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In my world, city living or even extended visits require benzodiazepines. No exceptions.

As I have mentioned, I have driven in a lot of different places over the years but Toronto is getting so frustrating that it is close to unbearable. Unfortunately, while pharmaceutical help might reduce the risk of the uncontrolled anger that will undoubtedly surface as the 23rd person cuts you off in the first mile of your adventure, you will need all of your wits about you as you lane hop with buses to the right of you and left turn lane blockers to the left of you and construction and bicycles and pedestrians everywhere you don't want them to be. No matter what route you choose, you will be wrong because pop-up road construction will get there first. Oh . . . and the bastards dropped the speed limits and snuck in some photo radar cameras while we weren't looking as well . . . but they are often spray painted by considerate vigilantes. Welcome to Toronto.

moose eater

Well-known member
As I have mentioned, I have driven in a lot of different places over the years but Toronto is getting so frustrating that it is close to unbearable. Unfortunately, while pharmaceutical help might reduce the risk of the uncontrolled anger that will undoubtedly surface as the 23rd person cuts you off in the first mile of your adventure, you will need all of your wits about you as you lane hop with buses to the right of you and left turn lane blockers to the left of you and construction and bicycles and pedestrians everywhere you don't want them to be. No matter what route you choose, you will be wrong because pop-up road construction will get there first. Oh . . . and the bastards dropped the speed limits and snuck in some photo radar cameras while we weren't looking as well . . . but they are often spray painted by considerate vigilantes. Welcome to Toronto.
Fairbanks is relatively small, but the lack of skill set or courtesy and awareness of the rules of the road demonstrated by the average driver these days has me telling more than a couple people that I -really- need to stop carrying a firearm with me... whether sedated or not...

moose eater

Well-known member
Saltwater charter for Saturday has been cancelled due to weather forecast wherein outside waters are looking at 30 knot winds and 9-foot seas. not insurmountable, but certainly not leisurely fishing.

So instead, there'll be a Monday trip, but there's only 2 seats open, so my older son won't be going on that one with my daughter and I. He'll instead be dip-netting for his 25 sockeye/red salmon at another river on the Kenai Peninsula. A place I haven't dip-netted in years for a variety of reasons, so he'll be doing that with my daughter on Friday night and Saturday.

And now I have an additional couple of days to get the chores and preparations done, though my van's still not back yet, and I'm getting a bit worried.


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Feb 2007. Snow on the Great Wall and therefore fewer tourists because it was so cold . . . ;)



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Veteran holding sniper world record speaks on Trump shooting​

A veteran whose team holds the world record for longest confirmed sniper kill claims Donald Trump 's shooter 'had help'


moose eater

Well-known member
Spent a valuable hour or so going through my emergency boat kit dry bag that has all sorts of extra parts in it, as well as the corner of the basement where boat parts are often stored, the shed, where other parts have been known to be located, etc., etc., looking for a small converter fuel tank adapter I'd made that allows me to use an OMC tank as a second fuel tank for my primary (nearly ancient) Mercury outboard boat motor.

I'd pulled it out and put it in the truck when I'd taken the boat to assess the charging stator the other day. (slapped myself in the forehead over that, as I knew I'd seen it very recently).

"It's always in the last place you look...."

Getting stressed over packing, going over lists of gear and food a mile long, then compensating for tiredness while preparing for a trip that I'm behind on packing for by getting stimulated... sometimes fails to benefit me. But it does make for a lot of spinning in circles during such efforts.

Though earlier this evening I discovered that my mechanic's helper plugged my van's rear speakers into the sub-woofer port on the back of the in-dash stereo rather than the rear speakers port... So back there I go.

"It's always sumpthin'..." (Rosanna Rosanna Dana)
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moose eater

Well-known member
Some well-intended, recreating, relatively newbie folks get messed up when out of their league, and others endanger themselves to act as Good Samaritans. While everyone has to learn sometime, somewhere, it's also advisable to 'stay in your own lane' lest others might perish doing the 'right thing' trying to save the naive and inexperienced.

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Well-known member
I am researching hearing aids for musical lovers . . . :oops:
i just got hearing aids. in my experience so far, the music sounds MUCH better without the aids, which make it sound harsh/metallic. mind you, i'm talking about hearing a radio/cd player etc, not live. your experience may vary from mine. i got Beltone myself, and think i overpaid...:(


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I spent a career in music-related industries so it is very important to me. Music and voice are 2 different beasts. An aid that works for voice might sound like crap with music because it is tuned to the 250hz - 6kHz region - and that is only the midrange region of hearing. Harsh/metallic would be an accentuation of the 1khz-4kHz region where the ear is typically more sensitive and therefore needs less help. It is a complex subject so I will see where this goes. Because of the depth of my loss the hearing aid store told me to see an Ear/Nose/Throat guy but as usual that is not for months - November was the 1st available app't but I don't know if I want to wait that long. Here the gov't will give us $500 per ear for hearing aids. But of course, the price for good ones are in the thousands.

I recently went on YouTube and tried to play a chick-a-dee song. I can't hear it at all . . . :oops:
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Well-known member
But of course, the price for good ones are in the thousands.
i gave $2500 for mine, WITH a serious discount. i'll be honest, they are no better than the set my wife bought me a few years back so i could hear turkeys gobbling while hunting...for $75 apiece.
I recently went on YouTube and tried to play a chick-a-dee song. I can't hear it at all
as bad as i think Beltone screwed me, they are an improvement over the remnants of my hearing. i can hear locusts, cicadas, crickets, every bird within a hundred yards, etc. but music ? i take them out and CRANK IT UP! since it became legal to sell hearing aids OTC in drug stores, i'm seeing absolutely identical sets to what i bought for under $300 a pop. :dunno:

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