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update greenhouse outdoor



very awsome growing jack
your plants look great and makeing pieces from the stalks is a very cool idea i want to make a fly fishing rod with one of my big stalks i just got to think of how to make it a bit more sturdy lol
great work again ill be watching the progress


Old School Cottonmouth
I never collected my stems but I do preserve and collect leaves. I've lost most of them now though.


Active member
Joy to watch those babes fattenin up! Nice grow Jack! And LoL i love pic where u are wearing sunglasses! K++ and Peace m8!


2 more down,well half of each of 2,,,,one thing i learned many moons ago,,i will never ever trim or manacure my harvest till i be ready to smoke,that includes it hanging with all arms arms and leggs attached,just way to many yrs to know diferent,and outcome is great!!!still cures and dries till day of clipping and smoking,,but that be me ways only



Old School Cottonmouth
jack with all that weed you still collect your roaches? hardcore

you say you leave all the buds and leaves on branches until the day of smoking? how do you store it?

in buckets or rubbermaid containers or something?
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50 gallon trash bags,heavy duty,,i use 2 but each time i close a bag i twist a pocket of air then retwist and half loop ,then redo AGAIN ON SECOND BAG,,i open for 15 min each day for a week or so ,,then i never i open a bag till i go to use bag,,this way is so old skool i was 20 when i learned it back in the day

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Old School Cottonmouth
yeah thats definitely ol' school.

alotta of the southern growers still do that. Alot of them leave the buds in the sun for 3 hours right after chop. they say it converts the trichs to a more readily useable chemical or something like that. Old sativa growers.

I never got around to trying it. I'll have to put one branch out like that to see if I like it or not one day.

It would be really hard for me to quit using jars though.


i remember my mentor teacher back in the early 80,s he use to chop then leave in shed for a day or few hrs,cant reraly remember,,then he would bring inside a insulated air flow house to finish and store inside same room

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i tore down sheets,maybe next yr will be a whole new greenroom,i will dig out cement and use a same type roof and half down sides,but whole damn area next time and roof will be done just right,not mickey mouse



a few pics of my homegrown outdoor harvest hanging in wait,,i have 3 trees left to chop down yet,,and my room is full now,i couldnt harvest if i wanted to for a few more days till my dry room is finished in trash bags,,,i knew i would overfill my room,i have to be carefull not to put to much together hanging and make room for breathing so they dont mold and dry just rite

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thanks,i do concider to be a lucky one,,i mean the neighbores are so great,ppl walking by never said crap,the plane that flew over many a time so low never said shit,one neighbors son is a retired chp,he is great,,,even tho i am legel in ca,rules,the feds dont agree with that,,so i do my best to abide by local laws as much as poss,cops have been here before ,smelled and talked about there collage yrs and smoking weed,i am not bragging at all,as joe friday said,,just the facts i say whats on and in my mind and thoughts,i be one lucky sick man to be in position that i can grow and smoke my own weed for a medical reason in cal rules,,and i know my dr is well known and has been to court many times and won,so him recomending i smoke cannabis helps me out and risks him for a court battle at later dates ,,just never know,,a monarch landed on a bud of mine,,great camera shot for me,,,,,,Jack
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Old School Cottonmouth
congrats on your harvest jack. glad to hear your planning bigger and better next year.

So you must be growing for 20+ yrs now huh? What did you and your mentor start out growing? you up into those california strains?

Just wondering because alot of the old school southern growers are still growing hybrids of mexicans and stuff like that. We see alot of 75% oaxaca crosses down here and stuff.


4 down,,2 to go in my one man grow show for only what i know,,,as for names,put me in shame,i am lame,i forget the name,,to me its all the same,,green weed in deed is all we need,,,,,,,,no greed for indeed i have weed yes indeed

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ICMag Donor
Cool shots, Jack. You're swimming in buds now! Is the silver tube hanging there a carbon scrubber you made?
So this is a 1 man grow show for only what you know?


growing and caring for my mom is what i do best seems to be,thanks for comments,,still 2 more trees to go,,but the condensation and cold set in last few nights,,not much more time anyway,,smoke comming out of my mouth in tent this morning and i wasnt even smoking,,,