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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member


Well-known member
"The so-called “progressives” of the Democratic party, from AOC to Bowman to Sanders, are complicit in this genocide: from endorsing Biden, to voting to send money to the Zionist entity, to smearing Palestinian organizations and conflating anti-Zionism with anti-semitism. Let us be clear: no amount of “lesser of two evils” rhetoric will bully the Palestine movement into supporting those complicit in the genocide of our people. We affirm that we have not only a right, but an obligation, to disrupt the activities of all electeds complicit in this genocide."



ICMag Donor
Anyone in the Biden admin or in the US govt and media who facilitated this genocide belongs on trial at the Hague.
Israel is a close ally. They were warned several times and then warned publicly. Now they have been cut off.

Nobody here supports genocide. This is just mouthing off.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Israel is a close ally. They were warned several times and then warned publicly. Now they have been cut off.

Nobody here supports genocide. This is just mouthing off.
You're wasting your time and energy Zeez, Biden could shoot Netanyahu in the middle of 5th Ave. and people like Cannavore would still blame the US for what is happening to the Palestinian people and continue to ignore the fact that Palestinians brought it on themselves by doing nothing to prevent the cowardly attacks on innocent people not just from Israel but also around the world when Hamasand several other Palestinian militant groups cowardly attacked innocent civilians from around the world attending the Nova Music Festival on Oct 7th. Countries around the world, including the US have made it clear that they do not approve or support the Israeli response to that attack but at least the Palestinians knew or should have known that an equally brutal response was coming. All these Pro Palestinian critics want to act like the Palestinians were just a peaceful people that have done nothing to provoke the Israeli people for the past 70 some years.


ICMag Donor
You're wasting your time and energy Zeez, Biden could shoot Netanyahu in the middle of 5th Ave. and people like Cannavore would still blame the US for what is happening to the Palestinian people and continue to ignore the fact that Palestinians brought it on themselves by doing nothing to prevent the cowardly attacks on innocent people not just from Israel but also around the world when Hamasand several other Palestinian militant groups cowardly attacked innocent civilians from around the world attending the Nova Music Festival on Oct 7th. Countries around the world, including the US have made it clear that they do not approve or support the Israeli response to that attack but at least the Palestinians knew or should have known that an equally brutal response was coming. All these Pro Palestinian critics want to act like the Palestinians were just a peaceful people that have done nothing to provoke the Israeli people for the past 70 some years.
What do you say to someone who calls himself a socialist and is anti democrat?
Maybe he just a latent fascist?

Palestinians had to know what was coming. The innocents were innocent but they were also complacent with the infestation of Iran backed radicals. As one of the poorest countries in the world there wasn't much they could do to fend off the influx of money, guns and armament which is prevailing power. Dropping 2,000 # bombs in residential neighborhoods was not the answer. As complacence blurs the line with innocence, death to those was the wrong answer. Somewhere there is a line between Palestinian and Hamas. Israel had every right to eradicate Hamas (et al Iran backed rebels), but for me, the level of collateral damage is way over the top. Given the degree of infestation, the population density and Hamas use of schools, hospitals and public places, a surgical solution would have been extremely difficult and costly, but doable.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What do you say to someone who calls himself a socialist and is anti democrat?
Maybe he just a latent fascist?

Palestinians had to know what was coming. The innocents were innocent but they were also complacent with the infestation of Iran backed radicals. As one of the poorest countries in the world there wasn't much they could do to fend off the influx of money, guns and armament which is prevailing power. Dropping 2,000 # bombs in residential neighborhoods was not the answer. As complacence blurs the line with innocence, death to those was the wrong answer. Somewhere there is a line between Palestinian and Hamas. Israel had every right to eradicate Hamas (et al Iran backed rebels), but for me, the level of collateral damage is way over the top. Given the degree of infestation, the population density and Hamas use of schools, hospitals and public places, a surgical solution would have been extremely difficult and costly, but doable.
What can I say? Some people just use titles as a matter of convienence rather then an indication of their deeply held convictions.

As for Palestine I think we're pretty much on the same page. I understand how a group like Hamas comes to be because larger, wealthier, countries like Iran use disaffected groups to further their own agendas and yet be able to claim they weren't involved. That's the sort of thing that earned Iran the title of largest state sponser of terrorism in the middleast. What I don't get is the way the Palestinians as a whole allow a group like Hamas to use them as human shields. If I were a Palestinian in the current situation in Gazza I would be trying to find a way to get intelligence about Hamas to the Israeli's in an effort to allow Israel to do what they want to do without affecting so many innocent civilians. If I couldn't do that I would get the hell out of dodge to avoid the inevitable Israeli response and try to get everyone I care about to go with me. Even still, the fact that they didn't do that does not excuse the Israeli response. I agree that after the Hamas attack that targeted civilians last Oct. Israel had every right to go after and try to take Hamas out. The Israeli Military is pretty well trained, very well armed and quite an effective fighting force. Many of the earliest conflicts after they first started trying to reclaim Israel in the 50's, well document just how effective a fighting force they can be. In light of that I would have much more respect for Israel if they went into Gazza and tried to fight Hamas in a man to man type of battle. Sure they would likely suffer more casualties that way but they would have greater control over collateral damage. Trying to do it by dropping 2000lb bombs in a densely populated area of mostly civilians is a pretty cowardly way to go. Plus after what Hamas did to Israel back in Oct. I would want the satsfaction of looking the enemy in the eye as I take them out, rather then dropping a big bomb on them from a safe distance where I can't be sure of who I hit until I sort thru the rubble of the aftermath.

