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update greenhouse outdoor



those are for my indoor grow for vents and blower release flow from outside to inside and inside to outside,,well these are the last of jack the hippies grow,,,

holy moly! where you live jack??? it seems like you have no problem to groow all that ganja? are you in holland or what? nice job!!!!


Old School Cottonmouth
jack said:
i tore down sheets,maybe next yr will be a whole new greenroom,i will dig out cement and use a same type roof and half down sides

I'm sorry I missed what you meant here. cement? you mean tearing it out the ground for more plant root space? or you mean building up a wall of some sort? I think you meant the ground but if you meant a wall be careful, concrete cinder blocks and stuff people use as walls on small greenhouses have a tendency to trap and reflect heat.

but since your thinking bigger and better for next year I might as well lay an idea on you. at my other site force shading is making a big comeback, especially for backyard growers. I think remember you saying that sometimes you reveg after harvest to get a lil extra. this is sorta like that.

It all started at my other site when a bunch of african sativa growers started forcing their plants to finish for july/august. They wanted the most powerful sun used to ripen their plants that need ALOT of light to produce right. well after they harvested they'd take the greenhouse cover down and the plants would reveg and flower naturally. The 2x a yr harvest worked out great for alot of hawaiian and mexican growers that could still finish their plants on a normal season but had plants that could also flower healthy in the summer heat.

If your not growing the right kinda plants the summer heat will be too much for the buds, but if you've got the right strain you can get alot more bud. Big plants are pretty but time/yield wise you end up growing alot of leaf and stem during the veg season that you don't need.

you know. just food for thought. if you've got any african, hawaiian, mexican, jamaican, etc heavy genes that can take the heat maybe try the greenhouse cover force shading on a plant or two and reveg. you might like the results. The pain is covering it but if your home and spend alot of time with your plants anyway it might not even be a chore.

Some of the other folks over there were quite happy about it. small scale growers wanting to keep yields high and plants small. every lil bit helps for them you know. But on the other hand it looks like you've got plenty of weed to be worried about shading to get more. lol

take care jack. congrats. :wave:


motaco said:
I'm sorry I missed what you meant here. cement? you mean tearing it out the ground for more plant root space? or you mean building up a wall of some sort? I think you meant the ground but if you meant a wall be careful, concrete cinder blocks and stuff people use as walls on small greenhouses have a tendency to trap and reflect heat.

but since your thinking bigger and better for next year I might as well lay an idea on you. at my other site force shading is making a big comeback, especially for backyard growers. I think remember you saying that sometimes you reveg after harvest to get a lil extra. this is sorta like that.

It all started at my other site when a bunch of african sativa growers started forcing their plants to finish for july/august. They wanted the most powerful sun used to ripen their plants that need ALOT of light to produce right. well after they harvested they'd take the greenhouse cover down and the plants would reveg and flower naturally. The 2x a yr harvest worked out great for alot of hawaiian and mexican growers that could still finish their plants on a normal season but had plants that could also flower healthy in the summer heat.

If your not growing the right kinda plants the summer heat will be too much for the buds, but if you've got the right strain you can get alot more bud. Big plants are pretty but time/yield wise you end up growing alot of leaf and stem during the veg season that you don't need.

you know. just food for thought. if you've got any african, hawaiian, mexican, jamaican, etc heavy genes that can take the heat maybe try the greenhouse cover force shading on a plant or two and reveg. you might like the results. The pain is covering it but if your home and spend alot of time with your plants anyway it might not even be a chore.

Some of the other folks over there were quite happy about it. small scale growers wanting to keep yields high and plants small. every lil bit helps for them you know. But on the other hand it looks like you've got plenty of weed to be worried about shading to get more. lol

take care jack. congrats. :wave:
yes,,everything you said,,except i tear out cement floor and replace with dirt,,,this is where i brag,,,nothing beats the sun,,so i say this is club weed,,they say wow,,i say this is my weed,,they say alright,,guess what,,your right!!!actually my weed is club weed in words but smoke was really mine,,my weed was actually club weed,,story goes so far,,my weed better than a one certain club weed i bought to prove a few points,,kinda hard for me to understand while i reread it,,but i know which weed is better than a clubs weed,,the suns weed as in natural hot sun rays,,,,yes i reveg,flower,harvest for a few months,,i take all my yrs of growing and put it into a grow ,im sure alot of growers who know what they are doing grow great weed,and better than inside weed..but then there are those who disagree and say that inside beats outside ,i can callenge anyone on indoor or outdoor and take crappy seeds and grow for what i know ,,a killer green bud show,,but,,past times and weed and experience tells me and i know others as well we can grow ,,ok,,i,m done bragging for now,,lets see some bragging rites or deniels now,,,,Jack


Old School Cottonmouth
yeah I think alot of the badmouthing of outdoor simply comes from people not getting personal outdoor patch weed.

alot of commercial outdoor growers have to cut buds off branches in the field and just stuff them in contractor bags. this smushes weed and breaks trichomes, not to mention all the rain and stuff breaking trichs. so they think its not as good. and alot of outdoor commercial plants are planted in semi shaded areas and never get the light.

but any true sativa grower knows, you can put a 1k watt lamp every two feet and a pure african sativa will do better outdoors every time. can't beat mother nature.

when there is someone like you tending a small open sun patch and you only have to walk them from your backyard to your drying room it doesn't get any better than that. I don't think you can argue with UV rays. it'll take a long time for an indoor light to burn you, doesn't take but 15 minutes under new orleans sun. thats good for the resins. :yes:
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Active member
Jack the hippie huh? Good harvest, it looks wonderful you sweet man.
That is a great idea on making pipes, I'm very crafty and I always look at things and say what could I make out of that?

