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Well-known member

I'm not ambidextrous but i practice a bunch of stuff with non-dominant hand. Can swing a baseball bat well enough lefty...but today i kinda stopped and said i wonder how close both hand writing sides are...last 2 lines are my dominant right handed ...all above is my non dominant left hand practicing....that's fkn wild bro...they almost match


Well-known member
first time i tripped, my buddy and i were looking at the brown windowpane i had bought. neither of us expected to get ANY buzz after splitting it in half. "it's so SMALL..." LOL, 4-way hit... :cool:
Interestingly - enough, back in the 90's when I was a freshman in HS we used to come across various grades of ''acid'', all of which in my experience varied from one batch to the next. One time a friend of mine announced that he had about 2- sheets and I should get a few hts while he still has them. Ended up getting 4- hits @ a discount, and me and another bud took, 1.5/each. I remember the blotter looking very much like typical ''envelope glue'' on one side of the paper. Maaaan..... 12++ hrs later we were in a different part of town, still trying to come down without having any idea how we got there LOL. Considering the ''glue'' was likely LSA it still impresses me how Potent and Long-Lasting that particular batch was. Visuals (OEV- NON Stop, Everywhere) a FULL-ON Trip that lasted well over 12 hours. It Blew-Away most other trendy-named blotter around in my area those days, and only on this 1- occasion, do I remember noticing the ''envelope glue'' looking substance coating one side of this blotter. In all other batches, the paper always looked like normal paper, save for a trademark ''stamp'' (ie- peace signs, water droplets, etc...).
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Well-known member
1,000 mcg tab of fresh brown windowpane brought back from Boston to Edinboro, Pennsylvania in about 1973 by the Faulkner Bros. (I can write that as they both died not too far apart from each other, with one being hit while riding his bicycle). I'd been eating microdot every day at work to the point it no longer made me grin uncontrollably, and after eating about 2/3 of the 4-way I split with another co-worker who'd never done LSD before, I saw a couple things that night that, to this day, I'm not sure what was real and what was not. Only time I can recall that conundrum occurring.

But I came home to my mother's home one night when I was 15 after eating a single dose of some really good acid, and she served some chop suey up for me. The stuff was writhing, crawling, pulsating, and I stared, picking my way through it (and at that time I LOVED chop suey and nearly -all- things Chinese. Still a big fan).

It was another time my mother knew something was up, even if the details were vague, and she simply would ask in those moments, "Are you OK?" And my patent reply, "Yep.. I'm fine.." without mentioning it would be really cool if she could get my dinner to behave, stop moving so much, and maybe settle down a bit.
Only = 1000 Mc\gm...? 😆

moose eater

Well-known member
Only = 1000 Mc\gm...? 😆
I did about 66% of that tab, and before 'taking off' had been acting the mentor for the fellow who I was working with (yes, we were at work).

So much for my mentoring.

If you've ever seen the old television series version of Star Trek, where they land on a planet where everyone that reaches adulthood/maturity dies, and there are like super-fast cancer-like pastel-colored blobs that grow on their faces as they're lying prone and dying, then as fast as they grew, the blobs phase away, then more grow where they were, like they're multiplying; that was happening on a melamine or similar covered white wall at my work station..

I was 14 y.o. (almost 15) and on probation, having gotten out less than a year earlier form a minimum security juvenile facility in Warren, Pennsylvania, and working on a -busy- week-end shift at the Sheraton Motor Inn in Edinboro, which was a combination of MAJOR restaurant (muckety-mucks and politicos from Pittsburg and Erie would dine there for get-togethers and meetings) which had 3 main dining areas and some conference areas/banquet rooms for smaller parties, as well as a golf/country club, etc.

I got off BIG TIME and was afraid to walk on the wet floors, fearing if I fell, I wouldn't be able to get up, but also frightened that my boss would see me in such a state and come unglued.

The dishwasher station was an entire corner in that kitchen, staffed by 5 of us that night, me, the local veterinarian's son who'd never done LSD before and had taken the other 1/3 of the tab, and a few other folks at our station. There were awesome Italian cooks/chefs there, including the primary chef and cook, her name was Nona if I recall, and some others doing prep, etc.. It was still the Vietnam war era and there were numerous semi-covert hippie folks working there as wait staff and bus persons. This was not a low-end dive of a restaurant.

I'd worked out a system wherein I could more or less cling to the edge of the stainless surface with a 'lip or rim' at the outlet of the huge Hobart dishwasher, and I'd unload the clean racks of dishes and stack them. Someone else would take them to put away. There was enough through-put that I was able to stay pretty busy most of the time and not have to walk (the fear of falling and not being able to get up again).

There was a couple working there as a waiter and a waitress. His name was Dave, I believe, and I don't recall hers. They were planning to work to save money to homestead in Australia.

