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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)

So Hai

Well-known member
Only a moron like yourself would see our successfully withdrawing by the time we said we would withdraw as being inept. As stated before the only panic were the American civilian idiots who ignored calls to leave weeks earlier when they could have gotten out safely but refused to do so because they were more concerned about their personal interests and the money they were making then they were about their own security. The US military is not responsible for the bad choices of idiots that place profits over security.

As for Iran it's disengenuous to describe a failed, poor executed rescue attempt of hostages as an invasion. Had that rescue been made as part of an actual invasion things would have been very different. But hey, I get it, when you don't really have good examples to support your ignorant claims all you can do is grasp at straws.
You spent years, decades even building up the so called afghan army to keep your puppet poppy government running the country, well the taliban is now in full control and have allied with Russia.

And lets face it, opium is the true reason you invaded as afghans had as much to do with what happened in New York as Iraq. Oh and the irony that New York is about to be taken by Russia :LOL:

Keep blaming ”civilian idiots” for your failed military adventures.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That shit was crazy
That shit was also lucky, another inch to the right and MAGA/Republicans wouldn't have a candidate right now. Still as much as I dislike Trump I don't want to see him assassinated and I'm glad the shooter is dead as there is no place in society for that kind of violence.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The right should just stay composed. Every action has a reaction and this is meant to prevoke one. Let the response be the truth. Actions speak louder than words.
I just hope the action it provokes is the right one. Several would be MAGA leaders tried to use this to create even more hate that leads to this kind of violence by floating the idea before anyone knew anything about the shooter or his motivations that this was something that Dems, the left of Biden was responsible for. Turns out though that the shooter was an actively registered republican.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Not a bad dead for the shooter. His name is forever in the history books.
Dead is neither bad nor good, it's just dead. This kid had a lifetime in front of him. Now he's dead and he didn't even accomplish what he was trying to do no matter how wrong it was. History remembers the successful Assassins like John Wilkes Booth or Lee Harvey Oswald. History will forget this fool pretty quickly.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
of course the shooter is dead - dead men tell no lies, and can't be interrogated
So what are you trying to suggest, that this was a staged event that the Trump Campaign didn't want exposed, seeing as how it was the Secret Service that took him out? I guess you would rather they stormed the roof top and took him alive giving him time to kill or critical injust even more innocent bystanders?

We know enough about this guy without interrogating him, he was a disgruntled actively registered Republicn who was also a member of an a large pro gun movement on YouTube. So how about it, is this good enough to enact sensible controls on gun access, since shooting small children in schools wasn't enough?


Well-known member
That shit was also lucky, another inch to the right and MAGA/Republicans wouldn't have a candidate right now. Still as much as I dislike Trump I don't want to see him assassinated and I'm glad the shooter is dead as there is no place in society for that kind of violence.
There has been a constant ratcheting up of the demonization of us politicians starting with bill Clinton. None of these people are the Antichrist.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You spent years, decades even building up the so called afghan army to keep your puppet poppy government running the country, well the taliban is now in full control and have allied with Russia.

And lets face it, opium is the true reason you invaded as afghans had as much to do with what happened in New York as Iraq. Oh and the irony that New York is about to be taken by Russia :LOL:

Keep blaming ”civilian idiots” for your failed military adventures.
Your delusional and there is no point in even talking to you any more if you believe Russia is on the verge of taking New York. Russia though it was so powerful it could take Ukraine in a week. Here it is almost 2.5 years later and they haven't taken shit, just bombed children's hospitals and other civilian targets because they lose badly when they try to go after Ukrainian soldiers.

Also while Afghanistan didn't have anything to do with what happened to New York, the guy who was responsible for New York was using his Taliban buddies to hide him in the Afghan mountains. Now I would agree that once we chased Bin Laden out of Afghanistan we should have left Afghanistan and followed him into Pakistan. Alas Pakistan was/is an ally and if we went into Pakistan like we did Afghanistan then they would have become an enemy. Also is we were after the poppies we should have kept our full invasion force there. We were more interested in oil though since we can synthesize stuff better then what grows in poppies. So we took the bulk of our forces into Iraq because Dick Chaney as vice President played Bush for a fool and he wanted that oil for Haliburton. We only left a small occupation force in Afghanistan and managed to control things there for the next 20 years. Training the Afghans was something we did to try to make up for invading them by trying to give them the means to protect themselves when we did inevitably lead. As for your so-called Puppet Afghan Government, moron puh-lease, the Afghans elected Karzai, and every leader since,we stayed out of their elections . If we wanted a puppet government, there were better options then Karzai and if that's what we wanted so we could control their poppies, even Trump would have kept us in there instead of him agreeing to pull us out of there.

You clearly have a childish fantasy understanding of foreign affairs.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
There has been a constant ratcheting up of the demonization of us politicians starting with bill Clinton. None of these people are the Antichrist.
Agreed you can even take that arguement back as far as Kennedy since many believe it was the CIA who took him out. Anyone thinking they're taking out the Anti Christ when they try to or successfully kill a US President is just as dedlusional as So Hai. If any of them actually were the Anti Christ they would have zero chance of taking him out since he is second only to God in power. Unless of course you don't believe in all that bible prophesy stuff but if you didn't then you wouldn't believe in the Anti Christ either.


Well-known member
if we went into Pakistan like we did Afghanistan then they would have become an enemy.
it is worth noting that Pakistan is a nuclear power, while Afghanistan is (nearly) a stone-age collection of warring tribes.
then you wouldn't believe in the Anti Christ either.
some folks interpret the Bible as saying that the Anti-Christ suffers a head wound before coming into power. would a bleeding ear qualify The Chump in this regard, in the eyes of those willing to try to kill the Anti-Christ ? hmmmm...some folks believed (still believe ?) John F. Kennedy fit the bill in this fashion.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
it is worth noting that Pakistan is a nuclear power, while Afghanistan is (nearly) a stone-age collection of warring tribes.

some folks interpret the Bible as saying that the Anti-Christ suffers a head wound before coming into power. would a bleeding ear qualify The Chump in this regard, in the eyes of those willing to try to kill the Anti-Christ ? hmmmm...some folks believed (still believe ?) John F. Kennedy fit the bill in this fashion.
Hey man, they can’t be that stone age, they’re building a super car…

I was also a little surprised this assassination attempt wasn’t in Tennessee ;) But I then realised you wouldn’t have chosen such a shit rifle for the job at hand…


Well-known member
So what are you trying to suggest, that this was a staged event that the Trump Campaign didn't want exposed, seeing as how it was the Secret Service that took him out? I guess you would rather they stormed the roof top and took him alive giving him time to kill or critical injust even more innocent bystanders?

We know enough about this guy without interrogating him, he was a disgruntled actively registered Republicn who was also a member of an a large pro gun movement on YouTube. So how about it, is this good enough to enact sensible controls on gun access, since shooting small children in schools wasn't enough?
just a strange series of events... news reports (if u wish to believe em) , say people were screaming/pointing to the roof mins before the shots- and that the shooter pointed his rifle at a local policeman b4 climbing up on the roof (great title for a song)... and 5-6-7 maybe 8shots b4 he was taken out...

did trump set it up.... highly unlikely.... storming the roof... why not stop him b4 he is on the roof, or b4 he could get a shot off-

and i didn't know that we know enough about him , so it doesn't matter if he's dead or alive


Well-known member
and one further point.... in my america , guns would be in the hands of the police and the army... and i know the arguments against such a position...


Active member
Bitch you missed.png

Suck it commies

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