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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i will give ya when people were wearing masks, covid was still ripping...BUT.... the flu seemed to disappear.. i think it was the masks...

i disagree with the official position of the wet market... i believe there are some corners of the gov't that lean towards the lab... but for sure we will never know.. i for one is open-minded ... maybe the market, or the lab, or moderna..

and what has most everyone understood for several years??? please explain... the origin?? - how is spreads?? - why one person gets it, and another doesn't??

i am the 1st to admit ...i don't understand... but i look around... i see a pandemic , and see moderna raking in billions, or i see a war in the ukraine and all the defense com's making $$$$ ... and i ask why...
One of the first things I remember being reported when people started wearing the masks and practiced social distancing was that illness from colds and flu's in general were lower then usual. The mask helps stop the spread of germs. The only real problem with the masks was a messaging problem. This was proven by the fact that so many misunderstood and thought the masks were meant to stop them from getting sick. Rather then to stop people from getting other sick.

As far as I understand it there is no one official position. There was at first but I think that was more just a projection that the government had traced it and identified the source and was now working on it. Later on (maybe a year or so later) even Dr. Fauci started to change the position a bit to indicate they weren't positive by saying these was no solid evidence to support it coming from the lab. It might not sound different but it is because it's not saying it's conclusive that it came from the wet market. As far as I've understood it more recently is there are some in the government who still think it came from the wet market and some who think it came from the lab. It's really not important at this point because werever it came from it's out and still a threat. If it did come from the lab it was an accident due to bad handling. Determining it came from the lab at this point changes nothing and all that continue talking about it does is distract people.

How it spreads and how some people get it and some don't is what people have understood for years. The only people who don't understand (even though they've heard the same information) are those who feelthe government and doctors are lying to you because they have some hidden agenda. One of the first things they picked up on (within weeks of it spreading) is/was that the people most likely to get it were older people and/or people who had pre-existing conditions. The fact that some people didn't have symptoms was the main reason for the masks, because it was possible for people to not know they had it but be able to spread it to others. Also that just because you were young wasn't a guarentee that you would have mild symptoms. I don't think they ever discovered why exactly some people get no symptoms or mild symptoms but the most likely, logical reason is that some people have weaker immune systems then others. 75% of one's immune system is in their gut and comes from the types of food you eat. Eat healthy, enjoy a strong immune system. Eat crap and have a weak immune system.

The reasons why Moderna and defense contractors make billions is because they're corporations and that's what corporations do. Moderna made billions because they got paid by the government to make their vaccine, same with Pfizer and J&J. Every corporation that made a reasonably effective vacccine got large amounts of mony from the government so the vaccines would get out quickly and so people wouldn't have to worry about paying for them. As far as defense contractors they've been making billions since the days of Eisenhower when he warned about the military industrial complex in his farewell speech. That's why every since those days the US government has been spending more on producing weapons and war equipment then all the other countries combined. That's why the US is the most powerful military in the world. Every year the government spends almost one trillion dollars on the military. They've been doing it for a very long time now. All Ukraine or The Gaza Strip or Taiwan is, are excuses to keep spending lots of money with defense contractors. If there was no war they would find some other excuse. It will keep happening too because many of our Senators are share holders of the defense contractors so they are very incentivize to make sure we keep spending so much on our military. This is also something that most people have understood for a very long time. The fact that you seem shocked by this makes me wonder what sort of a sheltered life you've been living?
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Laugh all you want it doesn't change the facts though. Power in the military these days is measured by air superiority. Of the top five military aircraft fleets the UD is number one and between the Air Force, Army and Navy they have more Military Air Craft then the next 4 top fleets combined.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
The right should just stay composed. Every action has a reaction and this is meant to prevoke one. Let the response be the truth. Actions speak louder than words.