The fact that Israel was doing that was precisely why out of all the miliitary aide the US was giving, we withheld sending over 2000lb bombs as quickly as Israel wanted and yet the US gets no recognition or credit for doing that. Some people seem to think that just because we give them aide gives us the right to force them to do things to our satisfaction. Which still wouldn't stop the critics for blaming the US for what is going on over there even if we did try to force Israel to do things the way we think is right. I also find it pretty annoying that we get no credit or respect for taking the lead on trying to get humanitarian aide into Gazza to help ease the suffering of those caught up in the collateral damage. Not just by all the supplies we send but also building that temporary pier so that we can get more supplies where they need to go in a much faster and efficient way.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I’m picturing the last two posters standing at attention in front of an American flag, New York Times on the coffee table, hand at brow, reciting that propaganda.

“If I were a Palestinian…” what a privileged crock of shit thing to say. Like either of you would have any clue what it would be like to be in a situation like that ever…


ICMag Donor
I’m picturing the last two posters standing at attention in front of an American flag, New York Times on the coffee table, hand at brow, reciting that propaganda.

“If I were a Palestinian…” what a privileged crock of shit thing to say. Like either of you would have any clue what it would be like to be in a situation like that ever…

I suppose you have some basis for your know it all, superlative, condescending, commentary.
Sure you do........ Sure.......
FWIW, I picture you as a Ted Kaczynski type of character, living a shack in the woods of Montana.

I have travelled in 37 countries and worked in most of them. For decades. Rich, poor, communist, high risk.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I’m picturing the last two posters standing at attention in front of an American flag, New York Times on the coffee table, hand at brow, reciting that propaganda.

“If I were a Palestinian…” what a privileged crock of shit thing to say. Like either of you would have any clue what it would be like to be in a situation like that ever…
Like you have any clue of anything, you assume you know everything about me and what all my life experinces are simply because you know I'm from the US. Which even that is just an assumption on your part.


ICMag Donor
What can I say? Some people just use titles as a matter of convienence rather then an indication of their deeply held convictions.

As for Palestine I think we're pretty much on the same page. I understand how a group like Hamas comes to be because larger, wealthier, countries like Iran use disaffected groups to further their own agendas and yet be able to claim they weren't involved. That's the sort of thing that earned Iran the title of largest state sponser of terrorism in the middleast. What I don't get is the way the Palestinians as a whole allow a group like Hamas to use them as human shields. If I were a Palestinian in the current situation in Gazza I would be trying to find a way to get intelligence about Hamas to the Israeli's in an effort to allow Israel to do what they want to do without affecting so many innocent civilians. If I couldn't do that I would get the hell out of dodge to avoid the inevitable Israeli response and try to get everyone I care about to go with me. Even still, the fact that they didn't do that does not excuse the Israeli response. I agree that after the Hamas attack that targeted civilians last Oct. Israel had every right to go after and try to take Hamas out. The Israeli Military is pretty well trained, very well armed and quite an effective fighting force. Many of the earliest conflicts after they first started trying to reclaim Israel in the 50's, well document just how effective a fighting force they can be. In light of that I would have much more respect for Israel if they went into Gazza and tried to fight Hamas in a man to man type of battle. Sure they would likely suffer more casualties that way but they would have greater control over collateral damage. Trying to do it by dropping 2000lb bombs in a densely populated area of mostly civilians is a pretty cowardly way to go. Plus after what Hamas did to Israel back in Oct. I would want the satsfaction of looking the enemy in the eye as I take them out, rather then dropping a big bomb on them from a safe distance where I can't be sure of who I hit until I sort thru the rubble of the aftermath.

