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update greenhouse outdoor


New Grower

a successful season! :D

just relax and enjoy your harvest!

Best regards!


1 more thing: I think you harvested your plants around a week earlier then they reach their full maturity. I think it cause the big leaves was dark green when you harvested your plants.. or you want to make partyweed? here we like better the killa weed! /but it's a personal thing/


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New Grower said:
a successful season! :D

just relax and enjoy your harvest!

Best regards!


1 more thing: I think you harvested your plants around a week earlier then they reach their full maturity. I think it cause the big leaves was dark green when you harvested your plants.. or you want to make partyweed? here we like better the killa weed! /but it's a personal thing/


i can really get into this,,so i wont,,the trees were already 8 months old,a tree is and will always be the most potent as soon as sighns of snow appear,then the bud grows.spreading the snow everywhere,i have and never will judge a bud but its cover,ive been going by my gut to many yrs,and my friends say to much greatness about this harvest anyway,if you are going by pics,well im sorry ,you are misphoted,its never a personally thing,its about the right time(i mean perfect time only),my trees still finish till day i smoke,why i never manacure till i smoke,it just gets better in bag on stalk and stems and leaves,but then ive only been growing for about well sence 1982...very little before i was taught..but we all have our ways and views and looks and remarks,as for weed,,well again,tis better than a few clubs i go to to prove very few points,,i see so many ways and ideas,when infact if ya want to dry,why hurry up,let leaves and stems and stalks stay on,it wil dry properly,but is there a real properly way,,and these last few pics are nothing but time on my hands,i like the coler purple on these almost 9 month old plants,they are done long time ago,we are all experts and commentators and great growers,we all have our ways i would hope that just work,
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New Grower

I also have some "8 month old" White Russians and I can't see any difference between the maturity than the 3-4 month old plants. all depends on the light cycle.. it was just my opinion /I like to wait till the leafs strats to change color/

Could you tell me which is your favourite strain? Which is the most killah?




great looking harvest there! :D

i tried those see thru papers too - its weird stuff - funny to see but smokes a bit strange imho



pieceofmyheart said:
Hey sweet man, you know I love your way.
thanks,,im done for the yr with hanging,,now just smoke and give away time,,,,look me up you and yours sometime in the next yr,ill have plenty of weed to smoke,(if ever in bay area),,my ex-wife took this pic,i am paying her weed to help me with some cleaning house,,i just noticed 2 bags not in pic,,wow,,13 trash bags of weed,,not 11,12,,but 13,,oh wait,i still have scraps to break down,so ill have 15 or 14 bags,,,i be supersticious at times

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New Grower said:
I also have some "8 month old" White Russians and I can't see any difference between the maturity than the 3-4 month old plants. all depends on the light cycle.. it was just my opinion /I like to wait till the leafs strats to change color/

Could you tell me which is your favourite strain? Which is the most killah?


it dont matter to me,i only smoke to make it through the day,not to find out the most killer bud,,but i dont care like i stated,it is all the same to ME.i can see the ppl wanting to know diff strains and what nots,,i have indy and satty,,fat leaves and skinny leaves,,i am equel on all types and names due to past experience and shows and ideas and grows..want to try some of my homegrown free doobs if ever needed,,they are all one as the roots and leaves and stalks and stems grew together,except for the one i had alone.....my email is hempheadjack@yahoo if ya want to try a doob,,i have plenty to share the greens


bonecarver_OG said:
great looking harvest there! :D

i tried those see thru papers too - its weird stuff - funny to see but smokes a bit strange imho

not a great taste either i thought,kinda ruins what ya grew or bought


New member
well howdy all again,,been on vacation,first one in 6 yrs i was able to leave house knowing my mom was taken care of,i have had 10 days on coast of frisco,i know its not much of a area,but it is ocean and waves were great,and room was better with a view,seen a movie scene made(zombie horrer)any way,im glad all enjoyed my grow,it was great to enjoy my vacation,here are a few pics of jacks vacation,and i took my dog and weed,payed employees hush money(weed)so i can house my half pound and dog with me,it was great smoking and tripping on sea from my siute,,,and i figured my grow was over so i split,but i have no life outside my house due to care for my mom,so i just will pop in and out on site,,thanks for comments to all,,enjoy pics,,,i mean they are not weed pics but they are the enjoyment of a growers labors of love now to enjoy and smoke,,i even had steak outside from my balcony on a propane stove every night

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Old School Cottonmouth
oh hey jack good to see you. when you canceled your account I was worried you mighta left or got in trouble for offerin seeds or something.

glad to see you had fun on your vacation. Zombie movie huh? Scary movies have had a big revival in the last 5yrs. They are all over now.


New member
and i went to jackson casino and won and room was comped before frisco,the first machine i played 20 dollars and hit 480 then every machine i played hit,next thing i knew i was in a suite and had cash with all of a 20 dollar start,then every machine i played hit wether it was dimes qt,s,i hit,i thought i was in a movie where i just cant lose,i was tripping out,so i went to room and spent night and went to frisco



New member
thanks,time to rotate stock,and i might say that after almost 2 months it just gets better in bags,nothing like a fresh bud that is 2 months old and unmanacured,it just gets better in bags til day i smoke,never judge a bud by its cover.except last pic is manacured somewhat,take a gander at scizzors in bottom right corner of manacured bud pic

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