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top of the heap to third world status in one generation

moose eater

Well-known member
And a limited number of schools/universities have indeed agreed with demands to divest from anything to do with furtherance of Israel's military actions in Gaza.


Well-known member
The article Genghis posted by BDS isn't wrong. Jackson Hinkle and nick Fuentes are indeed fascists.

Just find it funny that a Andrew Tate fanboy account gets lumped in with dudes who have said Hitler did nothing wrong lol.

There are still laws in place in the US that makes you pledge allegiance to Israel before you can take a job, as a teacher/professor for example in many areas of the country. Texas I know for sure still does this. It renders much of what BDS tries to do useless imo.

I still support it. I just don't think it's as effective as it should be.

moose eater

Well-known member
The article Genghis posted by BDS isn't wrong. Jackson Hinkle and nick Fuentes are indeed fascists.

Just find it funny that a Andrew Tate fanboy account gets lumped in with dudes who have said Hitler did nothing wrong lol.

There are still laws in place in the US that makes you pledge allegiance to Israel before you can take a job, as a teacher/professor for example in many areas of the country. Texas I know for sure still does this. It renders much of what BDS tries to do useless imo.

I still support it. I just don't think it's as effective as it should be.
I think the idea to stop funding people who do deplorable things with their profits is always good. And that even if there's a minimal amount of impact, it's better than no impact at all.

I've often compared the level of solidarity required for any effectiveness during the bus boycotts in the deep South, with the immediate gratification culture of today, and how much economic power has been willfully forfeited out of self-interest and laziness.

During OCCUPY Wall St. more than one study was discussed and circulated that showed that a mere reduction of 3% in a corporation's profits could bring them to negotiate or even cripple them.

So how much impact is really needed to cause change, voluntary or not, and how callous is a culture that surely possesses the -capacity- to apply at -least- THAT much pressure, but fails to do so... for its own reasons, some of which are undoubtedly economic (paying profits to the very people who help to create the severe economic imbalances that drive people to their pricing and products, because all they can afford is cheap Asian-manufactured shit), or driven by selfish greed, and even though they can afford better, they still pay the robber barons their blood money for saving a penny here and a nickel there.

And, probably, more of us live like that than admit to it. Me included. Though I spent most of 4 decades not buying any Coca Cola products for their indirect involvement in installing Pinochet in Chile. And there are places I don't do any business for their stances. Other times I have more limited choice, especially in a small rural area where many succumb to oil company or related pressures, including income, during some of our past campaigns.


Well-known member
I've often compared the level of solidarity required for any effectiveness during the bus boycotts in the deep South, with the immediate gratification culture of today, and how much economic power has been willfully forfeited out of self-interest and laziness.

It is worth remembering that many of the organizers of the Montgomery Bus Boycott including Rosa Parks, Dr MLK Jr, and Bayard Rustin, were Zionists.

POV: Rosa Parks reincarnated as a Columbia student in the year 2024.

Rosa Parks would have been forcibly excluded by her own peers, were she a Columbia student in 2024, because she was a Zionist.

But Zionism is incidental and Moose, you mentioned something fundamental: solidarity.

Solidarity is action born of concern for the whole of humanity. All of it, not part.

Theorem: Any organizing principle that might advance solidarity must be universal.
Corollary: Any organizing principle that isn't universal has nothing to do with solidarity.

It ought to be obvious that anyone whose messaging includes dehumanization of any people cannot be connected to a genuine solidarity movement, because solidarity concerns all of humanity.

@Cannavore you have been taken in by cargo-cult mimicry of a solidarity movement. Want to take an uncompromising stand in solidarity against oppression? You will need principles that might form a basis for mutual agreement. For its part, BDS counts the principles described in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights as foundational. "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” and everyone is entitled to all fundamental rights and freedoms “without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

The struggle for Palestinian rights is incompatible with any form of racism or bigotry: a statement by Palestinians
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moose eater

Well-known member
It is worth remembering that many of the organizers of the Montgomery Bus Boycott including Rosa Parks, Dr MLK Jr, and Bayard Rustin, were Zionists.

POV: Rosa Parks reincarnated as a Columbia student in the year 2024.

Rosa Parks would have been forcibly excluded by her own peers, were she a Columbia student in 2024, because she was a Zionist.