.......someday we will meet
i grow in and out... I think different strains do differently depending. any finiky strain will do better inside. sativas seem to be a little more outdoor tolerant. in that case....
youre right, nothing beats outdo.


smaller dried ,half ass manacured,,fine for me,,it is for me only so i never judge a bud by its cover or size,my bugs are testers,,(roaches)some one hit wonderfull weed i have

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Old School Cottonmouth
i grow in and out... I think different strains do differently depending. any finiky strain will do better inside. sativas seem to be a little more outdoor tolerant. in that case....
youre right, nothing beats outdo.

no greenthumb is right. Many strains have been bred nowadays indoors and simply can't handle the sun. They do better grown in slightly shaded areas but they still don't perform right. But I was speaking more along the lines of sativas personally which rarely do better indoors than outdoor.

JACK. This is what I was talkin about. Never saved too many stalks but I like to preserve my leaves with the name and an individual calx next to them.

2 phenos of hawaii's molokai frost leaves on the left. oaxaca top middle, hawaiian sativa bottom middle, vietnam black pheno WN top right, nepalese pheno bottom right.
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man,i dont know about names anymore,,i just smoke the effect.not the name,,,ive bought before a weed and has changed in taste and high but seems to never change name,hell im kool with that dam skunk i killed many moons ago and stunk with me ever sence then,,but i have so much weed now ,im at a loss for words,one trash bag i have weighs 5 pounds,,still with all stems and leaves thats a shit load of weed ,i have 8 full bags and a full room left to dry,,hell free doobs in the vally man for days anyway


Old School Cottonmouth
I hear ya. we don't worry about names as a hype thing its a preservation thing. Alot of south east asians, koreans, and south american strains have been lost due to not having a name. Alot of the old school grass people grew up with has all but vanished. Without a name and a reason for people to keep it (like its breeding and hybridization potential) people started dropping significant strains in favor of higher yielding faster flowering plants, and it really did a number on us breeders in the end. In the last 10 yrs a movement started to collect, identify, and keep pure landrace and native strains so that the gene pool doesn't get any smaller.

Making alot of those colombian, and thais available again.
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hey man,ever want to try a few seeds i have,,more than welcome,,i will tell you they are called a santa maria cronic seed,and with that ill send ya a free doob as well,,if ya safe with me sending free weed and seeds,ive been doing that for about 3 yrs on a nother site ive been member for long time.i mean i really do share the wealth when i can,and the maria cronic seeds were given to me from a nother free trade i made at other site,,bottom line,i really believe her and the name she told me,i have lots of those seeds if ya want 5,,just send me and other free doobs if can when harvested,or make seeds,,and how do we really know the seeds are what they are unless background checks??(and words of promise)i guess i should mark my trees next grow,,for the ones who like to try different types..i grew grapefruit.durban poisen,cronic,purple passion,power plant i think i dont remember anymore,,they are all great weed for me,,and i can give a rats ass if anyone reads this of the law enforcement as i am just giving away some of my grow cuz in 8 months it will be to dry or i can freeze some,,but im happy offering free doobs to ppl in the sjvally,or even you are welcome to try,,,Jack
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ever had see through papers,,i just did for first time today,,kool but takes away taste to much..but looks great when weed and rolled and lit



Old School Cottonmouth
thank you jack that is a very kind offer but right now I've got my hands full. I've got two different oaxacas, an un-named super potent mexican, several different old school emerald triangle strains, and several hawaiians I gotta breed on.

I'm the same way I love giving free weed and seeds to people. Nothing makes me happier than giving people that have never seen kind bud a fat joint of homegrown. I've made more than a few homeless persons day alot stonier. lol. and I've given away most of my seeds already.

I had to shut down the grow about a year ago and move back home to help take care of some medical problems with my dad, but I'll get back up soon enough. and back breeding. When I have some spare seeds again I'd love to have you try some of my mexicans and hawaiians if you have space for them. they thrive outdoors

If you ever want to shoot the shit about old strains and growing back in the day I just started my old sativa thread back up. Its about sativas period but its also a hangout for alot of the guys who have or still are growing those old classic strains. Its far from done with. my old one used to be 80 pages! But I got a few sections up. Some oldschool mexican and colombian grass pics too.



oops,looks like i have more comming in,,just due to weather change they are turnning purple,never did this before,just passing time now i say to see what comes of these green to purple plants,plus i just couldnt kill em all the way,,i have to let em die of old age


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