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Tropical Growing


Active member
jejej Bone I hope you have a great time when you find the time to enjoy yourself some, it's needed you know...little escape from reality and all the routine. Thanks for the links and ideas on the plastics. Gona see if I can make a real nice frame cover it all up before the rain season gets worse...worse month is Oct. But this is going to be all too hard...jeje i'd have to ask my wife for money lol jejeje damn thats funny...sweetie can I have some cash for what you hate so much ? jeje na prob with my x-mas bonus though jejej if I had some plants i'd sell some ganja and have it quick jeje but what i've got will barely suply me untill I start something new.

Ran, thanks and I might have some orquid pics coming up, been see'n some in the yard flower'n these days

Cool & Calm



Gotta see that tall assed sativa thicken!!!
Hopefully it does get thick and dense......
Livin free bro,peace!


Active member

DUDE! awesome thread!


hows the greenhouse plans going? :D i think mine is going to be of aluminum t frames and something they call "carboxylato" a hard plastic thats got a chamber and is kind of like a sandwich structure. the hollows inside help to keep the temps under controll i hope..

im lucky my gf's bro is working in aluminium supply and he got all the necesary equipment there so i dont need to complicate things for me. i just want to make sure the plastic is see thru enough for letting max light in - but not to let ppl see whats inside.. its going to be a lot of fun..

did i mention im going to have only one way into the greenhouse - and that is thru the houses firstfloor - so hopefully its going to be very stealthy with plant transplants and moving. the south wall seems to be perfect for it.

lets see when we get to it :D

peace man - take it easy :D


Active member
Hi everyone, we've been hit with a few huricanes thes last few days or weeks better said but things still seem full steam ahead, little worried as Oct is the worst of worst months, as the huricanes from the atlantic(caribean) start to hit realy hard while at the same time the last of those are hitting the pacific too...but we are crossing our fingers that mother nature smiles apon us.

Thanks for the coments and take'n the time to post, please feel free to post any pics or questions you might have, those colors in that plant came from genetics, and from extremly hot dry days, to cold humid nights...the whole entire things was purple, jeje my cusin called it "el monstro" as that the purple dragon that symbolize's his favorit team here.jjejej no not barney.

Bone that sounds awesome man ! plus alum should never rust away too, think you'd need to paint it white so that the frame doesn't get to hot and slowly toast yor plastic. For security what are you goning to use ? I mean wouldn't anybody be able to rip the plastic and enter ? or remove a peace and enter ? thats why mine as you might see in some of my pics has 4"x4" metal soldered kinda fencing...its used for construction realy. so even if you do cut the plastic....most you can get in is arms reach...jeje that could be alot still damn (i got long arms) jeje and 4 dogs wiat'n. Want to get a remote camera with night vison hooked up to my computer jejejej be able to vison them at night and smoke from inside nice and comfortable jeje james bond type shit. That soudns awesome though how your will be coming together. I've been talk'n to my wife...she wants a car, remodel the home too...I just want a greenhouse jeje but the size of the one I want coast about the same for the down payment of the car, or the construction of the remodeling of the kitchen...jeejej damn it's kinda a never winning battle huh...so might have to keep on wait'n for mine.

Blessed, cool & calm


the plastic is a carbon fiber compound, and in fact is really hard :D its used as an option for glass for covering balkonies and terasses, they would need a hammer to get thru it :D that would most likelly wake up my future dogs i hope :D

most likelly the greenhouse is just going to look like a closed of terrase :D lets see :D

the camera is a interesting option :D i bet id be stuck infront of the screen at harvest time with machete ready hehe :D

i face similar strugles :D got a whole house to fill with furniture etc in a few months time, not even to talk about electrodomesticals and the whole lot u need for a house.. well at least im going to have my place finally, and maybe the greenhouse will be quite cheese and temporary untill i can fix it up.. further i planned to have the wedding in the garden.. and i want to have a harvest atleast before that ( next spring most likelly)

so its going to be interesting to see how it goes :D

shouldnt even mention the plans i got to get a car too.. hehe its gonna be buzy ..

peace bro!


Instead of a cam inside you could just have a motion or infared activated circuit the rings a bell in the house. The thief thinks he is fine until he sees bone with his machete asking why the late visit. I am an electrical engineer and I can give ideas and plans for anything you ever need electrical.

I have been following the hurricanes mi hermano, at least you got the light one. poor Eastern central America is being visited by Felix, Catagory 5. Jah bless those who meet him.
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Active member
Very true Ran....very sad to see..how mother nature can remind us sometimes that she can scratch her back at anytime. I have fam in Nicaragua i've yet to hear from, they are from a higher class and have well made homes but everyone is afected in one way or another, hope they can cometogther and come out on top of things.

It's just been rain'n none stop here, streets seem like river from time to time, but the sun still shines now and then to give ya a smile.

Excited to start up many seeds as this is more or less the time to start them so that they are near flower when the dry season comes and with a good heathy size to them too ;)

I can't use a motion detector as my greenhouse is Kayas house...i'd need a motion detector that ignors anything under about 36 kilos more or less...which a person could sneak under if crawling i'd think as the "eye" would think it's the dog walk'n around. Still a great idea for a double security in case of others jeje but i'm sure the camera is a lux we'd love to enjoy. jeje night vision and everything! jej remoe turn on green light at night so we could see better and everything jeje damn i'm just high and going off....

