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Tropical Growing


Active member
jejee I wear a size 11.1/2 o 44 creo y ese macho fue el ultimo en demostrarse, muy guapo pero....el unico con banano en mi vivero soy yo ;) jejeje la mayoria demostraron temprano, este bien escondido en las sombras hasta que revento el canopy con vigor intensa y paso por encima de ellas lo vi....si se hubiera quedado escondido se me hubiera ido mucho a perder.

No es nada como tus fotos, pero encantado que pasate a saludar, cuidate y un gran abrazo.


Hey Chaman Thanks. I have brick weed seeds so it's anyone's guess. I would really like to try out that reds you are talking about or redsxgold.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Great to see this thread Chaman, a friend is trying to lure me out to CR this January as "nobody around here has any decent grass" ...... He is clearly miles away from you .....


My first Grow

My first Grow

I everybody ! Bless of GOD for everyone

that the light of ELOHIM cover this site

Well this is my first plant , and i would like tob share the images
and that i can recieve answers for the best care of my little plant

the next days i thisnk change it of place, and i would like that you can help!!!!

Thanksss :wave:



Active member
New Ran,
than if it's brick bro you got a good chance of a Colombian Gold, those are the more comercial i've felt, I was lucky back when I got here....shit many yrs ago now that thier used to be alot of realy great red sticky chocolate sweet colombian that used to put us on our ass...this was where I got my Colmbian reds, was prob a different area and time of yr then the more comercial and wider spread golds that are indeed stronger and need less MAN agement....they do what they to on their own and work better that way as they are more neraly pure sativas in climates very similar to mine...Colombia and Costa Rica share the same paralels in a good deal, i'm between the 8th and 10th paralel N. Colombia is just a swim southeast to me...most people would think its just south.

Colombian genetics have alot to offer, but do need some special attention. If indoors lots of lumens to finish. They can grow just fine in the shade, but can't expect to bud them in a corner and say "ive got shity colombian"....thats not fair. They take alot of time, but when in flower deseve the same best light that any other genetics you might have...even if they take longer. They are best done out doors or in a greenhouse under direct light. The can be done indoors just need alot more trianning and more patients, they will grow vigourous, but slow down alot when into flower, then once in good flower under good light agian go back into a good budding speed...its the whole getting into oposit phylo, the giving of sex, then the plant goes into another change as each time its leafs go to lessor digits (when they start they go 1 digit, 3 digits 5,7 up to 9 for the most part, then in flower drop back to 7,5,3,finaly single digit leafs poke'n out your buds) as to not shade her soon to come flowers giving also good enough space between each node for that new bud to fill out in and take up that space indeed. A good buuding will start out with a long lacky branch, with segments from mm to cm to an inch to a few inches apart the closer to the main stem, that when finished will completly cover that once lanky branch into a nice cat tail like long cola. The golds are not fat buded like the reds but run the whole length of the branch...and every branch !

In inadiquit light they will have pop corn buds along that long lanky stem, not fill out so, but still should be of good thc content if in a dry atmosphere and given good food and plenty of air. Just not as great a yield. Buds will be more fluffy too.

They normaly dont sex even under 12/12 from the start till about a month to 2 months the most. average about month and a half before your prety sure of whos who. So unless your plant is a dwarf and stay at just a few inches tall...it should'nt sex till it's about a foot tall or more, with good healty leaves and branches just starting from its bottom nodes as they grow in xmas tree shape for the most part...unless yo top them or tie them down.

Insects are natural desasters if your not carefull jejej ants carry, and move around alot...give them time they can take down a tree, as they kill its life source. Ants are easy though, you can start by use'n doble sided tape, jeje but intime they will creat ant bridges out of there dead. Repotting pisses them off and often makes them find a new home, over watering is scarey as you leach your soil and can drown your plants I don't recomend. Can use repelents as garlic and hot peper sprays that aren't residual or go with insecticies taht are residual and if not carefull hazardous to both you and your plant, but thats last case. My uncle once told me that if you detour them with better food somewhere else they should go...at home I hate them in my kitchen so I sometimes sprinkle some suger with detergent thats antihongs so that when they bring back the suger with mix detergent it kills the bacteria mold they feed from in there conoly man I can spell...this works for a while, but they always end up make'n a new one somewhere else....ants are f@#kers like that jejeje, but jut can't I can't beat them I ain't about to join'em ;)

jeje man I'm at work so I keep coming and going and forget where i'm at so if all this sounds wierd...jeje you might need to read it agian, of ask me about it....shit, well good to hear from you all

Costa Rica rocks man, but buds can cost you from almost 30bucks an oz of colombian brick, pray you find some good ones too...or 100bucks for some alaskan or jamiacan brick, prety good realy...or 250, up too 500 bucks for some out of this world crazy shit indeed.

