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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
so based on this theory . what about her mask ? how regular should she change the mask if this virus stays attached to material
She doesn't need to change it for the virus if it stays contained in the mask since it's coming out of her. So unless she's planning on kissing someone with the mask in place, there's not much point in changing it beyond maybe once per day for ordinary sanitation purposes. That's why they were saying at the time that the mask was about protecting other people from catching it from you. Of course as they learned over time the mask wasn't as foolproof as they first thought and how effective a mask was depended on what kind of mask it was and if it was being worn properly. Even still though, any mask was better then no mask. Oh and what I stated before wasn't a theory.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i don't know where the virus came from, why some people get infected and some people do not- neither do u, nor all the 'experts'

we had a house guest in june who came down with the virus - my wife and myself did not get the virus even tho we were in close contact with her. where did she get it from?? were we in contact with the person/s she got it from??? - did someone sneeze from a mile away and it carried to her?? if as u say its not just hanging in the air... why masks???

everything u say may be correct...i dunno... and apparently neither do the doc's and scientists .... or they know and ain't saying.... i don't trust the Mo-Fo's
The mask was because some people would c ontract the disease and have such mild symptoms they might not even realize they had caught the virus, typically these were younger people with no pre-existing health issues. Even though they weren't showing symptoms the virus was still in them and able to be transmitted. The most common way people transmitted it was when they coughhed, sneezed or spoke because in each of these cases a person projects/sprays tiny globs of spit typically to small to see with the naked eye. The virus would attach to the small globs of spit. Now if they could just breath out the virus without those globs of spit involved the virus was too small to be stopped by most masks accept maybe the N-95 masks. Those tiny globs of spit though are able to be stopped by most masks and in that case since the virus was attached to the globs of spit the mask was able to stop the virus by stopping the globs of spit.

As for why some people get infected and some don't that question is a bit misleading. Sure there are probably some people that just have a natural immunity. They would be very rare but for most disease there are handfuls of people that are just naturally immune. More likely those people that appear to not get sick when exposed are actually people whose symptoms were so mild that they just didn't realize they were sick. Whether they showed symptoms or not though, they were still contagious at some point, typical for 4-5 days after being infected.

As for your house guest, there is no way I could possibly tell where she got infected since you didn't provide enough information. Once you pick up the virus it usually takes 24-48 hours of incubation inside the body before symptoms show and/or the person becomes contagious. It's possible she picked it up from someone on her way to visit you? Or if she interacted with anyone outside your home while staying with you, like if she went to a store by herself, or she interacted with one of your neighbors or if you guys ordered a pizza and she happened to be the one who answered the door. I would need to know everything she did the entire time she was there to even begin to guess at where she picked it up. Hell it's even possible you or your wife was sick with the virus but the symptoms were so mild you didn't know you were sick and so maybe you or your gave it to her? The reason neither you nor your wifeshowed signs of getting sick might be because you had already been sick before but the symptoms were yoo mild to notice. If that were the case then your body would have developed the anti bodies to protect you from your friend.

As far as the doctors and what they know or don't know that's all because this was a new virus so at the beginning they had to try to figure things out. Sometimes they got it wrong like with the masks, at first they said the masks were 100% effective but then they learned that they weren't. As they learned things they had to change their recommendations which made it seem like they didn't know anything. As for your lack of trust for Doctors that's on you. It puts you in a bad spot because it causes you to automatically dismiss information from the people most likely to be able to give you that information.


Well-known member



You have nothing to prove to anyone, @HempKat .


Well-known member
As far as the doctors and what they know or don't know that's all because this was a new virus so at the beginning they had to try to figure things out. Sometimes they got it wrong like with the masks, at first they said the masks were 100% effective but then they learned that they weren't. As they learned things they had to change their recommendations which made it seem like they didn't know anything. As for your lack of trust for Doctors that's on you. It puts you in a bad spot because it causes you to automatically dismiss information from the people most likely to be able to give you that information.
i totally agree ...new virus.... rules/ideas how to combat evolve over time... and i do trust doc's... who i don't trust is the gov't... and doc's who are employed by the gov't.. and doc's who are employed by drug co's...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I am merely making sure that such blatent misrepresentations of how the pansemic worked, don't go uncountered with the truth lest someone who doesn't know any better mistake the misrepresentation for reasoned facts. Yes, I know the person I'm responding to makes it seem like I'm talking to a brick wall but you've seen me post what I usually post, long enough now that you should know I'm not speaking to the brickwall but rather those who might see the brickwall and think it's built on a firm foundation. Thanks for your words of support though, but don't worry I know I don't have to prove myself to anyone.Especially on things I've lived thru up close and personal like the death of my wife.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That was not what I learned from the exchange. I learned he is still grieving. This thread is not the place to be comforted.

This link you posted without comment had me confused.

Was that in reference to DeSantis releasing Epstein files?
I'm not seeking to be comforted and if I was this site is the last place I would be seeking comfort for the loss of a loved one. Nothing against most of the people that come here it's just this not the place for that sort of thing, IMHO.