Looking forward to you meeting your goals Bone !!!

Ya'll take care, jeje i'm gona kick back and listen to some sweet reggae dubs
Cool & Calm


Chaman, mi hermano. I was in Virginia last week and had a blast in a Latino Neighborhood at Virginia Beach. Didnt you mention living there before? Saludos


Active member
High ! jejeje hoep all are doing good....the green hosue looks like shit jeje but it's whats inside that counts eh ? jejeje Much love and respect people, hope all are getting ready for thanksgiving, truely the only true holiday that ever ment anything...To give thanks.

Here is a little up date,

seeds are mixes from my last grows that came off the buds I had been smoke'n all this time, but have a planed and formal grow in the process of Trian Wrecks from Tom Hill, and several out of your imagination crosses from Charlie ! jejej so realy looking forward to my up coming summer, and the end of all these rains in the next month.


Not sure whats going on, it won't let me load them...few hrs later and try'n agian, still no luck.
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Chaman! :wave:
Halloween will always be my fav, but Thanksgiving is most certainly the most meaningful, especially the gathering of families!

I look forward to seeing your long season grow, the Trainwreck's should do quite well, but I'm most anxious to see what charlie sent! I'm sure something very well suited to your environment, something most of us wouldn't be able to grow. Can't wait! :lurk:


Throbbing Member
Happy thanksgiving to you and your families Chaman and Highlighter. I hope you both eat yourselves immoble :D :D


Active member
Highlighter and Bachus, thanks indeed. It's realy a pleasure to hear from you both so soon. By the way any news on Medjool ? I was looking at the pics of Hemp fest a few yrs ago and remember'n the wonderfull time I had with her and a few friends.

well here is another atemp with the pics.




Active member
these are from a week later, jsut a few days ago realy....when I killed the very last male jejeje no other plants left with out show'n who they are so glad i will not have to be worried about an open polenation on my fresh female flowers to stunt their growth and send them into seed....such a wonderfull mix fragrence smacks you when you walk in here now, today that I watered them they looked to be filling out alot more then when I had taken this pic, and as you all can see i"ve left all the grass and weeds in my greenhosue do there thing, make'n allot of shade and to through off yoru sight as jsut a green mass of weeds jeje literaly :)

start'n to smile as I know jsut 2 to 3 months more and i'll be store'n away my buds agian.




Welcome back chaman. I am back up again too, I have seedlings only though.

I am curious about Sativa. Will changing the photo period to 12-12 like I do with Indica show the females? I have some Columbian here that I am going to try on.


Active member
hey man thanks, and it's good to hear you've got some Colombian in your hands, now since most of these Colombian strians will start and finish there lives in a range of 12/12 to maybe 13/11 max of hrs day/night. Its only natural, they do streach some once they triger into flower as they go oposite phylo. So its good too start them into 12/12 soon to asure you'll have room, take some cuts and root them incase you liked her too is always a good idea, make'n sure to label each cut too.

My Colombian reds if went into flower at 1 foot and 1/2, would normaly not reach the 3feet, so in other words would almost doble her size.

My Colombian Golds if went into flower at 2, to 3 feet would easy reach almost 9feet, but would normaly stay around 6feet if done in the right season...in rain season they would reach 9feet, while in dry the 6 feet. (6foot ones are much faster and stronger as tehy where grown in a drier time of yr, while the wet season still great, just didn't have that same punch and was indanger too molds. there just wasn't the same resin amount it seamed, and plants would regenerate so much that you'd have to decide when to cut, most the time earlier then the plant could have gone. Plants would be much more leafy and I guess spend there time and energy into to many tasks as when in dryier season it would be a much different picture. jejej damn i'm high as shit.....feel like while I type my seat is hovering up and down with each one onf my breaths, like if i exhale I go down, and if i breath in, I float up jejejej damn it's crazy and i'm tryn not to laugh my ass off so much jeje shit i' must look like a fool at first kida freeked me out but gett'n the hang of it, people been joke'n about my eyes too....so I must have walk'd in here prety ripped and its been creep'n up on me more as I sit here i the best part..jeje what brings me back my Colombian Creepy was very like the Gold.

Colombian Red x Golds have been very interesting depending on the seasons too, but for the most part very uniform and a mid point of the both parents as plants normaly dont reach the same size of the golds, and the buds are thicker and heavier in a sence like the reds, but give a better yield and don't plaster you as much as a too much red and knock you out, its got the wonderfull sativa too keep you going....but never realy trip'd out like I would on the striaght golds, jejej thats the only complaint.

I wonder what strian you have ? jejeje remember these are greenhouse and out door sizes in larger pots and so, if you controll them i'm sure you can do it, need more patients with the more pure sativas though.

jej well not float'n anymore....but still feel'n real nice, heart still race'n so I know I still got a while to go is the best part jejejejeje

Take care,