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TurdCutter The legend continues



I'm gonna take a chance and post here !!!! If you guys don't see me again go ahead and blame OFR!!!! LMAO

Hey bro I see you have no-pest strips???? Did GDH pass my Nor-cal nuclear mites onto you????? If so sorry in advance.



garlic city gro said:
I'm gonna take a chance and post here !!!! If you guys don't see me again go ahead and blame OFR!!!! LMAO

Hey bro I see you have no-pest strips???? Did GDH pass my Nor-cal nuclear mites onto you????? If so sorry in advance.

i think you have a dam good eye,,,,,,i think that was the case......what me worry=) i wish i had got to run some of those.......its always something though.

whats this about disappearances? if its cuz i hang with a bunch of hicks that cant get aling with the dutch, then i understand.......

and hey, to those who dont wanna be included in things that have a no pass status, i can only say one thing, i promised my boys I would be discerning with who i passed her to, so im doing just that.......sorry if that doesnt work out for some folks. to be included is special, and that is that.

bonzo, lets hit some downhills.........everything ok out your wAY? those fires got a brother worried about yall.....
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Looking righteous OFR. Glad to see that the girls are doing well and you're back at posting that kill. Beautiful nug shots as well bro. Got my mouth watering. I've got some new shit that'll do the body good next time we get up. Still got a few to take care of, but the few that I've sampled have been pretty damn good. The sour bubble is the shizzy too. Hit me up when you get freed up. Gotta get some more pics uploaded myself, but glad to see the thread up and kicking again.


rootstyle - thanks man,,,me likey to, blessed for sure.

krome- hey brother......thanks man, i wont forget=) promise. i would say i owe you one, but i got you anyways, so it goes without sayin.....
i cant seem to get the blockhead enough nitrogen, fall colors on big bottom fan leaves without fail,,,if i was deeper into flower i would be stoked, but although nitrogen isnt to good a flower promotion, i think some grow big is in order,,,,,,the white isnt as sensitive as i had previously thought,,,,,,,,,
do i remember you mentioning this bh pheno being a little slow in veg///// it gets a blur towards the end of our sessions.....i thought you might have said that though,,,,,,top the mom? i think that might give it the pickup to boost more tops, and get some length,,,,i dont want a flagpole for a mammy;)
word, lets do this, sample session after church(sunday, sleep, sports) or monday.......
i got more ?s on the pro mix.......whars new,lol. lime

im enjoying a killer LUI joint with the lady after a big day at work, this plant was real Sweettoothesque, real sweet, real heavy stone, didnt dig the ortega leaning pheno,,,,tasted like marlboro's.....good stone though.
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What up homie? I know exactly what you mean with the blockhead. You can pretty much go ahead and feed just about every watering with her. Flush her only when she needs it seems to work best lately. The one's I have going right now are 29 days in and looking exactly like what you're talking about, only a little worse. I'm not worried though, they're still awesome, I just bumped the feed up a little bit. I switched everything back to flora nova for the simple ease of it all also. Just give her what she wants and you can't go wrong. I would definitely top your moms. It's a must if you want to get decent clones as opposed to those tiny little ones that are barely clones. She responds well to topping for sure. I would also pump your moms with feed. It's the only way she'll put out a decent amount of clones consistantly. At least with the blockhead. The whites are surprising me this time around as well. They're healthier than they've ever been, I mean ever. I think the shitty thing is that the whites were looking better with the fox farm and the blockhead looks better with flora nova with me. But it doesn't matter, it's all floranova from here on out. Like I said, far too easy.

Some pics of those blockheads at 29 days.

the white at 29 days



Active member
Watta page o pics. So sounds like Flora Nova is workin for alotta people, i dunno why but i used it once 4 years ago and started experimenting with other stuff and before i read this page i was thinkin bout goin back to it, you guys goin with the the Floralicious as well, and if so the new all purpose one or the old veg and bloom? Im prolly the only cornball on this site givin' Tri-Flex a whirl, so far not bad.

Thanks for lookin out L, i feel sorry for alotta folks man, losin eveything to the blaze, but on the flipside glad i live on the wrong side of the tracks when it does flare up. Guess its the rightside then eh? Rambling.

Homie Downhilling the Haleakela Crater on Maui, unreal, gotta wear the right shoes though, he he he!!!



young Skush, FloraNova:

gettin fatter:

done, 2 x 3 closet, 400 watts, 14zippers

old pics but its all i have at the moment

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


dam yall, we got my house crankin hard in just one page, dam yall!
limerson limeworth the lime limely of Lime


What up all, looks like i gotta spread some more reputation around b4 given it to Lime and bonzo again.
This place ahs some amazing pics. The tk looks fuggin so tasty and those dried nugs by the lighter remind me of that old school shit i got when i first started burning. Krome as always got the bomb pics im really digin the last WHITE Pic. Bonzo those skush always look the bomb. 14 oscars off a 400 im lovin those yields. hope io can dish out some rep 4 yas.

has it been a ghost town around here lately or what???

Keep the pics comin
Grow safe



I see how it is..I go back to my place to lick a few wounds and the rest of the pack comes out to play....Oh and yeah I wouldnt pass on Pussy just cause I wasnt allowed to say Who polished my Nob...Go J.J.



kill.....yeah, an old blue dot i had, she bit the dust a while back......we go through lotsa glass round here,,,i like it that way.

gdh-------dam crazy race today. last 10 laps made it seem like the whole pack took a TK break on the last caution!!!!!! wooooo that was wild, and Jrs tire boys got some answering to do......its transplanting time, isnt it always, i gotta bump the veg room up to a K,,,,,the t5 slim boy is gonna be for moms........found a bag of 400 5 gallon grow bags under the stairsm they gotta be 5 yrs old, but im gonna finaly get my $ worth out of em........

dinner is salsbury steaks, asparagus, and Tres Leche and coffee for desert then wine, peaches, and some Tk and bubble, then me and the misses are gonna re watch all the Wire's . first season through third, should take 2 weeks,,,,,,best show ever.
saw Joe Rogan live today, holey shit he is funny as falk.


shiddly whoooooa, swing!

whatup blue, i was just about to ask if i could get a few dinner pics ^ :D that always puts a smile on

keep it green


Active member
Anything else under the stairs? :) I love when people are moving or somethin and its packed with "STUFF" and they say "its all junk take what you want"......heaven diggin through it.

thinkin out loud

peace bonz

!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!


Wildfire said:
this page is looking too much like a lowes advertisement.

smoke weed- everyone's doing it!

Wildfire you're missing the point bro :bashhead: we aren't into Lowe's it's Jimmie he's our boy!!!!! :headbange

Man talk about backing into a win huh??? i think if it would have gone GWC either cousin Carl or Junior would have won?

Oh yeah that's right Teresa is sabotaging his equipment!!!!! :cuss: LMAO.

Limey sorry about giving you my headache bro :bashhead: and you didn't even get to grow any of them out?????? Well that sucks serious A$$!!!!

I'm going to loose all of those cuts b/c I'm trying to get rid of the F$$KING MITES!!!!!!!

Go Jimmie go!!!!!!!!


Bakin in da Sun
Avid or floramite.... Avid if you have a spare bio-suit on hand. I can verify one sprayin of avid and the stubborn fuggas are history.



Lime Floramite does the same thing and I have some...HID hut has a 1 ounce bottle for 30 bucks..1 Oz=24 gallons...just dip the cuts in and all are gone...my bottle is with a cat lady but I'll have it back before the show..let me know..or I'll order you your own bottle if you want via my safe addy...GDH

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