So Hai

Well-known member
Laugh all you want it doesn't change the facts though. Power in the military these days is measured by air superiority. Of the top five military aircraft fleets the UD is number one and between the Air Force, Army and Navy they have more Military Air Craft then the next 4 top fleets combined.
It is not fact that ”power in the military these days is measured by air superiority”. It is a belief of you and your military but for all your air superiority you could not even defeat the taliban.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It is not fact that ”power in the military these days is measured by air superiority”. It is a belief of you and your military but for all your air superiority you could not even defeat the taliban.
That's because we didn't fight them from the air, sure we used air attacks from time to time but Afghanistan was a land based conflict mainly. So yeah if you go into enemy territoy and fight a force using guerilla tactics and they have the home field advantage, you're not going to win, Vietnam taught us that one. It's true we didn't win but they didn't either.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Nobody wins wars anymore. You just tap out when the fundings gone. Something people fail to grasp
Yeah people also don't understand that military power isn't measured in wins and losses anymore for that same reason.
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So Hai

Well-known member
That's because we didn't fight them from the air, sure we used air attacks from time to time but Afghanistan was a land based conflict mainly. So yeah if you go into enemy territoy and fight a force using guerilla tactics and they have the home field advantage, you're not going to win, Vietnam taught us that one. It's true we didn't win but they didn't either.
They chased out you invaders, you fled in panic leaving tons of equipment and they now have full control over the country. Not only do they control Afghanistan, they are allied with Russia who invited them to the S:t Petersburg Economic Forum. But hey, keep telling yourself that ”they didn’t win either” if coping works for you.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
They chased out you invaders, you fled in panic leaving tons of equipment and they now have full control over the country. Not only do they control Afghanistan, they are allied with Russia who invited them to the S:t Petersburg Economic Forum. But hey, keep telling yourself that ”they didn’t win either” if coping works for you.
Wrong they didn't chase anybody out. When Trump was still President he invited the heads of the Taliban to Camp David (while excluding the legal Afghan government) where Trump agreed to a withdraw for a time period beyond when he would still be President. Something which in the past he accused Obama of being stupid for doing something similar in IraQ. This allowed the Taliban to quietly wait for the US to leave so they could attack without fear of the US Military once the troops were withdrawn. The equipment left behind was intended for the 1000's of Afghan Security forces the US trained, so they could use it to defend themselves and their government. The only panic in the withdraw were the large numbers of Americans living in Afghanistan enjoying making money off our presence there, who stupidly ignore the warning from weeks before to leave the country. It was they who paniced as the final planes were taking off from the airport.

I'm not surprised but the sheer ignorance you've demonstrated of the actual facts of what happened are absolutely breath taking even for someone as ignorant as yourself.
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So Hai

Well-known member
Nobody wins wars anymore. You just tap out when the fundings gone. Something people fail to grasp
America never run out of money, you simply print more of it and. As for what people fail to grasp, you are the ones who do not win wars but that is hardly true for others.

So Hai

Well-known member
Wrong they didn't chase anybody out. When Trump was still President he invited the heads of the Taliban to Camp David (while excluding the legal Afghan government) where Trump agreed to a withdraw for a time period beyond when he would still be President. Something which in the past he accused Obama of being stupid for doing something similar in Iran. This allowed the Taliban to quietly wait for the US to leave so they could attack without fear of the US Military once the troops were withdrawn. The equipment left behind was intended for the 1000's of Afghan Security forces the US trained, so they could use it to defend themselves and their government. The only panic in the withdraw were the large numbers of Americans living in Afghanistan enjoying making money off our presence there, who stupidly ignore the warning from weeks before to leave the country. It was they who paniced as the final planes were taking off from the airport.

I'm not surprised but the sheer ignorance you've demonstrated of the actual facts of what happened are absolutely breath taking even for someone as ignorant as yourself.
You only proved yourselves to be strategically inept, again. But hey, tell me more about that time you invaded Iran 🇮🇷



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You only proved yourselves to be strategically inept, again. But hey, tell me more about that time you invaded Iran 🇮🇷

Only a moron like yourself would see our successfully withdrawing by the time we said we would withdraw as being inept. As stated before the only panic were the American civilian idiots who ignored calls to leave weeks earlier when they could have gotten out safely but refused to do so because they were more concerned about their personal interests and the money they were making then they were about their own security. The US military is not responsible for the bad choices of idiots that place profits over security.

As for Iran it's disengenuous to describe a failed, poor executed rescue attempt of hostages as an invasion. Had that rescue been made as part of an actual invasion things would have been very different. But hey, I get it, when you don't really have good examples to support your ignorant claims all you can do is grasp at straws.

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