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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
thats not what u said... I mean just as a small example I've known many conservatives that rant and rail about providing the poor with food stamps and then turn around and take advantage of the poor by buying their food stamps at 50 cents on the dollar..

so why don't u turn in the 'many conservatives u know' for breaking the law????
I've reported them but so far I've never had enough evidence to make sure they go to jail or otherwise be punished. All I can do is to report them and hope the system works to see them punished. My point though is if conservatives truly believed in the rule of law and fiscal responsibility, I shouldn't have to turn them in. They themselves should avoid the crime because they know it's a crime. They themselves should avoid trying to profit off the system by making sure the government spends as much as possible if they were fiscally responsible.


Well-known member
I've reported them but so far I've never had enough evidence to make sure they go to jail or otherwise be punished. All I can do is to report them and hope the system works to see them punished. My point though is if conservatives truly believed in the rule of law and fiscal responsibility, I shouldn't have to turn them in. They themselves should avoid the crime because they know it's a crime. They themselves should avoid trying to profit off the system by making sure the government spends as much as possible if they were fiscally responsible.
if u can't prove it, they are not guilty in a court of law ... maybe in the eyes of god, but not in a court... and it ain't only righties... your nj senator was caught with 'stolen' gold bars ... reported stolen from one of his supporters.. and the congressman who had 90k in his freezer (talk about cold cash)... everyone is stealing.... the higher in the food chain you are, the more $$$ u can steal


Well-known member
I was waiting for Trump to get shot.

I'm back for better or for worse.

Buddy until you resurfaced we thought you were the shooter. Held an online vigil and everything. Hempkat wrote a scathing trump letter to congress and Audi did a where have all the flowers gone cover with Phish at the amphitheater in downtown Austingeles. Hell, I even sent $15 to ActBlue to match your donation.

Good grief all for nothing. Now ive been tagged


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Buddy until you resurfaced we thought you were the shooter. Held an online vigil and everything. Hempkat wrote a scathing trump letter to congress and Audi did a where have all the flowers gone cover with Phish at the amphitheater in downtown Austingeles. Hell, I even sent $15 to ActBlue to match your donation.

Good grief all for nothing. Now ive been tagged

View attachment 19045177

I want Trump to be humiliated and imprisoned before he kicks the bucket... I'm glad he cheated death.

I took a break from the interwebs for some sanity and reflection. It was fulfilling and informative.


Well-known member
The federal system includes representation to 330,000,000 individuals 700,000 individuals at a time via the House of Representatives. That's where the rules of the Electoral College apply to the 'rabble'.
Any bill passed by the house must be voted on by the senate (2 per state) and signed by the president (electoral college”.

It’s a balance between democracy (populism), and what’s actually best.

At least that’s how it’s supppsed to work. Now with the purple uniparty and it’s agreement on things like war and surveillance of its own people, it’s not working.


Well-known member
I want Trump to be humiliated and imprisoned before he kicks the bucket... I'm glad he cheated death.

I took a break from the interwebs for some sanity and reflection. It was fulfilling and informative.

he's suffering so much more this way

republicans finally got what they've been wanting all along

nobody thinks twice about a shooting anymore


Well-known member
Any bill passed by the house must be voted on by the senate (2 per state) and signed by the president (electoral college”.

It’s a balance between democracy (populism), and what’s actually best.

At least that’s how it’s supppsed to work. Now with the purple uniparty and it’s agreement on things like war and surveillance of its own people, it’s not working.
democracy isn't populism, bub


