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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
All part of an elaborate plan my friend. The DNC has been looking for a clear path to drop him so they can secure another win and that shitshow was the last excuse they ever needed. Why do you think they went along with it in the first place? No way he stays on the ticket now. He'll be replaced in a matter of days, probably by Newsom or maybe even Big Mike
the funniest lie joe told was regarding golf.... while he was vice president he managed to get down to 6 over scratch , and that he would have a drive range competition anytime

two puppets , and almost cruel on biden to be president


Well-known member
All part of an elaborate plan my friend. The DNC has been looking for a clear path to drop him so they can secure another win and that shitshow was the last excuse they ever needed. Why do you think they went along with it in the first place? No way he stays on the ticket now. He'll be replaced in a matter of days, probably by Newsom or maybe even Big Mike
They can't kick him off. Joe needs to decide to leave on his own and he's a stubborn old man. We'll see what happens but my money's on Trump winning regardless who the libtards have on their ticket. Most people have had enough of Liberal policies and wide open borders.


Well-known member
Israel is a close ally. They were warned several times and then warned publicly. Now they have been cut off.

Nobody here supports genocide. This is just mouthing off.
When you give people weapons to kill people, you are at least partially responsible for how they use them. Selling for profit is a different story.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If someone walks up to a multi-generational owned plot of family land and says their ancestors 3,000 years ago lived here... you giving up your land to them?

this isn't how anything works.

Palestinians never "took over" the land lol they always lived there. So did Jews. And Christians.... Until the zionists decided they wanted an ethno-state.

this is insane and delusional

if you have to go back to biblical times for your justifications, you've already lost.
If someone walked up to land that had been owned by my family for multiple generations and was able to show me proof that they owned the land long before any generation of my family did then yes I would have to consider giving up my claim on at least some of the land to them, especially if their proof matched other physical historic landmarks that existed there before my family did. I would however attempt to work out a mutually agreeable resolution that might allow us to coexist in the same area.

The Palestinians didn't always live on the land that once belonged to the Israelis otherwise it never would have once belonged to the Israelis. At best the Palestinians once lived nearby and took over the land after the israels were removed from it and it sat there vacant. More likely the Palestinians are descendents of one of the many races of people that were responsible for the israelis to be removed from there.

Pointing to historical evidence that predates the claim of people who have usurped the land of another race of people is not losing, it's pointing to evidence of an injustice. I get it though, you seaperately want to ignore the just claims of the rightful owners. Perhaps if the Palestinians acknowledged the claims of the israelis and work with them to find a mutually agreeable solution then there could have already been a two state solution for decades. That's not what happened though, instead of accepting the rightful claim that everyone at the time knew the Israelis had the Arab world (including Palestine) immediately made war on the returning Israelis.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
coincidentally the largest state sponsor of terrorism happens to be the enemy of israel lol lol

this is george w bush era right wing garbage. congrats.
The recognition of Iran as the World's largst state sponsor of terrorism dates back at a minimum to the late 1970's, well before the George W. Bush era. Congrats on being ignorant of history.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
largest sponser of terrorism.😅 Thats us now

Ill say this much for you hemp for someone who spends his time bitching about republicans you sure warm up to some of their silliest narratives
You got two things wrong here. First off I don't bitch about Republicans in general, just about ones lie Trump who isn't even really a republican but rather someone who uses the title for political convenience. over my lifetime there have been several times i was in support of what the Republicans stood for.

The second of course is that Iran still exists as the World's largest state sponser of terrorism, a fact that has existed at least since the 70's when the current regime in Iran, overthrew the previous one.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Actually the media has been hiding or at least trying to hide his senility from the public. Now even they Leftest of media are having to admit how incompetent Joe is. The uninformed public has now been informed. And if someone votes for an incompetent senile old man they need serious help.
So you are saying everyone that supported and/or voted for Reagan needs serious help? Because at a much younger age then Biden Reagan was far more senile and unfit to be President. Fortunately Reagan had a very competent wife that was able to rally support from other Republican leaders to help hide that fact.

All this debate exposed is that Biden had a bad debate night. Fortunately Presidencies are not decided by debates. The Presidential Debate has only existed as a thing since 1960. Also fortunately Biden has a well established record of being one of the most effective President's of the modern era. Granted that's a very low bar when you look at the track record of President's since the first Presidential Debate. Another fortunate thing is that the President is really just a figurehead and the real work of the President isn't just the work of one man but rather the work of all the experts and advisors the President assembles under him in the Executive Office. Trump might have done better and even maybe won a second term if he didn't let his ego get in the way and cause him to fire or drive off some of the more competent members of his executive branch.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
All part of an elaborate plan my friend. The DNC has been looking for a clear path to drop him so they can secure another win and that shitshow was the last excuse they ever needed. Why do you think they went along with it in the first place? No way he stays on the ticket now. He'll be replaced in a matter of days, probably by Newsom or maybe even Big Mike
You should really consider making the Aerosmith song "Dream on" your theme song. The only way Biden will be replaced is if he decides to step down and there is no sign that's going to happen.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
according to scripture , the judeans that worshipped god and followed the ten commandments . ashkenazi jews are not related to biblical era judeans , and people that break the 10 commandments in the name of god are not righteous , or can lay any claim to any land in gods name
Unless of course it's in accordence to ancient prophecy that says God will make it happen and even with the assist of the Gentiles (and I don't mean just the US) which is exactly what has happened starting from 1948.


