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TurdCutter The legend continues



Limerson your Floramite is here...told ya it would be same day delivery...

Bart...Yeah it was tastey..Fresh 45 Strawberry D bubble with Triangle Kush inside...Best taste I've ever had..I think I'm getting a stiffy thinking about it..lol..

Krome..I started out with PBP and moved over to floranova after I got samples at the show..I use to use monster bloom but hated the price..I found a place where you can get the same 0-50-30 mix for 45 bucks for a 40 lb bag..reminds me I need another bag cause I'm almost out of the free Kool bloom I been using..countin down the days bro..saved some Strawberry D 45 bubble for the show..see ya then


been there before..I love the shoot first law..I'm always in fear of my life..lol..time for some bubble and brews..


GDH,,,,,,,,thanks a bunch for ordering that for me,,,your a god friend. lime


Looks like you live in the wild west homie. Be easy out there. Got way too much to lose over some dumbass who's all pumped up. Take a whiff, smoke a spliff and give thanks and praises for this daily blessing of life.

A couple of shots from my crosses that my boy is growing out. Hit me up if you need to chill bro.



Limerson I always got your back..Believe that!!

Krome...great work my friend..those crosses look like straight fire...cant wait to try them out..


krome, youre right man, i know, but i got that animal in me,,,,,its hard to ignore things, a true weakness of mine, obsessive.
it didnt help that the dude was weaving his car back and forth, it would have angered any of our fathers, but i shouldve just waved and told him his car was "HOT"

it is the wild west, exactly why i put the glock away again, 2nd time this year=(
im not a bad ass, shit krome, you seen me, not a wrestler to say the least. I do however believe in respect and manners, and this is where i dont fit in, around my way, the wild, wild, west.
i think if you guys had have been there, you wouldve been doing the reloading,,,,,,,

ok, how do i say this, i know i was wrong, and should learn to ignore things, my life is blessed, and i shouldnt let demons hop on for a free ride, or worse, impede on my path to Zion.

and krome, the answer is yes, we will smoke that nug pictured above,,,,,,put a toe tag on that biscuit=)
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Always dancing on that fine line we call sanity..Tightrope walker for life you know that!

anyways I'm proud of you..Way to control that Colby inside..No need to make film at 11 brother..


GreenDevilHerbs said:
Always dancing on that fine line we call sanity..Tightrope walker for life you know that!

anyways I'm proud of you..Way to control that Colby inside..No need to make film at 11 brother..
thanks man, it took alot,,,,shit, its still bothering me, i gotta work on that a little more.

anyways, back to growing, the ladies are looking lovely to the fullest, im blown away at the ease of this fnova in bloom,,,,,,its almost not right.
and my goodness, i love a harvest,but watxhing these things grow, youd think after so and so many years at this, it would cease to amaze me, but no, im still like a child reading playboy, WOWO!


u like the nova that much eh? i've got a fresh bottle to shoot this winter...... coco of course

krome you've either got a green thumb or some extraterrestrial genetics :D ...or both.......definitely highest quality
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OFR- sigh- Didn't make it before the lights came on. Gonna get some better pics later. If you underfeed using FN what would be most likely first deficiency to show, Cal-mag? Also some of the fan leaves turning completely dead dry crispy brown around the top and in the cola of the oldest worst one. It has fan blowing close directly on and the humidity being down 32-34 temps upper seventies to mid eighties. Could the dry air be sucking all the moisture from those? :rant:

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they look great bro, theyre almost fnished up , so i wouldnt worry about that,,,flushing yet? probably need some cal mag, id need better pics.....
try to get your humidity up to 60-70%,its perfect for the tk and mcfly in the same room,,,32 at lights on,,,but whats the humidity during lights off,,check midway through there night process.....

you learned well grasshopper. :headbange
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id also say get that fan oscillating, and not on one plant constantly, its like to much pimpslappin on a ho.

gonna be on a few?
,,if so, ill pop a few pics myself.


Phew, already been a long day. Ok got the fan oscillating, the RH got down in the twenties last day cycle :badday: Guess I could try hanging some wet towels around when the lights are on. Limiting air exchange in the room is not an option(already wondering if co2 levels are low enough to hinder growth not supplimenting ATM).Night cycle RH 50%,70F. Went and got some cal-mag and stuff today. That TK was flipped on Sept 11th, and the oldest 2 Mcflys flipped on the 8th. Thought they was flipped on the 18th, thought I would starting to flush them in couple more weeks. Going to set up the flush tray in a couple of hours. Also picked up another humidity dome and a heatmat. Sadly right now cuttings are taking 2 weeks plus to root and as soon as any of the material dies fungus attacks and tries to spread from dead leaf spot to another weak cutting. I started some Mcflys in bubblercloner and they rooted think about two weeks but I've left them in there another weak or two and they still look great(really vigorous)with lots of long roots. Think I'll use the bubblercloner to make little TK soil moms (just got some 4" square pots). Another thought 4" square pots(49 cents) with more holes on the sides filled with hydroton(reusable) might be a good alternative to rockwool in a perpetual setup. Guess been thinking of this since I ran out of 4" rockwool week or so ago, I didn't want to use the netpots cause of space issues. Did get Rockwool today so can do stuff thats been on hold. :woohoo:
Ok question on ppm say your shooting for 1100ppm and your water starts at 400ppm, do you get to run it up to 1500, or do you just ignor what your water starts off with and 1100 is always 1100?

Here is the sickest one its one of the Mcflys flipped sept 8th-

What a blessing


Scagnetti said:
Yo Fam, got access, working on 50 to PM. Have a swell 1.
Fam=))))))))) now im stoked!

im heading to work, but i will be around this evening.......

friends of mine, treat Scagnetti like fam=) he is the best of people.

Scag- so were you interested in that bucket style? you mentioned on the phone that 56 day thing, so i was assuming you were talking about the buckets......

this a Mclfy(22, you have 20, the grapefruit pheno, and they are Sour Queen x c99 pineapple pheno from grimm bros cut, not nirvana)
this lady only went 43 days, and i got a dash over an elbow off her, she shouldve went 60......but the Pearl Harbor incident went down and so did she=( you know what im talkin bout.......

i will draw a diagram of how i ran her, and nute regimen this evening,,,,,,,its a solid way to grow, she was a mother, so she started out medium and got huge, ideally, start them after a 2 week veg, and you can get 5 under a k(1000 watter)
the process involved a small water pump and a good air pump w quality hydroponic airstones, but you could get away w fish store ones. i prefer more bubbles so i buy the white salt lick looking guys from the grow store, i have a bunch if you want,,,,,but they are only 7 bucks, i say buy new ones, they get salt build up, but clearex will clean them pretty good.......

or were you talking about trays?

i thought you were already running trays last season, so i doubt it was trays, but
not sure....

hows the coco treating you? what brand did you go with,,,,,i got a bunch of blocks im not using,,,,,if you like it, ill bring them with me next time. xmas is coming up quick.

and hows that Blue mexican indica coming along..........she was pretty!

im off to do the dam thing,,,,,,,be back around tonight. lime
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Yo, yo, yo. Looking nice over here. Got a new thing going on. Easier for the pics. Still can't post pics for a minute I guess, but I'll be up in action in no time. Mad work to do as usual but I'll hit you up later on. Peace.

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