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The Trump Bomber

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Whom ever gets elected as POTUS weather there left,right or purple if there bat shit crazy I'm gonna say there bat shit crazy. I have found those that LOVE trump make baseless accusations against any that call a spade a spade. I can guarantee if obumer acted like chump any in my family would say the same thing about him. Chump lacks the Moral and ethical values I was tought and what I've tought my Children. Anyone that doesn't have those values shouldn't be POTUS. It takes a big man to admit when there wrong. He obviously cant even do that. He's been mostly wrong on just about all subjects. He's a pathological liar. If any of my family lied like that they'd be seeing a Dr.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Dont piss down my back and tell me it is raining.

I was around and watched what the man did.

Lie to women and cops man, not yourself.

Would be extraordinarily interested in what your idea of a centrist is, if not Obama?

Wendull C.

Active member
Would be extraordinarily interested in what your idea of a centrist is, if not Obama?

Slick willy or the slow one in the family lil George bush.

How can a man who launched his campaign for president in the home of a convicted terrorist couple ala bill Ayers and bernadine dorn and sat in a racist church ala reverend Wright be a centrist?

Right wing health care?? All the dems were doing was getting their nose in the tent to push single payer when the bill none of them read failed.

Wendull C.

Active member
Every politician on both sides is a criminal and a Charlotten to me.

I hate them all, if that needs clarification. Even then I will not wear blinders so my lying eyes dont contradict what these bastards are doing.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Every politician on both sides is a criminal and a Charlotten to me.

I hate them all, if that needs clarification. Even then I will not wear blinders so my lying eyes dont contradict what these bastards are doing.

I've heard righties make the argument that W was a centrist cuz of all the Mexicans he let in, but that was a false statement considering republicans have always been the ones bringing them in. Ronnie did it and so did HW...so I don't buy him being centrist. Compared to the anti America politicians the "republican" party now is stuck w, all the reaganites SEEM centrist, but factually are not.

Seems I quoted the wrong post of yours, I'm sure you can figure out which I was responding to faster than I can fix it

Wendull C.

Active member
I got you Sub rob.

Those were just two that came to mind right away.

You ignored my Obama references though. How is the man a centrist in your opinion?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
W wasn't slow, he was a fucking moron.

Herbert must have been sniffing glue when he threw that one in Barb's oven.

He was at least entertaining.

Like 80s sitcom jocular idiot entertaining.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
"And when somebody makes a machine, it means there's jobs at the machine-making place."

-Gee Dubya

"There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again."

-Gee Dubya

"More and more of our imports are coming from overseas."

-Gee Dubya

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

-Gee Dubya

"They misunderestimated me."

-Gee Dubya

"I like to fish."

-Gee Dubya (I actually agree here...)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I got you Sub rob.

Those were just two that came to mind right away.

You ignored my Obama references though. How is the man a centrist in your opinion?

Actually. I took the wrong train on that one. Obama was an attempted centrist on many things, but did not succeed. Why he was unable to succeed at being centrist is another discussion, a very deep one. But as far as accomplished, ya, I'm wrong.

I'm torn on this, I think an argument can be made that 6 years of attempting to reach bi-partisan agreement on ...well...any and everything...while faced w the unprecedented partisan resistance he was against, is ENOUGH to be considered moderate, but when you are literally shut out of the process, you cannot claim that ground.
So...in the context that I jumped your text, I was incorrect.


Well-known member
Each and every president we have had in my life has been a corporate loving man.
Under the last president we drilled and fracked oil than in any period before.
He like the rest included nukes in his energy policy.
He deported more people than any president before him.
He gave his blessing to the Saudi invasion of Yemen.
He also gave his blessing to upgrading our nuke arsenal.
All policies that the current president proudly continue.
Hardly policies or positions I would call 'left'.

No qualms describing him to the right of center.

I seem to recall seeing the 'shrub' sell us a couple of wars wholesale,
one of which is still running. As I recall he said we needed to put them
on 'the national credit card'.
I may not have cared for him, but I would be cautious in describing
someone who could sell us all that and then tell us to go shopping, a stupid man.

Used to get a kick out of the Saturday Night Live routine w/ Gerald Ford's
hands trying to roll a joint.

Always sort of figured those in office chuckled
along,even if it was through gritted teeth.


Well-known member
Obama ran as a progressive liberal but once in office showed his centrist new democrat incrementalist colors. In other words he ran for president as FDR, once elected he governed more or less like Bill Clinton.

Obama is a centrist. HRC is a centrist. Joe Biden is a centrist.

With the advent of Bill Clinton, the democratic party moved to the center from the left. In other words they shifted right. The republicans also shifted to the right, further right, which is why they are so nutty. The entire premise of there being a far left or radical democrats is pure projection from the republican party apparatus. They are the radical ones deflecting and projecting their own BS. Same goes for the media. Corporate media are not liberal. If it were, Bernie would be the president right now.

How is Obama a centrist?
- Continued & expanded the wars.
- Continued guantanamo bay.
- Went after leakers and whistleblowers.
- Proposed the ACA which is a repackaged health care plan originating from Richard Nixon, and the Heritage Foundation.
- Bailed out wall street after they criminally wrecked the economy.
- Nicknamed deporter in chief
- Cut government jobs and grew the private economy immensely.

Tons more that i cant be bothered to keep listing. Especially since Im pretty sure weve had this converdation about obama before.


Well-known member
Actually. I took the wrong train on that one. Obama was an attempted centrist on many things, but did not succeed. Why he was unable to succeed at being centrist is another discussion, a very deep one. But as far as accomplished, ya, I'm wrong.

I'm torn on this, I think an argument can be made that 6 years of attempting to reach bi-partisan agreement on ...well...any and everything...while faced w the unprecedented partisan resistance he was against, is ENOUGH to be considered moderate, but when you are literally shut out of the process, you cannot claim that ground.
So...in the context that I jumped your text, I was incorrect.

if anything most of Obama's accomplishments are compromises because he compromised his left beliefs in favor of centrist policy to try and make every one happy.


Well-known member
Slick willy or the slow one in the family lil George bush.

How can a man who launched his campaign for president in the home of a convicted terrorist couple ala bill Ayers and bernadine dorn and sat in a racist church ala reverend Wright be a centrist?

Right wing health care?? All the dems were doing was getting their nose in the tent to push single payer when the bill none of them read failed.

if you concede bill clinton is a centrist why not obama? there are think tanks that study this kind of stuff and most of them actually rank bill as more liberal than obama lol. they are both self described centrists and new democrats.

obama had a super majority and pushed through richard nixon and the right's plan for health care (obamacare is romneycare). it forces you to buy from the private market, whereas the liberal plan for health care has always been universal care paid for by taxpayers via a public system such as medicare.

george w bush is a neo con. which usually occupies the middle right to far right on any left/right political scale.
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