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Well-known member
cruising along i put 8 new sprouted seedlings into cups this am. They should emerge soon. 90% germination rate. The special kush #1 still hasn't germinated yet from royal queen seeds.


Well-known member
We got liftoff! Everyone is emerged and ready for action. Headed to pick up more perlite tomorrow and whip up more compost /soil with alfalfa meal, kelp, crab, and neem meal and mix into the big bed. I might take about 2 more inches of soil out of the bed first b4 I do. Idk just thinking out loud. I thoroughly mixed every inch of soil this run and pulled all the old roots out, as those will actually contain the heavy metals it collected over time. Not that we use porr quality ingredients but it's in everything now days. Traces of it anyways. Papaya sherbert is a freak on nature


Well-known member
why didn't you remind me yesterday!
i transplanted, even put the open myco bag next to me but forgot to add it in my excitement of uppotting the seedlings :LOL:
I always forget this step 🤣 its almost impossible to remember everything i got going on on a daily basis. You can always dig a small circle around the plants and bury some, I've done that mlre times than I'd like to admit lol. Don't worry I'll probably forget too even with a reminder 🤣🤣🤣


Well-known member
I always forget this step 🤣 its almost impossible to remember everything i got going on on a daily basis. You can always dig a small circle around the plants and bury some, I've done that mlre times than I'd like to admit lol. Don't worry I'll probably forget too even with a reminder 🤣🤣🤣
dude, i wasn't even high because of my tolerance break..
Sometimes we get excited like kids in a candy store with our plants.. :biggrin: ..and I'm loving it haha


Well-known member
dude, i wasn't even high because of my tolerance break..
Sometimes we get excited like kids in a candy store with our plants.. :biggrin: ..and I'm loving it haha
It's so true!! 🥳 idk why we are the way we are but growing gardens is what keeps us going! Popping seeds to training the plants as they grow it's all fascinating. Plus we get top grade smoke for ourselves and friends. It's like Christmas 3x a year lol


Well-known member
Should be an excellent selection to pick from this year. I'll run them through 1x and clone everyone and see if any cuts are worthy of keeping. The papaya sherbert is a mutant lol!