But Zionism is incidental and Moose, you mentioned something fundamental: solidarity.

Solidarity is action born of concern for the whole of humanity. All of it, not part.

Theorem: Any organizing principle that might advance solidarity must be universal.
Corollary: Any organizing principle that isn't universal has nothing to do with solidarity.

It ought to be obvious that anyone whose messaging includes dehumanization of any people cannot be connected to a genuine solidarity movement, because solidarity concerns all of humanity.

@Cannavore you have been taken in by cargo-cult mimicry of a solidarity movement. Want to take an uncompromising stand in solidarity against oppression? You will need principles that might form a basis for mutual agreement. For its part, BDS counts the principles described in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights as foundational. "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” and everyone is entitled to all fundamental rights and freedoms “without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

People who have routinely abused others, stolen their land, raped their women and men, and murdered without consequences, while taking others' farmlands and homes, forfeit their 'right' to be treated humanely. Just like a person breaking into my home with any sort of weapon, or merely breaking in, forfeits their right to complain about getting taken out of the gene pool via Castle Doctrine.

As far as Zionism goes, there are those who patiently and reasonably wait for their God to return them to their Holy Land. Then there are the militant liars, manipulators, self-aggrandized charlatans, and fakes who believe that the US-supplied M4s and weapons they wield in their new version of sinful (per their own religious doctrine) Idolatry is the way, despite it clearly taking power out of the hands of their supposed God...; thus, revealing an inherent distrust of their own God in their own supposed doctrine.

There's a HUGE difference between those 2 groups of Zionists, and there's absolutely no way in Hell that Rosa Parks or MLK fit into the latter of Bibi sycophants and manipulative war mongering, murdering land thieves who fail at trying to pass themselves off as observant Jews..
Obfuscation and muddying the waters with false comparisons that aren't honest at all doesn't win any arguments with those who are paying attention. But this isn't the first or second time your unequal comparisons and -loose- associations have been far askew from comparing the -real- differences in the variables involved, and which of them belongs to whom.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
Moose you can no more erase the Zionism of heroes who defied McCarthyism (eg Dalton Trumbo[1]) than you can erase the Zionism of heroes who championed the US Civil Rights movement (eg Rosa Parks, Dr MLK Jr, and Bayard Rustin).

[1] No coincidence that the two films with which Trumbo "broke" the Hollywood blacklist were Exodus and Spartacus.




Well-known member

For I can look out and see a great number, as John saw, marching into the great eternity, because God is working in this world, and at this hour, and at this moment. And God grants that we will get on board and start marching with God because we got orders now to break down the bondage and the walls of colonialism, exploitation, and imperialism. To break them down to the point that no man will trample over another man, but that all men will respect the dignity and worth of all human personality. And then we will be in Canaan’s freedom land.

Related: hear the voice of yet another champion of Civil Rights in America, Nina Simone.

Land flowing with milk
Erets zavat chalav
ארץ זבת חלב

Milk and honey
Chalav oodevash
חלב ודבש

The land flowing with milk
Erets zavat hachalav
ארץ זבת החלב

The land of milk and honey
Zavat hachalav oodevash
זבת החלב ודבש
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
King also stated the below, roughly a decade later when pressured to speak on the events of The Six Day War;

"… I think for the ultimate peace and security of the situation it will probably be necessary for Israel to give up this conquered territory because to hold on to it will only exacerbate the tensions and deepen the bitterness of the Arabs."

I think we could all do with a nice moment of Nina Simone.....


moose eater

Well-known member
Moose you can no more erase the Zionism of heroes who defied McCarthyism (eg Dalton Trumbo[1]) than you can erase the Zionism of heroes who championed the US Civil Rights movement (eg Rosa Parks, Dr MLK Jr, and Bayard Rustin).

[1] No coincidence that the two films with which Trumbo "broke" the Hollywood blacklist were Exodus and Spartacus.

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I see another swell of loose associations.

Speaking out against excesses and injustices in one moment, hardly equals staunch support of blanket or militant Zionism.

And militant Zionism is hardly the same as those who wait for their God to deliver the goods.

Get a grip, man.

Again, you have very little to teach at this point, as much as you appear to think the contrary.

