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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
”Christianity did not come from judaism, rather judaism is a perversion of christianity”
- Ignatius Theophorus, AD 50 - 110
No, even Christianity teaches that Judaism existed well before Christianity. In fact given that Christianity, even it's name is all based on the existance of Christ. The only way Judaism can be a perversion of Christianity is if nobody who lived in or around Israel existed before Christ. Since historical evidence says that isn't true then clearly judaism existed before Christianity.
”Christ is the king of israel and christians are the israelite race”
- Justin Martyr, AD 100 - 165
Christ was not the King of israel he was the King of the Jews and yes Christians came out of the israelite race, they were converts having been jewish first and then baptised into Christianity later, most likely by John while Christ was still alive. I'm not sure who was responsible for baptisims after Christ was crucified.


iirc, it was mainly the pharisees that hated him.

afterall, he was constantly second guessing them, undermining their spiritual (and also their real) authority [we all know the age old trope of power hunger and those that threaten power dynamics]...

weren't the populace generally accepting, excited for, or indifferent to jesus and his posse? i can't remember much on that, but i do remember he pissed off the pharisees quite a bit (and if the stories were real, they would have probably stoned him to death for blasphemy, LONG before he was in his thirties, right?)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
HempKat said:
Yeah that's why the first half of the Christian bible (Old Testament) that explains all the metaphysical existence of life in the Chrstian religion was lifted almost entirely from the Torah

the bible is the bible hempkat.
Yes of course, the bible is the bible but the old testament was copied over almost entirely from the Torah. It may contain some additional books not from the torah since it was translated and compiled centuries later from various books found during what we call the Dark Ages (5th–10th centuries) and didn't become the bible as we know it today until the 14th century.

some judean hebrews accepted jesus as the messiah , and some did not . the covenant was satisfied according to some , and not according to others .
Yes this is a true statement, the ones who did not accept that Christ was the prophesied "Messiah" felt that if he were the son of God he surely wouldn't have come from such humble origins as described by the history of Christ. The ones who did believe he was the "Messiah" mostly consisted of those who witnessed the miracle he performed and therefore had some evidence of who he was. Although there were some who just accepted him solely on faith.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
iirc, it was mainly the pharisees that hated him.

afterall, he was constantly second guessing them, undermining their spiritual (and also their real) authority [we all know the age old trope of power hunger and those that threaten power dynamics]...

weren't the populace generally accepting, excited for, or indifferent to jesus and his posse? i can't remember much on that, but i do remember he pissed off the pharisees quite a bit (and if the stories were real, they would have probably stoned him to death for blasphemy, LONG before he was in his thirties, right?)
Yes it was the ruling elite class who were mostly the ones who hated him while everyone was indifferent to him or believed he was the "Messiah" having witnessed miracles performed by him. As far as stoning him for blasphemy, for much of his life he didn't go around openly claiming to be the Son of God. He did make some comments to individduals that suggested he know he was the son of God when he was a child, like the time when his family went to Jerusalem and he got seperated from his parents who later found him engaged in conversation with the Temple priests. His parents asked him what he was doing and he relied he was doing the work of his father. Other then that he didn't really go around claiming he was the son of God openly until after he was baptised by John and started to gether his disciples. During that time he was traveling around giving sermons to rather large gatherings of people who believed he was the "Messiah" and any who might have thought of stoning him for blasphemy probably didn't do so for fear of retaliation from the large crowds following him around. Besides, in the end the punishment they ended up giving him (turning him over to the Romans for crucifixtion was far worse then merely stoning him.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The case was refiled. The text describes the original incident claim.

I was confused too.
The case was refiled. The text describes the original incident claim.

I was confused too.
Yes it was refiled but that article was talking about the refiling and was written in 2016 so Microbeman is correct and that story was old news. It doesn't ssay it in that story but I'm pretty sure the charges were later dismissed by the courts due to some technical matter, which is unfortunate since in that claim/allegation what Trump did (raping a 23 year old minor) was far far worse then any consentual sex he had later while married, with a former Playboy Bunny or Porn Star. Given that he allegedly raped a minor who was also a virgin, I would have much rather seen him held accountable for that then some one time daliance with a porn star.

I true imagine how horrific that must have been for that 13 year old to be raped by two much older men who fought over who deserved to be first. I mean sure most women are flattered when two guys fight over her but not at that age and by two much older men who both wanted to be the first to deflower her. Alas due to hoow the charge was managed Trump and Epstein got off scott free and most of the public is unaware of the accusation


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

So Hai

Well-known member
maybe thats because the jews are way smarter then you and your people...
Isn’t it more like ”jews are so smart, comparing their IQ with the goyim is like comparing the IQ of a human being with animals like a a donkey”?

