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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
who was so depressed he wanted to do something that would mark his place in history
at the distance the shots were fired from, any decent shot would have killed The Chump, even with open sights. i think he just wanted publicity & thought he would be captured alive & get his name in the papers. JMHO


Well-known member
"almost" a compulsion ? it is his default position, has been for decades. he wouldn't/couldn't tell the truth if that was the only way he would escape death/hell.
:biglaugh: really?
well in this case ending up in the world of politics is just a natural development, right ? 🤣


Well-known member
its all a conspiracy.... there was no shooter, the gun and the body of the poor slob who was selected to die was placed on the roof... trump nicked his ear hrs b4 the rally, and grabbed his ear to open the small cut and then dropped to the ground... any other story u read/hear is bullshit


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I was not even aware of this statement, lmao :biggrin:
but she will have enough professional experience to make a fair judgment won´t she ;)
One would think so otherwise she wouldn't deserve the title of porn star. You likely weren't aware of that statement if you got most of your information about their "affair" from the trial because this was likely in the group of evidence excluded for being too graphic. I can't remember where it originated from, either from an interview or from her book that detailed their little (no pun intended) dinner party.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the thought of it all being a publicity stund had also crossed my mind but it was just a speculation on my part.
My second thought was: great. Now he´s gonna be seen as a martyr or something and get symphathy votes.

HOWEVER, we mustn´t forget that there were real casualties and at least one person died :( :(
That´s going waaaay too far for a little news coverage, even for Trump who will (usually) do anything for media attention. He probably had serious withdrawal symptoms these past few years.
Yeah that's the same conclusion I came to as well. Not so much because it would have been too far for even Trump to go but because someone not far from Trump was shot and killed by a bullet from someone shooting in the direction of Trump. I mean nobody, not even Trump, would be foolish enough to risk having someone shooting a high powered rifle in their direction to fake being shot. I've already stated in a recent post what I think the motive of the shooter was (suicide by cop). As for Trump being hit, I can only specuate because Trump didn't allow any medical reports to be released but I suspect that Trump was hit by a small piece of shrapnel and then he overdramatized it for maximum political advantage. In the end he wass fired at by someonee with a powerful enough rifle that Trump could have been killed and he just got incredibly lucky to only recieve a minor wound. So as I see it there was no real need to overdramatize things. In fact there are ways that it could have been played to his advantage to get the same political advantage such as "God stepped in to save him" and in fact that was a storyline that some promoted anyway. However Trump being Trump, overdramatizing things is no surprise.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
its all a conspiracy.... there was no shooter, the gun and the body of the poor slob who was selected to die was placed on the roof... trump nicked his ear hrs b4 the rally, and grabbed his ear to open the small cut and then dropped to the ground... any other story u read/hear is bullshit
Would you care sharing what makes you so sure that's how it all played out?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the fellow who died , was dead prior to the rally, i'm working on the other two people who were shot... i will update when i get the facts
So you're saying the guy who used his body to protect his family was brought there by his family ala "Weekend at Bernies" style and nobody but you figured that out or noticed on the scene? :rolleyes:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah, nah. That was not staged. I don't care how good a shooter is. I am NOT going to stand downrange on a hot range. Trump may be a lot of things, but this is far beyond the level of his stupid to attempt.

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt having been hit myself. But mine was a ricochet and I have a minor scar on my forehead where it hit me. No, it did not penetrate beyond the skin. I was able to pull the copper jacket out with my fingers and I didn't even need stitches. Bled like a son of a bitch though.
Definitely not staged even though there are reports that indicate the shooter was far from being a good shot. That report being that when he was still in high school he tried to join some sort of shooting club but on his intitation his aim was so bad he was rejected. Now I'm sure he improved his aim since then and it has been confirmed he spent the day before at a range practicing. Plus as far as distance shots it wasn't all that difficult at 140 yards and a target as large as Trump. I even heard a report made by an expert sniper retired from the military who claimed even his grandmother could have made that shot. The only doubt I have is that Trump's ear was directly struck/grazed by a bullet. Given where the wound appeared to be when he stood up I find it hard to believe (due to the shape of the ear) that the damage only grazed him slightly in that one spot without doing additional damage to the outer edge of the ear (which stands out further then the area hit). Plus even though it supposedly just grazed him, the bullet should have been traveling at such a high velocity that if it struck him he would have been knocked off balance immediately instead of him having enough time to put his hand to his ear, pull it away and see blood, and then drop down on his own. I mean one of the other bullets went a good distance further and punctured a hydralic line on a piece of farm machinery holding up a banner or something. If a bullet can travel even further a still puncture a hydralic line it should have been able to do more damage then it did to a human ear. I can't prove without the report from the hospital but I'm 99.9% certain his ear got a bit of shrapnel from something it struck nearby (a telepromter parhaps?) to where Trump was standing.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
"almost" a compulsion ? it is his default position, has been for decades. he wouldn't/couldn't tell the truth if that was the only way he would escape death/hell.
You're right, I should have put the almost in air quotes like you did but I think the sarcasm still got thru. :biggrin:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
at the distance the shots were fired from, any decent shot would have killed The Chump, even with open sights. i think he just wanted publicity & thought he would be captured alive & get his name in the papers. JMHO
Maybe but that would be incredibly naive on his part to think he would just end up captured. Maybe if it was still back in the 60's the cops might have shown enouve restraint to take him in alive but in this day and age where cops usually shoot first and ask questions later. I mean he was a white guy and all but still, someone shooting at the orange skin Jesus from a sniper position?