And again, for a person who claims to be 'non-Zionist', you seem to go out of your way to implicitly paint Israel's militant Zionist atrocities as somewhat acceptable, erroneously joined at the hip with people who have honor and character, and you repeatedly find red herrings of exceptions to toss into the mix as a matter of obfuscation and to minimize the Palestinians' plight, over and over again.

Yet you claim to know who you are? Wow....
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Well-known member
I see another swell of loose associations.

Speaking ourt against excesses and injustices in o0ne moment, hardly equals staunch suipport of blanket Zionism.

And militant Zionism is hardly the same as those who wait for their God to deliver the goods.

Get a grip, man.

Again, you have very little to teach as much as you appear to think the contrary.

And again, for a person who claims to be 'non-Zionist', you seem to go out of your way to implicitly paint Israel's militant Zionist atrocities as somewhat acceptable, erroneously joined at the hip with people who have honor and character, and you repeatedly find red herrings of exceptions to toss into the mix as a matter of obfuscation and to minimize the Palestinians' plight, over and over again.

Yet you claim to know who you are? Wow....

moose, you are capable of discussing events and ideas without invoking personal aspersions.

none of what I've mentioned is about you, personally, nor is it about me.

you can stay on topic and discuss facts and ideas without being a bully.

can't you?


Well-known member

Dr. King Repudiates Anti-semitic, Anti-israel Black Power Stand

October 11, 1967
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, denounced black separatism and anti-Semitism Tuesday and repudiated the anti-Israel position taken by the New Politics Convention in Chicago last month. The Negro leader said anti-Semitism was “immoral” and was being used to divide Negro and Jew “who have collectively collaborated in the struggle for justice.”

Dr. King’s statement came in reply to a letter from Morris B. Abram, president of the American Jewish Committee, and the presidents of nine national Jewish organizations affiliated in the National Community Relations Advisory Council. They had drawn his attention to the anti-Israel declaration adopted at the Chicago convention at which Dr. King had been the opening speaker, and had asked him to dissociate himself from the convention stand.

In his reply, Dr. King noted that he had left the convention early and pointed out that the SCLC staff members there had been “the most vigorous and articulate opponents of the simplistic resolution on the Middle East question.” He said that, if he had been there during the discussion, “I would have made it crystal clear that I could not have supported any resolution calling for black separatism or calling for a condemnation of Israel and an unqualified endorsement of the policy of the Arab powers.”

Dr. King declared: “Israel’s right to exist as a state in security is incontestable. At the same time the great powers have the obligation to recognize that the Arab world is in a state of imposed poverty and backwardness that must threaten peace and harmony. Until a concerted and democratic program of assistance is affected, tensions cannot be relieved. Neither Israel nor its neighbors can live in peace without an underlying basis of economic and social development.”

Dr. King stated that the SCLC had “expressly, frequently, and vigorously denounced anti-Semitism and will continue to do so.” He pointed out that anti-Semitism was “immoral,” and was used to divide Negro and Jew, “who have effectively collaborated in the struggle for justice.” anti-Semitism “injures Negroes,” he said, “because it upholds the doctrine of racism, which they have the greatest stake in destroying.”

The letter to Dr. King was also signed by the chairman of the NCRAC and the presidents of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the Jewish Labor Committee, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the American Jewish Congress, the United Synagogue of America, the Jewish War Veterans, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith and the National Council of Jewish Women.


Well-known member

Columbia is still working through the many accusations of institutional antisemitism it has received.

3 Columbia Deans Placed on Leave Over Conduct at Antisemitism Panel​

Leaked images showed the trio sharing disparaging text messages during an alumni group discussion last month about Jewish life on campus.

By Hurubie Meko
Published June 22, 2024 Updated June 25, 2024

Columbia University placed three administrators on leave this week, a university spokesman said on Saturday. The moves came a little more than a week after images emerged showing the school officials sharing disparaging text messages during a panel discussion about antisemitism on campus.

The panel, which focused on Jewish life on campus amid tensions over Israel’s war in Gaza, occurred during a Columbia College reunion on May 31.

The spokesman did not identify which officials were placed on leave, but The Washington Free Beacon, the website that first published the images, reported that they were Susan Chang-Kim, the vice dean and chief administrative officer; Cristen Kromm, the dean of undergraduate student life; and Matthew Patashnick, the associate dean for student and family support.

