG you jsut put plants all around the bulb on all sides. When growing trees, you just hang a light on each side of the plant.. setting it up where each plant gets 3-4 sides of light instead of just 1 from a horizontal grow.

With proper strain, growing skills/method you will be able to get 2-3+ pounds per plant. THe key is to have a veg room as well.. vegging for 8 weeks while the others flower for 8 weeks. No trimmnig needed, nor topping, let it grow straight up and it will naturally branch a lot.

Vertical works and it's the shit but you have to know how to setup for it to work efficiently. You don't use any cooltubes or anything. Just put those circular fans under each bulb and that will blow the heat away from the bulb/plants.. then you can get 5-6 12 inch inline fans sucknig the heat out of the grow room or install an AC. Heat disperses a lot better because it's gonig upwards to the ceiling, since you dont use reflectors.

You would also use 400 watt eye blue MH bulbs in veg on each sides of the plants.You obviously wouldn't run a bunch of veg lights but you need to make it where the plants have light on at least 2 sides at all times. You'd need about 4,000 veg watts for this setup. Same thing applies.. circular fans under bulb blowing heat away.. and a couple of 12 inch fans sucking the heat out of the room. Don't skimp on the veg room. Keep fresh bulbs every 3-4 months.

heres an example of a flower room i plan to construct in the future.. you need a 20 length x 30 width room for this (size of plants, walknig space, and equipment are all considered in space) Add more space for a veg room/harvesting room. You could go with rDWC system and each row can have it's own reservoir or DTW coco in 10-15 gallon buckets. .again each row can have their own rez.

THis is the most efficient commercial setup i've thought of. 7 plants are getting 4 sides of light and the rest are getting 3 sides of lighting. Much better than 1 side lighting you get with horizontal. (hence why you have to pack a lot more plants to achieve 1 gram per watt.) Also, forget about the 1 gram watt rule if you have your vertical setup dialed in. You will get an easy 1.2 - 1.5 with propper strain. ak47, ak99, critical mass, even your powerplant would shine with vert. Also hazes would do great as well.

** this setup wont be as efficient if you flip flop the room. It's meant to run all at once, thats how you get 3-4 sides of lighting at once.

** no need to scrog or anything; just be prepared to tie up the heavy branches with 16 gauge craft wire or whatever you prefer. You can hang hooks/chains above each plant so this will hold your branches.

** make sure humidity and environment is always in check.

**Replace your bulbs in both veg and flower regularly. Get the best. I prefer the eye blue MH for veg and all hortilux's for flower. Have extra pumps etc.

** could hang rows of chains across the entire ceiling, spaced 12-14 inches apart so you can use them to tie branches and move the lights around if needed.

** dont need to rotate the plants


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