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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
Lol maga cunt forgot to switch to his burner where he pretends to be a black woman.

"My mommy black. My daddy black"



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i watched part of it too, and it was interesting that the dem's were beating her up just as much as the reps... there is no doubt she is a worthless piece of shit, that should have been fired long ago, actually she never have been hired...
Not really all that interesting, what happened to Trump has been pretty much universally condemned by all reasonable people. It doesn't matter what party you're with Secret Service Agents are expected to protect our leaders. It's not good for anyone when they screw up as badly as they did in PA.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I was going to say it was probably a really smart move for her to resign since it was pretty obvious they were going to keep after her until she wass forced to resign anyway. It would have been better if she did it straight off the bat before she went in front of congress but doing it early still is better. By doing it early or without someone suggesting it publically it makes her look like she takes responsibility and can admt she screwed up. That will probably help her down the road getting hired somewhere else.

Then I saw an indepth report about her resignation. In that report is went over the history of assasinations and assadination attempts. Turns out each and everyy time there has been an assasination or an attempt of one, it was because the Secret Service didn't do it's job. Now granted that includes agents deliberately shielding the person they are protecting, with their own bodies which has got to be a difficult thing to make yourself do. It also means not letting the person they're protecting do everything they want to do. For example in the JFK assasination they failed in two ways, one is that they didn't follow the car JFK was in, close enough to block any shot. The other way they failed was they let JFK ride in a car without any roof or overhead protection. The reason why I has second thoughts on how smart it was that she resigned is because in each and every case of these failures, the person in charge that was responsible got to keep their jobs and eventually retire normally. For example, back in 1901 when McKinly was assasinated the shooter was allowed to go up to the president as if to shake his hand and then at the last second pulled out a hand gun and shot McKinly killing him on the spot. The Secret Service Director in charge when that failure happened, manage to keep his job another 3 years before retiring.


Well-known member
Not really all that interesting, what happened to Trump has been pretty much universally condemned by all reasonable people. It doesn't matter what party you're with Secret Service Agents are expected to protect our leaders. It's not good for anyone when they screw up as badly as they did in PA.
latest i've seen in print on it says it was local LEO that abandoned the roof because of the heat. WTF do i know, though...i wasn't there. cop might have thought "fuck this noise. anyone willing to sit out here in this heat deserves his shot at fame..."


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
latest i've seen in print on it says it was local LEO that abandoned the roof because of the heat. WTF do i know, though...i wasn't there. cop might have thought "fuck this noise. anyone willing to sit out here in this heat deserves his shot at fame..."
Yeah that's the blame game going around. Since the building the sniper was on was outside of the secured perimeter they say it was on the local police who happen to have a temp HQ inside the same building the shooter got on top of. The local police blame the Secret Service though because the local police were also responsible for traffic control and they say they nformed the secret service that their forc was so small (beng a relatively small rural town) that traffic control took all their available manpower. I also remmber in one of the earlist reports that the Secret Service didn't station anyon on the roof of the shooter's building because the slope of it was too dangerous. That's obviously bs though because the slope of the two buildings the Secret Service snipers were on was just as sloped if not maybe even a little more sloped. The way I see it though no matter who wass asssigned to what the Secret Service gets the full blam because wwhile there was the Secret Service, State, Local and ATF forces all present the Secret Service was in charge of overseeing it all and they had 5 days advance planning to get everything worked out and adjust for any shortfalls. Besides that there were protocal errors that fell directly on the Secret Serives shoulders. The main one being they had already noticed the shooter and hour or two before Trump got there, checking the place out with a range finder. Which made him a person of suspicion. About half an hour before Trump went on stage, they lost track of him. Protocol dictates that if you have someone that is supicious you don't let the person being protected go on stage until you isolate and remove the threat.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the Secret Service has known (and warned candidates) for decades that "if they really want to get you, they will."
That may be true but it doesn't free the Secret Service of responsibility. They are supposed to stop the person being protected from doing risky things even if the person being protected really wants to do something. For example on Jan 6th Trump wanted the Secret Service to take him to the Capital so he could joinn the protestors like he told them he would but the secret service said no and took him back to the White House instead because of the risk the protestors represented. An older example goes back to when Clinton was President. He would go jogging around DC and the Secret Service would jog along sidw him. Sometimes Clinton would want to stop at McDonalds for a cheeseburger but the Secret Service wouldn't let him because they didn't have a chance to secure the McDonalds first. Also, perhaps to a lesser degree it also had to do with the fact that the food itself at McDonalds represented a risk. :biggrin:


