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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


Well-known member
Here's a short piece to throw onto the heap, @Gry.

Ben Sasse, former University of Florida president, spent millions hiring his Republican allies​

Ben Sasse nearly tripled the office’s spending in his year and a half stint as UF president​

By Marin Scotten

Published August 12, 2024 3:24PM (EDT)​

The former president of the University of Florida, retired Republican Sen. Ben Sasse, directed millions in university dollars to Republican allies, the Independent Florida Alligator reported.

Sasse, who was university president for 17 months, tripled his office’s spending from $5.6 million to $17.3 million, The Alligator reported. Sasse represented Nebraska in the U.S. Senate before he took the position, which was offered to him by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The majority of Sasse’s spending was used for contracts with consulting firms and for hiring six of his former Senate staffers and two former Republican officials to remote jobs at the university.

When Sasse took the position in the fall of 2022, he promised a non-partisan presidency amid protests over his GOP past, claiming he would engage in “political celibacy,” reported WUSF Public Media.

Sasse hired Raymond Sass, his former Senate chief of staff, as the vice president for innovation and partnerships at a starting salary of $396,000. The position did not exist before Sasse became UF president.

James Wegmann, Sasse’s former Senate communications director, was hired as UF’s vice president of communications and makes $432,000 a year, The Alligator reported. Both men work remotely from their homes in Washington, D.C.

These hires contributed to a $4.3 million increase in salary expenses compared to UF’s former president Kent Fuchs’ spending.

Sasse also spent nearly $7.2 million in university funds on contracts with consulting firms for advice on how to run a university. The majority of that money was paid to McKinsey & Company, though it’s unclear what specific services the firm provided.

The former senator resigned from his post at UF in July after his wife was diagnosed with epilepsy.


moose eater

Well-known member
Wrong guy entirely, but rather a relative of the guy, who had no warrants out on him at all and tried to tell the cops that much.

They and their AST K-9 fucked him up royally, to the point of requiring surgery.

The 2 Troopers were charged with a misdemeanor for assault.

If I or another civilian unlawfully cause you to require surgery, fracture your shoulder, leave you pepper sprayed and tasered, with open dog wounds of which many were caused on command while you were spread on the ground, I can ASSURE you that the charges WON'T be fucking misdemeanors.

Yet some, including on these boards, will tell you that, "Hey, at least cops these days are being held accountable."

Bullshit. While the System makes a habit for the last 50 years of over-charging people in order to force a plea deal, cops are chronically under-charged, if they're charged at all, because, as we know, they're the product of a lawfully wedded procreation between an Eagle Scout and Mother Theresa. <sacrcasm>

Two troopers charged with assault for using excessive force during an arrest​


The Alaska Office of Special Prosecutions charged two Soldotna-based Alaska State Troopers with misdemeanor assault after they allegedly used excessive force during an arrest in May.

Department of Public Safety Commissioner James Cockrell said during a press conference Thursday morning that he was “totally sickened” when he reviewed the body camera footage.

Sgt. Joseph Lee Miller Jr., 49, and Trooper Jason Allen Woodruff, 42, were looking for Garrett Tikka when they came across an SUV at a Kenai park on May 24, according to a criminal complaint filed Wednesday in Kenai. Garrett Tikka had an outstanding warrant for not showing up to start a 10-day sentence on a charge of driving with a revoked license. It turns out that Garrett Tikka’s cousin, Ben Tikka, was in the SUV, but troopers did not identify the man until after the incident.

Miller activated his body camera at 4:59 a.m. Woodruff was not wearing his body camera at the time.
Troopers made standard announcements for Tikka to come out of the car. Miller is also heard cursing at K9 Olex for biting Ben Tikka. Tikka told troopers that he did not have a warrant and did not immediately get out of the car.

“Tikka — either you come out, or we’re going to bust out your window and we’re going to send that f---- — dog in there with you and you’re going to get bit the s- — out of you!,” Miller yelled at Tikka.
Miller then smashed Tikka’s rear driver side window.

“That’s crazy man, you’re using force,” Tikka said.

Miller used pepper sprayed in the car, causing Tikka to scream, and told Tikka to get out of the car.

Tikka reached out of the broken window to pull on the door handle, at which time K9 Olex jumps on the car and tried to bite Tikka’s hand. Tikka gets out of the car with both hands in view and is shoeless as he walks over the broken glass from the car window, the complaint stated.

