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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
in my america , guns would be in the hands of the police and the army...
What youre describing is China, where a regime monitors everything people do and say and they have no control over their own lives whatsoever. Most gun owners are responsible human beings and don't climb on rooftops to shoot anybody, much less political candidates.

This was just a deranged nutjob that got picked on in high school so he joined a gun club when he graduated and pretended to be a republican so he could seem superior
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So Hai

Well-known member
Your delusional and there is no point in even talking to you any more if you believe Russia is on the verge of taking New York. Russia though it was so powerful it could take Ukraine in a week. Here it is almost 2.5 years later and they haven't taken shit, just bombed children's hospitals and other civilian targets because they lose badly when they try to go after Ukrainian soldiers.
Yes they are literally about to take New York, here is a couple of weeks already old video of FAB-3000 dropping on New York.

The supposed ”bombing of a childrens hospital” was a NASAMS failure to intercept. As for the could ”take Ukraine in a week”, this is merely one of the many demented talkingpoints of american losers.

Coping strategy of worthless opinioned idiots and morons like you.
Also while Afghanistan didn't have anything to do with what happened to New York, the guy who was responsible for New York was using his Taliban buddies to hide him in the Afghan mountains.
Sure it was ”terrorists with box cutters” that brought down those buildings, had absolutely nothing to do with your bestest allies and partners in genocide of the palestinian people planting explosives.

moron puh-lease, the Afghans elected Karzai, and every leader since,we stayed out of their elections . If we wanted a puppet government, there were better options then Karzai and if that's what we wanted so we could control their poppies, even Trump would have kept us in there instead of him agreeing to pull us out of there.

You clearly have a childish fantasy understanding of foreign affairs.
His brother was running the opium trade while being paid by your so called intelligence for his services, it was reported in the media.


Well-known member
What youre describing is China, where a regime monitors everything people do and say and they have no control over their own lives whatsoever. Most gun owners are responsible human beings and don't climb on rooftops to shoot anybody, much less political candidates.

This was just a deranged nutjob that got picked on in high school so he joined a gun club when he graduated and pretended to be a republican so he could seem superior
i understand it all.... but when i see all the shootings i somehow wish there were no guns, knowing that its never going to happen for many reasons... ahhh but a world with no guns, but lots of weed and quaaludes, beautiful naked women running around .... my utopia..


Well-known member
Yes they are literally about to take New York, here is a couple of weeks already old video of FAB-3000 dropping on New York.

The supposed ”bombing of a childrens hospital” was a NASAMS failure to intercept. As for the could ”take Ukraine in a week”, this is merely one of the many demented talkingpoints of american losers.

Coping strategy of worthless opinioned idiots and morons like you.

Sure it was ”terrorists with box cutters” that brought down those buildings, had absolutely nothing to do with your bestest allies and partners in genocide of the palestinian people planting explosives.

His brother was running the opium trade while being paid by your so called intelligence for his services, it was reported in the media.

So the palestinians were involved in 9/11? Thats a new one for me but ive heard many different theories


Well-known member
As for the could ”take Ukraine in a week”, this is merely one of the many demented talkingpoints of american losers.


russia totally intended to lose all that equipment and vdv paratroopers flying into Kyiv to initially take the city and Ukraine

that's exactly what you do when you expect to have a long fight to take the country

So Hai

Well-known member
So the palestinians were involved in 9/11? Thats a new one for me but ive heard many different theories
no you misunderstood, I was talking about the people genociding palestinians - same ones caught celebrating, doing ”art projects”.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes they are literally about to take New York, here is a couple of weeks already old video of FAB-3000 dropping on New York.

The supposed ”bombing of a childrens hospital” was a NASAMS failure to intercept. As for the could ”take Ukraine in a week”, this is merely one of the many demented talkingpoints of american losers.

Coping strategy of worthless opinioned idiots and morons like you.

Sure it was ”terrorists with box cutters” that brought down those buildings, had absolutely nothing to do with your bestest allies and partners in genocide of the palestinian people planting explosives.

His brother was running the opium trade while being paid by your so called intelligence for his services, it was reported in the media.

I'll start with the last first since it's the funniest and so typical of people like you. Any other time things get reported in the media and it disproves your point of view it's fake news or "they're lying" yet when something in the media agrees with your point of view then suddenly it becomes "it was reported in the media" as if that's the ultmate proof. The ironic thing is when you dig into the story that's almost always when it actually is fake news or they really are lying.

