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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
was Trump who shut out the Afghanistan government from negotiations when Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David where he commited to the day the US would leave, well in advance of that date. Allowing the Taliban to just wait for the Americans to leave before the Taliban took over the country.
yep it was trumps fault that 13 americans were killed....


Well-known member
No point in trying to explain it all to you since you clearly have decided the only thing you'll accept as truth is what you personally believe.

I will point out that it's rather interesting how you believe what the doctors say when it agrees with your personal belief but the rest of the time they're just a bunch of quacks.
not true... i got 5 shots... i listen espec when biden said get the shot so u can visit grandma (more or less his words) - i got the shot, and came down with the chinese virus anyway...



all i see is that they brought back mask mandates earlier this year due to certain outbreaks.

maybe ya got a link?

(i swear, if it's about personal protection and cloth masks... i had so many ppl try to pull that crap when we've known for YEARS that the masking is about protecting OTHERS, unless we are talking n-95 mask, etc... please don't bother responding if this is about cloth or surgical masks and personal protection)


i got the shot, and came down with the chinese virus anyway...
omg i'm gonna have an anyeurism

are you being deliberately daft?

EVERYONE has known for YEARS that the vaccine isn't supposed to PREVENT infection, but merely KEEP YOU OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND THE MORGUE (if you're under like 60... it doesn't guarantee survival for old ppl).

there was even an article i had read in the atlantic that made a good argument that sterilizing immunity (no matter the vaccine) is a myth


Well-known member
omg i'm gonna have an anyeurism

are you being deliberately daft?

EVERYONE has known for YEARS that the vaccine isn't supposed to PREVENT infection, but merely KEEP YOU OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND THE MORGUE (if you're under like 60... it doesn't guarantee survival for old ppl).

there was even an article i had read in the atlantic that made a good argument that sterilizing immunity (no matter the vaccine) is a myth
so the polio vaccine doesn't prevent polio....


so the polio vaccine doesn't prevent polio....
preventing the disease polio is different than imparting sterilizing immunity against the pathogen. same goes for covid (the disease); preventing severe covid-19 is different than complete sterilizing immunity to the sars-cov-2 virus.

(as an example) iirc, norovirus needs something like 10 virion particles in order to gain a foothold and cause the norovirus disease (not a fun one... if the pandemic was a norovirus pandemic? i bet almost EVERYONE would have followed masking, washing, and isolation guidelines. shitting your guts out while puking up even water FOR TWO STRAIGHT DAYS is a fucking nightmare)

and anyway, the article didn't demonstrate that sterilizing immunity is a myth beyond the shadow of a doubt, it merely made what i personally think is a compelling argument that it might not exist as we think of it.

there: it's a fascinating read, nonetheless.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
omg i'm gonna have an anyeurism

are you being deliberately daft?

EVERYONE has known for YEARS that the vaccine isn't supposed to PREVENT infection, but merely KEEP YOU OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND THE MORGUE (if you're under like 60... it doesn't guarantee survival for old ppl).

there was even an article i had read in the atlantic that made a good argument that sterilizing immunity (no matter the vaccine) is a myth
When the vaccine was first available it was officially stated by a number of health representatives that the Covid vaccine would stop the spread of the virus; this statement was altered with the apparent fact that it did not prevent the spread of the virus. This in particular was the misinformation which promoted some of the population to denigrate people who chose not to be vaccinated, mis-thinking that the non-vaccinated would endanger their families.

Scientific evidence points to natural immunity to corona virus being superior to that from vaccinated immunity through titer serum testing inclusive of long term immunity to Covid SARS 1. (peer reviewed literature)

I acquired my immunity prior to the vaccine coming out (serum tested). I agree that masking does help prevent transmission if both parties wear them.


Well-known member
omg i'm gonna have an anyeurism

are you being deliberately daft?

EVERYONE has known for YEARS that the vaccine isn't supposed to PREVENT infection, but merely KEEP YOU OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND THE MORGUE (if you're under like 60... it doesn't guarantee survival for old ppl).

there was even an article i had read in the atlantic that made a good argument that sterilizing immunity (no matter the vaccine) is a myth
what is the list of side effects for the covid injections? how many covid injections did you have ? and when are the next boosters due?


officially stated by a number of health representatives that the Covid vaccine would stop the spread of the virus
i remember... they fumbled a lot. the fda dropped the ball, fauci dropped the ball on a few occasions, cdc dropped the ball... etc. etc.

but my comment still stands. everyone knows the sterilizing immunity is not a thing for the cov shots, and we've known for years... and sterilizing immunity for vaccines in general seems to be the exception, not the rule.

the whole "i got the shot and STILL got covid, therefore the vaccines are bunk" crap is nonsensical. fallacious. silly. and often, lazy propaganda.

Scientific evidence points to natural immunity to corona virus being superior to that from vaccinated immunity through titer serum testing inclusive of long term immunity to Covid SARS 1. (peer reviewed literature)
yep, and we've known this for quite awhile.

it still requires one to CONTRACT COVID-19, which is not a smart thing to do when the vaccines are still nearly as effective and more consistent, and MUCH safer than getting natural immunity from infection.

anyway, hybrid immunity is superior to both.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
yep it was trumps fault that 13 americans were killed....
It was, you just don't have the brain power to fully grasp cause and effect. Unless you're just being snarky but are acknowledging thst Trump really was indirectly responsible. In which case I'm a ibt impressed. Given the reasoning you've demonstrated so far i was pretty certain you didn't have it within you to be snarky and recognize facts simultaneously (oops sorry that's a big word with lots of syllables, it means at the same time.)


