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The Trump Bomber

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Active member
As I look over the past few pages, I see there are those that speak of feminism in anything other than positive terms.
My spouse served more time in combat than did her father who had served in WWII Europe.
We had never thought about it, was her pop that did.

Were my wife still alive, there would be pussy hats in this house.
A well functioning society would demand equality.
I find it tragic that we live in a time when the misogynists among
us are are determined to dismantle women's opportunities.

I am sorry your wife isn't with you anymore.

I demand equality of opportunity 100% of the time. The Republican party ran a woman for Senate in Arizona. She just happened to be the first woman to fly combat missions. Is that misogynist?

No one is trying to dismantle opportunities for women. If a woman can do the job, then by all means she should. As long as the standards are meet a woman can hold any job.

Tell me what career are women banned from holding?

What right do men have that women don't?

Feminism is a cancer on society. When you tell all women they are victims, you destroy the ability of women to have the confidence to do what they are capable of.


Active member
IWhen you tell all women they are victims, you destroy the ability of women to have the confidence to do what they are capable of.

Meanwhile, you *constantly* complain about Islam and how it's made the rest of the world a victim. When you tell non-Muslims they are victims, you destroy the ability of non-Muslims to have confidence to do what they are capable of.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - it is true most women worldwide do not have the same rights as men - look into any of the Abrahamic religions and those who follow them to find that sort of inequality as it is preached from the pulpit in the church/mosque or synagogue.....

Is that right? - I think not.

Are you really claiming that women don't have the same rights as men? Maybe in the UK that's true. In the USA, women have every right men do. I have a wife and daughter, they are capable of doing anything they desire. No one is stopping them.


Active member
Meanwhile, you *constantly* complain about Islam and how it's made the rest of the world a victim. When you tell non-Muslims they are victims, you destroy the ability of non-Muslims to have confidence to do what they are capable of.

I rarely complian about Islam. The ignorance of Islam speaks for itself.

Great job deflecting. Typically democratic response to any criticism.

I don't think women are oppressed, you can't dispute it. Your response, you say mean things about Islam.

Come on guy, you can do better.

Please explain, what careers are women forbidden from holding?
What rights do women not have?
I seek answers not deflection.


Active member
Yes - it is true most women worldwide do not have the same rights as men - look into any of the Abrahamic religions and those who follow them to find that sort of inequality as it is preached from the pulpit in the church/mosque or synagogue.....

Is that right? - I think not.

Tell me exactly what right. I agree on the religious basis. Islam absolutely removes the rights of women. Not so much from Judaism and christianity.

I guess you are referring to the UK. Since in the US women have every right a man does. Also, in a child custody cases, women regularly receive preferential treatment.


Active member
I rarely complian about Islam. The ignorance of Islam speaks for itself.

Great job deflecting. Typically democratic response to any criticism.

I don't think women are oppressed, you can't dispute it. Your response, you say mean things about Islam.

Come on guy, you can do better.

Please explain, what careers are women forbidden from holding?
What rights do women not have?
I seek answers not deflection.

So you don't think that Islam is a threat to the world today? You don't think they victimize anyone? That sure is contrary to everything I've ever seen you say about Islam.

Like I said, you portray feminists as 'permanent victims', then spends all of your time whining about how Islam has victimized everyone else in the world.

In case you haven't been taking notes, hypocrisy is basically the defining characteristic of this worldview.

PS: I'm not a Democrat. I dislike Democrats just as much as Republicans. As a Socialist, I get WAAAAY more shit from Dems than Republicans.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I can think of one job/career a woman could not do:

Sperm Bank Donor.

.....and the majority of women in the world do not have the same rights as men have - the USA and Europe is not the whole world.

*in the Islamic world a woman's testimony is only worth half what a mans testimony is. So if a woman is raped - then tries to bring the man to justice - its his word against hers - so the woman who was raped ends up in jail.

I rarely complian about Islam. The ignorance of Islam speaks for itself.

Great job deflecting. Typically democratic response to any criticism.

I don't think women are oppressed, you can't dispute it. Your response, you say mean things about Islam.

Come on guy, you can do better.

Please explain, what careers are women forbidden from holding?
What rights do women not have?
I seek answers not deflection.


Active member
Tell me exactly what right. I agree on the religious basis. Islam absolutely removes the rights of women. Not so much from Judaism and christianity. .

Looks like the world history knower has checked in again.

Women's Rights Become A Battleground For Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Jews

Ultra-Orthodox men again hold up plane, refusing to sit beside women

I mean, you know that it's a central tenant of the Republican party in the United States to take away a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body, right? You understand that they base this on their understanding of the CHRISTIAN bible, right?

You seriously cannot be this daft.