Well-known member
I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I am merely making sure that such blatent misrepresentations of how the pansemic worked, don't go uncountered with the truth lest someone who doesn't know any better mistake the misrepresentation for reasoned facts.
not sure if this is directed at me... if so enlighten me how... imo, we have no idea where the virus came from... the consensus is china, be it the wet market, or the lab... i don't believe shit... maybe it came from moderna... they sure cleaned up afterwards...

masks work...not according to many 'experts' incl john hopkins... where di fauci come up with 6ft??? - out of his ass??

as mentioned our june houseguest got it in the middle of her stay... we were in close contact with her- why didn't we get it?? or if we did get it and it was so mild , why was she sick as a dog for 10+ days, n we had no notable effects..

lots of questions... very few answers... maybe it did come from china, and the govt doesn't want to upset Xi - i say fuk Xi, and all the fukin commie motherfuckers

there ya go...


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
not sure if this is directed at me... if so enlighten me how... imo, we have no idea where the virus came from... the consensus is china, be it the wet market, or the lab... i don't believe shit... maybe it came from moderna... they sure cleaned up afterwards...

masks work...not according to many 'experts' incl john hopkins... where di fauci come up with 6ft??? - out of his ass??

as mentioned our june houseguest got it in the middle of her stay... we were in close contact with her- why didn't we get it?? or if we did get it and it was so mild , why was she sick as a dog for 10+ days, n we had no notable effects..

lots of questions... very few answers... maybe it did come from china, and the govt doesn't want to upset Xi - i say fuk Xi, and all the fukin commie motherfuckers

there ya go...
Since you mentioned masks, let me ask you a question... Actually a few questions...

Why do surgeons wear masks if they don't work?

If they are performing surgery on a person with a gunshot wound, are they afraid of catching a gunshot wound?

Or is it maybe to prevent them from possibly giving something to the person who insides are currently exposed?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
not sure if this is directed at me... if so enlighten me how... imo, we have no idea where the virus came from... the consensus is china, be it the wet market, or the lab... i don't believe shit... maybe it came from moderna... they sure cleaned up afterwards...

masks work...not according to many 'experts' incl john hopkins... where di fauci come up with 6ft??? - out of his ass??

as mentioned our june houseguest got it in the middle of her stay... we were in close contact with her- why didn't we get it?? or if we did get it and it was so mild , why was she sick as a dog for 10+ days, n we had no notable effects..

lots of questions... very few answers... maybe it did come from china, and the govt doesn't want to upset Xi - i say fuk Xi, and all the fukin commie motherfuckers

there ya go...
I acknowledged that the mask idea was eventually discovered to be less effective then thought originally. Mind you that doesn't mean it was totally ineffective, just not as effective as first thought.

The six foot thing came from CDC and WHO not Fauci, Fauci just promoted it as that's what the White House's office on the pandemic run by Pence was suggesting at the time and at the point Fauci was working for the White House.

You didn't get as sick as your friend because you are not your friend. It's pretty freaking simple, some people got sicker then others as for why, different immune systems some are stronger then others. You might as well ask why are some people allergic to peanuts and some aren't. It feels like you are going out of your way to not understand.

As for China it obviously doesn't have anything to do with not wanting to piss off Xi. It was the Trump administration when it hit the US and Trump was going around calling it the Kung Flu or the China Flu. They honestly don't know if it came from the lab or the wet market and Fauci has stated that. The official position is that evidence suggests the wet market is more likely but there is no conclusive evidence it came from the lab or if it came from the wet market. Again it feels like you are going out of your way to not understand that which most everyone else has understood for several years now.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Since you mentioned masks, let me ask you a question... Actually a few questions...

Why do surgeons wear masks if they don't work?

If they are performing surgery on a person with a gunshot wound, are they afraid of catching a gunshot wound?

Or is it maybe to prevent them from possibly giving something to the person who insides are currently exposed?


Well-known member
Since you mentioned masks, let me ask you a question... Actually a few questions...

Why do surgeons wear masks if they don't work?

If they are performing surgery on a person with a gunshot wound, are they afraid of catching a gunshot wound?

Or is it maybe to prevent them from possibly giving something to the person who insides are currently exposed?
a surgeon only wears a mask during open wound surgery to stop the exchange of bodily fluids , such as bacteria, saliva and blood

and if they die from the gunshot wound , it would go down as a covid death according to your methods

the only type of mask they would wear in hazardous conditions would be a hazmat .

surgeons do not sit around in a covid style mask all day protecting themselves against covid and virus'
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Well-known member
I acknowledged that the mask idea was eventually discovered to be less effective then thought originally. Mind you that doesn't mean it was totally ineffective, just not as effective as first thought.

. It feels like you are going out of your way to not understand.

They honestly don't know if it came from the lab or the wet market and Fauci has stated that. The official position is that evidence suggests the wet market is more likely but there is no conclusive evidence it came from the lab or if it came from the wet market. Again it feels like you are going out of your way to not understand that which most everyone else has understood for several years now.
i will give ya when people were wearing masks, covid was still ripping...BUT.... the flu seemed to disappear.. i think it was the masks...

i disagree with the official position of the wet market... i believe there are some corners of the gov't that lean towards the lab... but for sure we will never know.. i for one is open-minded ... maybe the market, or the lab, or moderna..

and what has most everyone understood for several years??? please explain... the origin?? - how is spreads?? - why one person gets it, and another doesn't??

i am the 1st to admit ...i don't understand... but i look around... i see a pandemic , and see moderna raking in billions, or i see a war in the ukraine and all the defense com's making $$$$ ... and i ask why...

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