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Tom Hill Haze


Well-known member
Very interesting article, and thanks that you brought this up. When I was a growing up and living in an embassy through my teens in Bogota, we never heard of, or saw, any Cannabis Indica plants or strains. It was all Cannabis Sativa. I first saw and heard of Indica upon arriving back in the EU, when I was exposed to hashish, and much later on, to Afghanistan Indica plants and hybrids. The article states that the very first Cannabis Indica, in all of South America, arrived in Epuy'en, Argentina, in 1980, which is in the far southern part near the Pacific Coast. Far closer to Antartica, than the Carribean, where the High Times article on this thread states it was being grown. This confirms that there was no Indica in Colombia during 1980, or before. And it states it did not last long there either. And, the plants were 1 meter, about 3 feet tall. Hardly a size you would want for a commercial cannabis enterprise. Cheers
I am an old fk

Gimmie what i want in wld and i will turf my top anything

What the best sativas didn’t have was too much sedation

When indicas came around in 1978

I thought i has the gold and dumped my

Mex sativa that flowered at 45 n lat

Two years later i wanted it back

Wonder why ?

Same with colombian weed

First half of 70’s=rocket weed
That…why does my head feel foggy

Oh yeh..they changed the recipe

All the best
No one changed anything about Colombian cannabis. It is still the same A+ true sativa that has always been there. Your source is what changed. What they were correctly calling C-Bo in the 70's, became So-Called C-Bo in the 80's, and actually was coming from Jalisco, Mexico. What you were smoking in the 1980's was not coming from Colombia at all. The DEA stopped all of that. And that is a real and true fact. And the large plantations stopped growing Colombian cannabis en masse. But there was, and always has been, an ample supply of local cannabis sativa there.

Having grown up in the 60's in Colombia, and becoming old enough to frequent the bars (albeit with no enforced age limit), and having begun partaking at age 14, I know what was, and is available now there, cannabis wise. I have nearly 70 years of history there, with almost 50 years of annual visits, and an older and a younger brother that live there full time. Just like the gentleman who LIVED in Argentina, I LIVED there full time, and visit part of every year there. Any one else that talks about what is going on there is just blowing smoke. No factual real history. At all.

I was in the capital city, Bogota, and we never saw any Indica or any other hash, or hash products, for that matter. There was zero demand for it. My older brother was very well oriented to the scene there, and would have at least heard of it. Guess what. Notta. Zero. Again, someone blowing smoke. Likely to sell something, like the promoters and salesman that frequent here. With no factual history, talking story, to sound important, like they know what the deal is. Sheesh. Get a real life and stop trying to lie and cheat your way through business. Your life will improve.


Well-known member
Big Pharma was down in Columbia a hundred years ago or more
Cannabis extract was the norm for medical ailments and pain back then,along with opium extract .Eli Lilly the grandson of Col. Eli Lilly was a student of cannabis and brought back seeds from different countries and in 1912 he bought a farm and called it Lilley Farms and grew the strains out and selected the best sativas for extract and sold them for $6 a pint,the norm at the time was Indica extract at $30.When the Marijuana Tax Act came into effect he shut it down.


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Well-known member
@Tangwena Yep, sometimes it's that good I just want another hit or two. I attach small alligator clips onto a wooden disposable chopstick and keep one in my car, makes it a lot easier to pass around.

In the late 70s to early 80s, everyone had one hanging from their rear view mirror; we would win them at the fair when it came to town as a cheap prize at the sucker games (our term). They were made from an alligator clip with a leather tong about 12 inches long with colored plume feathers on it. I'm sure a lot of you remember those.

Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
I think it’s mostly that it’s old fucks that have ideas set in stone and trying to convert others to their point of view and young pups that believe the stories they WANT to believe instead of staying open to new information.
This old fuck smoked quite a lot of SE Asian strains late 60's to late 70's (and perhaps into mid 80's) and I gotta tell you... nothing I've had since comes within a bulls roar of what that stuff delivered. Shame some of the couch locked young farts never got to try any, it might have delivered a little perspective... and widened those slitty drooping bloodshot eyes more than a little. The thought of them perhaps gone forever is a very depressing prospect indeed. Ya don't know... what ya don't know!