Nobody ever said it was the terrorists with box cutters that brought down the buildings. It was the terrorists with box cutters, that took over multi ton jet planes loaded with jet fuel that brought down the buildings.

Now to go back to point number one, the whole "Take Ukraine in a week" thing was widely reported in the media. It was taken from what Putin said in the beginning. Remember the days of videos showing mile long caravans of tanks and other armored vehicles head for Kiev until they got bogged down in the mud and bands of Ukrainian foot soldiers started picking them off one by one. Funny thing is, back when that stuff was first being claimed by Russia everyone believed them, becausse back at that point everyone believed that the Russian military was this oh so powerful fighting machine...until the Ukrainians proved to the world that Russia wasn't what it used to be. Also it wasn't from American losers it was from Russian losers although when they said it they believed they were going to be winners. America wasn't and still isn't directly involved in that conflict so titlles of winners and losers attached to Americans doesn't apply in that context but of course you're to dense to understand that.

As for your video, well it's news to me that in the Donbas region of Ukraine they have a city called New York, if that's the case then okay maybe they are about to take New York, the way you said it at first you made it sound like you were talking about New York city in the state of New York in the US. Also since as you say the videos are weeks old, if these bombs were such a big deal how come it's still "They're about to take New York? If these new bombs were all that you're making them out to be it should be, they took New York weeks ago. Sounds an awful lot like "We're going to take Ukraine in a week"


Well-known member
Funny thing is, back when that stuff was first being claimed by Russia everyone believed them, becausse back at that point everyone believed that the Russian military was this oh so powerful fighting machine.. America wasn't and still isn't directly involved in that conflict
who thought the russian military was a powerful fighting machine.... i guess u don't remember their vietnam ... and as it turns out our mini-vietnam...

america not involved.... tell that to boeing, mc-douglas/ etc/etc


Well-known member
The difference is that Vietnam wasn't fought with drones or the advanced weapons of today and Russias got a world of them. Enough to make this war go on another 20 years. And it will


Well-known member
The difference is that Vietnam wasn't fought with drones or the advanced weapons of today and Russias got a world of them. Enough to make this war go on another 20 years. And it will
if Putin has 20 more years
I don't think Putin has 20 more years imho


Well-known member
I know a guy from Russia. Hating the West isn't just a popular trend. Its taught in grade school

Still dont think we should be involved in this war at all
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
who thought the russian military was a powerful fighting machine.... i guess u don't remember their vietnam ... and as it turns out our mini-vietnam...

america not involved.... tell that to boeing, mc-douglas/ etc/etc
That's powerful in relation to other countries ever since the cold war days Russia (then the USSR) was thought by most to be the 2nd most powerful military next to the US. More recently China has been fighting for that rating but until they Invaded Ukraine and weren't able to end things as quickly as they hoped, most countries thought of Russia as being just as powerful as ever. Such that people kind of thought they might have took Ukraine as quickly as they hoped. Unfortunately for Russia their invasion into Ukraine and Ukraine's formidablte resistance has exposed weaknesses in Russia's might which have since gotten even worse do to the effect of sanctions against them making it harder to resupply themselves. America isn't involved other then the weapons we've been giving them and other countries have been giving Ukraine but giving them weapons is not the same thing as being involved. In other words no boots on the ground involved in the combat.


Well-known member
That's powerful in relation to other countries ever since the cold war days Russia (then the USSR) was thought by most to be the 2nd most powerful military next to the US. More recently China has been fighting for that rating but until they Invaded Ukraine and weren't able to end things as quickly as they hoped, most countries thought of Russia as being just as powerful as ever. Such that people kind of thought they might have took Ukraine as quickly as they hoped. Unfortunately for Russia their invasion into Ukraine and Ukraine's formidablte resistance has exposed weaknesses in Russia's might which have since gotten even worse do to the effect of sanctions against them making it harder to resupply themselves. America isn't involved other then the weapons we've been giving them and other countries have been giving Ukraine but giving them weapons is not the same thing as being involved. In other words no boots on the ground involved in the combat.
they don't need a formidable ground game.... they got nukes.... and lots of $$$ to continue for a long time

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