As I was watching this incredible amount of 'cancer-like' growths on the wall, appearing, getting larger in numerous phases and shapes in various mostly subtle pastel colors, then shrinking and growing more in their place, with steam coming PROLIFICALLY out of the machine like I was in a London fog or something, Dave, the waiter, walked up and whispered into my ear, "This is the end of the dishwasher where all the farts come out."

I nearly lost it at that moment.

A while later, still afraid to walk on the wet floors, I'd run out of racks to empty and stack for the moment, so I was standing there doing nothing, hoping for another rack to appear quickly, clinging to the metal surface where the racks would normally exit the machine, and my boss, a grumpy, little, squat, and often ornery Italian guy came through, looked at me doing nothing and, no doubt, looking like I had suddenly found myself on the wrong planet, and he did what I'd feared; unloaded on me verbally, loudly, in front of the kitchen staff!! Talk about needing to shrink small enough to crawl inside a cup or something!

Anyway, the night continued on, there were times that if you looked back into our corner, there were dishes stacked to the point there was no place left to put more, and under the initial rinse and waste station table, all one could see was a couple pairs of sneakers; my team was buried.

Tim, the vet's kid who ate the other third of that tab, was grinning hard, but scrubbing away at his job, FAR more functional than I was. He could at least walk across the floor without freezing in terror of falling!

We got off at about 3:30 A.M., and our routine was to take a ride down to the local Red Barn restaurant and order sandwiches, often getting high on the way, which was, believe me, unnecessary for at least 2 of us that night.

But as we were preparing to depart the job for the Red Barn, where I hoped to order my favorite fish sandwich, I sidled up to a hand-washing sink with a mirror in the walkway near the rear of the kitchen and looked in the mirror to discover I had what -appeared- to be a full spaghetti sauce beard and mustache!! Whole face!!!


Fear of being noticed, (as though if it were real I wouldn't have already been noticed), had me begin wiping my face off with paper towels, but the continued self-awareness and awkwardness had me step into the more private bathroom adjacent to the hand-washing sink and mirror and continue cleaning up in better privacy.

In the bathroom I looked into the mirror as I wiped with the paper towels, and everywhere I was wiping my face, the red sauce was going away, leaving my face clean.. Then I looked at the paper towel, and it was still pristine white!


With erring on the side of caution when really high being a modus operandi at that moment, I figured, well, I don't know what's real and what's not at this time, so it's probably safest to assume it's really there, and continue cleaning it up, even if I can't see anything on the towel.

We made our way to Brian Y's '69 Firebird and drove down to the Red Barn. The night shift hippie dude behind the counter CLEARLY knew what frame of mind I was in, and my laughing out loud took over.

I backed up to the wall of plate glass windows at the front of the restaurant, and, doing a rather clumsy but directed pirouette all the way down the wall of plate glass and out the door, as though choreographed, I hollered back into the restaurant as the door was closing, "Hey, Brian, get my order please!!" and retreated to the relative safety of his car.

That was one of the two most powerful trips I ever took, and the only one wherein I came away not knowing for sure if the red face of sauce was real, or the clean white paper towel wiping it away was real.
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Well-known member
There is a (cowl ?) Or some sort of tissue from inside the seed shell stopping the seedling from opening. I may have to do surgery. I've killed seedlings in the past, doing this. It makes my heart drop into my stomach. I will let it go for now. I probably just shouldn't pick at it. My inner control freak wants me to pull it off and let it get a good start in the light right now.

moose eater

Well-known member
I found what is supposedly the world's first cocaine lounge for tourists.

Airfare is about $1,250 USD round-trip, the coke is allegedly clean, delivered to your table by a waiter, and they serve alcohol.

About $20-$25 USD/gram for supposedly clean/uncut, and cheap drinks.

Nearby I can get an entire very nice 4-bedroom house with an in-ground pool and in-ground jacuzzi to myself for 8 days/nights for about $300 USD +/- total. Sleep in a different bedroom each night, only using the same bedroom twice.

My wife, in her thoughtfulness toward my dwindling time on the planet, has given me a thumbs up.

Now I just need to work in a spine surgery with enough recovery time for my post-op core strength to be able to haul my pack/luggage in transit, and make sure someone here can run the snowblower for her if we get inundated with snow in my absence.

Haven't dabbled in many years, and in my current mode of nostalgia-ville, having never before imagined such a place existed or would exist, nestled into beautiful mountains, with interesting, beautiful, peaceful people, with good, cheap, local food and lodging... Well... Sign me UP!!

We'll see if this comes to pass. I suspect it might!!
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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Haven't dabbled in many years, and in my current mode of nostalgia-ville, having never before imagined such a place existed or would exist, nestled into beautiful mountains, with interesting, beautiful, peaceful people, with good, cheap, local food and lodging... Well... Sign me UP!!

We'll see if this comes to pass. I suspect it might!!
If it happens, and I certainly hope it will, I'm sure you will enjoy the shit out of it!!!! (y)


mama tried
I found what is supposedly the world's first cocaine lounge for tourists.