Well-known member
T. Sometimes Clinton would want to stop at McDonalds for a cheeseburger but the Secret Service wouldn't let him because they didn't have a chance to secure the McDonalds first. Also, perhaps to a lesser degree it also had to do with the fact that the food itself at McDonalds represented a risk. :biggrin:
haha... good one...


Well-known member
. Also, perhaps to a lesser degree it also had to do with the fact that the food itself at McDonalds represented a risk. :biggrin:
save everyone a heap of trouble if someone was to choke on a Big Mac...
That may be true but it doesn't free the Secret Service of responsibility.
LOL! humans can only do so much. yeah, that is their job, but it didn't help two Kennedys nor Ronald Reagan. if someone really wants you dead, you will die, or live the life of a max security prisoner. (what if a guard is in on it ?) reality is a bitch...


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
"JD Vance is what you get when 2 tech bros try to create a redneck in a lab." - random reddit poster


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
save everyone a heap of trouble if someone was to choke on a Big Mac...

LOL! humans can only do so much. yeah, that is their job, but it didn't help two Kennedys nor Ronald Reagan. if someone really wants you dead, you will die, or live the life of a max security prisoner. (what if a guard is in on it ?) reality is a bitch...
Well obviously if a guard is in on it there's not much you can do. The vetting process to get to where you can even train to be a Secret Service Agent is pretty thorough though and is meant to screen out those types which might be bribed or somehow manipulated. Then after the years of training and all the testing and vetting once you get to be an agent it's not like you get to pick who you get assigned to. Someone fresh out of the Secret Service Mill is likely to get assigned to a lower level detail like guarding George Bush Jr or Bill Clinton. The people most likely to be targeted are going to be assigned the best they have (which doesn't speak well of the Secret Service overall since Trump should have been protected by some of the best in the service).

The real problem as I see it is that you're expected to be a human shield when you're a Secret Service Agent but when the person you're protecting is someone that doesn't really inspire you or complicates your life on a near daily basis by taking unnecessary risks for stupid photo ops it's got to be difficult to will yourself to be a human shield. To be fair they do seem to try thier best though, I mean just look at the video where they're trying to move Trump after the shooting and he wants to stop to get that Photo Op of him with his fist in the air and saying "Fight, Fight, Fight". They were doing their best to try to keep him surrounded by tall agents to block any potential shots. But nooo,Trump has to push thru them and poke his big orange head into the front where he's pretty exposed just to get that picture.


Well-known member
. They were doing their best to try to keep him surrounded by tall agents to block any potential shots.
a couple of the agents were women, who appeared of average height (for a woman), tough for a 5'6'' or so person (man or woman) to block a 6ft + person...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
a couple of the agents were women, who appeared of average height (for a woman), tough for a 5'6'' or so person (man or woman) to block a 6ft + person...
Yeah I know, I remember seeing at least one but I also remember her sticking her arms up in the air to offset some of the height disadvantage. But that's not really an excuse. If you truely want to be shielded and all your agents were ony 4 feet tall then you would crawl on your hands and knees to allow the agents to be able to shield you. From the other perspective, if all you have are 4 foot agents and you seriously want to protect the person you're protecting, you make him crawl on his hands and knees no matter how undignified he might think that looks. Your job isn't to maintain his/her dignity or cater to bad photo ops he/she might want, your job is to make sure at the end of the day he/she's alive or die trying.
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The FBI did confirm that a bullet touched Trump's ear.

Well, that's one truth he's told in the last 10 years.


Well-known member
bribed or somehow manipulated.
money/manipulation probably won't carry much weight when your odds of escape/survival are fucking nil. it would be much more likely that someone "saw the light" and does the deed out of selfless love for his country & its future. or discovers that they have a terminal disease & has nothing left to lose...