Well-known member
You should really consider making the Aerosmith song "Dream on" your theme song. The only way Biden will be replaced is if he decides to step down and there is no sign that's going to happen.

He will be "persuaded" to step down. Its a matter of surviving the game at this point. The democratic partys not gonna risk it

So Hai

Well-known member
The Palestinians didn't always live on the land that once belonged to the Israelis otherwise it never would have once belonged to the Israelis.
it never belonged to ”the israelis” aka the jews,

The second of course is that Iran still exists as the World's largest state sponser of terrorism, a fact that has existed at least since the 70's when the current regime in Iran, overthrew the previous one.
the iranians overthrew a zionist occupation regime that ran torture centres staffed with agents trained by americans and the british.

kvetch. @RobFromTX you are only half right, it is the israeli state that is the largest state sponsor of terrorism - they invented it, in fact, but sure you do sponsor them as their greatest useful idiot.



Well-known member
No point in saying anything in response because whatever I mght say you will twist it with half truths, propaganda and false comparrisons to make it fit you view, as proven by this post I'm replying to.

And no the provocation was when they attacked the Jews for trying to reclaim the land that was thiers for many generations before the Palestinians took over those lands when the Jews were scattered around the world to serve as slaves to the nations that defeated them in the past. By your view I suppose you would feel a aquatter would be justified for attacking you when you tried to reclaim the home that was yours before the squatters came.
Land doesn’t belong to anyone historically nor does anyone have a right to it other than the people currently occupying it. Any other view breaks down to Paleolithic land rights.


Well-known member
The recognition of Iran as the World's largst state sponsor of terrorism dates back at a minimum to the late 1970's, well before the George W. Bush era. Congrats on being ignorant of history.
A long ass lie. The US is the world's sponsor of terrorism.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
He will be "persuaded" to step down. Its a matter of surviving the game at this point. The democratic partys not gonna risk it
Okay, well just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. What gets me is you as a Trump supporter should be hoping he doesn't step down or get persuaded or whatever. I mesn if you had any confidence in your guy it wouldn't matter what Joe Biden does or doesn't do.


Well-known member
Okay, well just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. What gets me is you as a Trump supporter should be hoping he doesn't step down or get persuaded or whatever. I mesn if you had any confidence in your guy it wouldn't matter what Joe Biden does or doesn't do.

😆 yeah were all trumpers out to get you and destroy democracy.

Buddy youre proof that tds is a real thing. In a few years it will be covered on insurance plans✌️


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
it never belonged to ”the israelis” aka the jews,
View attachment 19025484
Oh well if HG Wells (a world reknowned writer of science fiction) said it then it must be true. :LOL:

You maybe should research your "evidence" before you go quoting it. Both groups mentioned in the quote were groups of peopllle that converted to the jewish religion. As such they are not even remotely evidence of the history of the entire Jewish religon. In fact the second group, the Khazars was part of a theory of jewish people that was often refered to as The Khazar myth and the theory was eventually abandoned. The quote above was from a book Wells published called "The Outline Of History" which drew much of it's content from theories rather the actual known facts.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Land doesn’t belong to anyone historically nor does anyone have a right to it other than the people currently occupying it. Any other view breaks down to Paleolithic land rights.
That view ight have held weight back when mankind was in the hunter/gatherer state of existence and was largely nomadic in nature. All that changed when man put down roots and became agricultural. Putting that aside though and just accepting your arguement means that if one group of people comes along and conquers another geoup and occupies it's lland then they are now the rightful owners. Which then means that when the jewish people came to reclaim Israel and defeated the Palestinians in 1948 then they became at that point to rightful owners of the land of Israel.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
😆 yeah were all trumpers out to get you and destroy democracy.

Buddy youre proof that tds is a real thing. In a few years it will be covered on insurance plans✌️
I never claimed that you all are Trumpers nor do I believe even in the least that you are out to get me. You claiming someone is just suffering from TDS is just a rather simplistic way to dismiss something when you have no evidence to back up your position


Well-known member
If someone walked up to land that had been owned by my family for multiple generations and was able to show me proof that they owned the land long before any generation of my family did then yes I would have to consider giving up my claim on at least some of the land to them,
no you wouldn't stop lying lol. no person would do this.


Well-known member
looking for some nice new land. any one got any good classifieds? gonna roll up with a posse and some guns and conquer some people so i can become the rightful owner of some new land.

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