moose eater
Just finished a bit of very slow (like about 8k dial-up) research, as well as a discussion with a vendor at a larger retail outlet that serves growers of ALL shapes and sizes.
From an organic Guru's point of view at one outlet, if using B.t.i., they stated to use Nuke 'Em preceding the B.t.i. (in what ever form the B.t.i. takes).
Someone else had recommended Spinosad (Captain Jack's to be specific). My research shows it to be safe in testing, HOWEVER, there -have- been reported cases of toxicity; the conclusion was that it had to do with concentrations exceeding the concentrations that were involved in previous testing.
Both Nuke 'Em and Captain Jack's seem to be fairly broad-based/broad spectrum in what they purport to annihilate in the insect/pest world.
Ratings for them vary, and are sometimes fairly low (3.2-ish on a scale of 5 in many cases), but I hypothesize that those are a result of those persons accustomed to using hornet or wasp killers on flying insects, and the safer and more organic mixes don't necessarily provide the instantaneous lethality and/or knock-down power that more chemically-charged (often nerve agent) insecticides provide. Expectations are often key.
At this point, I'm apt to get some of 'all of the above,' including taking advantage of the very reasonable reduction in product and shipping a specific outlet is offering me on Gnatrol.
I figure a 1-2, or 1-2-3 punch has always been the better path. Hit 'em hard while they're still staggering. ;^>)
From an organic Guru's point of view at one outlet, if using B.t.i., they stated to use Nuke 'Em preceding the B.t.i. (in what ever form the B.t.i. takes).
Someone else had recommended Spinosad (Captain Jack's to be specific). My research shows it to be safe in testing, HOWEVER, there -have- been reported cases of toxicity; the conclusion was that it had to do with concentrations exceeding the concentrations that were involved in previous testing.
Both Nuke 'Em and Captain Jack's seem to be fairly broad-based/broad spectrum in what they purport to annihilate in the insect/pest world.
Ratings for them vary, and are sometimes fairly low (3.2-ish on a scale of 5 in many cases), but I hypothesize that those are a result of those persons accustomed to using hornet or wasp killers on flying insects, and the safer and more organic mixes don't necessarily provide the instantaneous lethality and/or knock-down power that more chemically-charged (often nerve agent) insecticides provide. Expectations are often key.
At this point, I'm apt to get some of 'all of the above,' including taking advantage of the very reasonable reduction in product and shipping a specific outlet is offering me on Gnatrol.
I figure a 1-2, or 1-2-3 punch has always been the better path. Hit 'em hard while they're still staggering. ;^>)