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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
tRump had a copy of mein kampf next to his bed hilters first slogan was make Germany great again trumps fist in the air is so close to the nazi salute all he has to do is open his hand. I have watched americas politics sense Kennedy v Nixon so I have seen my fill this guy scares the hell out of me!!!

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
tRump had a copy of mein kampf next to his bed hilters first slogan was make Germany great again trumps fist in the air is so close to the nazi salute all he has to do is open his hand. I have watched americas politics sense Kennedy v Nixon so I have seen my fill this guy scares the hell out of me!!!
Oh, you mean he pumped his fist in the air like the commie-shit bag salute?


Well-known member
Published in 1990




Well-known member
Published in 1990

View attachment 19028196

are you seriously demented? trump is your friend

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Meanwhile in Canada, no matter how much Trudeau whines about "right-wing extremists", he just can't help lovin' him some nazis and islamo-nazis. They praised a nazi in Parliament, even brought him there as a special guest. He hired some goof to headman the Liberal's Anti-Racism campaign who turned out to be an islamo-nazi with a long history of anti-Semitic rants.
Meanwhile, our newly appointed head of Canada's Human Rights Commissions is also an islamo-nazi with a long history of anti-Semitic rants. He also stated that "terrorism is a perfectly rational form of protest".
Yep, those leftards sure can pick 'em.

I laugh at all the stupid Americans who were gaga over Trudeau after he was elected and wished he was their president. Personally, if you want ol' Socks "Blackface" McGroper you can have him...no wait, that would just be mean. It's not like I hate the US or anything.

What is pretty funny is how, until recently anyway, the Canadians who hated Trump loved Trudeau for many of the same reasons they claimed they hated Trump. Trudeau is a narcissist. Trudeau LOVES power and hates having to let it go. Trudeau tried to obstruct justice. He's had more ethics violations and conflicts of interest than policies. He's lowered Canada's standing on the world stage, even worse he's lowered our standing among our closest and most important allies. Trudeau will not and cannot ever, ever, ever admit he was wrong about anything. He just doubles and triples down on the stupidity.

The twat came stomping onto the scene like Christ coming to cleanse the temple. Except he's just burning the temple down.

As for my American friends, talk about being hooped. Your choice is between two doddering old farts whose cognitive functions are failing too quickly to be president. Unless you get really "lucky" and Harris gets the nod. Yeesh, so it's either cognitively impaired or just naturally stupid as shit. Seriously, Harris should be prohibited from ever speaking publicly as the VP or even as a Democrat without a prompter. She really doesn't help their cause.


Well-known member
Yes it was refiled but that article was talking about the refiling and was written in 2016 so Microbeman is correct and that story was old news. It doesn't ssay it in that story but I'm pretty sure the charges were later dismissed by the courts due to some technical matter, which is unfortunate since in that claim/allegation what Trump did (raping a 23 year old minor) was far far worse then any consentual sex he had later while married, with a former Playboy Bunny or Porn Star. Given that he allegedly raped a minor who was also a virgin, I would have much rather seen him held accountable for that then some one time daliance with a porn star.

I true imagine how horrific that must have been for that 13 year old to be raped by two much older men who fought over who deserved to be first. I mean sure most women are flattered when two guys fight over her but not at that age and by two much older men who both wanted to be the first to deflower her. Alas due to hoow the charge was managed Trump and Epstein got off scott free and most of the public is unaware of the accusation

Here's the connection which happened July 1, 2024 when Governor De Santis signed House Bill 117.

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 117, which allows for the public release of grand jury documents, such as those related to the 2006 Florida investigation into Jeffrey Epstein. Two victims of Epstein joined Governor DeSantis in Palm Beach to celebrate the justice that was being delivered.

“The public deserves to know who participated in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Nobody should be protected from facing justice due to their wealth or status, and those who harm children should be exposed and punished to the fullest extent of the law.”

Former presidents on flight logs and call logs may have cause for concern, @Microbeman .

