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TurdCutter The legend continues



bartender187 said:
welcome scag, friend of lime's is a friend of mine,

pineapple :yummy: whats the 22 smoke like?

like heaven my friend, very hard hitting when run to the amber.....and dense cabley bud.....alot of folks swear that is a pineapple blunt skin, but its a super pineappley hashy diesel taste......and im finding the killer queen in the SQ has the punch stank that backs up the pineapple phenos sweetness. fruit gag leaded is the taste.......

smokers of mcfly(22) chime in ......


ICMag Donor
Sounds like my kinda smoke, oldfamilyread! :yummy:

Slick gardens! Hows the outdoor triangle kush doing?


Yep OFR I agree w/ you on all that. Pineapple,fruity, stinky. That smell for some reason makes me want to do stuff to my girl. Awesome, clear,lasting, stone but it looks,smells,tastes so good you just keep incinerating it. Maybe a little biased but I love this plant. :)


Propa-Gator said:
Yep OFR I agree w/ you on all that. Pineapple,fruity, stinky. That smell for some reason makes me want to do stuff to my girl. Awesome, clear,lasting, stone but it looks,smells,tastes so good you just keep incinerating it. Maybe a little biased but I love this plant. :)

thats why we call her a panty dropper=) and when in a long relationship,,,,anything helps :headbange


dog food

dog food

pipeline said:
Sounds like my kinda smoke, oldfamilyread! :yummy:

Slick gardens! Hows the outdoor triangle kush doing?

my blue male has eaten half of her, and pissed on the other half, heavy nitrogen feed :rasta: besides that, shes freezing and probably an S1 machine at best....but what the hey...let em live.


pipeline said:
So who's the brilliant parents of Mcfly?
sour queen x c99 pineapple pheno=) big ass sativa fans for real.

how ya been pipeline? i seen a while back you had some good outdoor stuff turn out,,,,,cant remeber what exactly.....
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hey flavourful .......im gonna hit you up pm soon, coming up your way.....will have to chill.


what up Brad........ hanks for bringin and Chico and family......hows everything going in Sunnyvail=)


ICMag Donor
Things are doin great, I just introduced my 80 + yr old grandmother to medical grade cannabis this evening.... She's in pain, depressed, and doesn;t want to take so much pain medication, trying tylinol but...... So I had to the way I see it.... :chin: Shes supposed to bake up a quick firecracker (toast/cracker and peanut butter) and let me know.... :D

Outdoor came out super organic medi grade plaza! I love real herb, i have to smoke this pesticide shwag shit all year and it gets pretty old to tell ya the truth.... I'll increase my yield next year.... Would have yielded much better but many of the Deep chunk hybrid plots had to be abandoned due to security... I was being staked out bro.... Flashlights, tents, the whole nine yards! :eek: Remember, GOD our creator is always with you.....

Had an extremely skewed sex ratio this year toward female at all sites! Still made a dozen or 2 beans and got plenty of good smoke.... Thank goodness for the improved sex ratio.... Cannabis is a mysterious plant..... a Royal trickster.... :canabis:

Slumber party..... ;)

OG Kush bagseed--

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krome, after 3 sometime for the session? ill drive.
that white is some frozen frosty pureness, you should see mine, they lok like fresh brocolli so healthy, the BH to, goshdern.......dernly.......this krome bubble is givin a brotha ITIS as your cuz would say. ITIS baby....love it.
you down or what? i got antique masks from japan we can wear;) samuraiponics.

pipe. you ae always an inspiration bro, such essence to all your stuff.

brad, dang that looks like a trichome mitten=) lime
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Yeah, hit me up and we should be able to make it work. I'll be around after 3:00 but will stay around the usual side of town. We can figure it out from there, but I'll hit it up for a short spell.

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