ICMag Donor
No one changed anything about Colombian cannabis. It is still the same A+ true sativa that has always been there. Your source is what changed. What they were correctly calling C-Bo in the 70's, became So-Called C-Bo in the 80's, and actually was coming from Jalisco, Mexico. What you were smoking in the 1980's was not coming from Colombia at all. The DEA stopped all of that. And that is a real and true fact. And the large plantations stopped growing Colombian cannabis en masse. But there was, and always has been, an ample supply of local cannabis sativa there.

Having grown up in the 60's in Colombia, and becoming old enough to frequent the bars (albeit with no enforced age limit), and having begun partaking at age 14, I know what was, and is available now there, cannabis wise. I have nearly 70 years of history there, with almost 50 years of annual visits, and an older and a younger brother that live there full time. Just like the gentleman who LIVED in Argentina, I LIVED there full time, and visit part of every year there. Any one else that talks about what is going on there is just blowing smoke. No factual real history. At all.

I was in the capital city, Bogota, and we never saw any Indica or any other hash, or hash products, for that matter. There was zero demand for it. My older brother was very well oriented to the scene there, and would have at least heard of it. Guess what. Notta. Zero. Again, someone blowing smoke. Likely to sell something, like the promoters and salesman that frequent here. With no factual history, talking story, to sound important, like they know what the deal is. Sheesh. Get a real life and stop trying to lie and cheat your way through business. Your life will improve.
We were getting real Colombian in the Northeast USA from 1975 to 1979 some of my favorite it was $40 an ounce twice as much as the $20 an ounce Mexican and 10 times as good


Well-known member
It is still the same A+ true sativa that has always been there.
yes ..I agree that people must have still produced it ...upbhere we seldom got it and maybe never got the good stuff
No one changed anything about Colombian cannabis. It is still the same A+ true sativa that has always been there. Your source is what changed. What they were correctly calling C-Bo in the 70's, became So-Called C-Bo in the 80's, and actually was coming from Jalisco, Mexico. What you were smoking in the 1980's was not coming from Colombia at all.
our colombian stopped around 1978..no more imported

nah it was commercial Colombia with more sedation than what they started with..

I was also in colombia in 1977s and smoked the sleepy weed along with the lovely Santa Marta Oro
and teeny tight budded Cali green..and sticky stuff from Manizalles..
the Santa Marta was rocket weed


Well-known member
Grew some 🔥 bag seed ~2000ish, eventually destroyed by deer, looking back I’m certain it was either old Colombian or Panamanian. incredible monstrous bush, red (and I mean red!) at the petioles, skinniest thai-like leaves like some these THH I see. To have known 1/2 as much then as I do now. 😔

Point is…someone was holding something special as late as 2000.



starin' at the world through my rearview
Yeah I got it MAHA you're a clown, your strains are mids and you couldn't tell the difference between a Hashplant and a Haze!

Mindblower yeah it blows, not minds, just blows.
Much like @MAHA_KALA herself with all the cocks!
Hermies at best...mids are HQ for his transgender hazes and crosses...
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Well-known member
The reason I dont shout it from the roof tops is I cant get that particular type of weed anymore and it was rare even back in the day in Malawi where I had it.
The first time I experienced tripping weed was at 16 I had been smoking low grade weed for a couple of years by that time and thought I had a handle on it.
I met an older guy in town one day who used to be a teacher of mine when I was at school.
He asked me if I wanted to get high I said yes we scored from a pimp in the red light district 3 twists of Malawi cob (twists are small rocks enough for a pin joint).
We rolled the thinnest joint with two of them.
I had one drag and passed the joint to him. Almost instantly I became aware of the air rushing past my ears as if a strong gale was blowing.
We were walking across a field towards an agricultural show with the intent of going in and exploring the exhibits.
He passed me the joint a second time and by then I was finding it difficult to even remember where I was going ha ha.
I took another hit and passed the joint back to him by now it was half the size it was in the beginning.
The second hit was very strong and my view of the field started folding into steps as if some one had folded a photograph like a paper fan.
He asked me how I was feeling as he could see me lifting my feet up high trying to climb the steps ha ha.
Then he handed me the tail (roach) of the now nearly finished joint.
I took the third hit and my thumb and forefinger holding the joint appeared huge like a sausage and I had great difficulty passing him the tail to finish.
i never managed to follow him into the show as I couldn't count the change in my pocket.
i took off walking as fast (so it seemed) as a jet fighter the wind howling past my ears i walked like this for hours in random directions until I came down enough to get a handle on my thoughts several hours later.
I remember thinking wow! so this is what its about now I want some more ha ha.