So Hai

Well-known member
Nope not opinions, facts and by sources much better established then wikipedia. But hey you're only going to believe what you want to believe, no matter how stupid it makes you appear.
Lmao for a moron believing that his worthless opinions are facts you are an idiot clueless of the fact that edomites were forcibly converted into judaism and became jews. And since I am dealing with a moron and an idiot and his worthless opinions, it would not be needless to say that wikipedia is not the original source.


Well-known member
It's not who was calling the shots at the time, it was who was calling the shots when Trump agreed to pull all American Troops out. That promise, that advanced knowledge created the situation for the Taliban to plan and prepare for when they took over. It actually could have been worse. Trump promised to have everyoe out by the end of May. Fortunately Biden got them to extend that a bit until August but by the time August was here it was a day to day thing where nobody knew for sure what day would be the day the Taliban said "Time's up.". See cause and effect, it's just above your brain's pay grade.
biden pulled the trumps out.... it was his respon to get em all out safety and he failed... stop pinning the blame on trump... biden was the one who arranged the pullout..


Well-known member
biden pulled the trumps out.... it was his respon to get em all out safety and he failed... stop pinning the blame on trump... biden was the one who arranged the pullout..
There is plenty of blame to lay on both Trump and Biden about withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Former presidents on flight logs and call logs may have cause for concern, @Microbeman .
I have posted the court documents of this case several years back (on this forum) and have always wondered why this event has been written off as fabrication and swept under the rug by Trump (and supporters) and media. There were unsubstantiated accounts of Trump goons threatening her and her family with death and another pay off. Gutter slime.


Well-known member
the deal was on the table and it was up to biden to execute it.... trump was the one who made the deal, but biden could have shit-canned it... trump made the deal for the keystone, and biden canned in on jan 20th in the afternoon.... so he could have done the same with the pullout agreement


Well-known member
I have posted the court documents of this case several years back (on this forum) and have always wondered why this event has been written off as fabrication and swept under the rug by Trump (and supporters) and media. There were unsubstantiated accounts of Trump goons threatening her and her family with death and another pay off. Gutter slime.
I remembered the case and when I saw @GOT_BUD? 's Court link dated June 2024 I was confused. Mr. Governor Sanctimonious shall lead the way.

How is revenge best served?

Alex Acosta was the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida and he cut a deal with Epstein to shield Trump and then he got a promotion to Secretary of Labor after Trump was elected.
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Well-known member
wtf? this is silly... the taliban wouldn't even budge on an EXTENSION, let alone a cancellation.

we got out.


not pretty, but we did it. good.
really ... i thought trump agreed to pull out by the end of may, and the taliban extended to the end of aug... i'm i incorrect???


Well-known member
wtf? this is silly... the taliban wouldn't even budge on an EXTENSION, let alone a cancellation.

we got out.


not pretty, but we did it. good.
The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

Biden delayed the May 1 withdrawal date that he inherited.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Here's the connection which happened July 1, 2024 when Governor De Santis signed House Bill 117.

Former presidents on flight logs and call logs may have cause for concern, @Microbeman .
Okay, well that may be the reason it's back in the news and if it is, I'm all for it. That being said, I was aware of this story well before any bill DeSantis may have signed. I would also point out that releasing information from Grand Jury proceedings is a far cry from the case being reopenned.

This story being released now, may help to insure Trump doesn't get re-elected but that is no where near a fair trade for the accountibility Trump should get for such a disgusting crime. Any average citizen found guilty of such a crime woulld have been given serious time in prison where that person would likely get the death penalty from fellow inmates since rape, especially that of a minor is something most inmates in priso frown upon.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Lmao for a moron believing that his worthless opinions are facts you are an idiot clueless of the fact that edomites were forcibly converted into judaism and became jews. And since I am dealing with a moron and an idiot and his worthless opinions, it would not be needless to say that wikipedia is not the original source.
I never said your original source was wikipedia, you were the one who asked me about wikipedia but apparently you're so stupid you can't even remember what you yourself said. Also the fact that some ppeople were converted to Jews is irrelevent since in order to be converted to the Jewish faith, the jewish faith would have to exist first. Again though you are such a slacked jawed, drooling moron, you seem incapable of recognizing that fact.