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ufc 2010


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Holly is a woman. Cyborg is a woah MAN! Gotta favor the half man for the win.

I think Ngannou sends Overeem into lala land for a nap.


Active member
G `day B

Holly using angles and kicks till Christiane gets pissed off and comes fwd in a straight line . Then countering and resetting , and rinse , repeat . If it goes to the ground with Cyborg on top . Well ... Best of luck Holly .

I`m a Cyborg fan . Have been for years . But this is a challenge on a different level to Gina Carano .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Hey EB :tiphat:,
As they say "everyone has a plan, till you get punched in the face"...nobody has controlled the power and fury of Cyborg in the ring, can't see The Preacher's Daughter doing it :biggrin:

Holly needs to drop down in weight, and get a ground game...the game has passed by the single style specialist.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I get why people make fun of cyborg for being masculine, but honestly it seems misogynistic/hate speech to me. She can't help the way she looks. She's a professional athlete, she knocks people out for a living. She's never going to be a carano or rousey and be celebrated for her looks as well as her skill.
I never see people make fun of ugly male fighters for being ugly.
Anyway, i like to think holly has an even chance against cyborg. Stand up striking is her strength, and she has the skills to make cyborg pay if cristiano simply tries to walk through her. Then again, cyborg has 1 punch KO power, so maybe she beats holly in 20 secs. Should be exciting, either way...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I get why people make fun of cyborg for being masculine, but honestly it seems misogynistic/hate speech to me. She can't help the way she looks. She's a professional athlete, she knocks people out for a living. She's never going to be a carano or rousey and be celebrated for her looks as well as her skill.
I never see people make fun of ugly male fighters for being ugly.
Anyway, i like to think holly has an even chance against cyborg. Stand up striking is her strength, and she has the skills to make cyborg pay if cristiano simply tries to walk through her. Then again, cyborg has 1 punch KO power, so maybe she beats holly in 20 secs. Should be exciting, either way...

G`day BB

+1 bro .
How attractive she is , not an issue .

How she puts together the skills she has learnt in combat is my fascination .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If that is directed at me... Cyborg chose to take steroids to alter herself physically. She did not look like that before use. She looks half man and is.

I never make fun of people with big teeth though.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
If that is directed at me... Cyborg chose to take steroids to alter herself physically. She did not look like that before use. She looks half man and is.

I never make fun of people with big teeth though.

G `day Yesum

Got popped for steroids over 5 years ago .
Surely the alterations they made would have worn off by now ?


So her physique would now be from hard training and good nutrition . No ?

So ... saying she looks half man . Is ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
Fact is she fugly now, whether she looks like a man or a horse. Some of the side effects of roids on a woman are virilization. If you choose to do that to yourself then some of the consequences are that people will criticize you. Some of the effects of anabolic steroid use are PERMANENT. So even if she stopped when she got popped we can’t prove that those features are not due to her use of PED’s. There are men who take roids and probably have tiny balls and grow “man boobs” which many are quick to bring up but no one bats an eye. But like some have said who the fook cares. I look forward to seeing her fight in December.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Her voice is lower than Joe Rogan's voice or mine. If that is not from drugs I am amazed. Also if she has not cycled drugs during the time after her getting caught.

Look up Gabby and see the before and after. Brazil has the drug cheating down to a science.

I actually do not care much. I think no drug testing from now on is right. I feel a bit weird watching a fight that seems to be a drug creature vs a woman however. I feel sorry for Holly though she is in there by choice so..

Maybe I am insecure cause she looks more masculine than me and I guess could beat me up, so I have to make hateful comments. Yeah, that's it.


Well-known member
Well dude it takes more than roids to make a fighter of her caliber so there’s definitely skill and hard work put in there. I don’t think she has any more of an advantage at this point than anyone else. With USADA in place anyone still using PED’s will get popped sooner than later imo.

I think Holly can pull it off though, she is my Cain Velazquez vs Brock Lesnar.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Her voice is lower than Joe Rogan's voice or mine. If that is not from drugs I am amazed. Also if she has not cycled drugs during the time after her getting caught.

Look up Gabby and see the before and after. Brazil has the drug cheating down to a science.

I actually do not care much. I think no drug testing from now on is right. I feel a bit weird watching a fight that seems to be a drug creature vs a woman however. I feel sorry for Holly though she is in there by choice so..

Maybe I am insecure cause she looks more masculine than me and I guess could beat me up, so I have to make hateful comments. Yeah, that's it.

G `day Yesum

Ever heard of balco ?
Barry Bonds ? Marion Jones ? Justin Gatlin ? Nate Marquart , Josh Barnett , John Jones ? That other guy who won 7 Tour De france ? Lance whats his name ?

I`d say the Red White and Blue holds her own in the drug cheating stakes . No ?

Deep voice . Ever heard of Ertha Kitt aka Cat Woman ? lol .

Actually the post re virilization got me googling . Stanozolol [which cyborg got busted for ] is one of the least dangerous for virilization . Also women are able to use short cycles without having to use blockers to re- balance their hormones after taking steroids . Unlike males who need to take supportive drugs after a cycle of steroids .

And of course the former owners of the UFC are anti performance enhancing drugs .


Funny how Dana and Lorenzo`s heads grew bigger during their time with the UFC . Tito too ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

NBE One !

... Marion Jones ,Gatlin ! 100m Specialists;
Then " Bolt " comes along ... :wave:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah, I have heard of most of those people and have heard Kitt's voice. Cyborg is deeper than that though by a lot. She sounds like a male period.

I understand ped's are all over, I just said Brazil seems to have taken the lead in their use judging by some of their 'women'. East Germany had that going a while back too.

Cheating is so prevalent I feel it is time to give up on drug tests. They will continue to cheat and use stuff that does not show on tests, cycle it to avoid detection etc.

The effects are permanent with some of the drugs too. Gabi is a trip, the Brazil lass that scares Vanderlei Silva.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Yesum

Let me add a few more to the list of roid users from the land of the free .
Maybe that will sway your patriotic bias ?

Tim Sylvia , Frank Mir , Steffan Bonnar , Phil Baroni , Sean Sherk ,Chris Leben , King Mo , Chael Sonnen , Ben Rothwell , Brock Lesnar and Gil Melendez . Honorable mention to the Reem for getting popped while under supervision of a doctor from Texas .

And you say the Brazilians have it on lock ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That is your bias showing not mine. I am sure you fear Trump. We do kind of rule the world still, I understand your insecurity. No women in your list.

Lesnar was a joke from wrestling, the kings of of drug use. I did not say Brazil has it on lock, I said they have it down to a science. They are creating half-men. The guys are mostly more obvious in their use with the crazy muscles.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You hate the US, fair play mate. Flo Jo did not look like a dude and was a runner not mma. Give up while you can.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Yesum

I don`t hate the USA .
I like lots of things from American culture .

Ignorance I hate .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Brock Lesnar decided he's a Canadian now, he's no longer our burden to bear....my sincerest sympathy's to our Canadian brothers. :)