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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
You all better get over your TDS. There's no way Biden wins after that trainwreck.

Me last night.


Well-known member
you lost me. im a right winger but also a socialist???

you guys cant go one post without mentioning trump lol.

you lived in these social democracies yet vote for right wingers like biden and clinton who would literally rather you to die than to enact any semblance of any of those policies.

My opinion is that you might be a Strasserite.


NYPD trains with the IDF, and even further, has IDF members on the force.

imagine if there were reports that the chinese military trains US police, and that chinese soldiers are members of the US police lol. there would be a nationwide witch hunt going on right now to find these "invaders"

Since no one's posted it yet lol....

A mattress with a poop stain was found inside (not joking). if this shit is connected to epsteins manhattan apartment or something people are gonna riot.

wait hold on lemme post the white nationalist version of this tweet as well;



Well-known member
does the IDF not train US cops? are there not IDF soldiers who are US cops? was there not a stained mattress found in a makeshift tunnel? wonder where all that news went btw... lol. did that girl not engage in a freudian slip?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And in reality it's the exact opposite. Netanyahu is walking all over weakling Biden while Biden continues to shovel money and arms to a genocidal fascist country. That by extension, makes our government a party to genocide, which is illegal under international law.

ummm yeah because it was the US and Israel who instituted a military blockade of Gaza in 2006 after Gazans held an election. We give them money with no strings attached to kill children and women.

do you also blame the slaves for the violence committed in the slave revolts in the 1700-1800's?

it's become increasingly clear that israel fired on it's own people yet here you are taking the word of genocidal demons that have killed 20,000 children at face value

Same energy as HRC telling Wall Street to "cut it out"

hollow meaningless gestures for the public

Yeah, they "provoked" the jews by existing for generations on land the jews wanted lol
No point in saying anything in response because whatever I mght say you will twist it with half truths, propaganda and false comparrisons to make it fit you view, as proven by this post I'm replying to.

And no the provocation was when they attacked the Jews for trying to reclaim the land that was thiers for many generations before the Palestinians took over those lands when the Jews were scattered around the world to serve as slaves to the nations that defeated them in the past. By your view I suppose you would feel a aquatter would be justified for attacking you when you tried to reclaim the home that was yours before the squatters came.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i stopped here out of laughter. msnbc liberals crack me up. you're just a bunch of right wingers that don't know you're right wingers.
Not sure what you're point is here. Iran was known as the largest state sponser of terrorism long before MSNBC ever existed.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You all better get over your TDS. There's no way Biden wins after that trainwreck.

Me last night.
View attachment 19024586
Think again, fewer people watched the debate then the debates from 2020. Also the ones that did watch were almost entirely people who were desperately hoping for the opponant of the side they support, would lose. So far the analysis shows that almost no minds were changed by the debate. The people that already hated Biden say an old many that appeared just as feeble as they had been told all along and those who already hated Trump saw a lying scumbag with no clear vision of the future other then to exact his revenge on his critics.


ICMag Donor
No point in saying anything in response ...
That's basically it.
Billionaires have taken all the money and diminished our education system.
Critical thinking skills are at an all time low. Some of the come backs here are elementary school level.


Well-known member
And no the provocation was when they attacked the Jews for trying to reclaim the land that was thiers for many generations
If someone walks up to a multi-generational owned plot of family land and says their ancestors 3,000 years ago lived here... you giving up your land to them?

this isn't how anything works.

before the Palestinians took over those lands when the Jews were scattered around the world to serve as slaves to the nations that defeated them in the past.
Palestinians never "took over" the land lol they always lived there. So did Jews. And Christians.... Until the zionists decided they wanted an ethno-state.

By your view I suppose you would feel a aquatter would be justified for attacking you when you tried to reclaim the home that was yours before the squatters came.
this is insane and delusional

if you have to go back to biblical times for your justifications, you've already lost.


Well-known member
Not sure what you're point is here. Iran was known as the largest state sponser of terrorism long before MSNBC ever existed.
coincidentally the largest state sponsor of terrorism happens to be the enemy of israel lol lol

this is george w bush era right wing garbage. congrats.


Well-known member
Not sure what you're point is here. Iran was known as the largest state sponser of terrorism long before MSNBC ever existed.

largest sponser of terrorism.😅 Thats us now

Ill say this much for you hemp for someone who spends his time bitching about republicans you sure warm up to some of their silliest narratives


Well-known member
The same people that showed up in big cities, with human rights and blm stickers all over their volvos, are the very same people that priced out all the minorities and gentrified the place. Those are the "progre$$ive$" where i live. They remind me a lot of those zionist occupiers you complain about. land grabbers and sodomites


Well-known member
read (i think both of these are documentaries/video speeches as well) chomsky's manufacturing consent or thomas frank's listen, liberal - if you want to understand the modern neo-lib lol.


Well-known member
Think again, fewer people watched the debate then the debates from 2020. Also the ones that did watch were almost entirely people who were desperately hoping for the opponant of the side they support, would lose. So far the analysis shows that almost no minds were changed by the debate. The people that already hated Biden say an old many that appeared just as feeble as they had been told all along and those who already hated Trump saw a lying scumbag with no clear vision of the future other then to exact his revenge on his critics.
Actually the media has been hiding or at least trying to hide his senility from the public. Now even they Leftest of media are having to admit how incompetent Joe is. The uninformed public has now been informed. And if someone votes for an incompetent senile old man they need serious help.


Well-known member
Actually the media has been hiding or at least trying to hide his senility from the public. Now even they Leftest of media are having to admit how incompetent Joe is. The uninformed public has now been informed. And if someone votes for an incompetent senile old man they need serious help.
All part of an elaborate plan my friend. The DNC has been looking for a clear path to drop him so they can secure another win and that shitshow was the last excuse they ever needed. Why do you think they went along with it in the first place? No way he stays on the ticket now. He'll be replaced in a matter of days, probably by Newsom or maybe even Big Mike


Well-known member
No point in saying anything in response because whatever I mght say you will twist it with half truths, propaganda and false comparrisons to make it fit you view, as proven by this post I'm replying to.

And no the provocation was when they attacked the Jews for trying to reclaim the land that was thiers for many generations before the Palestinians took over those lands when the Jews were scattered around the world to serve as slaves to the nations that defeated them in the past. By your view I suppose you would feel a aquatter would be justified for attacking you when you tried to reclaim the home that was yours before the squatters came.
according to scripture , the judeans that worshipped god and followed the ten commandments . ashkenazi jews are not related to biblical era judeans , and people that break the 10 commandments in the name of god are not righteous , or can lay any claim to any land in gods name

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