Airfare is about $1,250 USD round-trip, the coke is allegedly clean, delivered to your table by a waiter, and they serve alcohol.

About $20-$25 USD/gram for supposedly clean/uncut, and cheap drinks.

Nearby I can get an entire very nice 4-bedroom house with an in-ground pool and in-ground jacuzzi to myself for 8 days/nights for about $300 USD +/- total. Sleep in a different bedroom each night, only using the same bedroom twice.

My wife, in her thoughtfulness toward my dwindling time on the planet, has given me a thumbs up.

Now I just need to work in a spine surgery with enough recovery time for my post-op core strength to be able to haul my pack/luggage in transit, and make sure someone here can run the snowblower for her if we get inundated with snow in my absence.

Haven't dabbled in many years, and in my current mode of nostalgia-ville, having never before imagined such a place existed or would exist, nestled into beautiful mountains, with interesting, beautiful, peaceful people, with good, cheap, local food and lodging... Well... Sign me UP!!

We'll see if this comes to pass. I suspect it might!!
if people new how easy that stuff was to make watched a old youtube video awhile back somewhere peru dude and three sons go out pick leaves all day get homes bust out some dingy buckets some fuel an other liquids im not sure with a handful of processes by the end of the day dude refined it down to a chunk of crack the size of a bigmac. that stuff will fetch 100$ gram in the cities. he threw a boulder size piece in a pipe and offered it to the camera crew thats when the video ended hahaha


mama tried
There is a (cowl ?) Or some sort of tissue from inside the seed shell stopping the seedling from opening. I may have to do surgery. I've killed seedlings in the past, doing this. It makes my heart drop into my stomach. I will let it go for now. I probably just shouldn't pick at it. My inner control freak wants me to pull it off and let it get a good start in the light right now.
View attachment 19062114
yup hear you especially when the beans are pricey i tried pulling that film of the top plucked the whole fucking thing was just stalk left. mission failure

moose eater

Well-known member
if people new how easy that stuff was to make watched a old youtube video awhile back somewhere peru dude and three sons go out pick leaves all day get homes bust out some dingy buckets some fuel an other liquids im not sure with a handful of processes by the end of the day dude refined it down to a chunk of crack the size of a bigmac. that stuff will fetch 100$ gram in the cities. he threw a boulder size piece in a pipe and offered it to the camera crew thats when the video ended hahaha
There's a small village in the hills about 200 miles SSE of Bogota that has been a primary processing and pick-up point for larger scale production and purchases of ~48% coca paste, one step shy of completely refined deluxe, clean cocaine hydrochloride.

Their coca market crashed, and what was once a population in that village of about 200 is now supposedly about 40.

I suspect that in such a setting, a person could score an informal B&B set-up and buy all the coca paste or cocaine hydrochloride they wished for a -very- reasonable (CHEAP) price, and just take in the scenery for a while.

moose eater

Well-known member
Fucking dog shit in my croc and I didn't see it...
Needless to say my morning started out great.. :poop:
My younger German shepherd pup seems to have made off with my best rechargeable lithium-ion headlamp, and she's refusing to tell me where she put it. Leverage for the future, I presume.

I/we have looked everywhere that she could've possibly stashed it, but apparently, she's a better hider than we are finders.

So, I'll check one last spot and then spend another $85 I'd have rather spent on something else.

moose eater

Well-known member
There's a small village in the hills about 200 miles SSE of Bogota that has been a primary processing and pick-up point for larger scale production and purchases of ~48% coca paste, one step shy of completely refined deluxe, clean cocaine hydrochloride.

Their coca market crashed, and what was once a population in that village of about 200 is now supposedly about 40.

I suspect that in such a setting, a person could score an informal B&B set-up and buy all the coca paste or cocaine hydrochloride they wished for a -very- reasonable (CHEAP) price, and just take in the scenery for a while.
That's not the cocaine lounge I found, by the way. Though still an option for a relaxing holiday in some beautiful mountains.

The lounge is in another country altogether. With far less crime and fewer violent gangs. And an inexpensive standard of living.

In fact, the gangs in the cocaine lounge's country are known to be relatively peaceful and work conflicts out through verbal negotiations more often than not. Maybe the governments of the world (including mine) could learn something from them about diplomacy?

And in the cities in Colombia, though possession of small amounts of coke is legal, buying and selling isn't, and some of the street dealers (selling on average 65-67% clean, but cut with caffeine and some other shit, per exceptional studies) are like a flashback to Turkey 50+ years ago, where the dealer has a scam set up with the corrupt street cops, sells you a gram or whatever, then the cop steps out, busts you, charges anywhere from $20 to $150 USD to make it go away, and often/sometimes gives the blow back to the street peddler.

The country where the lounge is located is a bit more ethical or honest; the cops are reportedly paid to stay away from the lounge, and leave the patrons alone, and they apparently do just that.