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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
He didn’t buy it because they’re black!! He’s racist!!

it's a good thing Kamala isn't black

trump spending money in California



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thats what surprises me about peoples reactions. The guy was so greedy that every show on the air in the 80's and 90's clowned on him in one way or another

But thats when he was a registered democrat so that doesn't count 😜
I don't think it was his greed that they clowned on or mocked him so much as it was because here he was supposed to be this great business man that was so skilled at deal making and yet he had to bail himself out of terrible business decisions with 5 or 6 bankruptcies. The punch line ending up that it was this belief of him being the great and successful business man that eventually got him elected as a republican because so many republicans couldn't see thru his fakeness. Which is why he became a republican since he couldn't fool enough people as a democrat to get anywhere in politics.


Well-known member
Which is why he became a republican since he couldn't fool enough people as a democrat to get anywhere in politics.
yeah, the GOP hasn't won a POTUS election popular vote in a LOOOONG time. gonna get their ass waxed like a new car this time around too. :cool: i guess when you are staring at political extinction, any port in a storm looks good. :help: their selling their souls for temporary power is about to blow up in their faces however. :good:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
yeah, the GOP hasn't won a POTUS election popular vote in a LOOOONG time. gonna get their ass waxed like a new car this time around too. :cool: i guess when you are staring at political extinction, any port in a storm looks good. :help: their selling their souls for temporary power is about to blow up in their faces however. :good:
Well all I know is this, for the past several months when the stock market was setting records almost daily with the stock market going up it was because it meant that the stock market knew Trump was going to win. Therefore with the more recent bad performance in the market with stocks going down, that must mean that now that Kamala Harris is who Trump is running against the stock market now knows that he is going to lose. I mean that has to be it, right? I mean you can't have it both ways right? Unless of course Trump is just making everything up as he goes, believing that his supporters are too stupid to aee it when Trump contradicts himself.


Well-known member
Well all I know is this, for the past several months when the stock market was setting records almost daily with the stock market going up it was because it meant that the stock market knew Trump was going to win. Therefore with the more recent bad performance in the market with stocks going down, that must mean that now that Kamala Harris is who Trump is running against the stock market now knows that he is going to lose. I mean that has to be it, right? I mean you can't have it both ways right? Unless of course Trump is just making everything up as he goes, believing that his supporters are too stupid to aee it when Trump contradicts himself.

too stupid you say?



Well-known member
Oh yes that does sound like fun. I know i cant wait for the liberals in California to decide who runs the country

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Fun fact, the electoral college in the US was a result of political tampering from slave-owning states who wanted more voting power to keep their slave owning policies in place...

Nothing changes aye...