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
if u can't prove it, they are not guilty in a court of law ... maybe in the eyes of god, but not in a court... and it ain't only righties... your nj senator was caught with 'stolen' gold bars ... reported stolen from one of his supporters.. and the congressman who had 90k in his freezer (talk about cold cash)... everyone is stealing.... the higher in the food chain you are, the more $$$ u can steal
Not true, you make too many assumptions, I hope you aren't considering a future as a lawyer. If you are you should warn your clients you're not very good at it. I'm aware of the crime because I know people who told me about the crime, often times it's the person being cheated out of their food stamp money that I hear about it from. This means I'm not witnessing the crime which is why I can't prove it, I'm hearing about it 2nd hand. That's not sufficient to be counted as evidence in a court of law. It's what they call word of mouth. Now since I'm hearing about it from the people getting food stamps I could technically turn them in because they too are technically breaking the law. However it would still be word of mouth and since they're already being robbed by the conservative I don't feel as strong a need to report them. Plus often these are homeless people so it would be difficult for police to investigate them. So for them I usually just tell them what idiots they are for giving up the little bit of help they get just to score enough money to have a night or two of being able to buy a 12 pack of beer. I point out to them that if they keep doing that they'll go thru all their food stamps in a day or two and then have to deal with the rest of the month of having no easy access to food. Does that work? Probably not, it's not like I can always follow up with these people because I meet them thru volunteer work I do with a local church. The homeless come in to a soup kitchen and my task after helping to serve them is to sit down and talk with as many as I can to try to see if we can figure a way for them to no longer be homeless. That's when I learn of the crime. I don't know their name, where they can be found, and they tell me what they do in confidence. So not only would it be wrong to report them because it would violate that confidence but since I may never see them again the best I could do is tell the police some homeless guy just admitted to me he trades his food stamps for cash. Good luck to the police to find the right guy and detemine if what he told me was heresay or not. Plus it's been my experience the police aren't too keen on going after homeless people for such minor offenses that usually just end up with them losing their food stamp benefits. Also I don't always know the conservative they make their deal with and in those cases I can't report them. The police probably don't do much if anything with the leads I do give them but they'ree definitely not going to do anything with me reporting that some homeless guy trades food stamps for cash with some annonymous person who doesn't need food stamps.

Also I never said only conservatives are stealing. Sure some democrats get caught doing the wrong thing and if they do, just like the guy in NJ they should and deserve to be prosecuted. But it's hardly reasonable to compare someone who gets caught in a bribery crime to someone scaming poor people for food stamps. At least in the bribery crime both parties can afford a lawyer and both sides are fully aware they're committing a crime. The majority of these homeless people don't see what they do as a crime, they just simply see it as traddding something they have for cash. Also, not that it makes it any more or less right but since the democrat politician that gets caught in a crime isn't claiming to run on a platform of rule of law and fiscal responsibility. Also if you're being honest with yourself far more conservative politician's end up being caught involved in crimes then do democrat politicians.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Buddy until you resurfaced we thought you were the shooter. Held an online vigil and everything. Hempkat wrote a scathing trump letter to congress and Audi did a where have all the flowers gone cover with Phish at the amphitheater in downtown Austingeles. Hell, I even sent $15 to ActBlue to match your donation.

Good grief all for nothing. Now ive been tagged

View attachment 19045177
Ah I remember that movie that picture is from. Also I catagorically deny ever writing a letter to congress. I'm not sure enough of them can actually read to be willing to waste my time. The only thing I ever did in connection with the shooter is speak up for the guy who owns the YouTube channel the shirt the shooter was wearing. He's a good old boy from Texas and was innocent of anything to do with the shooter beyond the shooter buying his merch from him online.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I want Trump to be humiliated and imprisoned before he kicks the bucket... I'm glad he cheated death.

I took a break from the interwebs for some sanity and reflection. It was fulfilling and informative.
Trust me, every since Dark Karma-la took over for Biden Trump has been getting humiliated on a daily basis, usually by his own words out of his mouth as he and Vance desperately try to make up something they can pin on her. It's actually quite entertaining watching how Trump and Vance are flailing wildly trying to come up with something that sticks. One day she's two soft on crime, the next too touch on crime, etc. As far as the imprisonment that's a little vague right now, it's not going to happen before the election but if Trump doesn't stroke out before he loses then you might see that happen. The best you can hope for is he gets sentanced to jail time (likely home detention) in Mid September when he gets sentanced on the 34 convictions in NY.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Any bill passed by the house must be voted on by the senate (2 per state) and signed by the president (electoral college”.

It’s a balance between democracy (populism), and what’s actually best.

At least that’s how it’s supppsed to work. Now with the purple uniparty and it’s agreement on things like war and surveillance of its own people, it’s not working.
It's not working because it was designed for a much different time and much different reasons then to balance out the impact of large population centers that didn't even exist yet back then. At least not anywhere near the sizes they are now. I mean the electoral college started almost 100 years before California was even a state.