The fact that Israel was doing that was precisely why out of all the miliitary aide the US was giving, we withheld sending over 2000lb bombs as quickly as Israel wanted and yet the US gets no recognition or credit for doing that. Some people seem to think that just because we give them aide gives us the right to force them to do things to our satisfaction. Which still wouldn't stop the critics for blaming the US for what is going on over there even if we did try to force Israel to do things the way we think is right. I also find it pretty annoying that we get no credit or respect for taking the lead on trying to get humanitarian aide into Gazza to help ease the suffering of those caught up in the collateral damage. Not just by all the supplies we send but also building that temporary pier so that we can get more supplies where they need to go in a much faster and efficient way.
It's like the city of Juarez, Mexico. A poor crappy, dusty, town that did anything they could to attract American dollars from neighboring El Paso. Anything for a buck, from whore houses and sub-dive bars for soldiers at Fort Bliss to custom made boots for west texans. They even had donkeys with spray painted zebra stripes performing on stage. This is a place where you could literally see people rotting on the street. Now the cartels move in with guns, money and muscle. The local cops who used to be content with shaking down tourists are now their bitches. What used to be weed with friendly payoffs is now fentanyl, coke and heroin with death threats to anyone who interferes. A poor weed smuggler doesn't have a chance in the new order. The locals, the cops, the mayor, they are just powerless victims.

It's not so different. Just add some assholes poking the bear and stealing / brutalizing their children and see what happens. Add to that a power hungry leader who decides that this is his ticket to keep his job at any cost, including trying to drag his friends down with him.


Well-known member
Biden could shoot Netanyahu in the middle of 5th Ave.
And in reality it's the exact opposite. Netanyahu is walking all over weakling Biden while Biden continues to shovel money and arms to a genocidal fascist country. That by extension, makes our government a party to genocide, which is illegal under international law.

and people like Cannavore would still blame the US for what is happening to the Palestinian people
ummm yeah because it was the US and Israel who instituted a military blockade of Gaza in 2006 after Gazans held an election. We give them money with no strings attached to kill children and women.
and continue to ignore the fact that Palestinians brought it on themselves by doing nothing to prevent the cowardly attacks on innocent people
do you also blame the slaves for the violence committed in the slave revolts in the 1700-1800's?

when Hamas and several other Palestinian militant groups cowardly attacked innocent civilians from around the world attending the Nova Music Festival on Oct 7th.
it's become increasingly clear that israel fired on it's own people yet here you are taking the word of genocidal demons that have killed 20,000 children at face value

Countries around the world, including the US have made it clear that they do not approve or support the Israeli response to that attack
Same energy as HRC telling Wall Street to "cut it out"

hollow meaningless gestures for the public

All these Pro Palestinian critics want to act like the Palestinians were just a peaceful people that have done nothing to provoke the Israeli people for the past 70 some years.
Yeah, they "provoked" the jews by existing for generations on land the jews wanted lol


Well-known member
What do you say to someone who calls himself a socialist and is anti democrat?
someone who lives in reality

Maybe he just a latent fascist?

Palestinians had to know what was coming.
Seems like Israel knew for weeks/months and did nothing lol Almost like they wanted it to happen so they can justify their continued land grab.

Israel had every right to eradicate Hamas (et al Iran backed rebels), but for me, the level of collateral damage is way over the top.
They actually don't. You don't have the right of defense while you are the aggressor and illegal occupier of their land.

Given the degree of infestation, the population density and Hamas use of schools, hospitals and public places, a surgical solution would have been extremely difficult and costly, but doable.
And yet no evidence of Hamas was found in any hospital or school. Yet again sounds like some hollow propaganda for people like yourself to feel better about witnessing (and siding with) such atrocities.


ICMag Donor
i stopped here out of laughter. msnbc liberals crack me up. you're just a bunch of right wingers that don't know you're right wingers.
Keep laughing and Deny Deny Deny.

I lived and worked in a socialized country for a long long time
My wife and son are dual nationals. I have a "Green Card".
I didn't just fall off the cabbage truck like some of the loud mouths here - You.

(Free Medical, Free College, Everybody with a decent job gets a company car, 1 year maternity leave, Incredible Beer, Great Retirement, the rich pay huge taxes. Extra month Pay in December, 17 Political Parties including Socialist Party and even a small Communist Party, Everybody gets 1 month vacation with double pay by Law )

There are Socialized countries but no Socialist. You have no clue.

Communicating with you is like trying to talk to a trumper because the lies just keep coming. And then you have the balls to talk about reality...... You were all about Bernie Sanders and that got you on to the Socialist thing. Now your posts tend way right. You are so very confused. Bernie hates Trump because he knows what nazis are.

Keep banging away on that keyboard and try to figure out what you are. In the mean time try to remember that the Red States that follow Trump are the Poorest and least Educated. It's the Dummies.


Well-known member
you lost me. im a right winger but also a socialist???

you guys cant go one post without mentioning trump lol.

you lived in these social democracies yet vote for right wingers like biden and clinton who would literally rather you to die than to enact any semblance of any of those policies.


ICMag Donor
you lost me. im a right winger but also a socialist???

you guys cant go one post without mentioning trump lol.

you lived in these social democracies yet vote for right wingers like biden and clinton who would literally rather you to die than to enact any semblance of any of those policies.
You are lost. You don't know your right from your left.

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