Outside the car, Miller kicked Tikka in the shin, punched him in the head or neck, and stepped on his head. Another trooper, who was not charged, tried to handcuff Tikka.

Miller placed his knee on Tikka’s back, tasering him for a second. time. K9 Olex bit Tikka on his abdomen and clothing.

As Tikka complied with commands from troopers, laying on his stomach and putting his hands behind his back, K9 Olex bit Tikka’s left arm. Tikka got to his knees and tries to move away from the dog. K9 Olex kept trying to bite Tikka, and Miller tased Tikka again. The dog bit Tikka multiple times as he was being tased.

Tikka yelled “My hands are behind my back, sir, please stop.” Woodruff continued to give the bite command to K9 Olex.

Miller yelled at Tikka to put his hands up, and Tikka puts both hands in the air as K9 Olex continued to bite Tikka. Woodruff is heard saying “good boy, good boy,” on the body-worn camera.

It’s only after medical personnel transported Tikka to the hospital that they determined he was not the man troopers were looking for. The attack left Tikka with an open bite mark, a fractured shoulder and multiple muscle lacerations that required surgery.

Troopers arrested Tikka on charges of three counts misdemeanor fourth-degree assault, misdemeanor resisting arrest and misdemeanor disorderly conduct. The Kenai District Attorney’s Office later dismissed the case, the complaint stated.

The Alaska Bureau of Investigation found that there were several discrepancies in Woodruff’s and Miller’s reports written directly after the incident from what is seen in the videos.

Miller and Woodruff are currently on administrative leave and the K9 is not in service, according to Cockrell.
“The Alaska State Troopers hold ourselves to extremely high standards of conduct and accountability,” Cockrell said. “Any allegation of criminal conduct by an Alaska State Trooper is aggressively investigated so that we can hold our employees accountable for their actions, just as we would against any person committing a crime in the state of Alaska.”

Deputy Attorney General John Skidmore said that the Department of Law will not release body worn camera footage until after the case is resolved in order to ensure that the jury pool is not tainted. Skidmore said that the incident was charged as a misdemeanor assault because the state believes that troopers did cause serious physical injury by means of a dangerous instrument.

Skidmore and Cockrell agreed that they are unaware of prior cases filed against troopers for assault based on excessive force when making an arrest.

“This is not what the Alaska State Troopers stand for, certainly not what I stand for, and as long as I’m commissioner we’re not going to allow this activity or what I consider gross misconduct by our troopers,” Cockrell said.
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Well-known member
I don't believe the United States is anywhere close to being a third world country. The closest we have to that status is in red states like Arkansas, West Virginia, Louisiana, etc...


Well-known member

I avoid those conspiracy videos on youtube. Paul L Williams the guy behind that video has been thoroughly discredited and sued for libel. He has no proof of anything. It's all just conspiracy stuff without any basis in fact. The guy is a rightwing nut.

In Williams' 2006 book Dunces of Doomsday, he claimed that Adnan Shukrijumah, Amer el-Maati, Jaber A. Elbaneh and Anas al-Liby had all been seen around Hamilton, Ontario the previous year, and that Shukrijumah had been seen at McMaster University where he "wasted no time in gaining access to the nuclear reactor and stealing more than 180 pounds of nuclear material for the creation of radiological bombs". He was subsequently sued by the university for libel, with the lawyer representing the university in the case saying that, "Mr. Williams' allegations about McMaster [are] on a par with UFO reports and JFK conspiracy theories.... The notion that because there are people on faculty from Egypt that McMaster is then a haven for terrorism is not only logically offensive, it smacks of racism." The publisher later apologized for allowing Williams to print statements which "were without basis in fact"

moose eater

Well-known member
Klaus Barbie got to Bolivia/South America with the assistance of the OSS and became a player for a time in the coca trade there. Those are facts.

And the father of a friend flew for the Flying Tigers in China.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Reagan was just the rehearsal. They've had 40+ years since then to convince their minions' suffering in that group that such suffering is actually a solid statement of proud Nationalist patriotism for the betterment of the Nation. In other words, Stockholm Syndrome was perfected by a guy, an unprosecuted war criminal numerous times over, who made movies with a monkey.

But we're tired of all these celebrities spouting off about their political views, and we're the Party of law and order....