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The Trump Bomber

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as bad as people like to pretend trump is, this man is still a war criminal and trump is not.:tiphat:

i know what you mean when you say that, but Trump isn't far off. the drone strikes are quietly continuing all over the place, causing civilian casualties week after week in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen. Trump has openly said that he want them to start water boarding again and worse. but yes, he hasn't started a invasion with no legal reason yet.


Boreal Curing
if you concede bill clinton is a centrist why not obama? there are think tanks that study this kind of stuff and most of them actually rank bill as more liberal than obama lol. they are both self described centrists and new democrats.

obama had a super majority and pushed through richard nixon and the right's plan for health care (obamacare is romneycare). it forces you to buy from the private market, whereas the liberal plan for health care has always been universal care paid for by taxpayers via a public system such as medicare.

george w bush is a neo con. which usually occupies the middle right to far right on any left/right political scale.

I don't care who or how you do it. Just give your people universal health care you greedy fucking pig bitches. 1 tier, 2 tiers who cares. Just do it already.


ICMag Donor
That's great. Anytime those two are together there is going to be some shenanigans . I like Bush so much more in his post presidency.
Michelle Obama: George W. Bush is 'my partner in crime' and 'I love him to death'

So he's got that going for him. He was a draft dodger. Others died while he weaseled out.
i know what you mean when you say that, but Trump isn't far off. the drone strikes are quietly continuing all over the place, causing civilian casualties week after week in Paistan, Afghanistan and Yemen. Trump has openly said that he want them to start water boarding again and worse. but yes, he hasn't started a invasion with no legal reason yet.


Well-known member
the man with a plan is talking about ID
like when you have to show ID when buying a box of cereal
sounds like he's totally cereal about ID
al gore will be proud(obscure reference, see manbearpig episode of southpark)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's great. Anytime those two are together there is going to be some shenanigans . I like Bush so much more in his post presidency.

So he's got that going for him. He was a draft dodger. Others died while he weaseled out.

Trump was a Draft dodger as well.


ICMag Donor
Trump was a Draft dodger as well.

That's who I meant - trump- the basketball player with bone spurs. I think George got in the National Guard, like only rich kids could, to miss Viet Nam. While in the guard he went AWOL. They can say what they want about Kerry but he went to Nam.

St. Phatty

Active member
as bad as people like to pretend trump is, this man is still a war criminal and trump is not.

Trump is a war criminal comparable to Bush, but with a lower body count.

Trump has adopted a stated policy of not talking about US military murders.

Obviously he hasn't killed as many people as Bush43 ... there's not as many innocent civilians left to kill.

So Trump is branching out - sending US troops to murder civilians in African countries.


Active member
As long as they're shithole countries and he can make a buck.

He's the president every wasp dreams of.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Gets you thinking - what is the actual purpose of a huge/global military power anyway?

Is it to promote war - or the threat of war? - Is it to promote and protect American/British interests overseas? - 'Gunboat Diplomacy' - and if someone happens to tread on the toes of their 'Foreign Interests' - be it a local politician or corporation/business - then these forces are called in to change the politics and business by force if needed - of a sovereign nation - often with democratically elected leaders - who are killed or banished - while 'Foreign Interests' take precedent over what is actually good for that nation.


Well-known member
Trump is a war criminal comparable to Bush, but with a lower body count.

Trump has adopted a stated policy of not talking about US military murders.

Obviously he hasn't killed as many people as Bush43 ... there's not as many innocent civilians left to kill.

So Trump is branching out - sending US troops to murder civilians in African countries.

To be fair. . . Obama takes credit for bringing significant troops into Africa. . . and also killing the financer of the African Union


ICMag Donor
Trump will give the Medal of Freedom to Miriam Adelson today. This is the highest civilian honor in the US. Miriam and husband Sheldon Adelson are Vegas casino billionaires, republican mega donors, and the the single biggest donors to No On Legalization in my state. They lost a son to heroin.

I know several who were criminalized and incarcerated because of such people.

St. Phatty

Active member
To be fair. . . Obama takes credit for bringing significant troops into Africa. . . and also killing the financer of the African Union

And murdering Anwar al-Awlaki, whose primary crime was being well-spoken & thoughtful in his criticism of the US.

I have no respect for Obama. He belongs on the War Criminal list too.

Wendull C.

Active member
Yes, everyone seems to forget an American citizen was executed with no due process or military tribunal.

I couldn't believe the press and Congress let the feds get away with that. Wrong no matter who was president or what anwar did.

Not a peep from our propaganda arm, the msm.

Now add that to warrantless surveillance and secret courts. Seems we lost a lot of what America was when I was young.


Well-known member
Now add that to warrantless surveillance and secret courts. Seems we lost a lot of what America was when I was young.

yes, it all seemed so nice and clean back then
but it wasn't, dirty has always been the rule - keep it on the QT as it used to be known
we didn't have our hands in so many places as today, and there wasn't the internet and such

St. Phatty

Active member
Now Julian Assange is getting The Treatment.

All he did was what the American media is supposed to do.

Instead they want us to know about some Hollywood type singing to a 98 year old fire survivor.


Well-known member
Trump will give the Medal of Freedom to Miriam Adelson today. This is the highest civilian honor in the US. Miriam and husband Sheldon Adelson are Vegas casino billionaires, republican mega donors, and the the single biggest donors to No On Legalization in my state. They lost a son to heroin.

I know several who were criminalized and incarcerated because of such people.

sheldon adelson is a slug of a human being. owns casinos and lobbies against online gambling lmao. these people are oligarchs straight up.
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