The next time I experienced good trip weed was a year later a friend had returned from a holiday on the coast of Mozambique at a town called Biera and had spent 3 days speeding on legally bought amphetamines that you could buy over the counter if you spoke Portuguese.
While parting he met some guys traveling down the East coast of Africa Sudan, Tanzania and then Malawi.
Not speaking Portuguese they wanted to score some speed so he swapped some for a couple of cobs of what they called laughing grass.
Their car had all the door panels stuffed with cobs and were heading back to South Africa down the coast of Mozambique.
Anyhow when I met him it was the first day of technical college after the Easter holiday break.
My friend and I always had a smoke before class and he turned up with eyes like saucers raving about the holiday he had had.
We shared a pin joint of the laughing grass I had two drags before it was finished being 3 of us it was over pretty quick.
We went into the canteen to get a coffee before class.
Thats when it hit, while it was just the 3 of us it didn't seem too strong but once in the canteen things started to get interesting ha ha.
The first thing I noticed was I couldn't stop sniggering things were looking cartoon like and I found it hilarious.
I had to leave as every time I looked at someone any outstanding body feature was becoming enlarged like ears look huge a nose was massive ect.
We were laughing our asses off and had to get out or get beaten up by the red necks at the college ha ha who hated our guts because we didn't drink beer like they did.
So yes I have tripped on grass it was hard to find that quality even then but I'm sure it still exists if you have the right contacts.
I just dont have any but I have stopped smoking now for over 6 years as my lungs are stuffed up.
Chewing strong pot that has been cobbed will get me as close as I need every time.
What you describe is super cool
In the southern cone, the common weed was all 3 toke weed like you describe and it was coming from the bonanza marimbera and paraguay which were 3 toke weeds at the time and there was a a huge handicraft production of roach smoking artifacts and it was a classic at any handicraft fair, almost everybody had one because at that time all weed was 3 toke weed and hitting. You had batches, better and worse but all of it was cripper high 3 toke weed. Some lasted 2 hours, some lasted 4
Another thing not being mentioned is these weeds from that era made spliffs which had a lot of oil running throw them making the roach super oily and sticky and this is something I am not seeing anymore and roaches dont hit anymore. Probably thai stick was this kind of quality
The roach/tail smoking handicrafts were mostly made of epoxi goblins and wood with goblins like this
duende tuquera.jpeg tuquera.jpeg
I didnt want to ask in your thread because I was afraid of going offtopic
Did you have handicraft roach smoking stuff in Africa? If yes, how were they made and what materials were used?

@goingrey I agree with RCC
If you have contact with RCC tell him to add Paraguay to the list of small hash producers
Cera paraguaya, it was more potent than lebanese and indian/nepali charas and this was rare, Punto Rojo and Paraguayan was wildly available
Cera paraguaya.jpeg


Well-known member
Premium user
Only way to begin a Friday!
Love You Long Time! This cut just ignites positive energy and motivation! Much more forgiving to grow than the mint mom. She takes full nutes and is done about 11-12. Insane evil scent like Nevil with the root and a bit of rotten fruit from the cindy. Its smells wonderful after a nice cure. A bit jittery but that will wear off and the ride is long like the mint with a clear landing.

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