Ms. Chang-Kim also exchanged texts during the event with Josef Sorett, the dean of Columbia College, according to The Free Beacon. In one exchange, Mr. Sorett texted “LMAO,” for “laughing my ass off,” in response to a sarcastic message Ms. Chang-Kim had written about Brian Cohen, the executive director of Columbia/Barnard Hillel, according to The Free Beacon.

Mr. Sorett is cooperating with the investigation of the text exchanges, according to a university official. He will be recused from matters relating to the investigation while continuing to serve as dean.

Mr. Sorett oversees Columbia College’s curriculum and his central role is “to ensure that students have the best possible experience inside and outside the classroom,” according to the university’s website.

In a statement sent to the Columbia College Board of Visitors on Friday afternoon, Mr. Sorett told the advisory board that he deeply regretted his role in the text exchanges and their effect on the community.
“I am committed to learning from this situation and to the work of confronting antisemitism, discrimination and hate at Columbia,” he said.

Attempts to reach the other administrators were unsuccessful on Saturday.
Because the investigation is pending, the Columbia spokesman said the university would not address specifics about it or the initial episode.

The Free Beacon, a conservative news site, said it had obtained the images from a person who sat behind Ms. Chang-Kim at the event and took photos of her phone screen as she texted with the other administrators.

As the panelists spoke, the deans exchanged messages, the pictures show. “Difficult to listen to but I’m trying to keep an open mind to learn about this point of view,” Ms. Chang-Kim texted to Mr. Sorett at one point. He responded “yup.”

In another exchange, Ms. Kromm texted her colleagues a message that referred to an October 2023 opinion essay by Yonah Hain, Columbia’s campus rabbi, called “Sounding the Alarm,” and followed up with two different vomit emojis, the images show.

Mr. Patashnick accused one of the panelists of “taking full advantage of this moment,” according to the images. “Huge fundraising potential,” he wrote.

The event was advertised as including a discussion of the climate at Columbia since Hamas’s attack against Israel on Oct. 7, the responsibility of universities to ensure the safety of “not only Jewish students on campus but also of all students” and how Columbia can move forward.

Speakers at the panel included David Schizer, dean emeritus of the Columbia Law School and a co-leader of the university’s task force on antisemitism.

The controversy is only the most recent one to affect the elite university since the start of the Israel-Hamas war last fall and Columbia’s emergence as a center of a campus protest movement that has swept the country.

In April, after weeks of student demonstrations during which protesters asked university leaders to divest from Israel, among other demands, a group of protesters occupied Hamilton Hall. The next day, Columbia’s president, Nemat Shafik, asked the Police Department to enter the university’s Upper Manhattan campus to clear the building, resulting in dozens of arrests.

This week, the cases of 31 of the 46 people who were arrested and charged in the siege were dismissed by the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

In May, the university decided to cancel its main commencement ceremony, instead holding smaller ceremonies for each of its 19 colleges. The same month, the school’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences passed a resolution of no confidence in Ms. Shafik’s leadership following the student arrests, creating further tension on the campus.

Earlier this month, the website of The Columbia Law Review, one of the country’s most prestigious student-edited law journals, was taken offline by its board of directors after its editors published an article arguing that Palestinians were living under a “brutally sophisticated structure of oppression” that amounted to a crime against humanity.

As the protests at Columbia intensified during the spring, some Jewish students were targeted with antisemitic vitriol inside and outside of campus. In early March, nine Jewish college students — including one from Columbia — testified before members of Congress about feeling unsafe on their campuses and facing antisemitism.

Pro-Palestinian student protesters on Columbia have expressed concerns about being doxxed by pro-Israel groups who have accused them of antisemitism. Such protesters at Columbia and other campuses have faced online harassment, rescinded job offers and death threats. As a result, some have chosen not to share their full names publicly.

Virginia Foxx, a Republican representative from North Carolina who chairs the House Committee on Education & the Workforce, demanded this week that Columbia share the administrators’ text messages with the committee by June 26.

“I was appalled, but sadly not surprised, to learn Columbia administrators exchanged disparaging text messages during a panel that discussed antisemitism at the university,” Ms. Foxx said in a statement last week. “Dean Josef Sorett’s weak private ‘apology’ to the college’s Board of Visitors shows that the school doesn’t get it. Columbia’s Jewish community deserves better than this.”