Cool & Calm


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Chaman, here in Spain, Ants are my friends, they eat spider mites and the real pain, caterpilars......the only downsides are, I caught one nicking a seed ! 5m from my plants, on the "Ant motorway" ... just about to get it down the hole, amazing as it was 20x his size. I also spotted another seed they could not get get out of the bud, so they ate a small hole in it and totally emptied it from the outside.

I have some Columbian friends who smoke and are starting growing....... I am sending them some European genetics and will be getting some seeds from the best weed they come across locally ....... Reading what you are saying, I think my friend in CR may get to try a few !

Peace and Luck !


charlie garcia

Hola Chaman ;)

Just chime in to say hello. Hope everything is well
Glad to hear from you and to know your new season is starting there



Chaman, you are such a herbsman. I always enjoy reading what you have to say.
I have a spelling problem too, and I am an engineer. My skills have always been in math, understanding the nature of electricity, and machinery. I have to write a lot in my work so I am a slave to a word processor. If I want to type a lot I type it in a word processor, let it correct my spelling, then cut and paste it in here. (I didn't do that today though).
About my grow. I had 7 of them in small cups under a 400w metal halide light. They have been going 24-7 because I have a mixed batch of seeds and I want to wait until I can tell the sativa from the indicas. In a short while I will put them all under something like 13-11. Anyway, I said Had, as 4 of them died this weekend from underwatering. I forgot how seedlings needed to not dry out. They are dead now so it's in the past. I only wanted to grow about one or two plants anyway. I just hope that of the three I have left there is still a female. I cannot buy any seeds right now, I made a deal with my girl so that I would not spend any real money on this, and that would include buying seeds. So I am going to have to do what I can with what I got. I do not have my camera with me at the moment, but I will have it tomorrow and I will shoot a couple pictures. Maybe you with your vast experience can tell if what I have may be sativa or not.
Thanks a lot brother.
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Naun Briones

New member
Hey chaman, pura vida! I live in similar conditions as you have in Costa Rica, I.m in Ecuador at lat.0, same daylight hours 12/12, and same dry/wet seasons exept your area is much more humid, I'm somewhere near 2800mts so my night hours are very cold year round. I also had same probls. vegging indicas, now I let them under the sun during daytime and flash them for 2 hours at midnight with artifitial light to interrupt the 12hour darkness that activates the flowering hormone, that way I prevent them to flower and kip'em vegging until reaching sexual maturity. This is the best way I've found to vegg. them without having expensive electicity bills. Even with just 15min or less of artifitial light x night should be enough but I preffer to be on the safe side and give them 2 hrs.
As pesticide I use NEEM oil every 8 days until mid flower for indicas and just for growing for sativas,neem oil 100% organic and safe and work as repelent too.
At this time I'm growing Blockhead (to harvest this comming weekend), g13xhashplant, and some peruvian sativas (peruvians call it "peruvian skunk" although it has no skunk in it, they just call skunk to any strong weed)
Keep growing man, nice thread, nice watching such distant yet similar gardends from Costa Rica to Australia...
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
OMG! what´s that? TW?? jejejeje!!
The plants have grown a lot I see :D


Active member
is great to see you back in action my friend!! :wave:

and with such nice plants :rasta:

and i read trainwreck there!! good luck with it!! :muahaha:

happy grow and good smokes my friend!!

buenos humos!

patolunga. :wave:

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hey Chaman that pipe-toking hound is too cool for school. I think he could make a good smoking buddy to BackCountry's Labrador.

Looks like that bulldog had been sampling a few hits of some righteous train wreck, and then just faded into the cosmos with the pipe still in his hairy lips. Too cool.


Man, I can't wait to get out & check on my babies. I'm not even sure if they sprouted yet, but considering the good amounts of rain in the last week, I'd assume that at least a few of the 30-something seeds popped. Growing 14 degrees N on a nice island. Wet season will be coming to an end in a month or 2 and it's threads like these that give me hope.