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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
For those of us in the U.S., and Prohibition states:



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ICMag Donor
For some reason, this CNN headline struck me for the obvious stupidity of this tourist. I mean seriously . . . wtf dude?

Belgian tourist suffers 3rd-degree burns to his feet while walking in Death Valley as temperatures exceed 120 degrees


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ICMag Donor
Speaking of lasers . . . the Paris Olympics got started. Not a bad show but they certainly didn’t top Bond and the Queen skydiving skit at the London games. Despite Celine’s painful (to watch) performance . . . :cool:


Well-known member
London will increase the congestion charge for ulev vehicles soon. From £10 a year, to £15 a day. That's about £10 to £5000 if you live there. Just like any other car.
They also have their eye in driveway tax, for the people that try and park off road, on the days they don't use the car. They say having a drive increases flooding. Gotta pay, even with no car on it.

Meanwhile, 20 years ago, I got a new 56kbps modem today. Though 5.6kbps will be more likely. 1/1000th of what I need to stream TV. So I'm off to do some buffering.

moose eater

Well-known member
Moose, I hope you’re doing well my friend. I’m just getting better myself
HEY! What's going on?

I'm OK, just back from the Yukon Territory, and my legs, neck, and spine at least waited until I got home to remind me I'd exceeded my limits.

Need to finish unloading the van, but it's been raining since I got home 2 nights ago, and most of a hundred miles before that, but at least the rain washed the Alcan mud off of the majority of the boat and vehicle.

I cancelled and rescheduled numerous appointments before departing for Canada so that I wouldn't paint myself into too many corners, time-wise, so they're coming up soon, as in, next week... about 6 of them, I think.

Came to some greater Zen-like calming reality in recent past re. cancer, living, having as much time to enjoy what I like to do, and permitting only for any treatments that aren't going to fuck that up, and which are reasonable and (maybe) necessary.

Discussing a second spine surgery with a new-to-me neurosurgeon this coming week, too.


moose eater

Well-known member
Labs came back from last Tuesday, along with a misleadingly promising MRI.

The MRI says the area that was radiated with SBRT in April shows no abnormalities; mostly normal looking tissue (I'd add, with the exception of the rather large anomale that can't be safely biopsied at the neck of the upper urethra at the base of the bladder, in large part a 'gift' from a dishonest Seattle weasel of a surgeon, and his student he covered for).

But the PSA has gone up 25% in 6 weeks, giving a doubling rate of <6-months. Not good by any standards. Categorized as 'high risk' shit.

So, after well over $100k in radiation (which appears to have done its job on the limited target), and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in scans, not counting a $quarter-million in surgery, and the necessary follow-up in-patient care for the numerous massive infections the hack in Seattle left me with, for which my insurer at that time spent more money than on the initial cancer surgery, scans etc., I'm weighing the frustration and futility of heading back for yet another PET PSMA scan out of town, valued on the initial sticker price at >$13k, and the possibility of more radiation (assuming we can locate a safe, isolated, reachable target for SBRT), or a lingering question from a phenomenal and wonderful radiation Doc that'll likely be delivered with a sincere smile, asking, "Where would you like to go from here?", avoiding the obvious issue that, while I'm legitimately the driver of my own 'bus', I lack the knowledge that others have, so rely on them until it becomes too ludicrous an adventure to entertain any longer.

So now, I guess we'll go see, at elevated cost to the new senior citizen insurance, if such a target exists.

Though my 'Spidey Senses' tell me it's in the lymph gland system at this point, and painting racing flames on its sneakers. As the one safe target we could deliver heightened short-term doses of SBRT radiation to this most recent April was, indeed, a lymph gland, which, as what I define as "subway stops along a subcutaneous transport system for the immune system", has thousands of the little interconnected buggers throughout the body, and it seems that they pretty much stay in communication with each other, leaving me, at least initially, with a deflated sense of positive outcomes for the moment.

Fucking MURPHY!!

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Well-known member
Labs came back from last Tuesday, along with a misleadingly promising MRI.

The MRI says the area that was radiated with SBRT in April shows no abnormalities; mostly normal looking tissue (I'd add, with the exception of the rather large anomale that can't be safely biopsied at the neck of the upper urethra at the base of the bladder, in large part a 'gift' from a dishonest Seattle weasel of a surgeon, and his student he covered for).

But the PSA has gone up 25% in 6 weeks, giving a doubling rate of <6-months. Not good by any standards. Categorized as 'high risk' shit.

So, after well over $100k in radiation (which appears to have done its job on the limited target), and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in scans, not counting a $quarter-million in surgery, and the necessary follow-up in-patient care for the numerous massive infections the hack in Seattle left me with, for which my insurer at that time spent more money than on the initial cancer surgery, scans etc., I'm weighing the frustration and futility of heading back for yet another PET PSMA scan out of town, valued on the initial sticker price at >$13k, and the possibility of more radiation (assuming we can locate a safe, isolated, reachable target for SBRT), or a lingering question from a phenomenal and wonderful radiation Doc that'll likely be delivered with a sincere smile, asking, "Where would you like to go from here?", avoiding the obvious issue that, while I'm legitimately the driver of my own 'bus', I lack the knowledge that others have, so rely on them until it becomes too ludicrous an adventure to entertain any longer.

So now, I guess we'll go see, at elevated cost to the new senior citizen insurance, if such a target exists.

Though my 'Spidey Senses' tell me it's in the lymph gland system at this point, and painting racing flames on its sneakers. As the one safe target we could deliver heightened short-term doses of SBRT radiation to this most recent April was, indeed, a lymph gland, which, as what I define as "subway stops along a subcutaneous transport system for the immune system", has thousands of the little interconnected buggers throughout the body, and it seems that they pretty much stay in communication with each other, leaving me, at least initially, with a deflated sense of positive outcomes for the moment.

Fucking MURPHY!!

I know you’re tough so you don’t give up. We are all on the other side of the hill, we are just higher over here

moose eater

Well-known member
I know you’re tough so you don’t give up. We are all on the other side of the hill, we are just higher over here
Thanks, though there've been many times teetering on displaying the white flag. With my family of origin history, there's rarely a time that option isn't someplace on the table, scattered among the proverbial tarot cards.

I used to tell others that those of us who are personally familiar with such realities as looming options are the ones who are truly here by choice. And I meant that.

Currently approaching the possibility/probability of a second spine surgery that'll hopefully return better endurance to my spine/back, legs, hip etc., and needing to have my core strength returning to normal, post-spine surgery, by the time I need to snow-blow the rather huge driveway, parking areas and turn-around spots this coming early Winter. Not to mention the late Winter/early Spring remote ice fishing in the Wrangell-St. Elias Range. Rituals with fond memories are as important as needs at some level.

And the whole thing presses on, of all issues, the fact that there are, indeed, more fishing adventures to be had, among other escapades. Basically telling my neurosurgeon to help keep my primary column of support functional until when/if the cancer punches my ticket.

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