Yet for all their supposed intelligence they can’t figure this out,
It remains a mystery…


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
anyone catch that anti- patriot kevin roberts and his threats to leftists and liberals?

literally threatened bloodshed if we don't lay down and let him destroy this country. he LITERALLY alluded to a legit revolution and got a 'right on' from the host.

the death throes of the fascist christian nationalists... not gonna be pretty or smooth.
What I'm more worried about from that interviw isn't the implied threat (since he said it would be free of bloodshed if the left "allows" them. Rather i'm concerned about how matter of factly he spoke about winning the election. Givn that he's part of the Heritage Foundation (the authors of project 2025) his confidence in winning makes me believe they've already arranged for Trump to successfully "steal" the election regardless of the result of the vote.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

i mean... how many americans did trump kill with his covid disinfo and fumbling? many of them were assuredly his cultists.
I would be willing to go as far as saying the majority of those who died from Covid were his followers given how most of them didn't get the vaccine or followed themask and distancing mandates.


Well-known member
I would be willing to go as far as saying the majority of those who died from Covid were his followers given how most of them didn't get the vaccine or followed themask and distancing mandates.
u mean the mask mandate that doctors say didn't do dick... and where did the 6feet come from.... fauci ass???


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
according to the washington post ... def a left of center news-rag.. ''We have now seen more deaths from the virus in 2021 than we did in all of 2020 ''... so i guess there was more dis-info and fumbling from biden
Or much more likely since inn 2020 things were so new a lot of Covid deaths slipped thru the cracks dur to a lack of testing developed under the Trump administraton. plus in 2020 the virus was still actively spreading around the country. But in 2021 after vaccines, theraputics and testing were readily available and the virus was widespread you had millions refusing the vaccine and actively gathering without masks and ignoring the distancing guidelines..

To blame that on Biden is like blaming Biden for Afghanistan even though it was Trump who shut out the Afghanistan government from negotiations when Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David where he commited to the day the US would leave, well in advance of that date. Allowing the Taliban to just wait for the Americans to leave before the Taliban took over the country.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
dude... u serious? when did biden deliberately mislead ppl and talk down/ try and silence the medical experts in his admin?

like, come on... you can't really believe the crap you just tried to pull.
As shocking as it is to anyone capable of critical thinking they can and do believe that stuff and much more outrageous and obvious falsehoods. You can't reason with someone who will dismisss anything that challenges their beliefs as being fake news.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
u mean the mask mandate that doctors say didn't do dick... and where did the 6feet come from.... fauci ass???
No point in trying to explain it all to you since you clearly have decided the only thing you'll accept as truth is what you personally believe.

I will point out that it's rather interesting how you believe what the doctors say when it agrees with your personal belief but the rest of the time they're just a bunch of quacks.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the truth is more people died under biden then trump.... be it dis-info/mis-leading people ..WHATEVER... i am not saying trump did or didn't do a better job, i am just stating the fact... nothing more...nothing less
Since the virus doesn't answer to the President or any government the number of people who died under a particular President's term is irrelevent in and of itself.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
they don't deserve smooth NOR pretty. they are in line for drawn out and agonizing, and i can't fucking wait..
What will make it even more satisfying is the drawn out and agonizing end will come at the hands of the very people they are supporting because they tell them exactly what they want to hear just to get their vote. Not realizing that if they get what they want, Trump will then say okay you got what you wanted, me, now it's time for me to get what i want.

So Hai

Well-known member
Yes it was the ruling elite class who were mostly the ones who hated him
Here is wikipedia for you concerning that ”elite class”,

The Herodian dynasty was a royal dynasty of Idumaean descent, ruling the Herodian Kingdom of Judea and later the Herodian Tetrarchy as a vassal state of the Roman Empire. The Herodian dynasty began with Herod the Great, who assumed the throne of Judea, with Roman support, bringing down the century-old Hasmonean Kingdom.

Idiot, and moron with worthless opinion - I recall this is how you described our colleagues and truely they are titles that suit you better than anyone. Something something science fiction writer.

The only way Judaism can be a perversion of Christianity is if nobody who lived in or around Israel existed before Christ.
I will take the word of the Patriarch of Antioch before an ignorant moron and idiot like you on this topic any day, no need to explain.

Christ was not the King of israel he was the King of the Jews
Because, Pilate said so :ROFLMAO:

@HempKat you idiot, it’s another one of your worthless opinions!


appeal to authority fallacy and ad hominem attacks with no coherent argument... sad.

but at least you so hai!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Here is wikipedia for you concerning that ”elite class”,

The Herodian dynasty was a royal dynasty of Idumaean descent, ruling the Herodian Kingdom of Judea and later the Herodian Tetrarchy as a vassal state of the Roman Empire. The Herodian dynasty began with Herod the Great, who assumed the throne of Judea, with Roman support, bringing down the century-old Hasmonean Kingdom.

Idiot, and moron with worthless opinion - I recall this is how you described our colleagues and truely they are titles that suit you better than anyone. Something something science fiction writer.

I will take the word of the Patriarch of Antioch before an ignorant moron and idiot like you on this topic any day, no need to explain.

Because, Pilate said so :ROFLMAO:

@HempKat you idiot, it’s another one of your worthless opinions!
Nope not opinions, facts and by sources much better established then wikipedia. But hey you're only going to believe what you want to believe, no matter how stupid it makes you appear.

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