Active member
Women make up 51% of the population, but only 19% of congress. Either women are less capable than men OR they are systemically biased against.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
All of those three faiths, that come from Abraham - Judaism/Islam and Christianity do not teach equality of the sexes - nor do many other religions.

Within those faiths women are supposed to be child-bearers and housekeepers - and not much else.

*Oh at least one of them advocates using women as child brides and slaves.


ICMag Donor
Are you really claiming that women don't have the same rights as men? Maybe in the UK that's true. In the USA, women have every right men do. I have a wife and daughter, they are capable of doing anything they desire. No one is stopping them.

Not even close! Women's rights are one step behind slavery. Look at how long it took for them to get the right to vote. Look at th current pay disparity. If anyone NEEDS a pink hat - It' you. Wake up!

Replies like this take away from any of your stuff that I might have considered credible. It's not that much anyway. :laughing:


Active member
*Oh at least one of them advocates using women as child brides and slaves.

Good point.

The Holy Bible, Numbers 31:17-18 (KJV):
17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.


Active member
Women make up 51% of the population, but only 19% of congress. Either women are less capable than men OR they are systemically biased against.

Or mabey si nce women are FREE TO CHOOSE THEIR PROFESSION, they don't choose that career path.

Then you are suggesting the elimination of Democracy. To force more women into jobs they don't want. Damn that's the definition of oppression.

Congratulations, you have established that the left seeks to oppress women, and eliminate democracy.

Did you ever think maybe women don't want to be politicians. You are reaching for a conclusion, with no evidence. The vast majority of nurses and teachers are women is that discrimination against men? Many more men die at work, again should we force women into dangerous jobs to even that statistic.


Active member
Or mabey si nce women are FREE TO CHOOSE THEIR PROFESSION, they don't choose that career path.

Then you are suggesting the elimination of Democracy. To force more women into jobs they don't want. Damn that's the definition of oppression.

Congratulations, you have established that the left seeks to oppress women, and eliminate democracy.

Did you ever think maybe women don't want to be politicians. You are reaching for a conclusion, with no evidence. The vast majority of nurses and teachers are women is that discrimination against men? Many more men die at work, again should we force women into dangerous jobs to even that statistic.

Women are not under-represented because they choose not to be leaders.

Seriously, you cannot be this stupid.


ICMag Donor
Jellyfish and stoner4life are always giving me neg reps. They probably are wearing pink pussy hats while typing them out.

It's ok tarzan. You can cry on my shoulder so I can continue to ignore you and your mindless thought process. I could recommend a pink hat to Packer, but you're color blind when it comes to hats and never capable of getting it.

I never negged ya.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
People - whether they are men or women - should be allowed to fulfill whatever they are physically and mentally capable of in the professional world - you have strong men - and you have strong women - and their sex should not determine what they are allowed to achieve -

I have known female stevedore's and male hairdressers - and they both did a good job.


Active member
People - whether they are men or women - should be allowed to fulfill whatever they are physically and mentally capable of in the professional world - you have strong men - and you have strong women - and their sex should not determine what they are allowed to achieve -

I have known female stevedore's and male hairdressers - and they both did a good job.

I really like this perspective. I'm fond of pointing out that there's nothing meaningful you can say about any individual based upon their genitals alone.

SO MANY people want human behavior to be easy to understand, and the fact is that it never will be. We are all individuals who need to be understood individually.

Sorry, mouth-breathers - there are no shortcuts.


Active member
People - whether they are men or women - should be allowed to fulfill whatever they are physically and mentally capable of in the professional world - you have strong men - and you have strong women - and their sex should not determine what they are allowed to achieve -

I have known female stevedore's and male hairdressers - and they both did a good job.

I completely agree. I have worked with women in construction, very few. I guess the government should force more women to become construction workers. Until the same number of women die on the job as men we can never have equality. SAY IT LOUD SAY IT PROUD. MORE WOMEN SHOULD DIE AT WORK. EQUALITY NOW. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED. UNTIL ALL THINGS ARE EQUAL, AND THE GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU WHAT CAREER YOU HAVE, THEIR WILL BE NO EQUALITY. EQUALITY NOW.




Can you please answer my question.

What right do women not have?

At beta look up the facts. More men run for office.

If you believe this, you believe people don't get to choose their politicians. Thus you are calling for the elimination of democracy under the guise of equality. Either denounce what you have said, or accept it. Do you want democracy or not.

No woman is stopped from running for office. The fact that men and women have different career preferences, is not an example of oppression. In the most egalitarian countries, the difference between men and women is bigger.

You are attempting to force women into careers they don't want. You are advocating oppression of women in the name of equality. This is the stuff the left does that leads to terms like libtard (a term I generally don't use).
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