Well-known member
i got the 'covid vaccine' , and got covid twice.... i got the 'polio vaccine', and haven't gotten polio... at this point i blame it on the scumbag chinese.... tho i do have an open mind, that maybe the US introduced it, or another country/s.... the world is a fuk'd up place, where the truth they tell us is... sometime not the truth...


Well-known member
It was, you just don't have the brain power to fully grasp cause and effect. Unless you're just being snarky but are acknowledging thst Trump really was indirectly responsible. In which case I'm a ibt impressed. Given the reasoning you've demonstrated so far i was pretty certain you didn't have it within you to be snarky and recognize facts simultaneously (oops sorry that's a big word with lots of syllables, it means at the same time.)
i didn't know that in aug 21 (i think it was 21) trump was still calling the shots... tell me more...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
not true... i got 5 shots... i listen espec when biden said get the shot so u can visit grandma (more or less his words) - i got the shot, and came down with the chinese virus anyway...
You do realize he said that assuming you would actually want to visit Grandma and not give her the virus right? I measn with the way you guys think, I wouldn't be surprised if you saw it as a threat. As far as you getting it after the shots well there are perfectly reasonable explainations for that but it involve complicated stuff like mutations that would probably fly right over your head.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

all i see is that they brought back mask mandates earlier this year due to certain outbreaks.

maybe ya got a link?

(i swear, if it's about personal protection and cloth masks... i had so many ppl try to pull that crap when we've known for YEARS that the masking is about protecting OTHERS, unless we are talking n-95 mask, etc... please don't bother responding if this is about cloth or surgical masks and personal protection)
Actually it really doesn't matter which mask, obviously the N-95 was the most effective but all of them it was about protectinnng the other person. You would have to wear one of those full body protective outfits with gloves and a whole head mask to be guarenteed to not contract the virus, that's why they eventually encouraged people to just stay at home as much as possible.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
omg i'm gonna have an anyeurism

are you being deliberately daft?

EVERYONE has known for YEARS that the vaccine isn't supposed to PREVENT infection, but merely KEEP YOU OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND THE MORGUE (if you're under like 60... it doesn't guarantee survival for old ppl).

there was even an article i had read in the atlantic that made a good argument that sterilizing immunity (no matter the vaccine) is a myth
Actually in all fairness they were saying that there was a 90% certainty that the intial 2 jabs (I think 3 in the case of the Johnson and Johnson one?) to prevent you from catching the virus. It was after the virus started mutating and they had to come up with booster shots were it might only just make it where you didn't die from it even if you were old or had pre-existing conditions.

oh and relax, don't let this stuff give you an aneurysm. Here's a pro tip, these clowns aren't really that stupid (at least I hope not) they just get their rocks off if they can get you all worked up. They think it means they just owned a Lib. Seriously, I'm not joking.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
When the vaccine was first available it was officially stated by a number of health representatives that the Covid vaccine would stop the spread of the virus; this statement was altered with the apparent fact that it did not prevent the spread of the virus. This in particular was the misinformation which promoted some of the population to denigrate people who chose not to be vaccinated, mis-thinking that the non-vaccinated would endanger their families.

Scientific evidence points to natural immunity to corona virus being superior to that from vaccinated immunity through titer serum testing inclusive of long term immunity to Covid SARS 1. (peer reviewed literature)

I acquired my immunity prior to the vaccine coming out (serum tested). I agree that masking does help prevent transmission if both parties wear them.
You're 100% correct and it is unfortunate that they were so focused on testing the results of the vaccine that the neglected to give much attention to acquired immunity. The problem there is of those people who developed acquired immunity a lot of them didn't behave carefully enough by isolating until they were no longer infectious and ended up still spreading the virus.

My wife died of covid, not because of the shots (they weren't available yet) but because she was in an intensive care unit where not even family could visit unless you were dying and anyone entering the room had to wear protective gear (mask, gloves, something like a full robe, and booties to go over the shoes) if they even had it due to th shortages. The nurse tending to my wife cuaght the virus but bcause she was young she had mild symptoms and was able to hide it. She was a single Mom and couldn't afford to take time off like you were supposed to if you caught it. So she hid it and kept coming in and managed to spread it to my wife who was there recovering from surgery. She had been there for like 3 weeks and was healing just fine from the surgery so that's not what killed her. She had severe asthma and COPD though and when covid attacked her lungs she didn't stand a chance.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i didn't know that in aug 21 (i think it was 21) trump was still calling the shots... tell me more...
It's not who was calling the shots at the time, it was who was calling the shots when Trump agreed to pull all American Troops out. That promise, that advanced knowledge created the situation for the Taliban to plan and prepare for when they took over. It actually could have been worse. Trump promised to have everyoe out by the end of May. Fortunately Biden got them to extend that a bit until August but by the time August was here it was a day to day thing where nobody knew for sure what day would be the day the Taliban said "Time's up.". See cause and effect, it's just above your brain's pay grade.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Something to get Hemp back on subject 😜

Hell even a broken clock is right twice a day but as far as peopl with a not great brain and a big smile i think he meant something more like this.
